Gundam king comes

Chapter 107 The Last Weapon

"Kill you in 100 seconds!"

Because of the lack of fuel, Naze Tabin didn't dare to continue using the propeller at will, but based on his calculations, he estimated that he could support another two minutes.


"I have discovered your weakness!"

Zandobaru Luta thought he had caught the weak ground where Gundam Anrozen had insufficient fuel, so he chose to use artillery to attack Gundam Anrosin.

And Zandobaru Luta’s Gundam Guxin still has less than one-third of the fuel left, but he is different from Naze Tabin. He has to consider using it when retreating, so he doesn’t dare Excessive fuel wasted soon.

When Naze Tabin faced two artillery pieces, the rocket hammer in his hand only slightly activated the thrusters after killing one of the artillery pieces, and at the same time cleverly used the impact of the previous explosion to attack the first The second round of artillery evaded.

"Is this guy a monster? Can he do this kind of avoidance?"

"Obviously you can block the artillery with armor, but you have to waste fuel to avoid it? What a weird guy with a problematic brain!"

Zandobaru Luta knew that at this distance, even if the artillery can cause damage to the enemy's armor, it will never be too great.It is more about the shock and shock that the driver feels.

But from Zandobaru Luta's point of view, it was obvious that the famous name Tabin could rush over, but he chose to waste fuel?

In addition, Naze Tabin was able to quickly and accurately calculate all the attack trajectories and use all the surrounding factors. This kind of combat method was simply unheard of for him.

"Little thief, do you want to use the remaining fuel to escape and scold?"

Naze Tabin didn't intend to give the opponent this opportunity, he no longer remembers whether Zandobaru Luta had successfully retreated once in the original history.

But Zandobaru Luta is always inevitable, but now it is his name Tabin to end it all.


The rocket launcher on the calf of Gundam Anluo quickly fired out ten rockets. Although these rockets were basically ineffective against Gundam Guxin’s nano armor, Naze Tabin never thought that the rocket could be used against Gundam. ·What is the role of Guxin.

Because of Gundam Guxin's bulky body, it was impossible to effectively evade it under close-range rocket attacks.

In addition, Gundam Guxin’s long-range weapons are all high-firepower output, and basically can’t stop his beaten rhythm (of course, with Zandobaru Luta’s MS driving skills, even if he is given two rifles , It is impossible to shoot down ten rockets).

After a burst of bombardment, Gundam Guxin held a rocket hammer in his hand and attacked the famous Seta Tabin.

If Naze Tabin doesn't use a propeller, he can't avoid it in the universe.If this was fighting on the ground, Naze Tabin would not have to consider the issue of propeller fuel.

Of course, if you are fighting on the ground, with Gundam Guxin's cumbersome figure, I am afraid that even an ordinary body will not be able to win.

When facing the enemy's attack, Naze Tabin did not choose to evade, but rushed towards the opponent, and at the same time increased the body's output to the maximum.

With a wave of his right arm, the rocket hammer in his hand was immediately thrown out, and the direction was Gundam Guxin who rushed towards him.

"Don't even need weapons?"


Zandobaru Luta did not expect that Naze Tabin would throw away the only weapon that could damage Gundam Guxin's armor at this moment. Isn't this seeking his own death?

But is Gundam Anlor really only such a melee weapon?

Do not!

In all the suits designed by Naze Tabin, two dagger short blades are hidden on the bottom of the suit, which is the last weapon.


When Gundam Gushing bounced the rocket hammer away, Zandobaru Luta had no time to swing the rocket hammer again.

But Zandobaru Luta underestimated Gundam Anluosian's weapon configuration, and also underestimated Naze Tabin.


When Zandobaru Luta saw that the armor of Gundam Gushing's right arm was pierced by a short blade, he was also shocked.

Although he had subconsciously made an emergency evasion, another short blade of Gundam Anluoxian also broke Gundam Guxin's armor, but this was not a deadly part.

"You guys, come and help me quickly?"

Zandobaru Luta, who was terrified in his heart, immediately shouted to his "salesman" slave through the communicator.

He wants to use other mobile suits to entangle Gundam Anluosian, and then he can destroy the target with one blow. As for the safety of the "Desperate", this is not in the scope of consideration.If the "Seller" is unlucky, he will be killed by the rocket hammer together with the enemy. If he is lucky, at least he will survive.

However, if Sai Weng lost his horse, he knew no good fortune, and the result of surviving would still be his continued torment.

(To be continued······)

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