Fort Matsurut.

During the Teron Empire, it was the only passageway in the Devil Mountains that separates the central and southern regions, built to stop monsters and horses. But now it was almost the only place connecting the Pyrin, New Theon and Mino empires.

Since Earl Lyle, who was a change bag, declared political neutrality, the fortress has been freely urbanized and displayed spectacularly as a hub for trade in three countries.

Many of the three empires' specialties were gathered in Matsurut Fortress and sold to merchants from all over the country, where the interior merchants of the three empires set up a battle booth, as well as mercenaries with an indispensable relationship with monsters and merchants.

More recently, even high-level foreigners looking for horses more powerful than monsters are looking for Matsurut as foreigners progress.

As people and seafood gathered, Matsurut became increasingly rich. Despite the large crowds of slaves from the New Theron and Mino Empires who were about to move to the pyrine empire that destroyed their identity, the population also increased explosively, but commerce increased and they often settled here instead of heading to the pyrine empire.

Now Matsurut Fortress has advanced more vigorously than anywhere else on the continent, despite the geographical drawbacks of its inhabited 100,000 inhabitants and its location in the middle of a rugged mountain range.

Recently, when three empires, as well as the elements of the tower and temple, brought numerous acolytes here, Earl Lyle was hiding somewhere as an excuse for the wasp, but the security was well maintained.

Harun steps into the keep early in the morning with the group.

"How was the hunt?"

The guard commander, who was just opening the gates of the keep, recognizes Tino and greets him.

"Haha! That was cold. I heard that the horses were infested, but when I went out to catch them, I didn't notice much. That's two ogres, five Cherokee, and seven Broolves."

"Ugh! You're amazing. Amazing."

The Guard Commander was surprised at Tino's words, knowing how frightening he was. Especially in Cherokee, there are hardly any mountain tribes known for their valor.

"But who's behind it?"

"These are our men."

The prayers of the crew in long coats made of horse hide at the Tarrim Workshop were great even for the Guard Commander. I was impressed by Devil Hunter's parade, as if he were the best of the fortresses.

'I don't see any abbreviations. What a gale mercenary!'

Tino looks at the guards and guards admiring them, and recalls the enthusiastic reaction they had seen yesterday after wearing Bora's first pair of defense gear.

'Hehe! There was no commotion.'

Armor that greatly enhances the defensive strength of the body, as well as the body's abilities, was an incredibly sophisticated design that turned the eyes of the new crew into magic hides.

The guard commander thought the cavalry had arrived at the fort following the advance of the storm troops.

"Well, have a good time."

Word travels fast that a squadron of thundering mercenaries has entered the fortress. That's how many forces were watching them.

The area where the mercenaries headed was the top of the Gust Merchant Guild, located on a crowded central highway. Bora, who came to the fortress, quickly discovered the importance of this fort and bought the building with a monopoly without Harun's blessing.

"I'll make you a lot of money later."

The money was for the sale of the item Harun entrusted to the Harun sisters, but Harun did not hesitate to use it.

Previously used as an inn, the sponsorship had a large yard and more than twenty large rooms, making it a crew, but enough to accommodate all of the crew.

This building was empty for a while, but it was still expensive. Harun asked his crew to help Bora clean up the buildings and repair the sponsorship. When more than 100 physically skilled crews rushed in, what would normally take a few days ended in half a day.

It became a habit for the crew to try to raise the power of the devil by doing whatever it took to get here, so it was quick to clean up. The weed-laden sponsorship was quickly cleared out by Remi, and the second-floor store adjacent to the boulevard also changed neatly to the exterior wall.

Harun interviewed the bunker during a duel that had been postponed for some reason while the rest of the crew were cleaning.

"Sorry I'm late to join you, commander."

Seeing them apologizing again, they must have been very sorry that they were separated.

"It's okay. This is how we met anyway. And what did you do here?"

"Nothing special. He was originally asked by Baltran to accompany him and follow Emperor Garban to the new Theon Empire. And then Baltrang, who thought there was a chance that a group called the Darkness had what he wanted, came here."

In the struggle for answers, the bunker was unaware of the details. Baltic came here for something, but he didn't mention it to them.

'Perhaps an ancient grimoire related to climate control.'

