Harun exchanged the leftover food and other items in the sub-arctic space for horse hide, stallion and herbs held by the Akas. There were so many sheep left that they only received a slightly lower price than when they made the deal with the Burqans or the Eins, but half the space of the five spirits was filled with goods received as a deal or gift from the three tribes.

After more than ten days in Tantun Village, Harun left Fort Matsurut, where there was much work and people were waiting for him, along with 20 of his existing and 93 new recruits.

"Once you get to the fortress, I'll join you with the old troops and take your positions, but until you arrive, Auxer will lead the Akas, Titan will lead the Burqas, and Thor will lead the Ein warriors." "

There can be no complaints. All three warriors were highly motivated because they were competing with fellow warrior captains for their seats.

"Taku commands shamans."

Taku is the oldest of the three new shamans. Taku, in his mid-40s, was a man who was not as good at medicine as Lemi was at spells, himself, and had strong charisma, making him a difficult man for warriors.

"Leave it to me."

Taku looked back at the two shamans in their thirties in their twenties and smiled and replied. There was an age difference, but everyone learned Latika's magic.

"Let's go!"

The position has been decided by the Ein crew who are confident in the geography of the Devil Mountains. Especially since Thor has been to Matsurut more than five times, he was in charge of guiding the way. The rear is located in the middle of the Burqa, which is controlled by the Aka and capable of archery, allowing for ranged attacks.

The journey was smooth.

Harun was absorbing the pure mana of the Devil Mountains. Now, the unconscious, self-activating messenger skill absorbs Mana from the soles of your feet every time you walk, and that amount becomes a ship elsewhere.

The absorbed Mana flows into the Mana of the Tactical pattern, which is spinning a sari in the Mana Ocean. The Mana of Nature and the Mana of Darkness are almost equal.

'The Mana of Darkness is very rich here.'

The dark mana, usually absorbed through the blood of the wicked, has been absorbed here, along with the natural mana.

'The Devil Mountains are a strange place.'

Harun was initially very surprised but relieved that he didn't have to kill anyone soon, even though he didn't think the dark Mana would be contained in nature.

Now, the two Mana, who were completely seated in Harun's body, were constantly rotating and increasing its density by balancing the Mana Ocean.

Unfortunately, Mana is not rich enough in darkness to accumulate in Mana storage.

The group is large, but Thor's ability to navigate is excellent, and he moves very quickly because he is an exceptional individual warrior. Moreover, the strange rivalry between the three tribes has led to a strange increase in movement speed.

There were three reasons why new recruits were moving faster and faster.

That one was long. The Ein crew knew a shortcut through the waist of the mountains at the far end of the Devil Mountains. It was a relatively easy terrain for mountain tribes living in the alpine areas, although it was narrow and often torn apart.

The second reason was because Harun gave them pure stone. Harun is not already organized because of the pure stones that the slugs refined, but the new recruits who were accumulating and using their own Mana were quickly gaining in power.

The third reason was at the Wind Wake Ceremony. Created by the Sword Master, Dylan, the new crew has been horribly trained, stimulated by the advancement of their close colleagues, to create Mana Ocean and expand the Mana Road to increase their ability to accumulate and use Mana easily.

After two months, Akkadian newcomers, such as Chichen, who were motivated by TaKeem's youngest to surpass their accomplishments, risked their lives to absorb pure stone mana and to perform training ceremonies. He was dedicated to his training when he was resting and camping.

Other tribal warriors were also competitively trained because they felt that the Pure Stone and Apprentice Sword were the keys to their abilities.

As a result, the ability of the crew rose at an increasingly rapid rate and it appeared to increase the speed of movement.

After a week's march, Harun's group finally stumbles across the Stony Mountain area, which is the most difficult road to the fortress.

As lunchtime approaches as you move from dawn, the group looks for a place to return down the back of an unnamed mountain.

"Mt. Bachra Stony Mountain is nearby."

As Thor, who was in charge of the guidance, what he saw was a mountain of stones that did not grow grass on the big and small mountains. A gigantic mountain range of rocks warmed by the heat of the day is shaking in a haze.

"Oh! But what about that?"

The sound of Chichen's breathing revealed a feeling of surprise. His finger was pointing towards the middle of the Stony Mountain, and surprisingly, he saw a structure that looked like a castle.

"The castle of Darkness."

Although the contours of the castle are not clear, the silver disc that reminds me of the spire built in the castle and the moon at the top proves that.

"We meet again at last."

I had hoped not to meet the Darknesses until Fort Matsurut, but the place where the castle was built was the point. The scale of the castle situated on the overhead between the invisible rocks of the grass was much smaller than that of Matzplains, but it had already reached the walls.

Harun stops moving and gathers the crew's temporary brains.

"Is there another way?"

Thor shakes his head at Harun's words.

"With the exception of that half-stone head that runs through Mt. Bachra, there are no mountains that can move properly due to the easily flowing rocks. We need to get out of the Barrack Stony Mountain before we can get around that castle, which will take us ten more days to get to the keep."

"Are there no roads on the other rocks?"

"Yes, as far as we know. Moreover, the visible rock mountains are filled with deadly poison stone snakes or Poison Rat, so it is extremely dangerous to have diarrhea pathways."

Thor, who was in charge of guiding the way, was embarrassed. At first glance, the two stone mountains in front of you are not only high and rugged, but also have a steep slope that looks very dangerous. Other mountains nearby were crude and high, with only rocks and rocks to look at.

"You're on your way through."

Harun narrows his eyes by saying ten more days. It was urgent not to think about the crew who had already arrived at the keep and those who would wait for themselves there.

"Yes, I am. I am in a very subtle place."

All the members of the meeting nodded in agreement with Chichen and said a lot of things. Taku, an Aka shaman, mentioned one possibility.

