The meeting, which lasted almost four days, was finally over. They were all in the best position in the force, but it took longer because they were not the only dwarves who could make their own decisions.

Harun was tasked with informing the Gentiles about the decisions made at the meeting. Others represented the giants, so there was too much work to do to deal with this, and Harun wanted it too.

"What are these guys doing? '

On the way back to the lodge, Harun remembered the faces of Ares and Magram, and met unexpected guests.


"Commander Harun!"

Ares and Magram, who were waiting for Harun, greeted him with a glance.

"It's been a while. Let's sit down."

Harun shook hands with the two of them and sat down.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hehe! I smelled it. I think there's something big going on."

Ares smiles bitterly at Harun's question. Then Magram taps Ares' side.

"That's disgusting! That's why you're like the Black Wizard."

Ares tears her eyes out to the side and gives a grim look on her face.

"Yes, I am the Black Wizard. What do you want to do?"

Ares, a frogman who plays like a fool. However, it looked good in Harun's eyes. At least it was better than those who trembled and hid their vile insides.

"Mobius actually followed the merchants because the commander and the squadron moved this way."

"Mobius? Where is he?"

I thought he handled information as well.

"I'll come back later. I was going to come with him when his business was done, but no matter how long he waited, we were here first. Chief, you got a big one, right? Is that why you're here?"

Ares, who had a sneaky face for a moment, asked. I think I have a hunch after living as a journalist. The hawk was also very expected.

"Now that you've both got a full-time job, you're going to be great."

The two of them were looking forward to it, and then suddenly it turned into a landscape.

"Aigoo! It's been less than three months. I'm not asking you to bring me useful news, but I don't have any special issues these days. I can only win if I pay for it because my face supports it."

"So am I, commander. The Chief GM, who saw a few profits because of the commander, used to yell at us every day to get good information, but now, because there are so many paths of information that foreigners have become mainstream, getting satisfactory information up there is literally a big scoop in the sky."

Seeing their words and their faces, I felt like I was having a hard time.

"It was my prime time to follow the commander...."

"So am I. Chorn still talks about it every day."

They look at Harun with a pitiful look on their faces.

Harun opens his mouth with a bloody smile.

"Are the terms of information the same as before?"

Their eyes suddenly turned hot. It's like burning Harun alive.

'Son of a bitch! You're starving.'

"Leave it to me. This time, I'll get rid of the official reporter. If you don't get it right, you can trade it with another broadcaster. This floor is a cruel place that you can't see until you find a loyalty."

"Now that I have a career, I won't just take what I've been given."

The two of them glared at Harun's mouth with anticipation and excitement.

"Let's start with this."

Harun released an edition of the video he showed to attendees at the meeting. Ares, who received it, made the video come out with a familiar gesture.

As the video began to appear on one side of the barracks, the two of them couldn't breathe.

As the scenery of the majestic and rugged Devil Mountains followed by the beautiful nature of the mysterious castle and the mysterious crowds that were building the castle came out, their eyes widened, but they did not make a sound.

At the end of the last scene of the dotted castles near the Devil Mountains, which were shrinking enough to fit into one screen, the two of them breathed for a long time.

"…… What the hell is this, commander?"

Ares' voice trembles lightly as he senses that something strange is happening onstage in the Devil Mountains.

"The Black Wizard."

"You're sure the people who are building these walls are the Black Wizards?"


Harun told me about the Darkness, starting with the disappearance.

"So if you take the castles that make up the inverse mesh, you'll give them control of a certain area nearby?"

"No, you're not. You're going to resign as a nobleman and depose the castle?"

"You're both right. The Devil Mountains are the borders of the three empires, but they're too rough to claim. That's why we will reward each Empire accordingly."

They had to listen to Harun. Harun's words are like a miss.

"The castles deep in the mountains have no special merit, but the mined castles on the outskirts of the mountains, or the farmable castles on the plains, have agreed to give them control for up to 30 kilometers. If they didn't want control, they were rewarding them with cash or jewelry. If we don't have enough villagers to farm or work in the mines, we've decided to provide support from a nearby empire."

The two of them were able to understand Harun's words roughly now.

"Then are you qualified to enter the Siege War, commander? I don't think we can take down the castle with enough power."