Harun, who already knew that Saga, who had taken control of the military from Saint Ye, was part of the GPC, speculated.

"I thought the grimoire from the coffin was the goal, but it wasn't. I was very disappointed when I found out about the interpretation of the laws of Mercury."

"But they asked me to come here and see what information Valtran had. Well, I didn't do anything special here."

It seems that the two men knew nothing but the role of escort for Baltic.

"So, where's Balt?"

I had a relationship with her before, so I thought I'd meet her when I had time.

"We don't know that for sure. A few days after the mercenaries entered the fort, they left the fort without a word to us."

Did he get any information about the Darkness? Cross-checking information about the GPC would have been good for many reasons, but it was a bit of a waste.

"Well done, anyway. I've asked Lord Dylan for a special favor, so you'll have to start training now. There's going to be a difficult quest soon, so make every effort to increase your stats as much as you can."

Harun's words brighten their faces. Whenever I had time, I trained, but the two of them felt more exhausted than when they broke up. He also had a lot of regrets about what they did separately, but he also blamed Harun for not stopping them at some point.

"But how about moving it to the storm base?"

The two of them have heard stories about the storm base from Henny several times.

"We want to go too...."

Looks like you haven't made up your mind yet.

"The sooner you decide, the better. The information I have tells me that Kowon Union is in bad shape."

"I understand."

The reason Marie and the two of them couldn't decide easily was because of the capsule. The three of them promised to do what Valtran asked of them, instead of using super capsules, thanks to their various achievements and their strength in the Special Forces.

"When I see Baltic later, I'll tell him myself."

"Thank you, commander."

The three of them were unable to do this or that because of their loyalty to Baltrang who helped them in a situation where they were barely moving in reality. Harun's words take the pressure off and leaves the room smiling.

The guest came after just eating lunch.

It was visited by Ibelin, the princess of the Pyrin Empire, who arrived here a few days earlier.

The Empress came in dressed as a merchant and disguised herself as a merchant, accompanied by dozens of knights. The two did not know their status as if they were Sword Masters, and the rest were all of Expert's finest. However, I didn't see Illum, who was full of unfaithfulness. It was a little sad.

"Your Majesty, it's been a long time."

"Nice to meet you, Captain Harun."

While the manners of the mercenaries lifting their forearms to their chests and the clumsy entertainment of Harun, the knights who performed the Empress's hospitality raised their eyes, Illum did not have a seizure as if she had told me something.

Evelyn smiles as the two of you face each other with bites. Harun takes a sip of tea with his expressionless face and opens his mouth.

"Did you receive the information you sent?"

"Yes, thanks to you."

Queen Evelyn liked Harun, who didn't have much reaction to herself. Harun's attitude was rather fresh for Ibelin, who had been among those who supported him since childhood.

"I received a detailed report from Lord Illum."

Evelyn smiles satisfactorily, rarely.

"One request from the Pyrin Empire has been done with great satisfaction. I want what's left of it."

"I understand."

On my way here, I was able to get some leads on Darkness' stronghold. Confidence naturally leaked through my eyes.

"Do you happen to know the size of the storm troopers?"

"What's going on?"

"I was originally told that mercenaries had less than 100 members, but I don't think that was the case. I think there are more than 100 of them out there."

Of course, you may be curious, but I had a strange thought, not because someone like Queen Evelyn was interested and asked for water herself. There must be some intention behind it.

"I can handle a decent quest. Anyway, it's the name I had when I first started, and it has nothing to do with the Mercenary Guild, so I didn't change my name."

"I see. The documents that the Mercenary Guild has show that Captain Harun is only of Class 3."

I've never been to a mercenary guild other than when registering. That's why the Gust Mercenaries are known as the Mysterious Mercenaries.

Evelyn opens her mouth, gazing straight at Harun with a strange look in her eyes.

"Emperor Vaughn and Empress Vaughn hope that the storm troops will play an important role in the fight against the Darkness in the future. What do you say? What if we give this fort to the storm troopers?"


Harun was surprised by the unexpected offer.

"This Matsurut Fortress is the territory of this empire. We have now been forced to implicitly accept the Declaration of Neutrality because of the balance of power, but we will always have this place."