"It seems that one of the mountain tribes has teamed up with them, given the location of the castle."

"No way!"

Someone expressed strong doubts about what he said. But for a moment, I thought most of the men were right about Taku.

"I think Taku Khan is right. Otherwise, the outsiders won't be able to find a point like that."

"I think so, too. If it wasn't for our mountain tribe, we wouldn't even know how to head this way."

Although it may be a rugged Devil Mountains, mountain tribes that have lived here for thousands of years have found a fast and safe path and have passed on that information for generations to come.

"They're probably Soichen."

Harun's eyes gleam in Taku's words. It was the first name I had heard. It was a tribe that Lemi had left behind when she explained it earlier.

"Who are they?"

"The weakest of the twelve mountain tribes. They don't live in villages like ours, but they live in the Devil Mountains regularly, so they know the terrain of the mountain ranges."

Harun's head nods at Taku's words, although the explanation was lacking on its own.

"Unlike other mountain tribes, the Soichen have long lost their ability to use the power of the beast because of their frequent interaction with outsiders. That's why, like us, we don't go hunting with the Demibeasts. We live only by gathering herbs and firing weapons, and we rarely interact with other tribes. They've teamed up with the late Otzwald writer hundreds of years ago in the Plains of Mats to guide them along the way. And that's why the Devil Mountains were subjugated, and the entire tribe was devastated by them. Because of that, they were enlisted by other tribes, and since then they've been able to earn their livelihood by digging up herbs and selling them to cities. According to a warrior who visited their village recently, everyone in the village is living a very sleek life. You can't benefit the entire village with weapons and new clothes, not even necessities without partnering with Nuganga."


"It's not enough that they made the Devil Mountains hell because of the outsiders they dragged in."

"They are a disgrace to the mountain tribes!"

The crew vomited the Soichin with the drive.

Seeing that gathering herbs was the main source of livelihood, the Soi relatives had a lot of interactions with outsiders, and in the process they were most likely dealing with Darkness.

"That's not the point right now. The question is, are you going back for ten days or are you going to take that place?"

Harun said that the crew noticed each other. Taku pondered for a moment.

"The lack of magic is beneficial to us due to the nature of the Stony Mountain. But as Lemi has heard, if there are as many Black Wizards as in Chiang Khar, it won't be easy to target them. They won't miss our approach unless they have a blind spot."

That's it. The rocks in the middle are noticeable, but the number is too small for more than 100 people to hide.

"We go down the mountain, taking care not to open their eyes, and find a suitable place to rest."

"I understand."

The crew covers the glowing weapons with leather and moves down the mountain between the dense trees and the rocks. They were all mountain tribes who lived in the mountains, so their movements were secret, and Asrai's vision was far from the rocks on the ridge, so Darkness did not notice their movements.

Beneath the mountain lies a vast pile of rocks, forming a small plain. A landscape made of rocks falling from the Stony Mountain. From there, to the castle on the ridge, there is a small passage between the stone walls that have been piled from side to side.

It was the only way up the hill. Of course, if you go up that road, you won't be able to avoid the enemy's attention.

Harun's group prepares a meal without leaving the forest. The crew rested comfortably after finishing a late lunch with jerky and bread because they were unable to light a fire.

Harun, who had simply eaten, told the gatherers.

"I'll go scouting, so I'll look at the results and make a decision."



The crew pauses Harun with a worried look, but he leaves as if he didn't hear anything more. Then Lemi smiled at people and said,

"You don't know our commander's abilities yet. Our commander has the ability to fly like a bird or move like a ghost. If the commander wishes, there is no place that can't be infiltrated, so you can relax. Now, we find out where they're out of their sight, and we make camp preparations."

"Really? Flying like a bird?"

Dane, one of the shamans, asked with an unbelievable face.

"We mercenaries aren't the only ones. There's a whole bunch of birds that can be torn to shreds just like Iconlard. And once he leaps, he can climb to the top of the tilus tree and fly like a bird. Scouting is good for the commander."

Following Durbone's words, the new recruits rebelled but left to prepare for camp, as Harun said.

Harun climbs up the rock in an invisible direction at the castle. It was to test the condition of the Stony Mountain.


His body is pushed back, along with the falling stone.

'Most of the stones are fragmented and unstable, so it won't be easy for a warrior of great weight to climb up there. If you're not careful, it'll be easy to slip. I don't see much rock up there to cover my body, so I should give up the climb.'

The story was that he could not make it to the castle in a heartbeat and fight.

'The only effective option is to climb through the darkness, but now that both moons are approaching the full moon, he is also useless.'

Then the only way left is to fly and infiltrate the castle, or else someone could enter the castle and shake the perimeter of the castle.

'Even reconnaissance won't be easy.'

Harun looks up at the top of the castle. At least the back of the invisible rock ridge looks like there are a lot of big rocks, so if you do well, you can go down unnoticed.

'It may take some time, but we have to climb to the rear of the Stony Mountain and climb down to the summit.'

But there was also a problem. The height of the Stony Mountain was high. I couldn't predict how long it would take to climb, thinking about the stones that were slipping.


Harun, who was rolling his head, came up with an idea. Harun immediately summoned the life force.

- Liffy, what's the status of the ground here?

- Wait a minute.

After a few moments of infiltration into the stone floor, Livy reappears.

- Extremely weak, weathered, not only in the open, but to a considerable depth, and most of the rocks are unstable. If you look at the ground here, it looks like there are at least 10 meters of rocks rolling from above and small rocks.

- What if there's an earthquake on the Stony Mountain Merchants Guild?

- There could be a huge avalanche, a rock slide.

- What if it's halfway there?

- Considering the terrain here, even if it's three to four meters high, the rocks and stones will all fall down in one fell swoop.

- Can we pick a direction and cause a rock slide?

