"This guy's hurt real bad! ’

White liquid, clearly distinguished from strong acidic fluids, draws a long line on the floor. It was the cutting of his head that prevailed. I can assure you his condition is poor as the white fluids sway.

After about 10 minutes of tracking, Harun enters a square the size of where he was before.


You notice his intrusion, and the Volkaworm screams at the eardrum. Harun can finally see all of his fuselage. At about 12 meters in length, a monster over three meters in diameter screamed with four tentacles flowing towards him.

A splintered head of white liquid flows over Harun's sword, covering his face. Eight teeth that were threatening were also much slower than before.

“You're done, too. ”

You hear the voice of Earl Alain behind you. The Marquis of Masron, who has regained his summit, walks with the survivors fortunately.

“You've done well. ”

“No. First, his attacks distracted him. ”

Marquis Alain, in Harun's good graces, was a happy face as if his pride had been rewarded.

“Lord Masron, what should I do with his tentacles?" Once that thing's gone, he's a caterpillar. ”

“Fine. Someone distract him for me." ”

The Marquis of Masron speaks freely, and Harun steps forward.

“I'll do it. ”

“Great! Let's do it like we did before. ”

The Masronic Marquis, who had never been so quick to jump so hard in his life, now looked at Harun with a happy face, even though his back was cold but he had forgotten his vitality.

“Here we go! ”

Harun approaches him. His tentacle moves toward him, just as I thought. Now we must disable those tentacles' movements.

Harun raises his messenger skill level to its fullest and begins to shrink from side to side. With all his strength, his two legs suddenly appeared to have formed a shadow and tens of legs moved.


“Yes. He's a great man. I thought it was a waste for the first time. ”

The two of them saw the opportunity as they were discussing meaningless stories.

Harun's body quickens, and the four tentacles move along his body like crazy. Harun's body has now begun to move, not just horizontally, but with the walls and ceilings of a small square, spreading simultaneously with two fast-skill levels and three jumping skills.

At this moment, what I did not have to try to do was unfolded. It was proven true at this moment that it worked if necessary.

Harun's body flew through the floor, walls and ceilings like a bird.

We're out of sight! What an amazing ability. '

Prince Alain is unbelievable. Apparently, they're just beginners by sword. How do they implement that kind of movement? He was definitely an incomprehensible person.

The tentacles that were moving fiercely along Harun suddenly stopped as if they were paralyzed.


The desperate Maester Masron cries out, and the tentacle flashes like a thunderbolt to the tentacle, when the tentacle rises from the blade of Marquis Alain.

“Oregon Sword Scatter? ”

A guard bursts from the mouth of the Marquis of Surprise Masron. It was the scattering of the Orthod that the Intermediate Sword Master could see. The sword shaped orb leaves the sword and cuts off its tentacle.


The tentacles of your strands finally fall to the ground.

At that moment, Harun's body also fell in front of them. I didn't have to be a clown anymore.

“Everyone stand up! ”

The survivors are all gathered. He was a foreigner who told me to fight six knights. Together with Earl Alain, they march towards the massive Volkaworm, which is dying of tentacles. I swung my sword to avenge my comrades or unravel the snow I had suffered many times in this dark cellar.

As much as I know the dangers of bodily fluids, I'm focused on cutting him to pieces.

Alain is still holding out his sword against his teeth because of how many difficulties he's had with his teeth. But even as he was dying, he was bending or twisting his whole body and spurting dangerous bodily fluids through his anus or through his wounded area like a fountain.

The victim appears to be in danger. The only foreigner to come here, the prosecutor's race, was the victim. He folds his bodily fluids over his entire body, screaming and rolling the floor. Though he had not really bothered before, he was an accomplished intermediate Exporter. He was a high ranker who could not even fathom the level.

If you can't do that, you will become level 120. The current known top ranker level is 104. His accomplishments were truly miraculous, considering that the speed of level-up was deteriorating as the level increased.

I tried to find out his identity secretly later, but when I couldn't log out or sleep well, my fatigue accumulated, so I lost focus and my physical strength, so I only made mistakes.

Harun hurriedly strikes back, embracing him. The unconscious struggle has already melted in half your face, making you see bones.

- Nia, please.

- Leave it to me.

As she treated Dylan earlier, she cleanses the wound and separates the acidic fluid and drops it to the floor. He is already confused in the face of so much pain, but there are no other injuries except for half his face.

I don't know if I can survive the melt from the snow to my chin, but I did some first aid.

“No more games! Stand back, everyone. ”

The Marquis of Masron's words flaws the Marquis of Alain, and he leans back. Others also withdrew and gathered beside Harun.


“Fire Blest! ”

“Fire Blame! ”

“Wind Sphere! ”

Four magics unfolded in a row. Magic now burns to the fuselage of the Volkaworm, whose tentacles have disappeared to serve as eyes and ears.


