

When it was known that all the owners of the castle were dead, all the residents cheered and cheered. The majority of the villagers were dressed in sheer clothing on the face of the Pearl, like Palon, but their faces were glowing.

Residents who heard about the situation from representatives, including Palon, sent their best thanks to Harun's group, including the storm troopers.

"I feel strange."

"Me, too."

The first Akkadian to experience this situation was embarrassed by how many people appreciated it. However, they fulfilled their duties with a joyful face.

Henny and Remi have opened a makeshift treatment center with the High Septon. Residents were suffering from various illnesses that made it hard to find healthy people. The most common symptoms were malnutrition and chronic fatigue. The condition was not too good for the inhabitants under compulsory labor while they were mentally terrified.

The line to receive treatment was so unseen. The herbs became a problem, but fortunately, a considerable amount of potions and various medicinal ingredients were found in the warehouse prepared for the experiment by the Black Wizards.

Malnutrition was immediately unavoidable, but mild trauma and illnesses were treatable. The neonatal treatment of the nephrosis and the treatment of the two members were synergistic with sufficient medicines. Later, in the case of mild symptoms, paladins also took over the treatment.

Donnes and Henny opened a food warehouse for those villagers to do their best. Due to the violent battles that took place outside during meals, most of the Jun-min had not had breakfast.

But it was more important for people to receive treatment than to eat. Those who stood in line for treatment didn't even move to say "food."

"I don't think so. Takeem, I'm gonna hand out the soup."

As soon as the crew rushed, they took out all the bowls in the ration station and distributed them to the people who stood in line to receive the treatment of delicious and nutritious soup and bread with meat flour and vegetables. However, the bowl was lacking, but fortunately, the people who were treated brought their own utensils.

Harun was still on the fifth floor of Etemenanki when everyone was so busy moving. I'm finally sober enough to call BertrandVick.

You guys did a great job.

Harun thanked Mino and Sunni for their service and took out a sack of Jerky.

- They can kill them all with one shot.

The mino grimaces like a man.

- This is really good. They're so bad. Heart. Heart pain.

Sunni grumbles thinking about the tasty meat of the horseshoes while eating delicious jerky.

'Son! Who told you to eat what you shouldn't?'

Harun sighs and unwinds the headcam that hung around his neck, finally checking out the video later. As I adjusted my pace, Harun's face, which was checking the video, became more and more severe over time.

'This is serious. I have a meeting.'

- You guys finish eating and go to the woods. I have business to attend to.

Mino and Sunni were distracted by the taste of whole jerky and did not even answer. Jerky seasoned with various spices was a delicacy for those who ate only raw meat because it was smoked well.

Harun, who dropped from Etemenanki, asked Serpa and Illum to meet with his crew on their way to and from one of the lodgings on the first floor.

"What's the matter, commander?"

The first Serpa to run was a face that did not deserve to be disturbed while he was in the midst of a magic circle.

"I have an important story."

Serpa straightens up and sits down on Harun's horse and serious face.

Harun closes the door himself when Illum, who was spending time with villagers from Imperial Soldiers, including Palon, comes in.

The interior where the sun came in through the spear was neither so bright nor so dark.

The two eyes were full of curiosity, and they looked at Harun with a serious face.

"I'd like to invite you both to take a look at the Devil Mountains and their surroundings and show you some footage. Let's start by looking at the video and talking."

Birkhoff has been scouting successfully. Over the course of about a week, the results of their reconnaissance were consistent in the video repository. I was worried it would work, but the footage that was fixed in their chests contained images of the Devil Mountains.

Harun manipulates the head cam, and the video begins to shine on the wall out of the sun. Not the original, but Harun already edited it badly and copied it.

As they flew into a bird, they began to watch the video as they looked down.

"Fantastic! You didn't happen to be on the Bertrowvik you just saw. Huh! Is there even a legendary Wyvern Ryder among the crew?"

Serpa was surprised because it was definitely a video taken flying on an object. The legend of the Knights in the Wyvern has long been spoken of.

'There's no reason not to call me Wyvern when I'm also Birkhoff. You're a mercenary who can't even imagine the end of his abilities.'

The two of them thought almost the same, looking at a small smile that Harun was building instead of an answer.

The first sight was a surprise. The Devil Mountains are endlessly vast, not to mention Mats Plain. The mountains were high and rugged as if they were touching the bottom, with snow piled up like white clothing from the waist to the alpine atmosphere. From time to time, he surrounded himself with clouds and showed imperceptible majesty.

A number of valleys and ridges spread out below the waist of the mountain, which was pushed back by dense forests. There are many creatures living in it, and monsters and horses who look strange for the first time were living rough for their lives with them.