That was a story anyone could have predicted. It is said to be in the middle of the Devil Mountains, but it is still the closest thing to Mats Plain. If the Pyrin Empire can take control of Matsu Plain, it can reach the Keep three times faster than any other empire. In that situation, the Empire would never leave the fortress in the Neutral Zone.


Harun ponders briefly.

It is the work of the Empress Evelyn to take the castle that declared neutrality, but it will not be a single problem for her to have a castle.

Be Darkness' primary target at once. Can we defeat the Darkness if we can bring together the valiant mountain tribe warriors who have a deep relationship with us? How will their dark magic react? How do you deal with them? His thoughts, etc., quickly crossed his mind.

Evelyn misunderstands Harun as she ponders her proposal.

'Tsk! You mean it could be possible. So the rumor is, there could be more than a thousand of us.'

Rumors like that were spreading all the time. It is said that the size of the blast mercenaries is equal to the size of the mercenaries. The crew included the Sword Masters and the Mados, even rumors of Elves and Dwarves.

Harun, after some thought, replied to the Empress's offer.

"That's impossible."

"Can we bring in the other mercenaries?"

Harun showed his hooky face again this time. But soon, I shook my head.

"Not a chance. You may have seen in the video I sent you, but the number of castles that the Darkness is building in the Devil Mountains is over seventy. For the castles we faced, the power of the herpes darknesses was more than 30 black wizards, including one Madosa class and three circles. There are over 100 Black Knights, including the best of Exports, and 500 Black Warriors. And what's even more alarming is that there's a growing number of people in the castles. Later, Black Knights of the Sword Masterclass may emerge."

"Black Knight and Black Warrior? Who are they?"

Ibelin was strongly curious about the strange name. The information about their existence seems to be unknown. Harun told me what he had heard from Nicken.

"Huh! Darkness has acquired magic and swordsmanship in the midst of the late Otzwald."

"Yes, he says. When I asked Lord Dylan, he said that the fame of the Marquis of Ozwald's swordsmanship was due to a vision of some sort of short term ascent to Expert, regardless of material."

Evelyn's face is getting worse. He had no idea that Darkness was strengthening his knights in that way.

"That's not all. The Black Wizards are catching and tasting the magic of the Beville Mountains. If we leave it like this, it's going to be a lot of power."

Ibelin's face is pale with horsehair. Otherwise, the Imperial Wizards used the video repository to verify the power of the magic. If all the horses above the lowest level 120 go to the Darkness Faction, something truly unimaginable will happen.

"I really don't know. There can't be that much information we've collected so far. I never thought there'd be so many Glory Gaia."

"Yes, I have obtained vital information from the brothers on Earth."

"Harun of our world?"

"Yes," he said, "there are only ten cafes that recruit members to help them become high-level in the short term for those who choose the path of darkness."


She had never heard of such information, looking for sources and monitoring GlobalNet and Uninet to get information from an organization that was particularly interested in the world.

"Each cafe has a total of 1,000 people. We've already filled the recruitment garden, so that's a huge number of 10,000 people. According to another line of information, they will be the owners of the capsule, which has been pulled up to mid-40% of the fairy tale rate."

"Oh, my God!"

I didn't know any of this information. I can't believe I haven't noticed something like this happening in real life.

How the hell does the organization manage information? We don't even know what kind of information mercenaries are available in this world! Who the hell are these mercenaries? You even know the existence of a special capsule, a super secret! That's a hell of a network you got there. '

Ibelin looks dejected and listens to Harun.

"Even here, the Darkness is succeeding in powering up. They used Dwarves and mountain tribes to find the Manassite Mine and succeed in mining and processing Manassite. And with great funding, we already have a huge number of skill books. With Manassek and Skill Book, the Black Wizards in 3 or 4 Circles can be trained in bulk, though not 5 Circles."

Ibelin only listens to the story, swallowing up high-quality information spilling out of her veins.

"Now that I have the manufacturing and swordsmanship of the late Otzwald, I don't know if I can train the Black Knights in bulk. Given the chance to take control of the Devil Mountains' horses and raise them to the dark army, even those who died in battle, if we confine the battlefield to the Devil Mountains, their power is strong enough to stand against the Empire."


Evelyn opens her mouth, startled, and speechless.

