Gundam king comes

Chapter 345 Melee (3)

"Unit 1 and Unit 2 confirm the destruction of the target, the mission is complete!"

With the destruction of target one, the first and second units of MT-01 have successfully completed their missions.

Although the battle between the two sides seemed to take a long time, in fact it was less than a minute.Sometimes life is so fragile, even if there is a powerful armored weapon like the Ms body to protect the body, it is impossible to escape the clutches of death.


In another place, another UGY-R41 Man Roddy, who was the second target, had one arm removed. As for the thruster, it was also scrapped because of two bullets.

"Damn it, get me moving!"

This driver anxiously pushed the joystick and kept pedaling, but the UGY-R41 Man Roddy was unable to move in the universe because the propeller was scrapped.

People who are accustomed to using the "Alaya Consciousness" system are used to control the MS body with their own consciousness.Except for the thruster, you need to personally control it, because in the human brain consciousness, there is no such ability as a thruster.

The fear and anxiety in his heart made his palms sweat.

Looking at the enemy in front of him, raising the gun in his hand, watching the dark muzzle facing him, the driver couldn't help swallowing.

For a long time, they were the only ones who regarded others as prey, but they did not expect that they would become the prey of others today.

Fear, anxiety, and as the heart beats faster, he has forgotten that he can continue to fight.

Although this UGY-R41 Man Roddy can no longer move, its other arm can still move, and it is also holding a gun, but he has forgotten about it.


The electromagnetic gun in the hand of Unit 5 fired a bullet, and the locked position was the cockpit position of the target.

In the eyes of the members of "Tabins", a UGY-R41 Man Roddy is worthless at all.Moreover, they now need to hide, based on the fact that it is impossible to easily communicate with the outside world for these worthless scraps.

After all, there are no impervious walls in the world. As long as they have too much contact with the outside world, some news will always be leaked out inadvertently.

Before Minglai Tabin went to the earth, he explained to everyone, and under special circumstances, he no longer accepted any commissions.Except to prevent "Divaz" from suspecting that they had the intention to leave, Minglai Tabin only arranged for a few teams to stay, and only accepted the commission from "Divaz".

Moreover, these small teams did not know anything about the "Apocalypse" cruise ship, so in terms of secrecy, "Tabines" did quite well.

It's not that Ming Lai Tabin doesn't believe in his own people, but that he has a lot of people, just in case he accidentally leaks his mouth.

Although the "Tabins" organization is a neutral party in "Divaz", many people still regard them as thorny.


The bullet submerged into the cockpit position of the target UGY-R41 Man Rody, only a single hole was left. At the same time, this UGY-R41 Man Rody also lost all power and floated quietly. In this cold and merciless universe.

"Confirm to kill the target, Unit 5, Unit 6 complete the mission!"

At the same time as the two UGY-R41 Man Rodys, target one and target three, target two has also been solved by the third and fourth MT-01 units.

"Cut, escaped by the mouse!"

Luna Tabin's heart felt a little uncomfortable. If she hadn't been entangled by two UGY-R41 Man Roddy at the same time, the captain would not have enough chance to escape.


Several consecutive missiles hit one of the UGY-R41 Man Roddy, blasting the outer armor of this UGY-R41 Man Roddy to the individual, and even the cockpit was deformed.It is estimated that the drivers in it are all the kind who can't survive.

"Want to escape?"

And another UGY-R41 Man Roddy saw this scene, no matter what the order was not ordered, it also began to turn around and escape.

Their boss has abandoned them and escaped alone, and the partners have been killed one by one, he might as well take advantage of this now.

Anyway, if you continue to fight, you will only be killed, so I might as well take the opportunity to escape from my organization.If you can survive, you may be able to survive in other places.

As for whether the UGY-R41 Man Roddy’s propeller fuel can support him to find another force without supplies, then there is no time to consider these things.

"This lady is in a bad mood now!"

Luna Tabin suddenly glared, and slammed on the thruster pedal, feeling like a drag racing.

She just felt her body suddenly leaned back inertially, and her body suddenly became a little heavier, and "Goddess of Storm" had already accelerated to chase the target.

After being escaped by the captain, it can be said that the mission has failed. If a small figure escapes from her hand, Luna Tabin will not be qualified to drive the "Storm Goddess".

Even though Minglai Tabin may not be blamed, Luna Tabin felt uncomfortable because she didn't want to live up to Minglai Tabin's expectations.

Da da da!Da da da!Da da da!Da da da!

Bullets from the Gatling gun on the left shoulder of the "Storm Goddess" continued to fire.This is completely irrespective of whether the bullet is wasted or not, just to completely destroy the target.

Da da da!Da da da!Da da da!Da da da!

A series of bullets with a caliber of 150mm continued to shoot toward the target.

"Ah! I don't want to die..."

The UGY-R41 Man Roddy, who was running wildly for his life, seemed to feel a icy cold on his back, and subconsciously changed the direction of movement, so that he was barely hit by countless bullets.

(To be continued······)

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