"That's a good question. The qualification for this siege was therefore limited to at least 1,000 guilds or large parties. In the case of personal participation, it is ambiguous to determine Contribution Points, so it is limited. I expect the foreigners to take over 36 of the 72 castles in the mines and 18 in the plains or herbs."

Harun's answer was that Ares and Magran couldn't stand the extreme excitement, but looked each other in the eye and shook their fists.

"…… Amazing! Amazing!"

"With this information……."

Magnum doesn't seem to have any sense of what kind of reward he deserves. This was a huge quest for foreigners, no matter how much they thought about it, to win a story quest. Although it is not a systematic quest, it will be the best civil war for guilds that are being scaled up by day.

"Beyond's all good, but the users complained that there's no Civil War, which is the flower of the game, and that's how far they'll run!"

"I see. All the big guilds that have been struggling with the Hunting Ground will come running. You wouldn't want to miss your chance to be a nobleman, lord or ruler of a castle if you wanted to!"

Ares and Magram were so excited that they forgot Harun was there.

"Here! Hennie's going to hand this information over to the broadcaster. So we need to recognize that it's not an exclusive, and we need to be on time to detonate it."

"Leave it to us. I think we should meet with Henny and discuss it right away."

Ares and Magram run out to find Henny, scared to say hello.

'Hehe! That's a good one.'

I was originally going to leave it to Henie, but I'm glad Ares and Magran finally got here. The units receiving the quest are now incredibly influenced as before, but it's not Harun who is reluctant to let additional income in.

"Commander, isn't this too much?"

When Mobius hears about your delay, he looks very sad.

"I brought them here and I found out that the commander is here...."

"Then why didn't you come to me first?"

"That's ……."

I heard you created an information guild in real life, and you probably sold it here. Earlier, Ares and Magram spoke of the current crisis and asked if Mobius had built the Harem Kingdom. From Section S to Section F, the women who are his informants and guild members count as few as hundreds, all of them hot (?) to have a relationship.

Of course, I didn't care much about the different values ​ ​ for love or sex, but Harun was also a man, so I instinctively felt jealous. I wanted to take care of Ares and Magnum more than him, so I gave him the information first because I recognized him.

"Still, how much I think of the commander, I'm sorry!"

Mobius doesn't think he's late, he just misses a great deal of information. When I was good, I was able to face them.

"If it's time to say so, I'll go to the place where the three people meet. It's not too late to set a date and blow it up anyway."

"Hehe! Really, commander?"

"Yes, I'm working with Henny on the broadcaster, on the time and content, so get going!"

"Heh heh! You're the only one who thinks about me. I love you!"

Mobius turns to life in hell, grabbing Harun and kissing him on the cheek leaves what he feels and disappears out like a hurricane.

Starting at dawn, the Kowon Union's four game broadcaster homepage was in a real state of flurry, causing the server to crash several times.

"Oh! This is happening."

The Elves and the Red Anvil Dwarves have been relaxing for a long time.

As soon as he arrived, the four hundred items were handed over to Pacochu Horse Tower for enchantments to enhance their performance. One hundred of them will be purchased in the Pyrin Empire and the other three hundred will be stockpiled for other deals.

"Rock, come here!"

Among my friends who enjoyed drinking until late at night, the strongest rock barely opened their eyes. After a long and difficult journey in search of the Elves deep in the Skyroot Mountains, he decided to rest for a few days without connecting to Beyond.


"Funny thing happened to Beyond! Four broadcasters are broadcasting the same thing, and they're very interested."


I glanced through the contents of one of the broadcasters' homepages where the rocks hardly connected. (I think you're using the wrong decimal point.)

Special Notices

Title: Crush Darkness' conspiracy to unleash the massive Black Magic Clan of the Devil Mountains.

Abstract: Dark nis, a mysterious force dominated by Black Wizards and Black Knights, has built or built a castle at a core point for a massive black magic group that encompasses the Devil Mountains. Once this dark magic circle is completed, the passageway to the Magic System may be opened. Stop the Demon King in case you haven't noticed!