"Oh! There's the castle, too."

Illum yells in surprise. In the video, a tall wall and an almost complete Ethemenanki spire were built where the three mountain foothills converged.

Looking closely, it was not yet completed. I saw people writhing and moving, and they were hiding in horror because of the monstrosity that appeared in the sky. And then the men in black, who appeared later, launched a magical attack on the sky.

The virtuoso beaks raise their altitudes and turn away, easily avoiding those magical attacks. There was a commotion down below, but they swirled around quickly and captured the castle.

"The Black Wizards are right. And there are Dark Elves."

The Dark Elves must have been the archers who flew the siege to Berrynwyck. And judging by the recent pursuit of Iconrad, they must have subjugated a substantial number of horses.

Virtuous beaks swiftly move with wings stronger and sharper than steel, their claws, and their powerful power, slaughtering and lurking the ten icon lards.

Virtuous Barts have fulfilled Harun's request precisely. Harun asked them to scout a wide oval around the Devil Mountains extending from east to west and fly three times.

For the first time, it took more than three days to orbit the widest ellipse within the Devil Mountains and Mats Plains. In the middle, they had to eat or rest, and sometimes they got rid of flying horses.

But that part was edited by Harun, so Ilum and Serpa could not see it.

In the meantime, I saw more than 30 castles. As unfinished as everyone was here, thousands of people were building castles. Considering that there were 1,000 people initially stationed here, that was an enormous number for 30,000 people.

But that wasn't all.

Birkhoff scouted the elliptical trajectory three times. In the meantime, the number of castles that came into Bertrancvik's view was over seventy.

At last, when all the footage was finished, the three faces were as hard as stone. The shock of those who saw the unimaginable scene in person was so powerful that they could not easily open their mouths.

It was Harun who broke the silence.

"I think I've completed some quests for the Tower and the Imperial Court with this video. although this is not the end of it."

In Harun's words, Serpa and Illum nodded with a small nod, expressing their agreement.

"This video tells us a few things."

People pay attention to Harun's words.

"One is that an unknown force, presumed Darkness, is constructing castles throughout the Devil Mountains. Surprisingly, they're building castles without compromising rugged mountains and vast plains, and there are a lot of them."

"Why are we building a castle in a place like this?"

No one could answer Illum's words. It was a real mystery. To build a stronghold in the Devil Mountains?

"It's clear that the disappearances were not unique to the Pyran Empire."

Serpa was right. If you apply what happened here, the number of people involved in building each castle was enormous, even if you captured 1,000 people per person.

'Then it makes sense that the other empires will also be missing……'

I feel like my work is getting into the maze more and more. But there are few things that have been uncovered.

Once an organization called the Darkness has grown so large that it can no longer be seen as a simple organization. Not only are there so many Black Wizards and Dark Elves who don't know the numbers, but the Undead and the number of horses they call the Empire cannot afford them either.

"All that remains now is the whereabouts of the Tower Investigator and the whereabouts of the Darkness. But from experience so far, I can infer that our power alone is going to take a long time. We should rest here and report to the Tower and Imperial Court and wait for instructions about the situation so far."

"I was thinking the same thing."

Serpa quickly agreed to Harun's decision. Illum also decided to take a moment and follow up on the two quests, as it was partially revealed the whereabouts of the missing person.

"I also, in principle, support the decision of the commander. I'm just a little worried about the knights."

The Illuminati run, worried about the dark knights they've been dealing with. That said, Serpa also turned into a worried face for the Tower Investigator.

"None of the undead we dealt with wore Pyrin Empire costumes."

"Yes, but……"

Despite Harun's words, Illum couldn't hide his anxious expression.

"Don't worry, our mercenaries will follow them to the end. Black wizards are people who see people as tools. Not only the Tower Investigators and Imperial Investigators, but the escort knights and soldiers, they were highly valued by the Black Wizards, so it wouldn't have been easy to kill them."

"Is that so?"

"Given that missing people are alive, they're more likely to be alive, too. I'm just trying to do my best to save them before they can strategize with their subjects or lose Izzie and become their minions.

At Harun's words, the two of them showed their faces of gratitude, expressing their firm faces.

"Thank you, Commander Harun!"

"Thank you very much."

"You two are to report in the middle. You may hear a report, and pretty soon there will be a comment. Serpa copies this video into copy magic. It's possible to show important footage through communication, right?"

"Of course."

Serpa takes out two small crystal spheres and copies the footage and hands one over to Illum.

"Thank you. Then I must see Lord Bernhard first."

