Gundam: The wind blowing through the universe

Chapter 295 I’m not Amuro, only ghosts push rocks

"Captain, can I understand that you are timid?"

"You can understand it however you want. I'm not a madman. The order I received was to send the three Gundams back safely. If Major Alusta feels that what I did is not good enough, Gnakuri still has a dagger. You can drive out by yourself."

Not far from the cutting site of Junius, Gadi Lu was opening the mirage to observe everything secretly. They arrived almost shortly before the Minerva. During this period, Fleur tried many times to persuade Captain Li to send the MS troops out to disrupt the opponent's work progress, but Captain Li's IQ was online. He would only do this if he was crazy. Go die in the presence of ZAFT and Orb.

When several sporadic terrorist suicide attacks followed, Fleur once again instigated the captain to attack, but before she could finish her words, the terrorists were wiped out by the Savior Gundam like mowing grass.

Fleur had also gradually given up her thoughts. The opponent's apparent strength now consisted of four battleships, one large MA, and five combat MSs. The Phantom Pain was still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers even if Neo was included, let alone It is said that the quality may not be as good as the other side. Fleur is just crazy but not stupid.

As a result, just when Gadi-Lu saved the live video and prepared to retreat, Frey was surprised to find that Orb actually fought with ZAFT, and it didn't look like they were acting. Orb's side appeared in a short time Battle damage.

This accident greatly inspired her, and she immediately stopped Captain Li's order to prepare for a retreat, and at the same time asked the Phantom Pain quartet to set out immediately, killing as many as they could, whether it was Orb or ZAFT.

However, Li, who was an old-school soldier, and Fleur, who was inexperienced, saw two completely different results. Although Orb and ZAFT fought fiercely, they restrained their attacks on each other's engineering teams, so Li judged that this This situation will not last long. If they attack now, they will not only gain no benefits, but will encourage both parties to accelerate reconciliation.

At this moment, Fleur immediately put the timid hat on her, but Li didn't intend to explain anything to her. This kind of thing was simply the accumulation of experience. No matter how much he explained, Fleur just didn't believe it, and it was meaningless. .

"Instead of having to die, it is better to take a closer look at that ZAFT new warship. In just a few minutes, it was hit by an anti-ship missile and was directly hit by Gottfried. Even so, it still has enough power to continue fighting. Orb's You have to take MA’s data back too, I really don’t know how you could think of going out to die.”

Li sneered, his face was completely broken. He didn't want to look at this crazy woman's face anymore when the task was completed, so there was no politeness in his words.

Being on the other side's ship, Fleur could only bow her head to Captain Li no matter how dissatisfied she was, so the atmosphere between the two calmed down for a while, and the tension was no longer the same.

After Yin Shihuan detonated the debris, Orb and ZAFT were also completely separated by the aftermath of the explosion. As the Dawn Gundam was the last mobile suit to return home, Siegfried went to the bridge as soon as it was parked.


"Please address your title during working hours, Captain Asghar."

"Captain Bucky Lulu."

Lars covered his mouth and tried to hold back his laughter. At the same time, he was secretly glad that he had not thrown himself into Siegfried's arms just now. Otherwise, Lars would have been scolded by him. The whole bridge would have seen that Siegfried's wife was so ignorant. Oh no.

"How is it going?"

"A larger piece of debris has been displaced. Yin Shihuan is still calculating the trajectory of the fall. At present, it seems that it will not affect Orb."

"Can't be destroyed?"

"It's difficult from our location because the gravel strip in the middle is currently impassable, but it's possible from ZAFT."

"Then let them find a way. Orb has fulfilled his obligation. We were the ones who took action first. Now we give them a chance to make amends and why don't we seize it honestly?"

Siegfried felt a little unhappy. It was originally a perfect mission, but Orb's political reputation almost reached the MAX. Now after a long time, there are still stones to fall. What do you mean? Do you really think he is Amuro?

"CIC, telegraph Minerva. Due to your unjust and violent attack, there is now a fragment that cannot be completely destroyed. At the same time, send them the location of the fragment. If you want to go, you can go. If you don't go, it has nothing to do with us."

Lars relayed his captain's orders to Minerva word for word, and Curatis punched the armrest angrily, which was like putting them on the fire.

After all, Durandal never told her about these hidden plans, so she considered the pros and cons from the perspective of PLANT from the beginning.

Now the situation couldn't be more obvious. First of all, the waste dealer responsible for supervising Junius 7 will definitely have to bear the blame. Orb can be said to have saved the earth and also brought in a handful of waste dealers. By then, Genesis α Mina will be a must Gotta get it in hand.

In addition to the scapegoat No. 1, PLANT is the scapegoat No. 2. The things belong to them, and the terrorists' MSs also belong to them. When Orb's cutting work is about to be completed, they are the ones who take action first.

This is a terrorist act that wipes out the Earth's circle. It is not comparable to a small fight in a dense forest. It is absolutely impossible for the council to use the excuse of body theft to excuse it, so the Archangel threw a package. Rat poison, Minerva could only swallow this bag of rat poison with a bitter face. If Curatis wanted to lose face, she would even express her gratitude to Bucky Lulu.

"Arthur, after confirming that Zhen and Luna's MSs have returned to the ship, prepare to initiate the emergency landing procedure, and then use Tannhauser to bombard the fragment. We can't let it fall to the earth like this!"


"Execute it immediately. I don't want to have to say it twice every time. If you let me hear this dull answer again, go to Carpantaria and drive a transport ship after landing on Earth!"

Kuratisi got angry in a rare moment, and her group of unreliable subordinates made her feel a huge sense of fatigue. Before today, as a captain, she had her own vision for the future, and the object of her vision was the unsinkable ship Archangel.

As a result, the two sides exchanged fire under extremely unexpected circumstances. The Archangel showed a overwhelming sense of disparity in terms of execution and on-the-spot response, just like the subtext of Bucky Lulu's words: "Don't show shame." Face', if Junius 7 hadn't been imminent, she would have only thought about sinking Minerva.



Mei Ling was frightened by the high-pitched voice, but she still tried her best to fulfill her CIC duties. "The explosion just now caused Aslan's mobile suit to land in our Gnaku."

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