Content: Three empires, the Martyr and Temple alliances adjacent to the Devil Mountains announce:

- The guild that took down the Castle that Darkness built, along with the loot, has control of the castle. Guilds who have subdued the castle bordering the Mino Empire and the Sin Theron Empire can receive fanatics or farmland within a 30km radius of the castle as a vomit. A guild that has overthrown a castle adjacent to the Pyrin Empire can administer tax administrations for a territory of 30 kilometers near that castle.

-Mart Alliance provides a certain amount of scrolls and potions, and Temple Alliance provides healing potions.

-The Guild that captured Castle can buy items containing the Grimoire for 40% cheaper in the next 3 years, as well as items from the Temple. However, the sales amount will be determined later.

-The guild that captured Castle can continue its dominance as long as it pays 30% tax to the three empires. However, for three years tax exemption will be granted and 10 gold will be subsidized annually to stabilize the territory.

- The three empires support 5,000 settlers each in the castle taken to Darkness.

-Three empires fund the construction of castles, temples, and the construction of foreign towns taken to Darkness.

- Guarantees control of the castle for the next 10 years. Subsequently, succession issues of control will be announced in conjunction with the three empires in the future.

Eligibility: At least 1,000 guilds or large parties may participate in the Civil War, taking into account the risks of the Black Wizards, Black Knights and Black Warriors. The matters of public affairs shall be decided by the Gentiles.

"That's awesome!"

The rocks give way to elasticity. I felt like I was sober.

"This is like a complete story quest. There's going to be a commotion in the big guilds."

"I see."

Thirteen large guilds with more than 10,000 guilds will participate, as well as thirty-three medium guilds with more than 5,000 guild members.

"That's not all. Everyone who boasts of being a ranker will gather at Fort Matsurut. This time, the guilds will take over the mountain."

"The season of transformation is upon us."

"It was you."

As soon as he entered the fortress, he asked where he was and came to the Storm Merchant Guild.


"Harun led this, didn't he?"

Harun shrugs his shoulders as if he didn't understand. However, the current erects its index finger, rocks sideways, and forms a meaningful emoticon.

"Denial won't do any good. Well, that's not the point."

"What are you doing here?"

"The mayor has opened and I can't come! Brought a bunch of stuff the estramorwn would need to do a civil war with Darkness."

A natural merchant. As soon as I saw the announcement, I realized it was great and came here faster than others. This maneuver is one of the best advantages of the Merchant Guild using warp magic. Perhaps the wagons are waiting outside the keep.

"As expected, the currents are smart."

"Hehe! Do you understand now?"

Currents were now comfortable with Harun enough to joke about. Harun was able to lift the burden of his remaining mind completely from the attitude of the current.

"How much food have you brought?"

"I brought forty wagons. Another seventy will be here in two days."

It was a big barrel. There must be a lot of other supplies. Forty wagons for the first ration!

"Armor and weapons?"

"Twenty-five wagons have been filled, almost swept away by shops and forges in Iron City and Demo City. There are almost all kinds of weapons."

If you emptied both the shops in both cities and the Forge's warehouses, the amount would be enormous. In that short moment, he would have made a decision and bought the necessary items, such as lightning bolts. Currency is a great merchant the more you think about it.

"What are the other things?"

"Hmmm! Fifteen of them are internal medicine, shirts, trousers, and all sorts of living goods."

Harun's eyes glow. At this rate, you don't have to go through the trouble of buying goods by mobilizing the Wind Merchant Guild to deal with other tribes.

"How much?"

Harun's words light up the eyes of the current.

"Hehe! You can't just accept the cost of a friend, right?"

"You can sell it for what you were going to sell it for."

At Harun's words, the current smiles.

"But you can't take too much of the stuff you once loved. The food is bulky, but it's not that big, and the weapons are in pretty good supply. It's probably worth about 5 million gold. I was originally going to get double, but I only received 7 million gold considering the labor cost."

When others heard it, the amount of money that would protrude out of their eyes was mentioned too easily.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

Currents staring at Harun's eyes, which are so easy to say, smiled gladly.

"I knew Harun would be at peace. I think I benefited greatly from fixing the items I brought with me."

Time is a flowing idea with the philosophy of money. There was nothing wrong with it.

Selling goods that have been transported to this point with margin of only 40% seems to have not been profitable, but it is a great advantage if you look into it carefully.