The thunder and flames cover his fuselage. As the wind spears pierce the fuselage, his scream sounds as if it were to burst into a narrow space. Where he is, the smell of burning meat, mixed with his distinctive scent, paralyzes his nose.

“Hehehe! That's it. ”

The Marquis of Masron grins. Others comfortably watched the end of the beast as it settled in, exhaling its rough breath.

Those who grabbed the Volkoumer after the struggle were severely fatigued. Even Harun, who had exhausted his manor and stamina due to the battle, was in the same situation.

Harun, who put his unconscious duel under his feet and breathed a short breath, struggled to move his hands and drank Mana potions. The moment you reach the HP potion, the Marquis of Masron gives him something.


What he offered was a superior health potion. Harun hesitates for a moment when he sees a bottle of potions clearly marked in golden color. It is an expensive potion costing over 100 gold.

Harun looks at the Marquis. He looks tired, but smiles. Even though they were openly hostile, they seemed to hate it when they fought together during the battle of the living.

“Drink. You deserve it. We're all alive because of you. ”

Earl Alain recommends that you stay by his side. He was also completely exhausted, so his face was pale, but his blood was gradually returning to see if he drank the potion.

“Thank you.”

Harun took a potion bottle and drank it all in a heartbeat.


Is this what Advanced Potions taste like? It felt like my throat was burning, and it was like a flame was rising from within. Harun frowns without knowing it.

‘Just wait a little longer and you'll be fine. ’

But it wasn't. The paralysis slowly started to come to me, rather than getting better. Harun tries to grab his hand, but his fingers don't bend easily.

Harun's eyes flicker at his body.

“Huh-huh-huh. I see you've heard the news. ”

He looks at Harun with a grim face.

“I thought he was the same, because he's not a slut at all. Looks like they're taking the pills. I don't think my hands are quite right. ”

“No matter how fierce the spirit is, you can't help it, can you? ”

Harun turns his head, and Alain stares at you coldly, risking his life together against the Volkaworm. The rest of the Knights draw their swords and stare at him.

Harun's face hardens as they blatantly reveal their lives.

“What is it?”

“What do you think you don't need anymore? ”

Marquis Masron looks at him with a strange look.

“Is this the expected order? ”

“Of course! I can't see any more mercenaries." Moreover, you have caused too much damage to the Imperial Intelligence Guild. I found someone who can communicate with the Volkaworms and the teeth of the Volkaworm without you anyway, so the blast is no longer worth it. ”

“So that's it. ”

Harun looks indifferently at the faces of those surrounding him. My whole body was already rigid. I could only move my mouth and eyes, but my hands and feet couldn't reach out.

Somehow I didn't feel good. Tino said the same thing. That's why Dylan and the others' injuries were sent out first as an excuse. I was worried about the rest of the storm troopers, though all I had to do was die.

“Does the Crown Prince know about this? ”

Wherever Harun's eyes turn, there is a barrier to the first prince's trust as Eindelph's henchman. Even though it was in the background, there was nothing to know from the eyes of complex emotions that could not be tolerated.


It also gave me a tremendous advantage that I could exercise. The betrayal of the first emperor, who thought he was a great man with a wide mind and acceptable, really hurt my bones.

“I've been in the Information Guild for a long time. ”

“Is that it? ”

The fierce anger disappeared in an instant. It's a good thing I didn't feel betrayed at the moment of my death. I would have been disappointed if I had the order of the First Prince. I'm really glad you're a dog in the Empire Intelligence Guild that hates him and the gust.

“Tell me more about the storm and I'll let you off easy. ”

I heard the words of Earl Alain and learned something else.

“Were you also a guild for Empire Intelligence? ”

“Of course. Who else could embrace all these forces but us?" ”

They were all on the same team. They came to this basement to kill him in the first place.

“That's amazing. The Sword Master and the seven Circles Madosa were the only information guild dogs. ”

“Hehe! What if it's a dog? ”

Prince Alain didn't even burn. However, deep in his eyes, deep regrets were only brief.

“You got your ass handed to you! ”

Harun smiles faintly with a bold expression, saying the same thing. I wanted to smile more, but I was already paralyzed by facial muscles.

“Even in a situation like this, you're a figure of character. Tsu! I wish I had a good relationship with you. ”

Earl Alain draws his sword. A few moments later, a small, blue Mana forms like dew on the edge of his sword, and it grows like an egg candy.

“If it weren't for you, I'd let that monster die without fail. ”

“Alain! This is a different deal. ”

Marquis Masron exclaims urgently, but the beads on Arang's swords are getting bigger.