"The question is, what are the castles they're building in the Devil Mountains for? It doesn't look like you're building a castle just to use it as a Node. It seems like you have a hidden intention. That's what worries you. The wizards of this mercenary army are expected to generate enormous energy by serving as the core of the vast Black Magic Gang that Darkness is building, engraved with the magic of an ancient civilization at the top of a building called Ziggurat in the heart of the castle they built."

After Harun's words reached that point, Evelyn's face turned pale.

"... Ho, by any chance, is the door to the Magic System?"

Harun nods quietly. To the worst Sanillo, I don't know why they plotted it, but to date, I couldn't think of anything but the purpose.

After hearing Harun's words, Evelyn was unable to speak with a pale face for a while. Then I barely got up from my seat.

"You've given me some very important information. Thank you. I have an urgent matter in mind. I'll go back to my place now and come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to give you some real information about Glory Gaia. Oh! And I brought half the money, so I'll come and give it to you then."

Ibelin leaves in a huddle, unlike the one she entered with dignity. The knights and wizards who performed her were worryingly pale.

A group of princesses comes to you with a familiar face. It was Goddess Theron's Garban Emperor and the nearest Lantrell Dust.

"You have a Node in a good place."

It was Landrell who sat down after a long period of time.

"Haha! This is not our storm troopers, this is the branch of the Storm Merchant Guild."

"Haha! The Gust Mercenaries and the Gust Merchants Guild have the same roots. What's the need to distinguish them that much?"

Landrell has already figured out the identity of the Twin Winds Merchants Guild.

"The emperor, who saw that the main trading item of the Gust Guild was Universal Medicine, allowed the Gust Guild to ascend to the new Theon Empire. The Imperial Trade Department has already decided to pay customs duties on items handled by the Gust Guild."

"Oh! Is that so?"

I've never heard that story before. It was also missing when Bora reported yesterday.

"Who in the world would refuse to sell medicinal supplies that commoners need for little profit?"

"I should, but……."

Even if this were the case in the country's position, it might not be the land with clearance from the actual merchant guild. According to the top analysis, the powerful territories of wizards and priests were almost neglectful of the treatment of the commoners but enriched the likelihood that they would be reluctant to bring in medicines handled by the Wind Merchants Guild or to tax the price of sales to take the explosion.

Harun specifically instructed us not to go anywhere and not to trade drugs on such territory.

"Of course, you're selling us magic goods made by the heretics, aren't you, commander?"

"Ah! Yes. Of course."

In fact, the Pyrin Empire is going to buy all the goods from the Gust Guild, but that's not going to work. I may be able to build a stable merchant guild at first, but I will be swayed by customer demands later. Harun was going to draw the good news for the Empress himself. I was shocked by the information you gave me today, and I just left.

"How is the king?"

I was curious because it's been a long time since we broke up. Although Emperor Pinocchio had not had a chance to see him, Emperor Garban had made some connections in the land of serenity.

"He's actively taking care of his government. He originally insisted on coming here. The time we spent together in the land of Silence with Captain Harun is precious."

If it were King Garban who had such a small side, he would still be able to do so. Harun smiles in his memory.

"It's an honor for me that you think of a mercenary that way. You will be the greatest warrior in history."

He remembered that Emperor Garban was emperor but had a decent and honest personality. He was a man of noble character who knew how to take care of his needs and even use them.

"Haha! The commander knows the king well. All the people of the new Theon Empire praise King Garvan, the clever man who brings forth policies that raise everyone's standard of life without crowd."

They talked about their experiences together in the land of tranquility for a while.

"But I heard later that you were looking for me."

"I did. The Mana Telecom commander gave me was useless in these tall, rugged Devil Mountains. That's why I sent a quest to find the commander in the InfoGuild, but it was too late after we left the stronghold."


Harun listens without stopping Landrell.

"In fact, the commander probably guessed it when he saw it coming into the Devil Mountains with much more power than before. There's been a massive disappearance in the Empire."

It was just as I thought. The disappearance was not only in the Pyrin Empire.

"At first, I thought I'd escaped to the Pyrin Empire, where I had my identity revoked, but when I investigated the disappearance, some of them were, but not all of them. I don't know if it was early in the start of the empire, but since then, the empire has also abolished slavery while maintaining its nobility elastically, so that slavery could not disappear from slavery, not even from peasants with land."

