Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1256: . Under the oil pan (2/5)

The locust plague is resolved, and the rest are some locusts.

Aside from the numbers, locusts are good for many people in Sunset Town, especially for Christians.

A real thing happened in history. On November 21, 2004, millions of locusts swarmed to the city of Eilat, the coast of the Red Sea in Israel, destroying a large number of crops and flowers in this southern Israeli city, and even Israel The government used planes to spray insecticides to kill locusts.

But locusts are the only edible insects required by Christian texts and Jewish law. Some Israelis seized the opportunity to catch many locusts to eat and cook. Some diet websites also listed a wide range of locust menus. There are locust skewers, locust strips, and fried locusts.

In this way, the government's anticipated disaster turned into a diet feast, and the locusts moved eastward to Jordan and Saudi Arabia before passing through the fertile areas of northern Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ...

This thing is really interesting. It is really soft, hard, horizontal, and horizontal.

For many people in Sunset Town, locusts have also become food.

There are many Chinese immigrants in Luori Town, most of them are middle-aged and elderly, and they have some rural life experience. While living on a farm, locusts are a food topic that can't be avoided. Who hadn't had the experience of roasting locusts in farmland when they were young?

These locusts in New Zealand are very large, they can grow up to ten centimeters in length, although they are not as good as the grass guard, giant sand owl, but they are also rich in meat. People catch locusts, and then they hear the experts say that there are no parasites. Already.

Especially the Maori people, they do n’t care whether there are parasites or not. Every household takes the net to catch locusts. After catching them, they explode. The fried locusts are mixed with fine salt and butter. They have salty and sweet flavors. delicious.

Wang Bo was busy fighting the locust plague at first, but he didn't expect this stubble. When he came to work, he saw Atulu holding a box of fried locusts as snacks. Then he remembered that he could get some locusts to eat.

After work, he took the little loli to catch locusts in the wild. The pastures and farms didn't have to think about. The locusts there were eaten up by the flocks of chickens, ducks and geese, and they could only go hunting in the wild.

Driving a car to find a piece of grass, Wang Bo gritted his teeth and said, "You're welcome, don't care about the size. When you catch a locust, you tear off its wings and put it in the box, you know?"

Little Rory said worriedly, "Is it too cruel?"

Pharaoh continued to grit his teeth: "Cruel? Do you know how big this brother-in-law loss is?"

"How big is it?"

Pharaoh began to count in sorrow: "Not to mention how much vegetables they have destroyed or how much grass they have destroyed, just to let go of the chickens, ducks and geese, I pushed all the 100,000 fences off."

"There are giant sandcatchers, chickens, ducks, geese, and purple water chickens launched indiscriminate attacks. Almost all the giant sandcatchers in the pasture who did not escape under the ground in time were eaten, Mad, that is a protective insect!"

Little Lolly blinked: "What a loss?"

Wang Bo said: "Let me tell you so. If you convert it into a star stick, you need at least one or two million star sticks!"

"How much?" Little Lori's eyes widened.

"One or two million! In Barbie, there are hundreds of thousands of them!"

Little Rory exclaimed: "Why are they so bad? You must let them go to the pan!"

There are still many locusts in the wild. It is easy to catch them. Wang Bo prepared some butterfly nets, that is, put a small grid bag on the end of a stick, and fasten a net cover, there will be several locusts inside.

The army commander and political commissar quickly understood what he was doing, and flapped their wings to help. They searched for large locusts and then learned a small dive to make a dive attack. They always succeeded once or twice.

The captain flew over with a locust and said proudly, "Ah, the captain is competent, ah, the bug has run away!"

The locust did not die, it opened its mouth and flew open with its wings.

But how could it be that simple, Wang Bo was hovering over his head and saw that the locust wanted to fly away, ‘whoo’ all of a sudden it fell down, and then the locust became two ...

Xiao Meng is very embarrassed. It can't help in this aspect. The consequence of locating each time is that the locust breaks into two pieces.

The commander of the army is much talkative. When he catches the locust, he can't help but open his mouth and mutter a few words, so that the locust can always run away. Locust.

The political commissar did a very good job. He was a hard-working family. He caught the locusts diligently and honestly. Every time he flew back, he gained something. Little Loli's net bag and the help of him quickly packed a box.

Zhuang Ding, Xiao Wang, Princess, and Fat Cat Brothers are also catching locusts, but Pharaoh cannot count on them.

Neither Zhuang Ding nor Xiao Wang could do this job. The claws were too big, and one claw patted them, and the locusts were sparse and rotten. The princess was flexible, but she didn't give it to Pharaoh when she caught the locust, she ate it herself.

The fat cat brothers can also catch locusts. After catching them, they do n’t give them to the old king or eat them. Instead, they play by themselves, exhausting the locusts ’exhaustion, and they switch to the next one.

Within half an hour, a large box in the carriage was filled with locusts, Wang Bo whistled, and a group of hairy children such as Zhuang Ding Xiao Wang immediately threw down their games and went into the car waiting to go back.

Frying locusts is the easiest, but he pickles it first, puts it in a tank with salt water, pickles it overnight, hangs it for another morning to dry it, and puts it in a frying pan at noon.

Wang Bo carefully searched the relevant information on the Internet and determined that the locust did not contain any parasites. Then he started to pan.

The dried locusts are fried very well and need to be removed within a few seconds. At this time, the locusts have turned golden brown, sprinkled with cumin and fine salt, and eaten crunchy and crunchy in their mouths, which is more than beef and mutton. Fragrant!

Little Loli was very happy and said to Eva: "Sister, it's really delicious. The teacher said it's all protein and fat."

Eva's face was bleak, and she waved, "My sister is pregnant and can't eat this."

She can't accept things like eating bugs.

Wang Bo tore off his wings and legs and stuffed them into his mouth to eat crunchy. He took a sip of oil and oil, and it tasted better with cumin powder and paprika.

And because he marinated in salt water all night, the grasshopper's salty taste was more thorough.

That Qingyang followed, Wang Bo asked, "Don't you feel sick to eat bugs?"

After hearing this, Qingyang said scornfully, "I have eaten both stick insects and fried crickets, not to mention this grasshopper? I have liked to eat this since I was a child. Now I want thirty or forty yuan for a pound. I did n’t eat much afterwards. "

Xiao Wang and Zhuang Ding do not eat raw grasshoppers, and they eat vigorously after frying. Lao Wang does not feed them. These bear children have a big appetite, and all the fried grasshoppers are not enough for them. (To be continued.)

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