- It's not that hard. It's hard to tell what's out there.

- All right, well, I'll ask you later.

- Call me anytime, buddy. I think I can do a lot more to help now.

- I'm always thankful.

- That's more like it. It allowed me to come out of the material system all the time.

After Leifi returned, Harun settled down and moved on to the crew preparing a meal.

Harun returns to check his familiarity and leaves the compound for a full reconnaissance. I tried to go alone, but I couldn't help but catch up with them.

They were Lemi, Durbone, and the warrior chiefs of each tribe. I said I couldn't send the commander to a dangerous place alone, so I decided to accompany him.

Around the foothills, Harun's group reaches an invisible place on the cliff of the castle and starts climbing the Stony Mountain.


As expected, the stone starts rolling, unable to withstand even the slightest weight. The Yaki warriors, including Durbon, have boosted Ramby's power, but it has no use. Thor, a member of the warrior army of the Ains, rose best, but so did the Federation slip.

"Everyone's here. I'll come back after I go alone."

"I'm going to follow you."

"You won't be able to keep up!"

Harun developed a messenger skill.

Hood Duck

The stones pour down, but Harun's body doesn't push away, and he climbs straight up. Although it was not possible to lose weight, the body itself was not pushed down because Mana used the recoil that was inhaled and released. The crew shakes their heads with excitement.

"How could he do that?"

Chichen didn't understand.

"So be it. Later, when I meet my seniors, I often talk about them, but I have to think about what the commander is doing. because he's a different person than we are."

Remy's words make the warriors nod, sighing lightly. It was best to admit that the commander had a different level of ability than they had, since some people can't do things that can't happen.

"Shit! So what do we do?"

Thor frowns.

"What are you doing! We should wait here."

After taking pure stone and learning a training sword, Chichen's fastest progress burned loyalty to the level of total devotion to Harun. He thought Harun was Takiya's second coming. Chichen sits on the floor.

"So, shall I train?"

Durbone draws his sword. to hone the training sword. Durbone, who has already created the Mana Ocean, is on the verge of piercing the Mana Road with both arms. It had already been pierced to both shoulders, and with just three walls pointed at the hand, Manat was able to move on his mind.

Lemi sits a little distance away and picks up a book of herbs. The area where she could help Harun or the Blowing Mercenaries, who still had low levels of magic, was in the area of therapy. He was worse than Henny, but this time he had to teach her something, too.

"Then let's all wait here and train for the commander."

Thor and Titan finally draw their swords.

Harun senses more and more stones rolling up.

'If I do this wrong, it could cause a catastrophe....'

Looking down, Harun frowns. I saw them pull out their swords, not thinking of leaving. They could have been buried in the catastrophe they made.

'Anyway, it doesn't help.'

It's not bad that the new recruits are blinded by their loyalty to themselves, but at this time it's just a burden.

Harun, who was worrying, used Mana to bury his thighs in the stone floor and summon Livy.

- What's happening this time, buddy?

- Is there anything we can do to keep the stones flowing?

- It's that simple. I'll put the rocks in the direction of my friend's ascent through the dirt beneath and make the path solid.

Liffy says he's going to fill the rocks with dirt and make the ground solid. Then I forgot the ability of the Lifefie to awaken.

- Can you do that?

- Sure, thanks to your friend, I can do that easily.

- Then do it now!

A moment later, the floor in the direction of the ascent turns off for about a meter. As the soil below rises and fills the gap in the stones, the height of the ground drops below.

I could feel the solid ground as I pulled out the legs buried in the stone and climbed to the new floor that Livy had made.

That's enough! '

Harun looks down.

Remi looks up at him. Harun signals her to come up by hand. I wanted to make my way to where they were, but Liffy was working hard to make his way up.

Harun pulls the same rope from the sub-space across the river and throws it toward the ground. Immediately, the 50-meter-long rope loosened down. I thought I'd been up for a while, but I guess I've been up this long.

Remi grabs the rope Harun dropped and activates Ramby's foot. As my body regained strength, I grabbed the rope and began to climb quickly.

"Ah! A rope!"

The crew tries to concentrate on the sound of Durbon's training sword, and they can see Lemi climbing up the rope.

"Hohoho! There's no way the commander's leaving us alone."

Durbon draws his sword and, like Lemi, pulls the power of the beast up, grabbing the rope and starting to climb up. The rocks spill, but the rope doesn't push you away.

Those burns! '

Harun was supposed to come up one by one, but when they were all on the rope together, he felt his body being pulled down because of their weight. Anyway, the idea is simple.

Harun activates Prozli's power to withstand the weight of his crew.

Only after Harun's body is down to his waist, the crew climbs up one by one, leading Lemi.

Remi does not intend to help, but runs the Federation to check the hardness of the floor to see if Livy's path is strange.

After all, Harun's chest sank to the ground.


"How did you do this?"

"I don't know about that. But the only thing we know for sure is that only our commander can do it."

Whatever he was about to say, Harun sighs at the sound of an indiscreet chatter from the crew who had no sense of his situation, then pulls himself off the ground.

In the end, Harun starts climbing Mount Stony Mountain, following the path that Lifi made without a sound. The distance of about a meter wide decreased as the distance went up compared to the sides. Probably because of the small amount of stone piled up.

The floor was hardened and the speed to go up was fast. When I climbed for about an hour, I was able to climb to a high altitude that was similar to the one at which the castle was already located.

- Liffy, that's great!

Although it was not difficult for Livy, she did not know if she was able to continue working for an hour or so. If you haven't absorbed Mana continuously with messenger walking, you're tired of it first.

- Liffy, clear a path this time. Please make sure the height is about a meter different from the sides.

- All right, buddy.

Harun instructs the men who are following him to bow and move and lower from there.