"How big is it?"

"There are only 120,000 confirmed."


Harun couldn't help but be amazed by the enormous numbers. That's a lot more than the Pyrin Empire.

"They were largely lost on a village level, and the trail led to the Devil Mountains. But the investigators dispatched in the third wave didn't come back, not only did they lose contact with the mountain range, but they never did. That's why the Emperor wanted to commission the commander's storm troopers on the disappearance instead of dispatching any more investigators."

Landrell's words subtly point to a past point.

"Reports have begun to come from the vicinity of the Devil Mountains. where unknown castles appeared in the Devil Mountains. The castles, which must have been built up by missing persons, were inhabited by mysterious wizards and knights, and the lords and territories who moved to investigate the castle were brutally slaughtered. This has happened extensively in the northern part of the Empire, which faces the Devil Mountains. So the emperor wants to entrust the commander with the purpose of building their identity and castles and investigating their forces before attacking them."

"I see."

Harun accepts Landrell's words with confidence, as he had already guessed. But Landrell has taken a major commission to see if he thinks his reaction is too shortsighted.

"Your Majesty has granted me permission to install a branch of the Wind Merchant Guild in 3 million gold and the Yellow Road in exchange for this, while the commander also provides a place to stay for free if he wishes."

Landrell was confident that Harun would accept the quest on such short notice. But Harun shakes his head.


"I don't need money. We already know who they are."

"Really? Who are they?"

Lantern gets up on his feet with excitement.

"They are a force called the Darkness. They honor the descendants of Takinin, who spilled blood and madness on the continent 300 years ago."

"Y-you mean a b-nin? Is that true? You have a descendant of the Black Wizard who was like the Devil?"

"I heard you say that with my own ears. They're definitely working on the dark magic left behind by tachynin. Not only that, they have Black Knights and Black Warriors who have mastered the swordsmanship of the late Earl Otzwald, who was Lord of Matsu Plain 700 years ago."

"…… how could you do that?"

"How could the Federation do that? I was repeating the words."

Harun showed me the video repository captured by the Virtuosoviks and gave me detailed information about the Darkness. The pay was already enough to be received or received from the Pyrin Imperial and Horse Towers. I didn't want to be paid for the information I already knew, because it was nothing else but the lives of a lot of missing people.

After hearing the story to the end, Landrell leaves the Breeze Merchant Guild with a calm face.

"I'll bring this information back to the Emperor first."

I'm surprised Dylan even asked me to grab a cup of tea and go.

The tower was next, but unfortunately it was visited with a group of bishops from the Temple of Light. This time, there were so many people that I urgently decorated a large room.

"You've done well in Mats Plain, Commander."

"No, Your Highness. It was easy because the wizards you sent from Pacochu Horse were actively helping me."

"Haha! They used to have great skills. It's an important quest for the Horse Tower I saw there. I'm Captain Harun, who's best friends with our Horse Tower, so why don't you help him out?"

After Huberon's satisfaction, Serpies and others brought him to him gave him a thankful look.

"Have a seat."

"Let me introduce you to my group. This is the Einstein Tower of Illusion Mart, and next to it is the Inaban Tower of Glim Mart. And this is the Irsen Tower of Tint Mart, next to the Algorian Tower of St Mart."

All of Huberon's top continental performers looked middle-aged. Myrus and Taniella's awakening took place momentarily. Probably over the age of seventy.

"It's an honor to meet you."

I don't know what I heard from Hubrun beforehand, but the passengers have greeted Harun with a kind, young gaze. I don't know what conversation I had, but despite being a passenger, Harun felt favored by the passengers who treated Harun closely.

"We have a lot of specialist wizards who specialize in enchantment magic, so if you get a chance, please leave some heterogeneous items with us."

People like the Inaban Towers of Glim Mart greeted each other and waited quietly.

Harun's sensitive senses make another group of people smile and stare at him. They were wearing priestly uniforms unique to the Temple of Light.

"W-who are you?"

Harun already assumes the identity of his opponent, but he doesn't see any familiar faces, such as a saint or saint, so he looks at him suspiciously.

"Ah! Too late for introductions. It's Bishop Asère and his group, the heads of foreign affairs, overseeing foreign affairs at the Temple of Light."

