Gundam king comes

Chapter 419 Ouluo Bus Goes Out (2)


Graz's shield was kicked by Gundam Ouluo Bus. Even though the output of the thruster was not weak, he still could not withstand the attack. The entire Graz flew upside down for a certain distance.And it just blocked the way of the other Graz, successfully blocking the opponent's purpose.

"Aren't you going to let us leave?" The captain snorted coldly, but still had no worries.

He is very confident of his strength, and he has two helpers on his side.What if the enemy’s MS performance is better than them?

A strong muscular man may not be able to beat a thin boxer!

However, the captain really underestimated Lucy Smith, but such underestimation is beneficial to Lucy Smith.And this is fortunate that they are from the earth, and they don't have a special understanding of the intelligence of the two major economic circles of Mars and Jupiter.

But Lucy Smith didn't know the opponent's thoughts, and of course, even if she knew, she would not retain her strength.

In the previous match, Lucy Smith was just testing the opponent's strength, and the conclusion was that the opponent is very strong!

As for the captain, he also confirmed that Lucy Smith is a tricky opponent and definitely not an enemy that can be easily solved.

However, in the eyes of Lucy Smith, this strong "enemy" is the opponent's three Graces.If the other party knows Lucy Smith's thoughts, I don't know what the other party will look like.

"It's great. Wouldn't it be boring if you come here?" Lucy Smith couldn't help reveling in her heart.

Although her management level is very good, she was even a senior manager in the previous organization.But she is more of a soldier and loves fighting on the battlefield.

Indeed, as Lucy Smith thought, she could hardly fight once. Wouldn't it be boring if the opponent was too weak.

"team leader······"

"Join together and make a quick fight!" The captain knows that there is definitely not only one enemy here. If the Gundam Ouluo Bus is not resolved as soon as possible and contact the outside partners, maybe the partners will encounter Attacked.

In the eyes of the captain, there is only one enemy at present, and it is obvious that the opponent is confident of his own strength this time.But his rich experience told him that there is definitely not only one enemy.

Indeed, the mass-produced MS model developed by "Tubbins"-MT-01 has already been put into production.

Although it has not been fully put into actual combat yet, the data of the MS body is not weaker than the mass-produced Graz MS model developed by Galalhorn.

"Go!" The captain yelled, and his two subordinates also cooperated very tacitly.

Obviously, this kind of cooperation cannot be cultivated by training overnight.

"Cut, it seems that my prey is not easy!" Ruth Smith snorted coldly, but she wouldn't really shrink back.

Even though the enemy has formed a battlefield, Lucy Smith has never seen a battlefield before. She has even personally commanded a battlefield against the enemy many times.


"Flash bomb?"

What happened on the Gundam Ouluo Bus just now was not a live bomb, but a flash bomb.

In this dark space, the sudden bright light will temporarily affect the sight of the MS driver.

An honest fight?

This is not Lucy Smith's way of fighting.

As a fighter who climbs up from the bottom, as long as he can survive, he can use any method.

Unlike Galalhorn, who fights for missions and honors, most of the fighters in the Martian or Jupiter circle are for survival, so it is normal to use any means.

The effect of the flash bomb probably lasts for three or four meters, but for a master, it is enough to kill the enemy.


A battle axe in the hands of Gundam Ouluo Bus smashed down near the cockpit of a Graz. Although it did not directly land on the cockpit, it also caused the inside of the cockpit to deform and burst.

"team leader······"

This Graz monitor has completely broken, and some short-circuited wires are splattering electric sparks.

Of course, these are not fatal, and they are not enough to injure a pilot wearing a spacesuit.

Only a metal pipe on the left was deformed and broken, and it was inserted into the driver's abdomen, causing a lot of blood loss.If you don't get treatment in time, you can only spend the last few minutes of your life in pain.

But Lucy Smith is not a kind woman. Although she is friendly to her person, she is not merciful when it comes to her enemies.

"Cut, it was wrong!" Ruth Smith was a little surprised if she didn't directly cut the position of the cockpit.

Although the opponent avoided his cockpit and was chopped down, he still couldn't change the fate of death.

The effect of the flash bomb still continued, and the experienced captain was already quickly backing away at the moment his vision was blocked.

It's just that his two subordinates obviously didn't have such rich experience. When one of them was killed, the other didn't know what happened.It's just that he didn't become Lucy Smith's number one target, which made him react enough.

Before his vision was restored, he still subconsciously controlled his Graz to move to the side.

And this time the electromagnetic artillery in Gundam Ourobus's hand had already resisted Graz's body.


At a close range of less than a few meters, continuous live ammunition attacks have left Graz's breastplate and cockpit door with serious injuries.

Although the hardness of the nano armor has been greatly enhanced under the action of the Ahab particles, it can still cause great damage under such close-range attacks.Not to mention the destructive power of the pill that was launched by the Gundam skeleton type.

(To be continued······)

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