Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1270: .Oil residue (1/5)

That Qingyang booed Wang Bo: "Oh, Pharaoh compares himself to Ming Taizu."

Zhao Xiaohui asked curiously: "I am more concerned about how Zhu Yuanzhang's partners died when they asked for food."

"It's just a folk story, saying that Zhu Yuanzhang had won the world and took his partner who was begging back to Beijing to settle down. As a result, those people went to him every day to express their emotions. They said that Zhu Yuanzhang was so embarrassed when they asked for food together. "Lao Zhu was impatient and found a reason to chop them off."

Zhang Rui waved and made a chopped gesture while talking.

Wang Bo said, "Instead of me, it's not beheading, but killing!"

Hou Haibo said hesitantly: "You brought me here, wouldn't it make me your hangman?"

"Finding the executioner has to be cruel, such as Xingye, you have a strict wife, I don't need it." Wang Bo scorned.

Hou Haibo raised his chest and said, "There are no men who are afraid of his wife, only men who respect his wife!"

Zhang Rui nodded and said yes.

Wang Bo pointed at Zhang Ruidao: "This is a man who respects his wife. You are afraid of his wife."

Zhang Rui nodded again, saying that Zhao Xiaohui was giggling beside her.

Cousins ​​drove over, took some pork belly and white and delicate fat pork from the car and said to Wang Bo, "Boss, this is what you want."

That Qingyang helped clean up, and then asked strangely, "Why do you want so much fat pork? Are you ready to refine?"

Wang Bo said: "Have you forgotten Haibo's favorite food?"

Hou Haibo was overjoyed: "Bitch, can you turn fat pork into abalone bird's nest?"

"Screw you!"

"Haha, come here, I'll fight, is this oil refining, right? I have n’t eaten my oil refining for a long time, alas, since my grandma passed away, the family has n’t done this job, all in restaurants Eat. "Hou Haibo said, could not help but shake his head.

Wang Bo patted his shoulder and said, "Today, Grandpa Wang will make a pot for you. You can do it with great energy."

Hou Hai opened him and gave him a **** with a smile.

Wang Bo cut the oil into small pieces with a kitchen knife and piled up a pot full of them. Zhao Xiaohui exclaimed: "You are really going to make a pot. This thing is so tired and crooked. Why are you doing so much?"

Hou Haibo shook his head and said, "Don't look at it now, as soon as oil is refined, the oil residue will dry up. This basin can make a lot of fat oil, but the oil residue comes up with two large plates."

After cutting the suet, Wang Bo opened two pots. First add some water to the first pan, then put the pork suet crumbs into it and cook.

Zhang Rui was also surprised, saying, "How can water be used for making oil residue? Water and oil are not compatible. Many oil stars will explode later, and it will be hot."

Wang Bo said: "To you little white kitchen, I'm much lazy to say, Hou Ye explained to them."

Hou Haibo grinned and said, "It's very simple, Xiaobai, this lard must be cooked and then heated on a medium heat to make more oil. You can just get angry and the oil and water produced are not much."

"Pharaoh is right to do this. Add a little water. When the fat pork is cooked, the water is also dried. When it continues to heat, oil will flow out."

That Qingyang interjected: "If Lao Su is here, he will definitely say: Please explain it from the perspective of principle."

"That guy is almost an old scholar as a teacher." A few people laughed.

After the lard is boiled, you must continue to scoop out and keep some lard in the pot but not too much, otherwise the lard will not flow.

Boil the lard, and the last thing left is the oily residue. Wang Bo waited until he couldn't boil any more, so he took it all out and replaced it in a second pot.

Hou Haibo said: "Pharaoh, master, not many people are willing to do this, most of them are too troublesome. But after this second refining, not only can more oil be refined, but the oil residue is also more brittle."

That Qingyang patted Wang Bo's shoulder and said, "Comrade Pharaoh has really worked hard in this regard. Knowing that you are coming, he is wondering how to invite you to dinner."

Hou Haibo said touchedly: "Thank you, Pharaoh, really, it's a pity that I'm not a woman. If I were a woman, I must have stepped on the horse."

Wang Bodao: "Well, if you are a woman, I will cook for you so hard. Eva has to dismantle my bones. This is nothing. I learned it from a Chinese food master. "

Zhang Ruidao: "Also said that Hou Haibo is a wife with strict control, aren't you?"

Wang Bo said: "Eva is about to have a baby. Now she is heaven and she is earth. She is air. But after giving birth, hey, my brother is still big!"

Boil out the oil residue, and he put it on the air vent to dry and cool.

Hou Haibo said: "Don't, you can't eat it if you blow on the ash. This thing vacuums."

"That's why you don't know the sunset town. The air here is as fresh as the Ice Age. Don't worry about dust and the like."

Zhang Rui nodded: "Yes, Sunset Town is really famous. I go shopping and eat in Auckland. I often hear people discussing Sunset Town. You are almost becoming the topic center of New Zealand."

Wang Bo wiped his hands and said, "That must be, buddy, but he has the ambition to make this town the first in the world."

Hou Haibo laughed: "Will I not be the first town instructor?"

"I'm ashamed of you, I'm ashamed of Pharaoh," said Qingyang, "learning to learn Xing Ye, nothing to be cold."

Li Xing stared: "Who is he okay to be cold? Hiss."

"Then you don't talk all the way, what do you mean by posing a face? Still hissing, you are as cold as a snake?"

"I have an aphthous ulcer, the eldest, it hurts and hiss as soon as I speak." Li Xing said helplessly.

Wang Bo regretted: "You won't be able to eat the dishes I made later."

The oil residue is very fragrant and there are many ways to do it. What Pharaoh wants to do is stir-fried green pepper with oil residue.

Green pepper has a vegetable fragrance and spicy taste. These two points can just neutralize the greasy. If you use other vegetables to fry, there is no such effect.

Compared to making oily residue, making this dish is simpler. After the onion, **** and garlic are simmered in the pot, first stir-fry the green pepper, then add the oily residue, and finally add some vinegar, soy sauce and salt.

Both green pepper and oil residue have their own great flavor. When the two are combined, the fragrance is even heavier. After diffused in the kitchen, Hou Haibo swallowed droolingly.

In addition to stir-fried green pepper slag, Wang Bo also wanted to make scallion pancakes, but this was too time consuming. Hou Haibo said that this dish is enough to eat rice.

In this way, he changed to other dishes, sweet and sour fish, dried black beans, fried eggplant, dried deep-fried silver fish, boiled meat, and beef sauce made by Boyd.

Wang Bo said, "Don't blame me for not telling the truth. Xingye, you have aphthous ulcers. I'll make a vegetarian for you. How about vinegar and cabbage?"

"You directly hurt me to count the ball. Can aphtha touch vinegar?"

"It's called fighting poison with poison, it's vinegar and cabbage!"

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