Gundam king comes

Chapter 465: The Resurrected Person (Part 1)

"Here?" A man lying on a hospital bed suddenly woke up from a coma.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the bright ceiling, feeling as if he was in the infirmary.

That's right, this man has been in a coma for a long time in the infirmary of the hospital.

"You finally woke up!" Commander Lesdar Ellian asked concerned.

Hearing the sound, the man looked over slowly. After seeing the face of the speaker, he said in a little surprise: "Teacher?"

He was indeed a little surprised. Logically speaking, he felt that he should have died on the battlefield. Supreme, why is the Supreme still alive?

Is it because of my luck?

Or is it because of the kindness of the enemy?

There are many questions in his heart, but he just woke up from a coma, his thinking is still not so clear.Many things are still unacceptable.

"Gario, do you know? I almost lost your excellent student!" Commander Lesdar Arion couldn't help feeling a little sad.

That's right, the man lying on the bed was defeated by Major McGillis Farid and was confirmed to be dead by Special Agent Galio Badovin.At that time, his Schwalbe Graz (Galio dedicated machine) was recovered by Commander Lesdar Ellian, and he had already smelled some conspiracy.When it was discovered that Major Galio Badowen was still alive, he was immediately given a secret treatment.

It was only because Major Galio Baduwen was seriously injured and has been in a coma for several months.

As the commander of the Arian Hurd Fleet in the combined fleet that controls the outer orbit of the moon, Lesdar Ariane is also the head of the Ariane family in the Seven Stars family.How could you not smell the conspiracy about Abro that happened on Earth at that time?

The mysterious red MS?

And that huge Gryz-like body?

Not to mention the mysterious red mobile suit that cannot be identified, but the huge Gryz-like mobile suit can be investigated.Although it was rumored that it was a weapon made by an unknown terrorist organization, in fact, the senior insiders of Galalhorn knew very well that this was the "failed product" of one of their experiments.

But is it really an accident caused by a failed test?

Although Commander Lesdar Aryan has a bad manner, he has been working hard for the stability of Galalhorn.

He thinks Major Galio Badowen is the only person who has played against that mysterious red mobile suit, and maybe he knows some clues.

After all, he was unable to investigate the information of the mysterious red mobile phone after going through various investigations.Neither the "Tabbins" or the "Tiehua Group" have any clues.

But why would the opponent only target Major Galio Badowen?And the timing of the appearance at that time was too coincidental, just when Ain Graz appeared out of control.

There may be unknown secrets in this, perhaps only Major Galio Badowen knows the truth.

But this was really analyzed by Commander Lesdar Aryan.

"Teacher, I..." Major Galio Badowen seemed to want to say something, but swallowed it back and didn't continue.

Commander Lesdar Arion, who noticed this, did not rush to ask, but said in a caring tone: "Gario, you just woke up, you should rest first. You can talk about other things slowly."

"Yeah!" Major Galio Badovin immediately understood what Commander Lethdar Arion meant.

He wanted to tell the truth, but this matter involved his good friend Major McGillis Farid, and he had not recovered from that battle.Because that really was too shocking to him.

How could he never think that the enemy would be his friend for more than ten years, and future brother-in-law?

Why did Major McGillis Farid become like this?

Or is it that he has been hiding, and he and everyone else have been deceived for more than ten years?

He couldn't accept this fact, his heart was tangled.

Although Commander Lesdar Arion didn't know the truth, he was not eager to find the truth. He had already guessed the entanglement in Major Galio Badowen's heart.

Perhaps the truth of that battle was something that Major Galio Badowen could not accept, but what kind of facts made him unacceptable.

A speculation that shouldn't have appeared suddenly emerged from the mind of Commander Lethdar Elian. Combining all the clues he collected, the possibility was as high as 30%.However, in the absence of sufficient evidence, Commander Lesdar Aryan stopped to continue his analysis.

Because there is no longer any need to continue the analysis, Major Galio Badowen's awakening is the best truth, as long as he is willing to tell it.

Commander Lesdal Elian couldn't help sighing in his heart: Are all the little ghosts so troublesome now?

After Commander Lesdar Aryan left the infirmary, Major Galio Badowen’s eyes suddenly dripped with a drop of tears, and he couldn’t help but say with grief: McGillis·····

From the first day when Major McGillis Farid was adopted by Iznario Farid, Major Galio Badovin has known him.To be sure, Major Galio Badowen was the first friend of Major McGillis Farid when he became the second generation of the official.

Could it be that from the beginning, Major McGillis Farid deceived everyone?

But Major McGillis Farid, who was a child twenty years ago, would have this kind of scheming?

The entanglement in the naive Major Galio Batuwen's heart is because he can't accept such facts, hoping that these are all false.But this is the truth!

However, Major Galio Farid did not know that because of the political events in Abro on Earth, Iznario Farid is no longer the head of the Farid family. The Farid family is now Major McGillis Farid's pocket.

It's just that Galalhorn was afraid that Major McGillis Farid still had most of the Baduwen family's resources, so he tried his best to transfer him to the Martian circle to perform the mission.

It was said to be a good exercise for Major McGillis Farid, but these were temporary.

When Major McGillis Farid returns from the Martian circle, he must become the official head of the Farid family, and it is absolutely impossible to have the rank of Major in Galalhorn.

And the interior of Galalhorn gave a nice name: gilded!

That's right, it is the famous name for Major McGillis Farid to go to the circle of Mars for gilding!

But the facts are only known to those at the top of the power.

Major McGillis Farid, who was alone, did not refute anything. After all, this was the result of his efforts over the years.It is impossible to stop forbearing for a while.

And after Commander Lesdar Elian left the infirmary, he immediately asked a senior officer who was waiting at the door: "How is that thing?"

(To be continued······)

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