Asère, who was introduced by Hoverun, sat down, lost his hair and beard white, but his skin was taut and his eyes were deep and intense.

Harun felt like a bureaucrat rather than a bishop. Instead of holiness, I felt old.

"Harun, leader of the gale mercenaries. It's an honor to meet you."

Warm gazes poured out at Harun, who stood up slowly and bowed his head to his chest. It seemed to belong to the priests and escort combat priests who served with Bishop Asir.

"Hahaha! I don't have the courtesy of being young, but I feel strong." I am Bishop Asir, Foreign Secretary, who came to see you at the behest of the chancellor. "

He reaches out his hand to Harun.

What, you want me to kiss the back of my hand? '

Harun, who had no knowledge of these manners, sat down again without doing anything. Then the high priests and the bishops who performed ASEZ, as well as the bishops, all gave a fierce look at him.

"You may have a name, but you're just a lowly mercenary. How can you not be so polite? You're gonna get your ass kicked!"

With a solemn expression from Archbishop Asir, his escort combat priests begin to live as one. Some combat priests glow blue with gauntlets as if they were lifted to divine power.


Dylan, standing behind Harun, draws his sword. From the sword he wields, the blade rises to the ceiling.

Myrus and Taniella don't just stand there.


When Myrus' magic, controlling a range of Mana, suddenly disappeared from the arms of the combat priests, and with Taniella's spell, a shining rune wrapped around the space of the priests, including Archbishop ASEOL, formed a kind of seal.

"These are not the priests we know! How can you come to see me and then live? Prepare for battle!"

Harun's face turned cold, and the men waiting outside the house surrounded the priests who had followed him.

"Yikes! What are you doing? How dare you!"

Bishop Asère yells out in a seizure.

"Explain to me why the living and fighting priests are so determined to lift the sacred power, bishop. If I don't understand, this will be your grave."

Harun's eyes suddenly flush with intense glare. Though it was a low voice, the bishop and his group experienced a primitive horror of headaches, with a feeling of emotional condemnation.

"Well, that's ……."

The bishops, as well as the synagogues, did not speak properly with a pale bored face. I was embarrassed because I had never been treated like this, but I was overwhelmed by the fierce force of the opponent.

Even the towers of the already seated tower were watching the situation with their surprised faces, but they didn't try to stand up.

"Even though I am a beginner, I greet mercenaries with the best manners they can take, but coming back is like living with someone else. Those who do not know what their manners mean and try to overwhelm the opponent with their supreme power because they are annoyed by something, are not worshippers of God. All personnel, engage the enemy! If you resist, you may cut yourself! I am not a Temple of Light priest with a doctrine of benevolence to all things in the world and holding even the lowest. Either he or he is a fraudster or a corrupt priest. Kill him without pressure!"

"Yes, commander!"

The men who raised the power of the horses overpowered the gathering of combat priests who were waiting outside the house in a flash. There were also combat priests who instinctively raised divine power and attacked, but it was difficult in the first place to resist the movements and forces of the crew who began to use Mana in addition to the power of the devil.

"The three torturers must conquer those in the room! It looks like they're impersonating the Temple of Light, but we need to find out who they are."

"Yes, commander."

"Huh-huh-huh! Unlike the humble and holy behavior of the saints and saints I met last time, I doubted acting like some lord or nobleman, not a priest."

"Empress Ibelin, who visited us earlier, told us that a group of no-good people impersonating nobles and priests are harassing the Empire. What a world this must be!" "

Hearing Myrus and Taniella's words, the pale face of Archbishop Aser suddenly turned red.

"How can they turn us into such people? We are definitely priests from the Temple of Light."

However, Harun's cold face does not unravel.

"Then why did you reveal your life to me?"

"Th-that's because your manners are lacking! How dare you disrespect this bishop, Leah's deputy! Aren't you afraid of Leah's Syndication?"

Bishop Asher yells with evil.

"Don't be ridiculous. I greet Emperor Garvan and Empress Ibelin of the Pyrin Empire. It was the same for the saint and the saint. Why do they say you're lacking when they don't say anything? Do you think you are higher and more noble than the Emperor or the Empress or the Holy Lady of the Temple or the Son? My manners were the best a mercenary could do."