Clearly, Livy's ability has risen beyond compare. No matter how easy it was, I did not feel tired after spending an hour or spiritual energy.

In Harun's case, he summoned four spirits with almost the best affinity at once and did not send them back for a while, so the spiritual figures were increasing daily, so there was no interruption at all.

After moving for more than an hour and a half, I was finally able to reach the place where I could see the castle.

- Good job, Liffy.

- I know it's hard, but it's good to be able to breathe with my friend for so long. I like the earth and the air. This place has much higher spiritual power than other places in particular, which is better for us.

Harun was able to see that this place is full of spiritual power, as well as dark mana, when he heard the words of the Livi returning to his body.

But now is not the time to think about it.

"Captain, I can see the castle well."

As Chichen said, I looked down and saw the castle under 50.

The castle was rectangular, long on the head and extremely short on the mountain.

The walls were piled up by processing the small rocks that were common around them, raising the walls high to the top of the mountain as if they were conscious of the landslide.

And in the center of it was the architecture of the polite Ziggurat, which was built to be five stories tall.

In addition, several large buildings that would be used for residential purposes and meals were filling them.

The difference between what was built on the Matsu Plain and what was built on the narrow ground at the top of the head was that the castle was only 10 meters wide and 40 meters long, so without any independent residential space, large buildings occupied the rest of the Ziggurat.

"There are quite a lot of watchers. There are quite a few people moving within the castle."

As Remi said, there were a dozen border troops on either side of the wall, and a lot of people were wandering around inside the castle.

"Shall we attack immediately?"

Chichen is so fearless. The bravest warriors in the mountain tribe, if you ask me.

"I don't know how many soldiers are in there!"

Durbone snaps at him with a flying voice.

"Oh, no, that's..."

On second thought, Chichen lowers his tail as if they thought it was too much.

"There are also Black Wizards. And they're dressed as knights."

Seeing Remy's finger pointing, those wearing black robes from each floor of the Ziggurat noticed.

The black wizards must have been hit, as well as the red hats. And those who lined up to greet them were knights in full plate armor engraved with silver circumference on their chests.

"You must be a stranger."

These must have been the ones intensively trained by the Darkness. Except for the knights in black armor, there were only warriors dressed in black or dark hard leather. I didn't see anyone thought to be a civilian.

'But are there no missing people here?'

Perhaps the castle was completed and moved to another place. Anyway, I had to sneak in and find out why.

"Let's rest here until sundown."

The sun was already approaching the distant mountain. Soon the sun will set.

The crew rested on the stone wall that Liffy had made, because they couldn't get up. Chichen soon fell asleep and snored.

"Oh, you comforting creature!"

Durbone nods at Chichen with her head against her shoulders as if it were a silly gesture, but shortly after, she snores as well. Is that the signal? The crew falls asleep.

'This is ridiculous.'

Harun shakes his head, but no wonder. This happened because during the past week, there has been competition between tribes and crew members and they have been obsessed with training while reducing their sleep.

Harun begins to fall, but doesn't wake them up on purpose. It was my intention to look inside the castle by myself.

Looking down, there were bright lights on either side of his head, and there were four guards on guard, but no one was seen at the top of the mountain.

Those who know about the Stony Mountain think they don't have to be wary of the summit where people can't go up.

Harun summons Wisyne.

- Harun, why are you calling me now? You've been with him for a long time.

Wishin gives Harun a strong hug and a heartfelt voice.

- That's why I called, but can we go down there without making a sound?

- That's all I can do.

- Can you do that? I'm heavier than I thought.

Don't worry, just hug me.

Wishin pulls Harun into the air and slowly heads down. Harun has no wary soldiers, but he's anxious because he thinks he'll be on patrol.

- Come on!

I want to be with you for a long time.

He grabs him tightly, deliberately slowing down, and reaches over the wall in an instant.

- Thanks, I'll be back in a minute, then I'll call you back.

- You have to. Pussy!

Nia (I think she wrote Wishine wrong.) Having a hug with Harun, he kisses his lips with a cheerful face and soaks into his body.

Harun hides himself in the dark of the wall, raising the power of the beast related to his senses. Then my eyes brightened like daylight, and a lot of noise came into my ears. Koro smells the aromatic soup.

'Dinner time.'

The building right in front of Ziggurat was a restaurant. Inside, many people were talking about food.

Harun's eyes turn towards Ziggurat.

'You eat here, too.'

The Black Wizards seemed to gather and eat separately. They heard stories of gathering and sharing bread on the second floor, which was estimated to be about five or six. However, there was something of interest in those conversations.

"When is he coming back?"

"I don't know. But given the fact that a group of high-ranking members of the organization are here, shouldn't we be there within a week?"

"Then we take turns."

"That's right. You can hand it over to the Phantom Team and get to the headquarters."

"I hope you get here soon. I'm so bored here because there's nothing to enjoy."

"Huh! This guy. I wish I could've had that much fun with the castle builders. I just wanted to see how much more fun they had."

"Well, I was only assigned six. No matter how painful the worm is, Dark Mana can't come out like a rat's tail, so no matter how much it absorbs, it can only level up a level."

"Don't say that! I only got XP and I couldn't level up at all."

"Dammit! I'll assign you a few good men. They're all dying in labor without any hope, so there's very little Dark Mana..."

"But the path of the Black Wizard has already made us four circles. After all, four circles is great for our themes that didn't make it to the big guild."

"Yes, I do. If you go to HQ this time, will you let me do the right thing? Instead of overseeing the clumsiest people like here."

"Wouldn't it? We're in four circles now. But I hear it's great these days."


"The number of people who welcome Black Mages, Black Knights and Black Warriors by opening a cafe on the mainland and recruiting members."

"Is it? Is it?"

