Gundam king comes

Chapter 224 Gundam Mapa (4)


Gundam Anluo first fired two plasma beam cannons again, but Gundam Mapa in MA form bypassed the back of a meteorite to block it.

The meteorite that was hit was blown apart by a powerful ability.

"Where is it······"

When the meteorite was blown apart, there was still some rubble and dust, but his vision was slightly blocked.

And among the fragmented meteorites, there are still a few relatively huge ones, just enough to cover an MS body.

This caused Naze Tabin to lose sight of Gundam Mapa for a while, but Gundam Mapa must be hidden in one of the meteorites.

"This woman really has two things..."

Naze Tabin's eyes swayed from side to side, while maximizing his soul perception ability.Although the MS body itself has a lot of sensors, if you rely on Philosophy-based sensors to respond, I am afraid that Gundam Anlor will be shot down by the enemy first. I don't know how many times.

Previously, Naze Tabin thought that this woman was just a rough woman with a simple mind and well-developed limbs. Now it seems that the other party is not a woman with no strategic mind at all.

One second passed quickly, but Gundam Mapa had not yet appeared.

Because a huge meteorite generates a certain amount of power when it bursts, in this gravity-free universe, the fragmented meteorite will naturally float and move.

And because of the battle between the two mobile suits just now, the nearby area was filled with a lot of "Ahab particles."Therefore, even the "Ahab Particle" detector cannot capture the correct position of the opponent's MS body.

But at this time, Gundam Anluo first completely stopped any movement.

When he was not sure where the enemy would appear, Naze Tabin didn't want to waste the fuel of the thruster.But Naze Tabin didn't relax at all. At this time, he became more cautious.

If a professional soldier encounters this situation, he will inevitably move slowly to search for the enemy's location.

But Naze Tabin did not do this, because he had already guessed the approximate location of the enemy, that is, hiding in the location of the broken meteorites.Unless the opponent's MS body can be invisible or teleport, but this is obviously impossible.

There seems to be no such technology in this era!


A high-hardness armor-piercing projectile was fired from the electromagnetic muzzle used for sniping, and the target was Gundam Anrosian piloted by Naze Tabin.

Perhaps the opponent knows that only one live ammunition can only damage the nano armor, but it does not affect the actions of Gundam Anlotin (as long as the joints are not damaged, the body of this world can continue to fight even if the armor is damaged. ).

Maybe the other party is not trying to kill Naze Tabin!

Because the part the opponent was aiming at was not the cockpit, but the head of Gundam An Luoxian.

Otherwise, if it is hit by this armor-piercing projectile, although Gundam Anluosian will not be destroyed (because of the high density of the "Ahab particles", the strength of the skeleton is stronger than that of the shell nano armor), but driving The cabin is absolutely impossible to be intact.

The other party's purpose is obviously only to destroy Gundam Anluoxian's head, as long as the main camera is damaged, all the detection system effects will be cut by half.

"Did he avoid it? Did he also use Alaya Consciousness..."

But what surprised the girl was Gundam Anluo's evasion method. If Naze Tabin had escaped by moving the entire mobile suit, perhaps the girl would not be so surprised.

However, Naze Tabin just controls Gundam Anluosian's head to move sideways, as if a human being dodges a boxer's straight fist attack, shifting his head.

At least in the cognition of young girls, drivers who can do this kind of action can only use the "Alaya Recognition System".If it can be controlled by the "OS system"?

It can only be said that this driver is a monster!

"I caught you!"


Two plasma beam cannons fired directly, although they could not directly hit the opponent's mobile suit body, they could blow up the meteorite that the opponent used to hide with one blow.In terms of destructive power alone, the effect of the plasma beam cannon is much stronger than that of live ammunition, but it is only in the battle between MS units, especially against the unit equipped with the "Ahab Reactor", the power of the beam weapon Will be weakened a lot.

Naze Tabin also discovered that Gundam Mapa had restored his MS form. Obviously, the opponent also knew that the MS form was much better than the MA form when sniping the enemy.

Although it is the same sniper electromagnetic gun, the MA form is not suitable for hiding. When sniping the enemy, almost half of the fuselage will be exposed.

The MS form is different. This is a form that can perform the same actions as humans. After all, the MS body is a mecha weapon called a "human weapon".

However, with the characteristics of Gundam Mapa, in the MS form, the weapon system is reduced a lot, and the speed is also much slower.

Perhaps the MA form is the strongest form of Gundam Mapa, and the purpose of equipping it with sniper electromagnetic guns is perhaps to make up for the body's weakness in close combat!

Relying on the famous Seti Tabin's knowledge of various mechas, he guessed that Gundam Mapa is definitely not a melee type mecha.

And Gundam Mapa’s leg weapons must also be made for MA form.

After figuring this out, Naze Tabin immediately squeezed the controller in his hand, and gently stepped on the pedals of the thrusters with his feet, allowing Gundam Anro to accelerate and rush past.


The girl discovered that Gundam Anluoxian actually rushed towards her, and immediately locked onto Gundam Anluoxian with the sniper electromagnetic gun in her hand, and quickly pulled the trigger.

But Naze Tabin quickly dodged in Gundam Anluo first.


The second armor-piercing projectile was fired again, and was also avoided by Gundam Anluo with minimal movements.


"Why I missed the shot..."

After the girl pulled the trigger continuously and found that she missed the shot, but facing Gundam Anluoxian's rapid approach, the girl's heart had already begun to panic.


After Gundam Anlor kicked Gundam Mapa with one kick, the gun muzzle in his hand was already aimed at the opponent's cockpit position. As long as the trigger was pulled gently, the opponent's cockpit would be blown up. Up.

(To be continued······)

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