Illum leaves the busy room for communication. Serpa, who was anxious about the crystal ball with the video, hurriedly left.

When the two of them left the room to report, Harun went into deep thought.

After a busy day, it became a night.

Harun summoned the crew and showed the video he showed to Serpa and Illum this morning. This was also edited but subtracted from the useless ones, which were twice as long as Illum and Serpaese.

"Oh, my God!"

"There's more than one castle like this!"

The crew watching the reconnaissance results from the vicinity of the Devil Mountains after they breathed their last and became noisy like a house on fire. Harun raises his hand and the crew is quiet again, focusing on him.

"As I've already seen in the video, a force called the Darkness runs a conspiracy here in the Devil Mountains. One of them is using the kidnappers to build a castle. I don't know what it's for, but it feels pretty dangerous."

Harun's words only made people more serious.

"I'm starting to see some things about the quest, but the situation doesn't sweep. Today we didn't give the black wizards enough time to do magic, so we could do it very easily, but we don't think we can do it again and again. We don't know how many Black Wizards there are, but we have to be careful. There were no knights there, but Palon said there were knights there when they were abducted."

The crew's face was stiff to see if the danger of the quest felt like skin.

"We need to get better here, resting enough for the next week or so. I've asked the Horse Tower and the Imperial Court to report this information, so there should be something there. We're going to move again to match it."

"The dark forces will not stand idly by when they know this place has fallen on us."

Taniella gives you a critical vantage point.

"Fortunately, this place isn't warped because it's as dense as the land of tranquility. The closest castle is about 30 kilometers away. Besides, we have Bertrandberg, so we don't know anything and we're not going to get hurt."


Given Burroughwick's aerial reconnaissance capability, there was no room for an ambush.

"The locals are in trouble. I can't just leave him here."

That was the biggest problem, as Tino said. It was the biggest problem of transporting people to a safe place because they treated them today and fed them, but they couldn't travel long distances.

"That's not the only problem. The safety of Tantun Village is a concern as Darkness spreads its magic throughout the Devil Mountains."

The words always made the faces of the Akkadian crews pale.

"Remy, is the village safe?"

Although it is said to be low-flying, the Devil Mountains themselves are so rugged and high that they scout at significant altitudes that they see nothing but the topography of loans and the footprints of the alpine areas, not the forests.

"Once you see the terrain where our village is located, I don't think anything will happen. In our native Aka or other tribes, we built villages where access to water was difficult, so we don't have that much success with mountains and mountains connected or blown up. But......"

That's good for now. But the Aka are worrying for no reason. Since the masons are building a castle with all sorts of purposes, it will have a great effect on them as well. At worst, it could have been isolated.

"They'll be waiting a lot for us to come back with our necessities."

I was very sorry to hear that. Of course I should have considered it, but I had forgotten so far. I had just entered the Mats Plain out of my mind, so I didn't think about it because I met the Black Wizards.

"Let me think about it."

I became concerned about those who had a hard day, but I didn't do anything to get this information from others.

“Commander Tino! ”


“I think I'll have to leave for a couple of days to scout. I'll take it from here.”

“Are you sure about this?”

I believe Harun's abilities, but the castles that are being built in the Devil Mountains seem to mean the dark forces of Tino. The other crew were also very concerned about moving alone in places like this.

“I'm going to meet someone for information. ”

Harun's words make the light of concern fade from the eyes of the rest of the crew. Harun often remembered that he came into contact with creatures of mystery, including heretics, for highly classified information.

Perhaps the information you're looking for is also to help you carry out this quest safely.

“Very well. Then I will deal with the three advisors here." ”

I had a lot of work to do, but I had to go to reality for a while. I have to log out even if I have a moment like this, because the situation here doesn't give me any time to breathe.

I wanted to see Bell and Ari, but I was also curious about the situation at the base or the new Gust Guild.

“Don't worry about the crew. ”

“Haha! Have faith in us, Commander. ”

“We'll take care of it. ”

After Dylan, Taniella and Myrus, Harun was relieved. Harun smiled at the three of them. A smile of trust. Three of them could keep the crew safe under any circumstance.

“If something unexpected happens, make your own decision. We'll be in touch as soon as we can. ”

“Don't worry. ”

Harun leaves the castle somewhat disoriented and goes to a forest a little farther and logs out.

“Hey! What's up, bro? ”

Bell, who was not leaving the lake base, greets Harun as he opens the capsule.

“Haha! I wanted to see Bell. ”

Harun turns her a few times, holding a running bell, and sets her down. When I came back to reality, I was confused and lost my mind when I saw Belle.


