Those who arrived on the hill could see soldiers and knights made of skeletons attacking a group of people, as Tino had said.

Those who lay their boats on the slope and stared down the hill with their faces bared, could feel their surroundings clearly different from where they had been until now.

Despite the daylight, I could feel the sky darkening like it was about to rain and full of ominous, dark energy.

"You must be the Dark Magic."

Serpa frowns.

It was encouraging to find traces of dark magic so quickly, but the existence of the Black Magic Gang could affect such a large area was confusing.

Only a magician could change the climate of such a certain zone. Magic factions use Manasik, so it's hard to find where the Black Wizard is hiding.

You must be hiding in a safe place inside the enchanted camp with the Guardians.

The intent to hide in the cancer and kill the Black Wizard controlling the skeletons has increased the chance of returning to Blister.

"Dammit! That's a lot of them."

Like someone said, the number of skeleton soldiers was enormous. It was roughly a thousand words.

Meanwhile, there were skeleton warriors with big, rusty armor and even skeleton knights wielding weapons with black errors.

They surround a group of people.

Twenty paladins wearing white plate defense gear emitting a sacred error were facing skeletons and dark knights in small circles.


Taniella kicks his tongue. Dozens of zombies were wedged between the skeletons, and the uniform suggests the mercenaries must have been.

The mercenaries who would have led the priests and the paladins here had already been killed by the Skeletons, but were turned into zombies by a dark magic sacrifice.

"Holly Wright!"

Inside, surrounded by paladins, there were five people, one of whom screamed and a sacred swarm of light formed around him, spreading like waves.

Glug glug!

Turn it off!

The skeletons of that light step back screaming in a strange manner, some of them melting like candles. The rest try to retreat, slowing and rattling their bones, but the paladins' silver sword breaks.

It was a Holly Wright of astonishing power, but the effects weren't that great. With its huge body and natural movement, the Warriors and the Dark Knights quickly retreated from the light, capturing zombies and skeleton soldiers and covering their faces.

"That's odd."

Serpa frowns. Even though there are no more exchanges, no matter how strong the Shrines or paladins are, even if they are Warriors or Knights, Skeletons need to melt down immediately, and they avoid them.

"The power of the Black Magic Clan? I've never heard of this scenario.Skeletons even have stars!"

Shiv's face is firmly fixed in an unexpected scene. It is truly strange for the acolytes of darkness to have such a weak power of divine power. Serpa and Shiv say the group's faces get worse.

Harun empowers his eyes. The Shaki's eyes naturally opened as his will rose from his training over the past few days, and the situation of the battlefield, a hundred meters away, caught my eye.

Who is it, the priest? '

In the original manuscript of the paladins all dressed in white, there were five of them, four were men, one was woman, three were old, and two were seen in their early 20s. It seemed clear to me that they were priests, but I didn't even know who they were.

I don't know how long the anomaly lasted, but it seemed quite long after seeing the tired glow on their faces.

I don't know about the paladins wearing face shields, but I can see their condition from the inside.

"Holly Buffer!"

This time the young woman opened her lips. Harun's eyes widen, but he felt a strong will. The woman's body is briefly engulfed in a tumultuous swarm of light, and her radiance seeps into the paladins everywhere.

"A saint and a saint from the Temple of Light."

It was Shiv's word. Harun was able to recall the temple of light, primarily using the sacred magic of the Light Clan. It was only surprising that there was a saint. Probably called a young man that.

'Could it be that they found me in the Temple of Light to commission escorts?'

You don't know that. But it was not enough to become zombies, so the mercenaries who were being killed a second time by the paladins and the synagogues they were escorting were miserable.

The zombies, unlike the skeletons, had almost completely melted away by the expression of their divine power.

Harun's group watches, and the battle between the paladins and the skeletons resumes again. However, the situation was not good. The range of originals that the paladins were composing was constantly being narrowed, and the priests within were fiercely casting divine magic, but the effects were limited.

"I think I need your help, commander."

Harun nods quietly in Serpa's words. More time will pass and the fallen paladins will begin to emerge. The evidence shows that the length of the white error blooming from the paladin's weapons was constantly shortening.

"Let's attack those three places where we think the Black Wizards might be. Shaking the Black Magic Gang will make it easier for paladins to deal with Skeletons. Let's cast magic simultaneously in the direction that is guessed to be where Murray, Shiv and Magic Power converge."

"Very well. I'll take the far front, then."