Harun's eyes twitch when he hears about it. I had no idea Darkness was gathering Black Wizards like this. I had a hunch that the Black Knight and the Black Warrior were the first to hear it.

Harun focuses on their conversation.

"Yes, I heard from my friends that Phase One of the One Battle War Project is already over."

"Oh, my God! So there are 10,000 of us in the Darkness? We were only going to be 400 when we signed up."

"Yes. We made the right decision at the time. That's how much they complain under the Union regime. It's a filthy world."

"Tell me about it. I hope you beat the crap out of those Noble bastards who live to enjoy all kinds of perfume with their blood. Anyway, if you work hard, the organization will give us a chance to be Nobles someday. Let's hope so."

"Huh-huh-huh! Anyway, we're good at moving fast. If we go to HQ, there 'll be a line below us. You can't just have sex acts or similar sex acts. Even if you think about killing people until you're relieved of stress, there's no better job than that. Isn't that right?"

"Huh-huh-huh! In reality, I feel fat these days because I can live every day and become a black wizard and kill and harass people all I want."

"Hehe! All these Black Wizard users are."

The Black Wizards, who had talked so far, opened the door and headed out to their rooms to see if they had finished eating.

Harun follows in their footsteps and turns his attention to the other floor of the Ziggurat after entering his room.

There was no crowd on the third floor, and I heard a conversation coming out of the middle room on the fourth floor. The conversation was very intimate between the two of them.

"Bahel, did you bring your precious guests here today? You don't expect me to bring in workers and prisoners, do you?"

The man with the thick voice asked.

"Oh. That, no."

You hear the sound of chewing bread and passing water to your neck, and then the conversation resumes.

"You know that the castle where Team Leader Hegen went to the Holy Shrine was destroyed and all the Black Mages and Warriors dispatched there were killed?"

"I know. I heard Team Leader Hagen was still unconscious from the shock of his death. It was done by a crowd led by the Holy Lady of the Temple of Light. You told me not to be afraid of the Divine Power up there, damn it!"

"But I guess something else happened this time." Purton died when the indigenous village, which was designated as one of the important points of making up a large Black Magic Group, decided to capture it.

"Puerton? He's a master of five circles, if he plays with white magic. Those who would take on a Black Wizard of that skill should at least be a Sword Master."

"Idiot, that's not the problem. Putton's a dead man."

"Tell me more. What's that supposed to mean?"

"He died in real life."

"Huh? No way? Higher levels of hagen may not be conscious, but they're still alive!"

I heard the protagonist's voice scream as he jumped on the chair.

"Shh! Keep it down. The guests will listen."

"Oh, okay. Tell me in detail. Why she died in real life."

"I know one of the guests who came across several bridges, and he told me that Furton went to Special Ops with Salke and got a great capsule with a recommendation from that fox-like bitch. With that capsule, we can increase the fairy tale rate by 53%."

"What? There was a capsule like that?"

"Yes, they've been working on it for a long time. They say they can't mass produce yet, so they only pay special teams. Well, I hear there's a super-grade capsule with higher performance, but I don't know about that."

"Oh, fuck! This organization has so many secrets. There's so much you don't even know about being deputy chief!"

"Anyway, Puerton's fairy tale rate was over 50 percent at the time of his death. I don't know what kind of power they have, but they've killed four or five black wizards, and they've killed Perton. Puerton's fairy tale rate was high, so he died playing the game without being able to say" evil. ""

"Hooray! That's harsh. I thought it was best to be Mado."

"I did some research about it, but it turned out to be a strange outcome. The men who were forced to log out said Furton and his killer had weird tattoos on their bodies. Does it make sense? He destroyed the sorcerers and killed himself with his slanderous skills and skills. That means that 20 indigenous people in handmade leather wearing defense gear killed a lot of them."

"The natives? That can't be right. Didn't you say there are only a few villages in the middle of the mountain range that are dangerous natives?"

"I did. So I'm up there trying to figure out if they really started the activity. Even though they are ignorant and rugged natives, there are some who have reached the Sword Master and some who are shamans equal to the Seven Circle Wizards."

"The Broad Wizards that the organization is about to complete are still far from operational……."

"Well, there's another problem. I think the empires of this world will stand for the people we've kidnapped to make us work. It's like we're going to the temple and the steeple."

"That's what I thought. There's no way he's going to stand idly by in the Pyrin Empire where Human Guard is. Moreover, I will not stand idly by while I plunder the loving treasures of the Temple and the Horse Tower."

"But the problem is that the movement is too full and powerful. Already, at the top of the tissue, they have a bunch of things that prevent them from moving so easily, but the power's so strong that the information line is rattled and agitated, like a rat on a tail."

"Damn it! Who the hell is that? Our world is coming!"

"Anyway, we have quite a few Phantom units left to take care of this performance mining development, so we need to be careful. Customers who haven't figured out the purpose or details yet, but we need to make sure those dirty Aboriginal prisoners don't get in touch with the blood. If anything happens to the customers or more indigenous people die, it's on you and me!"

"Dammit! If you torture and torture the natives and kill them, there's a lot of Dark Mana out there, but I can't do that anymore." Everything's gonna be okay here until the Phantom Team Leader gets here, right? "

"Nothing special can happen. It happened a lot away from here, and even if you attack this place, this is a place of celestial grace where 10 people can be stopped by one person. How are we supposed to get to the high castle?"

"I know, but I'm nervous. Five circles without a madosa, you, me, and the top three Exports."

"Don't worry about it. The guests who came here today seem to be quite skilled. And even the Master of the Sword can't attack here. It's hard to get up here because your path is stuffed with stones on purpose, but you've created a magic camp to stop you from coming. If we activate it, all but this castle will be crushed to death by the collapsing rocks."

"Should I?"