When I thought about the labor costs that took at least a month to digest them all, and the costs involved in storing or maintaining them safely, I had to sell them for at least three times as much as the cost of purchasing them.

"Well, I have a favor to ask you."

Unlike usual, Harun nods, anxiously looking at his face from the moment he met himself.

"I want to come with you this time."

"No! It's too dangerous!"

Harun suddenly refuses her request.

"No! My friend will protect me. I want to go on an adventure more than I want to make money. I made up my mind to get a super capsule this time. Harun, I can act the same as you, feel and live. Look! Now I have a penis just like the villagers here... Oh my!"

The face of the currents that were chattering in the mood burst red. Her hands grossly point to her lower abdomen.

'So the Super Capsule users can make physical love to each other or to the residents here!'

Harun, who thought his case was a very special case, learned something new through the current. But it also turns its eyes to her provocative pose for a moment. Harun is burning something hot in his lower abdomen! I barely sank the rise.


I can't believe she even saved the super capsule. Her father must have been a factor in the GPC. So there was something to confirm. Harun asks in a low voice that she can barely hear.

"Currents, are you part of the GPC?"


The currents were surprised and even had hiccups. Harun also confirmed his guess and smiled bitterly. Reality has finally been rolled by three powerful forces. This is why even after being isolated for a long time, the Unions did not have a unique political system or a unique culture.

"... How did you know?"

"Let's take care of the stuff first and talk while we eat. Where's the stuff?"

Harun shunned the answer and changed the subject. Her face was curious as to whether she was going to die, but she never asked again because of the people around her.

Outside the fort.

There was a relatively flat land that could hold tens of thousands of people, and traces of people's stay remained everywhere. It was built in Matsurut Fortress for the settlement of the peoples and slaves who were about to cross over from the Mino and Shin Theron Empires to the Pyrin Empires.

It was not originally this flat, but tens of thousands of residents were built at the end of the construction with the fortress's guards to stay here.

On one side of it was a large warehouse lined up to store goods. Built as Fort Matsurut declared neutrality and emerged as a new brokerage base, the merchants kept the goods they had brought with them every day at a constant cost to the Citadel Administrator.

The current and hundreds of upper escorts who had not accompanied the current were piling up their belongings on one side and waiting for the current to get a permit from the administrative officer.

"Oh my! Storage permit!"

The current that saw the blueprint and the pile of goods only reminded me why he had entered the fortress and shouted sharply.

"I can't believe I made this mistake! This is all your fault!"

The current barely made a mistake, stopped and hit Harun on the shoulder.

But Harun could not accept her actions.

"Oh my! Harun!"

The stream that was too vigorous to think there was no concept jumped into Harun's arms unconscious of others' eyes.

Even in virtual reality, it was a nondescript that cared about dressing up, and with her clumsy body, the scent of intense perfume immediately aroused Harun.

"Heh heh! You're still so clumsy. But it's cool in my eyes!"

Like a child in his mother's arms, Harun's hard chest was rubbed against his cheek. He wrapped his arms around Harun's neck and stared up at him.


Harun laughs in disgust of what she's doing. I thought for a moment if you were this close, but you're also not judging.

'Well, it's cute what you do.'

Having only learned that even after people met at the same time that their feelings for each other could be the heavenly bodies, Harun decided to take her actions lightly. I didn't really like the first impression, but once I opened my mind, it didn't look bad either.

"How are you?"

"Hoho! No. You're so skinny because you've been pushing it every day. Tell her to let me live freely. I don't have time to make love, and I don't have time to hang out with my friends."

"This is it! You should have a successor class too. How long are you going to keep playing like that?"

"Hehen! You saw it, too, right? She was determined to make me very unhappy without talent and motivation. I don't feel like living these days."

He began to complain to Harun with tears. It looked as if she was being wronged by her older sister, and it seemed to lead people who knew her to sneak up on her after a long time.

"This girl? When did I do that?"

"You did. I swapped the capsule because I wanted you to enjoy the game, and you kept me here for days and days!"

"Who told you to go on a hunger strike to save a super capsule?"