At Harun's words, the eyes of Archbishop Asher and the synagogues shook violently. When the opponent mentions the Emperor of the new Theon Empire and Empress Ibelin of the Pyrin Empire, as well as the saints and saints, he doesn't seem to have any sense of how to respond.

It was the first time I had faced mercenaries who thought I was lowly, so I couldn't understand their manners. I regretted reacting too late, but it was too late. The opponent was too intense to find a rational response.

Then Huberon, who had been watching the situation, intervened.

"Kurham! Captain Harun!"

"Yes, Your Highness."

As Huberon stepped forward, the eyes of Archbishop Asher were slightly steady. His gaze on Harun is filled with a bitter grin.

"This may sound strange, but this is the bishop from the Temple of Light."

"Y-you can't be serious. How can a bishop want more respect than an emperor who rules the empire? I thought you said you were the Foreign Secretary dedicated to the diplomacy of the Temple."

In Harun's words, Huberon tasted what he wanted to say. I was originally a bad wizard with the priests, and I didn't want to stand up because Harun wasn't wrong, but now that I came in with him and introduced myself, I had to avoid doing big things.

"I'm sure I'm surprised. I thought you weren't like this. You can't have personal friendship with the Imperial High Command of the Three Empires, nor can you comprehend the ability or status of the blast mercenaries and Captain Harun who are willing to make a request in any way. Hey, Bishop Asher?"

"Ah! Yes, Your Highness!"

The face of Archbishop Asère answering was pale again.

"I've heard from the saint that he's a great man, but I can't believe he's like this! I never thought I'd have such a deep relationship with the emperor or the Empress of the Three Empires! You went a little overboard so you wouldn't get pushed by the Horsemen! What are you going to do with it? '

"I don't know why you're here, but leave now. We came here to have a long talk with the storm troopers, but you ruined the moment. We may have already received our orders because of the visit of Empress Ibelin and Emperor Sin Terrell before us, but if we don't do something right, we won't even be able to talk to you and get kicked out of here!"

"Your Highness, how can you say that?"

"It's a shame I know your face. If I didn't, I would have known it was a group pretending to be a Temple of Light priest. I only knew the general president and the saint were the only ones allowed to kiss the back of my hand, but it's really strange. Are you in the position of general counsel in the meantime?"

In Huberon's words, Bishop Asher and the priests' faces turned white.

Only the Prime Minister, the Holy Lady and the Son are qualified to allow believers to kiss the back of their hands. It is a sign of respect and worship for the nobles. But that was not the case, so the general bishops and priests, even the general priests, were common in their parish to do such strange things.

"Are the priests from the Temple of Light really true?"

Harun's questioning, full of doubts, gives him a trembling nod.

"What a strange thing to say, that a saint and a saint and their attendants had such sacred gifts, yet they were so gracious and friendly to mercenaries like us. Why are the people below so captivated by such prestige?"

The faces of the priests who heard Harun's own words distort like rotten liver. More than half of the priests bowed their heads in contempt of shame and deep guilt.

"Release him now!"

Priests who had been detained outside the ceremony by Harun's command became free bodies. However, there was no expected violent response. He just bowed his head as if he had sinned a great sin.

"You, too. I will no longer face the Temple of Light unless the Holy Lady or the Holy One come."

"Hmmm! You'll regret this moment for sure!"

Bishop Asher gritted his teeth and shouted, but his voice was weak.

"Go when you're free to go. Lord Huberon, if you hadn't confirmed your identity, you'd be buried in the dirt by now. Say thank you. If you don't leave now, you'll regret it!"

Dylan comes and threatens Blade, and the bishops and priests rush off to their quarters. The faces of those who were leaving were disfigured. If I did wrong, I was chased away by the opponent because of the behavior and arrogance that could be subject to impersonation.

"I'm sorry, Captain Harun. I had a face, but I didn't know it was him."

"No. I think we met in front of here. What's wrong with the Towermaster?"

Harun presses charges against Huberon's sorry attitude. When he saw the unseen saints and daughters, Harun deliberately went out and thought that they were bound by the temple doctrines or summoned to the temple.

"Haha! I'm so relieved."

"I see. I think I've lost 10 years at a time."