"Of course. Don't worry about it. If you return to the headquarters this time, make sure you get the reward for completing the castle. Let's build up some balls and join the Special Forces sometime. They say joining Special Forces gives you a chance to fall into the mainland on a regular basis."

"Huh-huh-huh! I'm tired of hearing that. I've been drinking and sleeping with women for years."

"Crazy! You just shook up three kids who were completely wasted by the seminary!"

"Huh-huh-huh! You did? That's right. Haven Company near Kowon Union was destroyed and the supply of Semillon was reduced to a quarter, so if you only see it, there are a lot of skirtless bitches, so take it with you this time off."

"Yeah, let's have some fun. With neither you nor me in the back, no matter how shitty the glow is, it's impossible to get to higher altitudes in the first place, and people like us enjoy money and women."

"Hey, stop eating. You don't even know how to eat."

"Damn. If you use that special capsule, you'll be able to taste the food. I wish I could just build a ball and go to the Special Forces."

After that, I no longer had to listen to the conversation. The gossip was continuing endlessly.

Harun wanted information about the Darkness, even if he wanted to torture them, but that was too much. It was hard to sneak into Ziggurat, but even if I was lucky enough to take prisoners, I had no ability to get a speech from them unless I had learned spiritual magic.

Harun thinks he should learn this skill later, and summons Wishin back to his place. The crew is distracted, distracted, and unaware that he's been down there.

"Get up! It's going to happen soon."

The crew glances up the mountain in astonishment at the sound of the landslide.

"I'm going to summon a spirit and cause trouble, so get out of my way!" "

At last, the crew who understood what they were talking about fled to safety with both hands and feet in a hurry. Harun, the animist, was comfortably following behind them, but was surprised by the fact that he was still awake.

Harun, who had moved to a safe place, summoned the Liffy.

-Life, can that castle down there cause a meltdown?

- There's some kind of protective shield, but it won't stop the catastrophe I'm causing.

- Then I beg of you.

Harun's request for a life form disappeared into the ground.

After a while, the terraces deep above the castle began to dragon. Soon after, an enormous amount of stones and rocks begin to roll down.


Boom, boom! Boom!



The crew watches a tremendous amount of rocks and spectacles rolling down with their fearful eyes. After living in the mountains, they know how frightening the landslide is.

When it is difficult to make a field and plant fruits, but occasionally a rainstorm strikes, not only will all the efforts go back to the bulldozers at once, but also the whole village will be filled with many presidents. This time, I was even more afraid of rocks and stones.

However, the piles of rocks that were falling down came to a small distance from the wall and bounced back or stopped and piled up.

'The Black Magic Gang.'

As expected, the Black Magic Gang was defending itself against external shocks.

'Then I'm sure I won't be influenced by the Black Magic Gang at all.'

I don't know, but it's probably because of the tattoo on the back of my hand. I really wanted to find the Rumps and reveal this secret later.

For a moment Harun thought that, a huge amount of stones and rocks fell off the mountain, and eventually the Black Magic Forces crossed the level they could afford, and a loud bang erupted.

Cough! Cough!

Eventually, it struck a huge pile of stones and a castle on its head.



The vigilant screams, but the commotion is gone.

In a flash, the stones and rocks that hit the castle broke through the walls and destroyed the entire city, not to mention the troops that were in the elements of the walls. Perhaps the Wizards of the Darkness were worried about casting a spell, but no one escaped Ziggurat because a huge amount of stones and rocks suddenly hit the castle.


"Stop, the castle is gone!"

The faces of the crew watching from above were pale. The castle boasted of great dragons disappeared at once, and there appeared to be huge piles of stones and piles of rock between them, rising like clouds.

"Be careful where things happen!"

After the incident, the red lining was revealed. Well, the rocks and rocks will be filled to the ground again someday, but if you're careful now, the chances of further trouble are slim.

At the top, there are massive rocks embedded deep into the floor.

I told them to be careful, but eventually, as it slipped, Harun and his crew were unable to bring out the horrific effects of the Earth's spirit for a while.

All I could see was rocks and rocks. Only the spire at the top of the Ziggurat is broken and barely visible.

Perhaps the people in here were slaughtered before they could do anything.

"…… They're all dead, right?"

Durbone asked with a trembling voice. The rest of the crew looked around with a pale face. It was completely destroyed in ways you can't even imagine just having a castle.

"Of course."

Harun replies and summons Livy again. A pile of stones. There may be survivors.

- Can you clear out the rocks and stones that cover that building?

- No problem, but it's quicker to put the whole building up than clear the rocks.

- Yeah, well, you do that.

Life's ability to awaken was rising differently every day. It wasn't that hard. Soon after, Ziggurat slowly began to rise up.

Ziggurat was so broken and broken that it was hard to recognize the prototype. The stones and rocks that broke through the building were embedded, and dark red blood was pouring out from between them.

Harun can finally see that there were some non-foreigners. Harun orders his crew to watch another dark red aura rising out of them like a mist.

"You guys be careful down there with the rest of the crew!"

The crew turned pale and pale at the dreadful Ziggurat and turned to the ground. Fortunately, the road that has existed for a long time has not been broken much this time.

Harun examined the fourth floor first, after Ziggurat was fully exposed. There were the heads of this castle.

The fourth floor, like the other floors, was almost smashed to pieces, filled with stones and rocks. You pull the power of the beast up and clear the rocks and stones for a long time, revealing the mess inside.

You're dead!

The dead bodies of foreigners who had overheard the conversation were being transformed into natural mana, which was just expressed as light powder. Where they were, almost every item they had ever worn fell apart was how many lives they had killed.

When Harun has packed up all the items, a faint groan comes from behind the collapsed wall.

"…… ugh……."

Harun clears the fallen wall in a hurry. Then I saw the hands and feet revealed with the pile of rocks. After clearing the rubble, 11 people came out.