"I'll hit the place where the skeletons are gathering on the left."

Serpa, Murray and Shiv settle down on the hill and begin chanting.

"Magic Sphere!"

"Magic missiles!"

"Fire Bomb!"

The three wizards' attack magic simultaneously flies towards the bottom of the hill.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Despite the distance, the sound of strikes was significant, as if to tell the Mages what they were good at. There are numerous skeletons shattered and the surrounding atmosphere shifts.

It appears that the attack was effective and that the skeletons were significantly less vigorous.

With the weakened power surrounding them, those who can use Mana can feel five places under the hill where the powerful power is jolting without having to drag Mana up and explore.

"I knew it!"

The three who carried out the magical attack sensed immeasurable power and were unable to unravel their hard faces. Although the skeletons' vigor was weakened, they knew that their attacks on the Black Wizards and Manasik had not done much harm.

"There are others on the hill."

The moment you hear a dismal voice, hundreds of Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers surrounding the outskirts of the Temple of Light and the paladins turn to the hills.

Serpa glances at the wizards. Despite not speaking, the wizards sit next to him side by side and begin to immortalize the spell.

"Captain Harun, buy us some time."

Serpa says Harun nods.

"Very well, Lord Dylan. Defend this place." I'll stand in front of the crew. "

"Don't worry about it here."

With Dylan's heavy words, Harun is relieved.

"Lord Taniella and Lord Mirus focus on the defenses with Lord Dylan. Donnes and Marie, help the three of you keep them out of sight. Henny gets ready for a situation, and the rest of us go. Is that okay?"

Harun's gaze is on the Aka crew. Then they all smiled, revealing their white teeth. It was a response that was waiting.

"Yes, sir. You can break every skeleton's bones in seconds."

Durbone's heart beats to see if it's an air horn.

"Let's take Tino with us."

Harun runs down the hill like a hurricane with the Tino and Aka warriors.

"Be sure to disconnect the joint."

Harun runs and shouts at Tino and his crew. I've heard of ways to deal with skeletons. They are lifeless, so even when their throats drop and their waists are cut off, they are fiercely aggressive to wield weapons or scratch with their fingernails.

"Yes, commander."

Tino, who just joined Expert, is going to be a tough fight. But he needed this practice.

The Aka warriors are not worried. After a while of hunting horseshoes and absorbing the refined cobblestone, they are anxious to see their power.

"Don't use the power of the devil first."

Warriors nod as they run.

Harun's blunt fall down the hill suddenly resurfaces day after day, and the head of the Skeleton Warrior in the trail is slit open.

He doesn't even know his neck's gone. His arms are cut off by Tino's sword, which ran right behind the strand.

Like a boat heading towards the waves, the boat began to move slowly on the waves. The cutting edge was Harun. Tino severs his arms on the day of his defeat, and the Akkadian warriors crush the bodies of Harun and Tino with terrifying force.

Harun advances at the speed of Tino and the warriors. While I was tempted to pull Mana up as much as I wanted, this battle struggled to test Tino and the warriors' abilities and adapt to the increased power.

Oh, shit!

As a skeleton warrior's neck flew on the day of the smash, Harun slightly kicked him in the side with his foot and changed his direction. Tino's sword cracks the shoulder joints toward the fallen Warrior.


Tino's sword strikes the white bone. Don't do it. I don't know how you reinforced it, but Skeleton's bones are cracked and not broken.

Tino hasn't been able to attack the joint properly for a while. Perhaps he was nervous or Mana went in too much, causing an error to spill over the entire blade.

"It's no big deal, just relax and do what you do when you're fighting!"

As Harun shouted for advice, Tino's blade gradually began to steady back into the skeletons' joints. As I became accustomed to controlling the amount of Mana injected into the sword, only the edges of the blade glowed brightly.

Shhh! Shhh!

Tino gently severed both of Skeleton's knee joints, which Harun cut off with a seemingly error-bearing blade. As the movement gradually diminishes, it seems to have settled calmly beyond its original state of excitement. Harun's relieved gaze now rests on the Aka crew.

Kuang! Kuang!

The Aka warriors were crushing skeleton soldiers with incredible force. The great swords of the warriors and the skeletons that were hit with the Battle Axe flew to the arms and legs as their heads and torso were broken.

Slow skeletons, driven by senseless instinct, surround Harun's group, but soon hundreds of them are destroyed. On the ground, there were shattered bones and broken limbs moving gradually.

