Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1260: . Farmers Market (1/5)

Unfortunately, this trick does not work well. Like other mothers, the queen takes her child very seriously and will not allow other dogs to approach it. Only strong men can.

The dog mother sent to help feed the puppy couldn't get closer. As soon as the dog approached, the queen would growl, and Wang Bo and Eva didn't use it to soothe him.

In this way, Wang Bo had to change his approach. He had a pygmy beast zoo, which happened to have a pygmy sheep in the lactation period.

Dwarf sheep are one size smaller than Rottweiler, so they are suitable for feeding puppies.

In the face of non-kindness, the queen compromised, it could be in the same room with the ewe, and she would not resist seeing the children coming up to it to **** milk.

However, the dwarf sheep is unwilling. It is not used to the breath of the dog. The puppy will frighten away when it approaches.

The dilemma was solved by the strong man. He followed the dwarf sheep, and held the dwarf sheep with his paws as long as there was a puppy to drink milk.

When seeing this scene, Wang Bo couldn't help but sigh: "This sheep lives too humiliating, it must be very humiliated now."

Eva laughed: "The strong man did a good job. He is the godfather of these puppies. I think the queen is willing to accept it."

Fourteen births, in addition to proving that their father bomber seeds are active and the mother queen is in good health, also proves that they are very weak and very small.

In this case, at least half of the dogs may die, but with the care of the queen and other hairy children, they all survived the previous week.

After a week, their lives will be fine.

The strong man is really like the godfather. The queen can't control the fourteen puppies. These little guys have superb bloodlines and start to develop quickly after a week.

With their eyes closed, they can walk, and then crawl around like a blind man. The queen scratched this and that, and took care of that and this, and was busy all day long.

Zhuang Ding will watch and guard the puppy at night. As long as a little guy gets up, no matter how small the movement is, he immediately opens his eyes.

The villa is lively here, and the sunset town is lively.

After planning for half a month, the farmers market is finally about to open.

Wang Bo deliberately released a cold store to lease to traders, allowing them to store some goods in advance, so that there is a cold store to keep fresh, they can save a lot of things.

The sunset town government has become a market organizer. They will be responsible for cleaning and security, as well as law enforcement. Any disputes will be mediated by them.

There are many farmers 'markets in the South Island, but there are no large-scale farmers' markets. Unlike large cities like Wellington and Auckland, the population is large, the demand is large, and the market size is also large.

In this way, the Sunset Town Farmers Market is more expected, and most of the surrounding farmers and ranchers have entered the market, such as Austrian ranchers such as Motak and Moses, who have opened meat stalls in the market.

There are enough businesses now. In half a month, the preparation team led by Wang Bo received more than 140 application forms for booths in farms, private orchards, small family workshops and even second-hand shops.

Relatively speaking, this farmer's market is hot enough, of course, there are objective factors, that is, the overall downturn of the New Zealand farmer's market, in order to earn extra money, farmers choose to go to the market for retail.

Take mutton as an example. If goat meat is naturally stocked, if it is sold in large quantities, it will cost at least five yuan per kilogram. If it is put on the market, it will cost five yuan per pound, and the difference will almost double.

However, in the farmers market, only extra money can be earned. For these large-scale farming and large-scale farming ranchers, large-scale sales are required to make money.

The new domestic market will open firecrackers and drums, and New Zealand is not so particular about it, it is to choose a plot of land, then advertise, attract merchants, join the merchants, and then open for business.

Wang Bo felt that this was slow. He chose to study the domestic model. During the Chinese New Year, he invited the lion dance team and kept the contact information of the other party. This time he invited again.

In addition to the lion dance team, he also asked Aturu to organize a war dance performance with his Maori fellows, which is not new to New Zealanders, but still very attractive to tourists.

He also called the Sunset Band back, and the band was just about to go on a new record release tour. It simply started from Sunset Town.

Redick and Lane are still more inspired to stay at the bar. They have returned to Sunset Town for more than a quarter and have re-written a satisfactory album.

So the farmer's market opened on the second weekend of June. Although the weather was a little overcast, many people came to the scene.

The Sunset Band has made great achievements in this respect. They will sing a new album title song at the opening ceremony. Many fans came to hear the news.

Some businesses open in advance. They sell things such as light sticks, light bracelets, fluorescent panels and the like. Fans need this thing to attract the attention of idols.

Unfortunately, the opening ceremony was during the day. These props were not very useful, but they still sold well, so the grocery store earned the first bucket of gold.

Because the presence of fluorescent props is too strong, it seems that many people at the scene are fans of the orchestra.

This made Redick very proud, and said to Wang Bo before taking office: "You have to reward us, boss, you see, how much popularity we have contributed to your market?"

Wang Bo nodded and said, "Perform a good performance, there will definitely be rewards."

"What reward?" Ryan asked with interest.

Wang Bo said: "So far, the sunset town has only one honorary resident, and that is Charlie. If you are willing, then I think there should be five honorary residents in the sunset town."

The four band members were overjoyed, Redick laughed: "Wow, that reward is really good, I like the reward, we will perform well."

Wang Bo nodded: "Very well, then Bowen, Oakley, Hill, and Mr. Battier, they will become honorary residents, so we will have five honorary residents in Sunset Town."

Redick: "Snow, we're not acting!"

"Ok, ok, I said the wrong name just now. It is you four who became honorary townspeople."

Redick smiled with satisfaction and held up the guitar. "Let's go, brothers, let's use our voice to conquer the world!"

In order to protect the environment, firecrackers cannot be set off at ordinary times, but Wang Bo has another method, that is, the sky is loud!

As the band appeared, the gongs and drums rang outside, and some Chinese tourists smiled bitterly: "This is the opening ceremony of the combination of China and the West."

New Zealanders and tourists from other countries are very interested to see it, they think it is novel enough.

With the penetrating song of Redick sounding, the cheers of the fans also rang, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became hot!

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