One of them was dressed in dirty and torn clothes, and his face and neck were all bloody.

Ten indigenous people were bleeding with thick chains around their wrists and ankles, with only their teeth covered.

Harun fortunately runs lightly as he lays his finger on their carotid arteries. No one was killed.

"Thank God!"

If the head of this castle is trapped in the residence, he will not be a prophet.

Harun finds the key to the items dropped by the dead Black Wizards and unchains the chains that were binding their wrists and ankles. Then I made holy water and summoned Nia to heal them. At least they were in a secret room inside Ziggurat, so they were only bruised by broken walls and some rocks.

What was serious was what happened because of the torture that had been inflicted before.

"…… ugh……."

A young man with a big head injury made a sound like he woke up. You see a broken Mana Seal next to him, as if he were a wizard. It looks like it was broken by a rock that fell during the incident.

"Are you awake?"

The young man opened his eyes and looked at Harun and tried to remember him desperately, blinking a few times.

"Who are you?"

"I am Harun, commander of the gale mercenaries."

The man closed his eyes several times, opened his mind, and looked at Harun with slightly surprised eyes. The young man who appeared to be in his mid-20s, although his body was in a mess, had very intense eyes.

"The Land of Tranquility for a Gust Mercenary?"

He knew the name of the storm.


"But how did you get here?"

"A quest."

There was no need for further explanation. Mercenaries. If I had a quest, I'd go to hell. Harun took out the appropriate clothes from the sub-space. He changed his Juju Island outfit and approached Harun, who was looking into the condition of others, to introduce himself.

"…… I'm Nicken. I'm the Black Wizard."

"The Black Wizard?"

Nicken narrows his eyes. I was surprised to learn that Nicken was a Black Magician, but in a broad sense, they were all masters of the same Black Magic. I didn't understand why he was being held captive and tortured by the Darkness horde.

"I'm an authentic black sorcerer from a different dimension. I'm the only survivor of the Solonian school who taught the basics of dark magic 300 years ago."


No one knows the name of the dark wizard who nearly cut the continent. I can't believe there's an academic school that expelled him like that! It was shocking, but it was also clear that he had learned dark magic from someone.

"Rumor has it that the Black Wizards' world revolves around the Devil Mountains within our stalled tower. I went into my childhood and practiced magic all the time, as if I was stuck in a tower. I couldn't resist my curiosity about the same Black Wizard rumors, and it turned out these guys were like tachynins."

Harun is getting harder and harder to understand him.

If he had released the tachynin, he thought it was normal for the Black Wizards to take pride in him.

Did he feel that kind of doubt about Harun?

"Don't look so weird. Dark magic is the study that comes from studying the truth of the world just like white magic. Unlike white magic, you have to learn it with enough personality education to deal with a lot of spiritual stuff. The only way to become stronger is for those whose brains are filled with evil energy to go crazy and eat murder, but dark magic is originally a fierce discipline."

"Is that so?"

I heard the explanation, but it was still hard to accept.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Anyway, those who want to dominate the Devil Mountains are just as evil as those who used to destroy the world as Takinin were. I don't know how you got the estramorwn involved, but if that force is so wrong, they're risky enough to make it to the destruction of the continent where tachynin failed."

I don't know how much damage he's been through, but Nicken has had a tremendous aversion to the Darkness.

"Why did they catch you like this?"

A young but intense spectacle of Nicken. I wanted to ask you about the game, but I thought it was an excuse.

"Other dark magic had access to see what magic systems they had and what they were. I heard a rumor and said I'd come a long way. Since I'm in five circles, he's welcoming me to his headquarters. But these guys got some sleeping pills in the car I drank. Those who acted like they would lick the bottom of their feet filled the Mana Seal and tortured me to give them all the reagents I had. They said they were foreigners who had learned the dark magic of tachynin, and they didn't need black wizards from other disciples. If he is, he needs black wizards to make him Death Maige."

Nicken stares at the broken Mana Seal fragment lying next to him.

Darkness has the relic of the Takinyn! '

This was really serious. The dark magic left by that madman was too dangerous.

"These lunatic Black Wizards have a dream of ruling the continent by training Black Knights and Black Warriors."

"What are Black Knights and Black Warriors?"

After Harun's question, Nicken gives a strange look for a moment and then answers.

"I don't know the details. They were tortured, but they inferred from their conversation that they had acquired the vision swordsmanship of the late Earl Otzwald who once ruled Matsu Plain. It's an attribute swordsmanship based on black magic, and they used to call it the Black Knight for those who had learned to express it, and the Black Warrior for those who hadn't used Mana yet."

Harun's eyes widen. It was discovered by the Black Wizard who accidentally saved the source of Darkness' power.

"Dangerous. Black Warriors and Black Knights who have mastered the dark arts of Takinin, who have mastered the vision of evil Earl Otzwald."

I was so surprised that I didn't pay much attention to the fact that Nicken was the Dark Wizard of the Five Circles.

"He tortured me for the authentic black magic of the Solonians, but I didn't open my mouth. It's enough to put a little petrifying magic on my body without wearing a Mana loop. That's why no matter how much they tortured him, he could survive."

Nicken is very proud of himself for not succumbing to torture, but Harun doesn't intend to fight back.

"So these are all black wizards, like Nicken?"

"No. They seem to be indigenous people living here in the Devil Mountains. They arrived here a few days ago."

Nicken talks his way there and then adds.

"I don't know why I can't talk to you because you've been out of your mind ever since you came into my room."

Harun listens to Nicken's words in his ear and looks at the rest in detail. A group of mountain tribes, smaller than the Aka, but harder in shape, catches your attention. Whether they had been tortured for a long time, their molluscs had crumbled and shivered all over their bodies.

They were all dying from torture, but fortunately, the ceilings and walls that collapsed from the crisis were avoided.

