Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1253: . Insects fly, flying all over the sky (4/5)

Plans for farm tourism began, new farms were opened, and houses were built in Sunset Town.

This time Wang Bo adopted a Maori-style thatched cottage style. First, it can give tourists a sense of novelty. Second, this building is low in cost and fast, and third, it is more in line with the natural style of the farm.

After returning to Sunset Town for several days, he could not forget the calm and tranquil mood when he stood on the farmland in the early morning that day. He wanted to make tourists feel this feeling, as long as it can create a similar environment, he believes that it is not difficult.

In the new week Monday, Bowen compiled a copy of the information and handed it to Wang Bo, saying: "This is the information we have compiled for the townships and regions that will be withdrawn in half a week. I think you will be interested."

Wang Bo glanced and asked, "Wanderer town?"

Bowen nodded: "Yes, Homeless Town. Since the old Line 8 has been gradually neglected, many people in the town have moved away. Now Homeless Town is like a ghost town and there are not many families."

Wang Bo had seriously studied it in order to deal with the town of homeless people.

The town has a long history and has been around for a century and a half. There were many artists and artisans living there. The town still has some buildings related to them.

For example, Captain Barrie's House, summer banquet, Easter celebration market and Labor Day market, etc., all belong to the intangible cultural heritage. Although not declared, they have the same nature.

In addition to these buildings, Bowen collected more complete information, as well as the old shop ruins such as London Stables, Coopers, Belfast and Jury Grain.

Wang Bo has seen these materials, becoming more and more interested, and asked, "Can we get them?"

Bowen shrugged: "It must be very difficult, but who knows the result? Maybe it is artificial, we can move these buildings over."

The sunset town lacks a historical and cultural atmosphere. With the arrival of these buildings, it will certainly multiply the simple atmosphere and make the town more flavorful.

Wang Bo gave this question to the owner of the government and asked everyone to find a way to relocate these buildings. If anyone has the resources to use it, he will reward him.

He is also using various methods here. For two days, he wrote a lengthy article ready to be submitted to the Wellington government in the name of protecting the history and culture of Tahiti, and wanted to receive some of the buildings inside.

Written this application carefully, Wang Bo looked at that Qingyang, and that Qingyang probably glanced over again, saying: "Since you are looking for a government application, your application to receive valuable architectural and cultural heritage is definitely difficult to pass. "

Wang Bo said: "Things are artificial. Maybe it will pass? I am also a member of the Green Party."

That Qingyang shook his head and said, "I don't think it's appropriate. We might as well apply for the town and let the town of Tahiti merge with the sunset town. Happening."

Wang Bo hesitated, he hadn't considered this idea, because the biggest conflict between the town of Sunset and Tahiti was to merge the towns.

Four years ago, the mayor of Robert came to drop this solution. At that time, Wang Bo was afraid that he would be occupied by the dove and refused. However, he did not expect that today, but he wanted to join the town.

Thinking about it that way, he sighed a little: "Fengshui turns, four years, so fast it's more than four years."

That Qingyang asked what he was feeling, and he said what happened in the past.

After hearing what he said, Qingyang laughed and said, "Have you left a sentence for him at the time: Don't bully the young and poor."

Wang Bo shook his head and said, "Why do you leave this sentence?"

That Qingyang said: "Aren't you reading a novel? This phrase is very popular in novels now."

Wang Bo closed the application and said, "Take up the town of Tahiti before you go to read the novel."

As a result, he did not wait for him to take a look at the current situation in Tahiti, and an agricultural disaster suddenly came.

Locust plague!

Starting from the northern half of the Southern Alps, locusts suddenly appeared, hitting farms around Christchurch with lightning.

This is the autumn harvest season. The locust disaster is too powerful for destroying crops. They will eat the leaves, fruits and even the stems of crops and plants. Several farms around Christchurch went bankrupt in a short time!

Wang Bo heard the news of the locust plague for the first time. At that time, the news had not yet appeared on the Internet. The quinoa association had already begun to pass relevant information.

The Association requires farms in various places to quickly harvest grain, and at the same time consults with the government, and temporarily releases environmental protection laws and regulations, allowing farmers to burn dry grain.

Then related news began to appear on the Internet. Wang Bo turned on his computer and saw pictures of horrors: locusts in the sky, locusts in the farmland, locusts on the car, and even locusts on people!

The locust plague broke out quickly and violently. The number of locusts on the picture was never seen by Wang Bo. He thought that if anyone had intensive phobia, it would be expected to spit them out at a glance.

The locusts tend to be flooded, and the locust disasters are often accompanied by severe droughts. They move from dry places to low-lying and flood-prone places. Therefore, in ancient China, there were so-called "dry poles and locusts" and "long drought must have locusts."

The drought in New Zealand has lasted for three or four years, except that in the history of this country, except for more earthquakes, other aspects can be called weather conditions. Such disasters rarely occur, so the early warning and response capabilities are poor.

However, relevant experts quickly responded to the incident, first explaining the reason.

The main reason is that the dry environment has many benefits for the reproduction, growth and development of locusts, because locusts lay eggs in the soil. Under drought conditions, the soil is relatively solid, the locust hatchability is high and it is not easy to be preyed by natural enemies.

The drought caused the locusts to multiply and grow rapidly. The program began to report that night. The expert team took samples and observed them in the foothills of the Southern Alps.

Then they found that the number of locust spawning in these areas has increased greatly. In many cases, it can reach 4,000 to 5,000 egg masses per square meter of soil and 50 to 80 eggs per square egg, that is, 200,000 per square meter. To 400,000 eggs.

Watching the densely packed eggs on TV, Wang Bo couldn't help swallowing.

Fortunately, the white cherries have been harvested, and he has not grown much grain. Motak had all packed up last week, and no matter whether wheat or green corn was stocked.

But locusts are not just attacking farms. They are attacking green plants. Wang Bo also has a pasture. Forages will be more attractive to locusts, and he is not sure that the heart of the pastures can drive locusts.

(To be continued.)

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