“Last but not least, you don't have to torture your fellow lifesavers, do you, Earl Masron? That's what everyone seems to think. ”

As Masron turns, everyone nods. Although it was the target of removal, no one here would have survived without Harun. That's why everyone agreed with Earl Alain.

Damn it!

Masron bites his lower lip, but there's no way around it. If you insist on torturing Haroon, you'll kill yourself right away. This is a special order from the guild leader, but I can't help it in this situation.

Most of these knights value honor. It is also a burden to break a promise, but if you torture someone who has put a huge amount of effort into catching the Volkaworm, you won't be able to survive.

Harun waits to summon the bitch as people look at each other.

- Bitch, how am I doing?

I heard a message that I was already addicted, but I wanted to know in detail. The antidote was impossible because his hands and feet were completely paralyzed.

- Perfectly beaten, so be careful. Anyway, it's my master's problem. Betrayed.

He's a cold one.If you could just say a few words with hope.

- Can't you absorb the poison?

- It can be absorbed. But my venom is stronger. The owner will die because the situation is immobile.

He was right about that. What he suffered was a terrible but simple paralytic poison, but a cheap poison is a mixture of all kinds of pollutants and it's turned into poison.

However, Harun's eyes flashed. I came up with an idea.

‘Wait! Now I'm a complete idiot. ’

I didn't think about the power of spirits. I checked the status window in a hurry, and the Spirit stat is 123. Although it is only a conglomerate compared to the original spiritual power, it is possible to practice spiritual magic once.

I had already drunk the Mana Potion, so I might be able to take the antidote if I did well.


I needed a chance to escape them. I needed a very short time away from the hands of the Seven Circles Archmage and the Master of the Sword.

It was then.

Glug glug!

You hear something unsettling. The sound is heard from the flaming Volkaworm. Those who take their eyes off Harun and look at the Volkaworm are appalled.



As the Volkaworm died, the last force in exchange for death ignited a flame that filled this room. In an instant, two of the earliest knights burned down. The flame began to spread beyond comprehension through the flame magic of the mason.


The Marquis of Masron swiftly strikes the shield. Using that moment, Harun summoned Livy.

- Liffy, take me deeper.

Lippi makes the land where Harun sits fade away as if he didn't have time to answer. In an instant, Harun and the duel are disappearing into the ground.

Although not Mana, Alain and Masron's eyes suddenly changed, feeling a powerful flow of power.

Alain's sword, which hurriedly flew over Harun's head, is passing by. But avoiding one did not eliminate the risk. A seeferous concussion from the magical bracelet of Masron's willed wrist radiated back towards Harun, which was falling down.


“Grab it!”

“We have to kill him! ”

Surprised people scream.

“Ugh! Ugh! ”

Harun screams as he goes underground. A massive electric shock penetrates from head to toe. Masron used magical items to cast electroshock magic three times in an urgent situation.

“Damn it!”

Masron curses at the rising ground. He was paralyzed to the mouth and could not even imagine using spiritual magic.

Masron had a built-in Thunderbolt, but now all the power is gone and the bracelet is neurologically thrown to the ground. As a family treasure, the bracelet that contained Thunderbolt in nature was said to have now been made by a hidden dragon. After five uses, the bracelet lost its mysterious Qi and became humble.

"Too much!" ’

Unlike the magic expression, it was a Thunderbolt that only exited after the object was completely incinerated. It is a powerful force of nature that cannot even compare to your Thunderbolt Wan.

One time was enough. I didn't have to use it three times, but I panicked and used up all the remaining magic in a row. It was so unfair for the ancestors of the family to lose the treasure they used only when their lives were on the line.

Scary bastard! But there will be no regrets that could not have survived. ’

Masron gripped it, but soon he changed his mind.

If you're that good at fighting Volkaworms, you should think you have that kind of power. Maybe he had a hidden item, too.

“Dead, right?”

“Of course. I've been electrocuted three times with paralysis and exhausted health. Can you live with that?" ”

People looked at the emerging new land and talked with anxious faces. It was a new land, but it was completely burned to the ground by electrostatic magic.

If Harun is alive and reveals or gossips about this, it will be a waste. You feel even more anxious as you have no idea the hidden power of the thunderstorm troops.

“Let's go up! ”

In the voice of the heavy Duke Alain, people begin to take steadfast steps.

“Bitter! ”

Masron spits in the fresh soil and follows behind them. Later, Earl Alain's peculiar gaze settles there for a moment before disappearing.

“Sis, do you think the generator will work properly? ”

Bell asked Azman to check the turbine of the hydrogen generator. I was worried that the generator hadn't been up and running for at least decades.

Unlike just for protection, in a situation where we are producing things that are essentially necessary, we cannot make things that we want unless progress is truly made.

“I don't know if I can. So far, solar power has been enough to keep us out of business for decades. ”

Azman replied by carefully checking the hydrogen generator, which ignored conservation.