The top players of the tower gave a stronger glance to Tara Harun, who was usually feeling a severe hostility towards the priests at the temple.

"Donnie, I need a car!"

"Yes, sir!"

Donnes and Hani, who were preparing in advance, hurriedly placed the teacups on the table.

"How did the steeple meeting go, Your Highness?"

"Thanks to you, I was able to find clear evidence of the Dark Wizard's appearance, making it easy for me to gather my thoughts. Our tower has decided to take on a group of Black Wizards together."

Harun nods loudly in Huberon's words.

"Good for you. I was worried because their power was too strong for me."

"I don't think the power of a castle made by a Hegen saint is worth worrying about...."

"It was at a time when the Darkness didn't fully power. Not long after that, Darkness is rapidly gaining power with the dark magic left by Takinin and the Mana craftsmanship and swordsmanship of the late Otzwald."

"What! Is that true? Are you sure you're learning the dark magic left by Takinin?"

When the word "tachynin" came out, the passengers, including Huberon, stood up in their seats in horror.

"Look at this. This is a grimoire from the Black Wizard's arms that I struggled to kill."

Harun has already copied the grimoires from Myrus and Taniella and presented them to them.

"An introduction to dark magic. Hmm! Wh-what...?"

He looks at the signature at the end of the book and opens his eyes. Apparently, the name of the tachynin was there. He checked the contents of the grimoire and changed his face severely. The other passengers checked the disputing grimoire and the reaction was the same.

"This is definitely tachynin dark magic. How could you do this? All the magic books that were distributed at the time were collected and discarded..."

No one knows that. It is certain that there are those who have mastered evil and bizarre dark magic, not authentic, through the Black Magic Book left by Takinin.

"The Black Wizards are a problem, but so are the Black Knights and Black Warriors who have mastered the art of the late Otzwald. Although we have not been able to determine its power by engaging in hand-to-hand combat, it appears that more than 500 Black Warriors are stationed at each castle with more than 100 Black Knights of Expert rank and more than senior Sword users. Their numbers are growing over time."

"Whoa! This is bad."

Having felt that the situation was much worse than expected, Huberon's face, including the passengers, was stiff.

"I don't think so. I've come to ask you to find out their stronghold and their final destination, but we don't have time for this. I need to see the people who are involved in this right now."

Hooverun leaves the lodge with the rest of the tower. I don't know which people I'm going to meet, but I'm not different from the faces of the people who were expelled earlier.

The person who came from the Mino Empire was surprisingly Duc Minos, the emperor's only grandfather. As a Sword Master, he was strong and looks no different from Dylan, even though he was much older than seventy years old.

Duke Minos came to Harun with the same goal as Landrell. In addition, I came here to explore the curiosity and future politics of the young people who make a new name through the coffin of verification.

The Mino Empire also lost more than 50,000 people. Missing persons belong to the territory near the Dark Forest, just off the edge of the Devil Mountains. It is famous for its outdoor mines, but private mines developed because of the horse-drawn beasts that fell from the Devil Mountains and monsters living in the Dark Forest.

The Mino Empire has also sent investigators several times, but nothing has been done. It disappeared like a stone in a pond.

Harun gives Duke Minos all his information about the Darkness at no cost.

"Do they have that much power for a full year?"

"Yes. The Black Wizards, the Black Knights and the Black Warriors, but the witches and monsters will be the problem. They're already taking their magic with their tachynin dark magic."

Duke Minos' face hardens.

"I guess I'll have to come back later. Originally from this Empire, I met Earl Dylan of your mercenaries, and I had a few things I wanted to discuss with you very closely, but I'll be back in a moment."

"Yes, Duke!"

After Duke Minos returns to his calm face, Taniella asks Dylan.

"Were you an Earl?"

"I'm not."

Dylan doesn't even know what's going on, so he gives you a weird look.

"Hehehe! Congratulations. Looks like the Mino Empire sent you on a winning streak somehow. Your Excellency, please take good care of yourself."

"Haha! With this ridiculous friend. I will remain a full-time thunderous mercenary. Don't make fun of the Earl or anything."

Harun can finally feel that the ominous situation he had anticipated was reaching its peak.

'Darkness, I don't know what you're plotting, but I can't let you go!'

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