Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1283: .Buy it all (4/5)

Listening to the introduction later, Wang Bo knew the source of these books.

No wonder these books sell cheaply. It turns out that they were all books purchased by the government for lease on the International Reading Day.

As soon as the emperor and the courtier came to power, some policies changed after the new leadership came to power. These books were no longer left for lease, but were sold for cash and used the money for other things.

"It is said that the orphan support plan that the new Prime Minister has developed requires various aspects to find support funds. Is it ridiculous to sell these books as useless books?" The manager of the warehouse company finally asked with a smile.

Wang Bo shrugged: "Books are not useless. They are bought by suitable buyers. Since people are willing to buy, they must use them. Besides, these books are old books, and they can be sold for profit. Some money, the government intends to do well. "

The warehouse manager shook his head and said, "Many books are just like new ones. Selling them so cheaply is really annoying. Knowledge should not be so cheap."

Wang Bo shook his lips. Don't be a warehouse manager. He wants to use these words to stimulate him and make him buy.

After two laps in the warehouse, he knew that the manager was not telling the truth.

There may be books purchased by the government to be leased to the public during the Reading Festival, but it is certainly not the case, because some books are seriously worn.

The quality of New Zealanders may not be as high as the love of books, but if they are so damaged in borrowing books, they will definitely not be able to return them and have to pay for new compensation.

Then he guessed that many of the books were collected from garbage dumps.

It's not surprising that there are books in the garbage station, right? There is no waste acquisition industry in New Zealand. The garbage at home needs to be disposed of and needs to be sent to a special place.

For example, if someone buys new furniture at home, the old furniture needs to be disposed of, and it must be stored in the warehouse first, rather than thrown away, especially the large parts.

Small garbage is okay. The garbage can can hold it. If the garbage can't hold it, according to relevant government regulations, these must be discarded until the annual garbage disposal day.

Different regions have different days for garbage disposal. If there is not enough space to dispose of them, they have to be brought to the treatment plant by themselves, not only for road expenses, but also for disposal fees, which are very expensive.

Of course, there are many second-hand stores in New Zealand, but second-hand stores are not the same as Chinese scrap purchase stations.

The waste purchase station spends money on waste products, and the second-hand stores never spend money to help people deal with these waste products. They will not deal with them casually, they will only help dispose of what may be sold.

In this case, according to the thinking of Chinese people, if my things can be sold, why do they give them to second-hand shops for free?

There are many reasons, mainly two points. The first point is that ordinary people have no condition to dispose of waste products at home. They ca n’t open the warehouse every day to sell?

The second point is that giving new things to a second-hand store in New Zealand is considered charity. Many second-hand shops are directly linked to charitable foundations, while others are church-owned and are semi-charitable organizations.

There are also a lot of books at the garbage station, because second-hand stores are not very interested in books. New Zealanders have encountered reading shortages these years. Everyone is becoming less and less interested in paper books.

Wang Bo was so speculative that he naturally refused to purchase at the price given by the warehouse company.

But it does n’t work if you do n’t buy it. Warehouse companies have advertised on the Internet and in newspapers, and many people come to buy books.

Of course, these people are not the same as Wang Bo's. So many books are dealt with at low prices. There are always some valuable books and even antique books.

New Zealand's history is not hundreds of years, so books for decades are antiques, and some can sell for a good price outside, and some people will collect books.

After a short walk, Wang Bo asked Hani a few humanities: "How about, can you buy these books and put them in the library?"

Hani nodded. "No problem, most of them are new books, and there are still very few dirty books."

After getting this answer, Pharaoh had a good score. He approached the warehouse manager and asked, "If we buy all the books and don't pick them, how much is the lowest?"

"Two million yuan, sir." The manager smiled.

Wang Bo winked at Hani, who raised a finger and said, "How about a million?"

The manager shook his head like rattle: "Sorry, this price is too low, we can't accept it."

Hani said: "Don't rush to the conclusion that you can't accept it doesn't mean that the government can't accept it, is this the book of the government?

The manager insisted: "I can take charge of the sales of these books. One million is definitely not enough, and 1.9 million is the lowest price."

"I don't want to buy books as groceries, because knowledge is priceless. I hope we can respect knowledge instead of ordinary goods. So don't bargain, 1.5 million, this is our reserve price!" Hani Said.

Just as the manager was about to speak, Atulu stopped him and said, "Think clearly, man, if you choose these books so much, you have to sell them for a few years? How much is the retention money in the warehouse?

Hani also said, "If you end up with a large number of books, what do you do? Throw them away? Send them to a garbage dump? Smash them into pulp? No matter what you do, there will be media reports on this matter-someone bid You do n’t sell it when you buy it, but you treat it as garbage. ”

After repeated bombardments, the manager finally wavered and said, "1.5 million is too low, 1.6 million, this is the real reserve price."

Hani looked at Wang Bo, who thought about it and nodded, the price was acceptable.

Seeing this, the manager whistled and said to the security guards at the door: "Close the door and take everyone away. The owners of these books are already there."

Some people who picked books were very dissatisfied: "Did you just advertise? Why didn't you sell it?"

"We came from Roberley. Do you know how far?"

"Amused us? Is this a fake advertisement?"

The manager was very cunning, took Wang Bo out as a shield, and said, "This gentleman has bought all the books, and the bid is 1.6 million yuan. If anyone wants to pay a higher price, don't say choose here , We can give him all the books. "

There were many boos, many voices were made to Wang Bo, but he didn't care and went straight out, leaving Charlie here to settle with the warehouse company.

These books are available and cannot be sent directly to the library. Some books are too dirty. He has to hire people to clean them, but even if you hire a hundred people to take care of this, do n’t buy new books much cheaper.

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