Unlike when the outposts that were down required minimal power to survive and defend, their plans to mass-produce cyborgs, including nanobots, required tremendous power.

“As long as we get the particle accelerator up and running, the rest of us should be fine. ”

Azman glances up at the pleasant sky for a moment and flashes a covering disguised as a rock and moves it elsewhere. The actual size of the covering on the rock weighed over 400 kilograms, but she lightly lifted the covers and began to move them one by one.

Removing the cover, which corresponds to about half of the rock, reveals the interior of the finely set hydrogen generator. Numerous power generation facilities were tightly packed, including the main power station in which electricity generated through acceleration and collision of hydrogen particles, and the turbine room in which collision energy was converted into usable energy.

At the end of the Apocalypse, we did not use fossil fuels at all.

Some of the existing fossil fuels were depleted, but when some global groups and powerful nations tried to weaponize fossil fuels to make other countries completely economically depleted, some scientists devised a system for solar and hydrogen development at the same time.

It was SOLAREC invented by Reed Jensen (laser specialist working at the National Laboratory) and his daughter Anne.

Hydrogen energy had evolved into a new energy source since the early end of the era (early 2000s), but it had a fatal drawback that electrolysis would require the production of hydrogen and eventually burning more fossil fuels.

But the Solarec of Jensen and Anne's daughter solved this flaw beautifully.

Electricity has developed using the principle of intensive solar power generation. Using a disc using the principle of magnifying glass, heat is concentrated in one place through a concave mirror and is developed using that heat. Mirrors are designed to rotate and synchronize in the direction the sun moves.

Hydrogen production is achieved by using the same magnifying glass principle as a tiny sunlight cylinder (? CO2 CO + O2). Oxygen is exported to atmosphere and the remaining carbon monoxide is quickly reacted with water to make carbon dioxide and hydrogen again (CO + H2O CO2 + H2). In doing so, hydrogen can be produced and electricity can be used at sunset, while the excess hydrogen can be used for hydrogen automobiles that came back with prototypes, but was later used as a raw material for hydrogen fusion generators.

Generators with principles similar to the number of improvements came in succession, and fossil fuels were quickly reduced in utility, which weakened the wealth and power of resource capturing global groups and superpowers, driving rapid overdevelopment of civilizations and ultimately leading to a tragic end of war.

In Azman's mind, looking at parts and power generation facilities, such basic knowledge was the foundation. But there was something she didn't think of, with such high scientific knowledge and skill. It was the existence of the increasingly curious bell.

Harun played Bjorn in the air, connected to electromagnetic waves in the capsule, the main body of the bell, and when he hit Thunderbolt, his fairy tale rate had gone above 87%.

Bell originally had auto-generation capabilities, but it was small, so Harun could not afford the current amount of Thunderbolt that was inflicted during the game.

The primary goal of Bell's ability to artificially create the same environment as the game was for Harun to be perceived as an owner, requiring an amount of current equal to 87% of the Thunderbolts hit in the game. Regardless of Bell's physician, the main body capsule began to draw power from the outside.

However, there is no way that there is enough power in a situation where there is no solar photovoltaic power and hydrogen power, so the positive and negative charges flowing in the atmosphere were attracted. Otherwise, as the magnetic field changes from time to time and there are frequent collisions of positive and negative charges in the atmosphere, outside the barrier where lightning forms, the main body of the bell pulls the electric charge strongly, forming a powerful lightning bolt at high places and dropping it into a lightning bolt.

A Sierran concussion hit the coaxial electrification in the power plant. It was a place where a strong force of charge was created. The lightning rod was on a rock cover that Azman had moved, so the flashlight headed for the storage cell precisely.

However, there were no other lightning bolts that should have followed. The tremendous electricity of the lightning bolt flowed through Harun's body in an instant.



Surprised by the unexpected situation, Bell and Azman were caught in a sierran cerebral warfare with their eyes wide open. Although it was a biocomputer made of organic and inorganic nanounit materials, the current exceeding the desired current in Harun's body could not be avoided by the object of finding and moving other conducting materials.

Fortunately, most of the total energy of the fallen lightning bolts was concentrated on Harun's body, otherwise her body would have been burned up. But that alone was enough to paralyze her neurons as well as her bio-chips, and she had to stand there like a discharged cyborg.

Harun, who does not fully understand Bell's special abilities, has faced a crisis of disconnection.

Because of Bell's existence, he is in a situation where various movements in the game, as well as the fairy tale rate applied to physical strikes, can actually die.

Damage dealt in the game is the equivalent of that fairy tale being inflicted on the actual body. I never thought of Harun like that. The advantage that the skills or training learned in the game can be used or worked in real life, but on the contrary, the same applies even if the avatar of the game is damaged.

To Be Continued

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