"The airtight cabin is closed, and the control of the ejection trajectory is transferred to Anluosian..."

"Naze Tabin! ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo first, strike!"

As soon as Naze Tabin pressed the start button, the voltage of the ejection track immediately rose to the highest point, instantly ejecting Gundam Anro first.

"Do those guys have other bodies?"

The commander of the Arian Hurd team sitting in the command post found that a mobile suit was fired from the "Warhammer" again, and his expression became more solemn.

As a soldier, especially a soldier who has entered a state of combat, this commander has confirmed that the strength of the target is not comparable to that of ordinary small forces, at least the strength of "Tabins" and "Tiehua Regiment" But much better than the other little thief.

"Sir, there is no data for this unit in the data, maybe the armor has been replaced..."

Through optical comparison, the officers of the command found that in the computer data of "Galalhorn", there was no armor information of Gundam Anrosin.In other words, this airframe may have undergone a complete armor modification, so there is no way to compare it.

Although most mobile suits will only carry out a small part of the modification, it does not mean that some local tyrants will not completely replace the armor of their mobile suits.

"The body should be equipped with an Ahab reaction furnace, right? Compare the reaction of the Ahab particles..."

Although the commander is not sure whether Gundam Anluosian is equipped with the "Ahab Reactor", since the opponent is willing to spend a lot of money to replace the armor of the entire body, it must be impossible to start the body with a battery backpack.

"The data is out... It's ASW-G-52 Gundam skeleton type..."

The officer in charge of accessing the information quickly obtained the information of this machine from the computer data by comparing the "Ahab particle" response of Gundam Anlusen.

"Gundam······Frame type? Double reactor?"

When the commander saw this information, he was also taken aback.

He thought that the body of the dual reactor was nothing more than a legend. Of course, even if this kind of body still existed, in the eyes of the commander, it was only an old antique 300 years ago.

"Shoot it down, isn't it an old antique 300 years ago?"

Indeed, it is no wonder that the commander will be very disdainful, after all, it is just a body left over 300 years ago.

Even in the "Galalhorn" database, not much information is saved, that is, only some body models and names.As for the other data, it has even been lost.

300 years have passed, and technology is also advancing.Although in the past 300 years, the "Ahab reactor" technology has not been greatly improved, but the development of MS has been stronger than generations.

"Only one MS······"

"The command is to shoot it down..."


The five mobile suits that rushed towards the "Warhammer" were also taken aback when they saw Gundam Anluoxian.I thought to myself, even an MS that I haven't seen before wants to stop them?


Two flashes of light fired from the plasma beam cannon on the shoulder of Gundam Anlusen, directly hitting two EBS-05 "Grace".

Of course, beam weapons are ineffective against the "Ahab particle" nano armor.

"A beam weapon?"

The two bodies that were hit by the beam weapons paused for a while because of the excessive impact. At the same time, the beam weapons that Gundam Anro happened first made them stunned for a while.

Of course Naze Tabin knew that beam weapons were ineffective against these units, but if faced with five good-performing mobile suit units at the same time, Naze Tabin could not guarantee that he could stop them all.

If he is entangled by a few of the MS units, and the remaining units attack the "Warhammer", then his women will be in danger.

Now their purpose is not to fight, but to evacuate, so there is no need to continue to invest more MS units.Moreover, the purpose of retaining strength is to confuse "Galalhorn" so that the enemy can't understand their low.

Because two of the mobile suits are slightly behind, even in a very short time, Naze Tabin only needs to face three mobile suits.Of course, this time is extremely short, and Naze Tabin must kill the enemy in the shortest time, and then go to support Ravda Franklando and Aji Kulumin and others.


"What's the matter with this speed?"

The enemy found that Gundam Anluoxian was extremely fast, and his movements were very flexible, so he could avoid all their shooting?

This is simply unheard of. Even though these pilots have fought a lot before, they have never encountered such a situation.Because even using the "Alaya Recognition System" system, it is impossible to have such a rapid response ability, right?

But Naze Tabin did it.

Because this is not only because Naze Tabin itself has very superb MS driving skills, at the same time, Naze Tabin is now a traverser, and he is an open-hanging character.

At this time, Naze Tabin's soul fusion has reached more than 70%, and the enemy's ballistic trajectory can already be predicted, and he evaded before the body was shot.

"I haven't driven this stuff for a while, and the technology is a bit rusty..."

Naze Tabin ridiculed himself a bit (Is there an unfamiliar technique in this place? This is to show off his strength).

In order to save ammunition, Naze Tabin did not choose to use live ammunition attacks, unless Naze Tabin could guarantee that his attack would work.


The two short blades of the daggers in the hands of Gundam Anluo had pierced into the fuselage of one of the EBS-05 "Grace", immediately paralyzing the opponent's mobile suit.

In terms of speed, Gundam Anluo was first transformed by Naze Tabin, but it has super fast speed.

"The speed of that guy..."

The two lagging EBS-05 "Grace" have also caught up, but they did not expect that just a few seconds apart, one of their partners had been killed.


The two plasma beams shot out again, and the other party didn't know if it was intentional, and they rushed towards Gundam Anluoxian without dodge or evade.

"I thought the beam weapon didn't work, so I'm not afraid? What a naive guy..."

Naze Tabin sneered. If the enemy really thinks so, Naze Tabin would be even more happy!

(To be continued······)

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