Gundam king comes

Chapter 525: Pretending to be Nitro

"What? Minglai Tabin was also in the space station at the time?" Just awake Justin Donominks, when he learned that he was assassinated, Minglai Tabin was also in the space station A. District, he subconsciously thinks that this is definitely not a coincidence.

But he didn't know it was a coincidence, and he was in the same box with him at the time and saved his life.

"These killers must have been arranged by him..." Jasney Donomix shouted through gritted teeth.

"Boss, according to the results of our investigation, the prisoner is Van Lun Wei and his group, and has nothing to do with Ming Lai Tabin!" A man in black explained.

But as soon as his voice fell, Jasney Donominx yelled angrily: "I don't care what it is to do with him. This time, inspector Farid was also involved in the attack!"

Justin Donnominx laughed treacherously.

Yes, he doesn't care whether this matter has anything to do with Ming Lai Tabin, he just wants to pull Ming Lai Tabin into the water.

The piece of evidence he gave to Major McGillis Farid was not really evidence, it was just a piece of information about the "Tabins" destroying the "Black Bear" organization.

For this kind of information, there is no need for him to provide Jasny Donominks, and Galalhorn can collect it himself, and it needs to be more detailed.

But the purpose of Justny Donominx is not to provide evidence, but to get to know Major McGillis Farid, who has bribed him.Only when Major McGillis Farid nodded, this information would become evidence.

As for Minister Saige Ans, he doesn't need to say anything at all. The forces behind the "Black Bear" organization also hope that someone will come forward and teach Ming Lai Tabin.

"But after Ming Lai Tabin appeared in Area A, he seemed to have disappeared!" The man in black said embarrassingly.

They knew the grievances between their boss and Minglai Tabin, so they started investigating when they discovered Minglai Tabin.But they only knew that Minglai Tabin disappeared after taking a woman to the port.

According to their guess, someone must have let them go, but this kind of thing is not clear that these little people can investigate.

"Find me that assassin and let her confess the famous Lai Tabin!" Justin Donominks said with a smirk.

But Justine Donomix didn't know that the person who released Ming Lai Tabin was Major McGillis Farid himself.Moreover, Ming Lai Tabin had indeed left the space station with Van Lun Wei. As for his whereabouts, his whereabouts are unknown.

Minglai Tabin also disguised himself after the spacecraft landed on Mars.

His behavior on the space station just wanted to tell others that he was still active in the Martian circle.

But his actions on the ground of Mars need to be secret. After all, he still doesn't know where the "lunatic" Caesar is. If he appears rashly, he will easily become the prey of others.

As a gangster businessman, there must be many people who usually offend.

If anyone knows that he is alone on the Martian ground, it is estimated that the killer will have to line up to chase him.After all, there are not a few people who want to name Lai Tabin's head, and one of them is Justny Donnominx.

It's just because everyone belongs to "Divaz" and is the godson of Markumard Barliston. Even if there is grievance, they can't make a direct shot.

This is also the reason why Jasney Donominx would only play tricks and conspiracies against Minglai Tabin, but did not dare to act directly.

In the original history, Ming Lai Tabin knew who framed him, but he asked other people not to avenge him.

Everything is because of the rules of "Divaz".

At the same time, Major McGillis Farid had returned to the battleship.

The adjutant Shidong Kahun asked curiously: "What does Minglai Tabin mean?"

"Taking the killer away is only secondary, his purpose is to pretend!" Major McGillis Farid saw through Ming Lai Tabin's tricks at a glance.

He had guessed that Ming Lai Tabin was not going to deliberately take away the killer girl, he just needed a woman to complete the disguised signal of his high-profile appearance.

As for the purpose, naturally it is to conceal the truth.

At the time, there was no better candidate than that killer girl.

Of course, Major McGillis Farid believed that Ming Lai Tabin would not be stupid enough to expose his identity as Nitro, but he had to admire his disguise.

If Minglai Tabin showed up alone, he would be doubted of his purpose.But what if you are with a woman?

Isn't this the playboy's style?

However, Major McGillis Farid seems to value Ming Lai Tabin. Although taking Van Lun Wei is secondary, after leaving the space station, Ming Lai Tabinco did not take Van Lun Wei Driving away, instead leaving her with her.

Lieutenant Shidong Kahun did not understand what Major McGillis Farid meant. He was just angry that Lai Tabin had left the space station with the killer.You must know that the female killer's accomplice almost killed a few of them, and if Nitro's identity was exposed, it would have a bad influence on Major McGillis Farid.

After completing this gilding, Major McGillis Farid is bound to be promoted to the nobility, so that they will be one step closer to their plan.

But they didn't know that Minglai Tabin was never optimistic about their plan because it was not perfect.

Not to mention whether the character "Vidal" will appear or not, just Lethdar Arian has doubts about McGillis Farid.This is destined to have a very low success rate of their plan, after all, Major McGillis Farid is still too anxious.

On the other hand, Ming Lai Tabin, although he knew that his time was running out, he still did not rush.Still slowly stabilize all the situation, to ensure that his biggest hole card can go smoothly.

Because the "Apocalypse" cruise ship plan is his greatest guarantee.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to kill Lieutenant Colonel Roddy who had discovered the cruise ship "Apocalypse".

"Shi Dong, it's up to you to pretend to be Nitro these days!" Major McGillis Farid suggested.

"This...Okay!" Adjutant Shi Dong Kayan knew that he could not refuse.

After all, the only people who knew Nitro's identity were the three of them. Fortunately, Nitro usually stayed in his room, and he didn't speak much, so he didn't need to show up frequently.

Otherwise, his adjutant will shake the sky and not see anyone, but it will be even more suspicious.It is enough to ensure that the character Nitro appears once a day.

Regarding the whereabouts of Ming Lai Tabin, Major McGillis Farid became curious, and thought: "Are you going to the ground?"

Because apart from the ground, no matter which space station Ming Lai Tabin went to, he needed to confirm his identity.

Not only the identity of Ming Lai Tabin needs to be registered, but the identity of Van Lun Wei will also be exposed.

(To be continued······)

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