"Ming Lai Tabin!"

When Justin Donominx uttered the name, Ming Lai Tabin had already guessed: Sure enough, this guy is going to target himself!

However, Major McGillis Farid and Adjutant Shidong Kahun looked at each other and felt very speechless.

Are you going to target Minglai Tabin?

Actually also provided evidence!

But Minglai Tabin is right in front of you!

It seems that these evidences are falling apart!

"Why?" Upon seeing this, Justin Donomix was a little curious, could it be that he said something wrong?It seems not!

"Major, this is just a small matter. As long as it's done, the money will be yours!" While handing over the USB flash drive, Justin Donominx also pressed one under the USB flash drive. check.

"Mr. Justny, it seems that this matter is not under Gallalhorn's jurisdiction?" Major McGillis Farid did not receive the USB flash drive and the check immediately, but reminded Justny Dono. Minks.

And this is indeed a fact, if it were not for social stability issues, Gallalhorn would not be involved.And Major McGillis Farid is not the kind of person who is casually used as a gun to destroy evidence?

Although this Justny Donnominx looks like a silly bubble, wouldn't he leave a backup?

Therefore, the so-called evidence of destruction is simply invalid, so it is better to continue to test the other party.

Major McGillis Farid took a special look at Minglai Tabin next to him, but because of the mask concealing him, there was no change in Minglai Tabin's expression.

However, as the person involved, Lai Tabin was indeed thinking about where he was caught?

Is it about Lieutenant Colonel Rod?

For now, it seems that there is only one thing that can involve Garralhorn.

If it were other things, it seemed that it was not enough to involve Galalhorn.However, Ming Lai Tabin didn't say much. He believed that he was very cautious in dealing with Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes.

If the evidence in the USB flash drive is really related to Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, Minglai Tabin will definitely destroy the evidence, and at the same time, the life of Justny Donominks will come to an end.

As for Major McGillis Farid, it is more troublesome to explain, but Minglai Tabin can only pray that the relationship between Major McGillis Farid and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes is normal.Otherwise, without even explaining, the ally between the two will be broken.

The current Minglai Tabin did not have enough strength to face Galalhorn's military power, and even prepared well.

Ming Lai Tabin wondered inwardly: Is it because of his own reasons that the butterfly effect is so obvious?

For a long time, Ming Lai Tabin has tried his best not to change some things in order to better control the situation, even including keeping the enemy of Justny Donominx alive.

But Minglai Tabin has always changed a lot of things. Although it seems irrelevant, the result has a great impact.

For example, whether Vidal will appear or not depends entirely on whether Lieutenant Al Dalton is still alive.Although Ming Lai Tabin had already dealt a fatal blow at the time, the latter matter was personally taken over by the executives of Galalhorn, and even Major McGillis Farid did not know.

Inevitably, Lieutenant Colonel Rod was not mentioned in the original history.Minglai Tabin didn't know the impact of this person's death, but Minglai Tabin had to take action under the circumstances.

Minglai Tabin secretly wondered: Is it possible that the looming danger prediction is because of this incident?

At this time, Ming Lai Tabin's heart was indeed a little panicked, although his expression was invisible because of the mask.But his face under the mask did not look good. He even had the urge to kill Justin Donominx on the spot, but he still controlled the urge.

Perhaps it is because the authorities are fans of the bystanders!

Minglai Tabin seems to have forgotten that the reason why he killed Lieutenant Colonel Roddy was to prevent the exposure of the "Apocalypse" cruise ship, and he was using a mobile suit body that had nothing to do with "Tabbins", even if it was Found out, it will not have anything to do with his name Lai Tabin.

But Lai Tabin, who has always been savvy, is now confused.

Ming Lai Tabin thought: Sure enough, a threat is a threat, and I still can’t stay!

"Is your evidence worth it?" Minglai Tabin asked calmly, pretending to be very calm.

Hearing that, Jasney Donominx was somewhat unanswerable, he just wanted to kill someone with a knife, and Major McGillis Farid was undoubtedly the best.

Although he also thought about letting Minister Seger Ansi do it, he was rejected because it was your family affair and it was not convenient for him to participate.Therefore, in the case of no alternative, Justin Donominx could only ask Secretary Seger Ans to contact Major McGillis Farid.

As for whether this evidence could allow Galalhorn to do something, he really didn't know, and he didn't even consider the issue.He thought it would be done by giving more money, but is Major McGillis Farid the kind of person who lacks money?

But Major McGillis Farid couldn't help being surprised, thinking that Lai Tabin seemed to be worried that this evidence was not good for him?

Sure enough, what is the secret of this guy!

Minglai Tabin was a gangster businessman himself, and his body was definitely a dirty place, but that would not alarm Gallarhorn.

Even if the "Tabins" and "Tiehua Regiment" joined forces to annihilate the "Black Bear" organization, such a medium-scale war, it will only arouse Galalhorn's attention instead of attention.Besides, on this matter, isn't Major McGillis Farid not qualified to settle it?

In the chaotic place of Mars, there are battles between MS units almost every day, and small-scale battles occur every few days.Even a medium-scale war will happen several times a year, but because it lasts for a long time, it will generally be prevented for various reasons.

However, Lai Tabin, who has just joined Garralhorn, is not clear about how much influence will be worthy of Garralhorn’s attention. After all, he himself was taken by Major McGillis Farid. Follow people.

"I see, let me take a look at the content of the evidence first!" Major McGillis Farid is also very curious about the content of the USB flash drive. This kind of thing falls into his own hands, better than others. .

Regardless of the content inside, you can better understand Minglai Tabin.

At the moment when Major McGillis Farid just got the U disk, Minglai Tabin's passive skills suddenly became apparent.Ming Lai Tabin was frightened: Does the threat come from this piece of evidence?

No, the threat comes from behind yourself?

(To be continued······)

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