“How's my brother? ”

Harun kisses Bell's soft cheeks and asks.

“Cheers! Now comes the curious one! ”

He glances at Harun, but his hands are tighter around his neck.

“I thought I was dying to see my lovely Bell. ”

“Tsk! We all know that's a lie. He was in love, and all he had to do was say a bunch of mean things. ”

“No, I really wanted to see you. ”

Harun sits on the couch, holding a bell, and now, in addition to being cute, he looks up at his mature face. Bell's big, eager eyes quickly close in Harun's eyes. Then suddenly, his eyes turned red. A girl's unique feelings during puberty made her ashamed.

“Tsk! Why did you do something you didn't do? ”

“My Bell, you look so beautiful. ”

“Tsk! Tsk! ”

Bell blushes as if she doesn't detest Harun's blatant compliment.

“Enough with the hysterics, brother. You think I don't know that Ari came out to see you? ”

“Of course I wanted to see Ari. And where did he go? ”

“I knew it. If you only came out because you wanted to see me, that's what counts. Tsk! Ari lives at the storm base these days. I'm here for you. ”

“I see.”

Either way, the older Ari was right to oversee the work at the base.

“What happened to Forge? ”

“Still staying in the dead bunker. There's no restoration order for what happened to their headquarters. ”


What's going on? Maybe it's not about Beyond.

“You'll be safe, right? ”

“Yes. A few days ago, I barely stopped trying to infiltrate the lab. The lab's defenses, identified by the bugs and the worms, were impenetrable. It is almost impossible to enter a research facility without permission for life and non-life. So now I'm going to switch out their wormy cyborg program and put it into the researcher's body. ”

“Is that possible? ”

“Yeah, I think so. Worm type cyborgs, both 0.1 and 3 millimeters in size, will be identified as parasites in the research facility's simulation system. ”

“Good. We need to know the inside of the research facility. We need to know exactly what's going on in there so we can come up with something. You found out everything else, right? ”

“Yes, fleas and buggy cyborgs already know the location of the lab's defensive facilities and the number and alignment of the defensive forces. We just need to figure out what's inside the research facility. ”

“Well done!”

Harun patted Bell on the shoulder. Now he is the complete human he wanted to be, but apart from himself and Ari, Belle felt sorry for him without any friends. Belle doesn't have time to make friends because of her reality and her constant work in Beyond.

“I'm always thankful for you. ”

Bell was still doing a lot of work for him when he was alone on this base.

“It's weird that you keep saying that. Of course I did. I don't hate to hear it, but I feel a little weird. Just talk to me! What the hell is going on? ”

Belle still doesn't believe that she came out just to see herself and Ari. Harun gives Bell a shy look, looking through his heart.

“I wanted to see you guys, but there's no other reason. I'm curious about the situation at the base and, most importantly, I found a way to enhance the combat party's skills. ”


Harun informed me of the presence of the stable stone and the training sword. Bell showed great curiosity at the practice exam, which generates short circuit, and expands blood flow just by expanding the uniform exam in line with breathing.

“Should I try it? ”

“Go ahead! ”

Bell should be able to feel it soon. Because Bell cultured and differentiated his stem cells, it was no exaggeration to say that Harun looked different. Even though there is no comparison, if you think about Harun coming out of Union for the first time and making Mana Flow, you can also feel Bell immediately.

“I'll deal with it from the base and inform you and Ari later. If it were my brother, I'd be able to weaponize and use chi in no time. ”

If Bell and Ari have unusual physical abilities, they might be able to accept the Mana Flow they uncovered by accident. They had to develop the ability to deal with tight-knit forces in the world in order to deal with them and dangerous forces in the future.

“Got it.”


Bell was as happy as she had hoped for, and kissed Harun on the forehead.

“You like it that much? ”

“Yes. I didn't say it, but I don't know how jealous my sister and I were watching the massive energy build-up in your body stably. ”

“Oops! Let's talk. ”

“You're so busy. We have a lot of work to do. ”

It was hard to see him properly from what Bell said. Whereas Bell and Arina were too devoted to themselves, the pinecones were a pain in the ass to forget about them.

I was closer to Belle and Ari than anyone else, but I was so sorry I couldn't get it right.

“What are you doing? Get over there. We're running out of time for dinner, so hurry up to meet the crew. Nowadays, combatants live in capsules and training chambers, except for sleeping and eating. ”

“And you?"

“I'll take it lightly. Since Larry's activities have increased, I have a lot of work to do. We need to program the worm cyborgs manually. We also need to make sure that it's fully applied to the subject researcher's body. ”

“Got it.”

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