Harun summoned Nia to purify their wound area and activate vitality through therapeutic vibration.

"Ho, are you a spirit?"

Nicken opens his eyes, though there was nothing visible, but he could clearly feel something in action. I could tell for sure if I could feel Mana, but now I just have a feeling.

"Yes, the Spirit of Water."

"Wow! That's amazing. I've heard rumors that the commander of the Storm Mercenary Squad is a Spirit, but he is more powerful than they say. I thought you had to summon an Intermediate or better to heal with the Water Spirit."

Whether Nicken admires it or not, Harun takes care of the mountain tribe and cures it.

After all, the mountain tribes had improved a lot when the crew came back to the rubble.

Harun created enough space for the Lippi to stay in one side of the ruined castle. The life force of the Awakened was great.

Not only did you destroy this magnificent castle, but you also collected all the items dropped by a group of dead Darknesses and put them in your sub-space.

- I think my friend likes this stuff.

Harun was happy that the Awakened Spirits had now begun to think and act actively, even though the reason for doing what he did was simple.

As the night went on, the mountain tribes who were trapped on the 4th floor of Ziggurat regained their senses. Necromancers such as Remi and Daku gave their lives to heal the injuries inflicted by torture and to find their strength.

When Harun went to see them, a warrior who appeared to be about thirty years old was completely awake.

"Thank you. I am the Takal Warrior Seam. I heard that God has rescued us from the wicked Black Wizards."

He tried to thank me by raising his torso even though his body would be uncomfortable. Harun liked that kind of integrity.

"I was lucky. This is Harun, who leads the Gust Mercenaries."

"You really were a mercenary."

His eyes widen with remorse as he looks back at Lemi and Taku. Maybe I misunderstood something for a while.

"What happened?"

Harun asked straightaway, looking at the color of his face.

I opened my mouth with difficulty because I distorted my face when I only thought about it.

"About six months ago, those who call themselves the Darknesses visited our village. Unlike other mountainous tribes, we Tacals have the power to deal with the problem with water because we live in groups, even though we have a large number of people, but some of them have even mastered dark magic and knights. They made a fuss, but it didn't work because our village was visited by a tribe of great warriors and Pomerkans who were staying in Evergreen at the time."

Harun is curious about the words Evergreen, the Great Warrior, and Pomeranian, but he doesn't stop.

"After a fierce battle, those who confirmed that our warriors and shamans were not strong enough, requested a trade. They said they would give us food if we did what they wanted."

"So you accepted the deal?"

Lemi, who was next to you, interrupts the conversation.

"Yes, I had no choice. Thousands of people surrounded the village and surrounded it, and as the numbers grew, neither did the Great Warrior nor the Fomercan's ability to stop it. Moreover, I accepted their offer because they felt a severe food shortage and a threat to their livelihood."

"What did they want?"

Rami asked me if I was interested.

"I was looking for veins."


Remi's resilient attitude toward the words of the seam gave her a strange look.

"Captain, the Takals have long been known to find the veins and make solid weapons. Especially when it comes to the open water mines near the surface of the earth, they look better than Dwarves. Our mountain tribes fight the best weapons made by the Takals."

Remy's words reminded me of a proud expression on his face.

"Yes, we Takal know a lot of the information from the mines of our ancestors, and we use our special abilities to find and refine the mines to make different armor and equipment. But Darkness, I don't know where he heard about our family's abilities, but he wanted our capabilities."


"If we find one Mana Stone Mine, three Gold Mines, and five Iron Ore, we will free the villagers and give them three years' worth of food. So 100 families who were good at finding the veins went out to help them do their job."

Harun had only just found out why Darkness had developed the mines in such a short time.

"I knew the location of the mines that had been coming down for a long time, so I found all the mines they asked for shortly after. But this time they demanded refining. I don't know where they took them, but thousands of humans were dragged into the mines, mining ore, and they built the Refining Facility, as the Dwarves of the Blue Moustache clearly designed it. And a month ago, a group of foreigners came in. The Darkness has threatened the Dwarves and our clans with the skills of Refining and Refining Weapons."


"It's not supposed to be two skies. because losing that would end our family's life. The Blue Beard Dwarves were on our side, so we were soon trapped and tortured. But our brave warriors did not discuss the secrets of their clans and died one by one. And they were embarrassed and threatened by the villagers who were surrounded by them, but they found out, so they chose to die."

It turned out that the solid purchase looked very stubborn, and it was engulfed in a craftsmanship trait.

"Then why did you come all the way here? There are no mines or massive smelting facilities around here."

Remi is leading the conversation now. Harun only listens to the conversations of the same mountain tribe.

"That's right. The mines we found for them are mostly to the south and west of the mountains. We were dragged here because of Manasik, which was buried three days from here on a large scale."

"Manasik Mine?"

"Yes, we didn't know that at all. One of the blue bearded families who was tortured died saying there was a large Mana Seok buried nearby, and they dragged us here to find it. He told me that if I can find Manasik Mine without transferring my clan's skills, I'll open a path for him. A group of foreigners decided to work with us on that task."

"So when did you get here?"

"It's been two days. 16 more people died while they could neither eat nor rest, and there were only 10 of us left."

The seabed looked around at the clans who had not yet regained consciousness with a grim face.

"You can rest assured now. After all, you must cheer up and save your clan and avenge them."

When the word "revenge" came out, an intense glare burst out of the deep-sea eyes.

"Of course! Of course! I hope so. I will definitely wipe out their seeds."

"Get some rest.

Harun doesn't have anything else to say to comfort him, so he comes out.

Just now, two moons floating side-by-side on a dark stone, sprinkling silver light.

No, Glory Gaia! You guys are building too much bad business. How could you do this to the world in order to overcome these grudges? '

Harun sighs deeply.

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