Then hundreds of skeletons advance ahead of your sphere of skeleton knights and more than twenty warriors, as if the Black Wizard had just created a new one. The weapons were illuminated by an unpleasant gray error, as they were using Mana.

Skeleton knights that were white bones, but worn with proper plate mail, ran forward as if they were alive, as if they were black.

"Tino, Dion, Auxerre, Durbon! Draw power from Manawa and Master and smell them one by one!"

Skeleton Knight, made of bones from knights who have ascended to Expert's throne in their lifetime, should be able to fight the battle. The four of you leap forward toward the incoming front of the Skeleton Knights.


As expected, Tino, who raised Mana, and the warriors who raised Magical Power, began to fight equally against the Skeleton Knights possessed by the Dark Ordeal of Gray.

Tino is now being struck by the swords of the Knights with only a steady infusion of the right amount of Mana into the blade.

Sierran aura light was piercing and slashing the black joint area of young Tino, minimizing skeleton night's movement. His feet twitch and instinctively dig into the corners of the moving man, aiming for the joints.

Durbon, Dion and Auxerr each inflate their upper body armor to the point that they've raised Prozli's strength. The three weapons of the Skeleton Knights' Dark Orlean-possessed sword are possessed by a disparate horsepower, so they are neither damaged nor pushed away. No, I was overwhelmed.


The Skeleton Knight, who was facing her, pulls back as if she were about to burst, pulls the power of a demon in her body in one swipe. Magical speculation and Margaery had him extinct.


With a loud bang, Skeleton Knight's body staggers with his sword, and Durbon's Great Sword flies toward his waist.

Gotcha, quack!

Along with a strong wave and a defensive piece of impervious Skeleton Knight's armor, she sliced her giant spine in half and threw herself out of two cavities.

"Hahahaha! I am Durbone, the Aka warrior!"

Durbon, who burst the bouquet like a woman, suddenly looked around the scene. Dion and Auxer, unlike themselves, were aiming for the head, crushing Skeleton Knight's arms and legs without disposing of them at once.

"Just blow it up! Like me!"

I looked at Tino this time. I cut off one of Skeleton Knight's arms and stabbed and cut the joints in quick motion while still retaining the light of the Tinone Seeferon Order. Durbon looks a little frowned at and looks for Harun, who doesn't seem to like playing with it deliberately.


It was resilient. Harun, who works his magic around four men, appears to be moving around as if he were dancing, is facing Skeleton Warriors and soldiers with a quick but gentle move.

I was cutting off the heads and legs of black skeletons with two blades made of a shimmering error at the time of the silent inspection, and I was pushing away or kicking away the left arm and both feet from time to time so they wouldn't get in the way.

Even though the shattered bones were already forming small mountains around him, his body was still moving swollen and flexible. It was smooth and slow to see, but that's why the four of you were able to face them one-on-one without the other skeletons working together.

But I have to help you! '

Thinking that and about to leap, she is barely able to fall down by the kind of force that pulls her ankle. I saw her ankle, and her two skeleton knight arms, which she had cast out, were pulling at her ankle instead of her missing sword.


Durbone cuts off her wrists in a heartbeat, trying to walk again, and she collapses. The sensation below the waist was rapidly fading. Her newly exposed ankle was discolored.


Her face turns pale, intuitive of the poison that had piled up under his fingernails. Now I understand why others cut off his limbs and dealt with them cautiously.

Her horrified eyes turn to Harun.

"Open your mouth!"

Durbon opens his mouth without a thought to his cry, feeling something fly into his mouth and quickly swallowing it. After a while, she felt the sensation below her paralyzed waist return and looked at her ankle area.


The discolored ankle area was looking for my complexion as the detoxification team became more effective.

The three men who finally realized her crisis cut off the Skeleton Knight's throat and ran to her.

"It's all right! The commander threw in a decoder!"

"Ig, be careful! Be careful not to touch the skeleton's body!"

Auxer glances at her once and steps out again to help Harun. But there was nothing he could do to help. All the already difficult Warriors were crushed and broken, so all they had to do was deal with a few skeletons heading their way.

But that wasn't the end of it. Again, the unseen skeletons rush towards the Knights and Warriors.

'Dammit! There's no end to this. I hope the wizards are good. "

We're still at full strength, but we'll look like paladins fighting like this. The situation is still relaxing, but Harun's eyes are restless and he's headed up the hill.

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