The two jazards were playing legends with Harun in the middle. Usually, he was stuck with the words of the currents, holding Harun's board tightly in his chest, and he was complaining about his sister as if it had helped him.

"Ugh! I really can't get used to it."

One of the leaders of the Rhino Merchant Guild, who was waiting for his turn to greet Commander Harun, nodded their heads loudly, inadvertently.

It is because they have never seen currents and currents behave this way before that they are not adaptable. Even though I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it. I rubbed or dug my ears with the Federation's eyes, but only confirmed that it was a clear reality.

The Bhugilmain difficulty of the Koem Guild was also one of them.

"Hooray! Is there another fox like that?" You act like a princess in front of everyone, and you act arrogant and mean to Captain Harun like he's his youngest sister. I can't even move in front of Commander Harun. What the hell is this? '

The difficulty was pretentious because of the identity of Noble, and I did not realize that the current sister who lived there was a natural figure in front of Harun. I was thinking that the hypothetical look is real and the natural look now is hypothetical to get something out of Harun.

"Ah! Mobius is in the keep, too."

"Really? Where, where?"

When the word Mobius comes out, the eyes of the stream turn round and emit intense light.

"She's probably in the Imperial Intelligence Guild by now."

Mobius and Heny and Ares were there. They are looking for the information they need to get a deeper look at the announcement. Harun asked Hersh to let them in and out.

Currents saw Harun at the end of the stream. Her eyes felt as if she was asking if she could meet Mobius again. Harun nods.

Following her gaze, the light of joy spread out in the eyes of the stream that had fixed their eyes on Harun.

"Sis, I'll go first!"

The slug runs like a bullet into the fort.

"Vice President! Vice President!"

Deskrai and a group of escorts call out to her and chase her behind, but the tide gives her strength to run legs without looking back.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

As his older sister, he was worried that he would break his heart.

"He's a decent guy. At least for the time we meet, we do what's best for the opponent. He doesn't want to deceive or make you nave. I don't know what it's like to have a lifetime together or love deeply, but it's not bad for making love with a light heart. There will be many things to help each other."

I don't have a strict mindset about Mobius or the love of the stream like Harun or the current. They are ordinary young men and women who are accustomed to spontaneous and impulsive love and separation. I felt there was no need to stop it.

"It's going to be dark soon, so let's get people inside the fort."

"What are you going to do with them?"

The currents saw an enormous pile of goods.

"There are magical backpacks."

That's what I said, but I doubt this will all go in. But I can't believe that the subspace created by your Spirit Awakened and the subspace of the enclosure is expanding as his power increases.

"But that's..."

Harun's eyes twist as he looks at the number of magical backpacks he pulls out of the subspace.

"Is this the best? Where did you get this?"

"I want to avoid their eyes. Take care of them quickly."

"…… Okay."

Currency delivered instructions to each of the merchants. The merchants who received her orders drove horses and empty wagons to Marcia's Wagon Depot or into the Keep.

Harun unloads a huge amount of merchandise into his magic backpack.

All sorts of anti-Semitic bread fill one of the more advanced backpacks. A sack filled with wheat, rye and barley powder filled with two of the finest backpacks and three of the finest backpacks.

Food was not the government. Spices, dried vegetables, and jerky became two sections of wagons. Most fortunately, the jerky that Bertrand Vicks liked was more than the minimum grade.


When you chant the spell with the open mouth of the magical backpack on the pile, the stuff that was piled up as much as a gathering item disappears into the magical backpack in an instant.

After filling up your magic backpack, you put the rest of your belongings into space.

'That's all of it.'

By the time the current returned, the vast cargo of eighty wagons had already disappeared.

She shakes her head excitedly.

"You're a monster!"

Perhaps no one, including a stranger, carries a magical backpack filled with this many sheep. At this point, it was enough to call me the top person.

"But now that I've dealt with the goods, I should go back?"

"No, like I said before, I'm going to get a share of Harun's help this time."

"Get your share?"

"Give me a hand. Take the castle!"


I didn't think the currents running a large merchant guild would think so.

"There are already 10,000 guild members running to the Merchant Guild. The responsibility for this world is causing more and more residents to be employed by the guild members. Furthermore, we don't need a lot of skilled people to work for the Merchant Guild using the Warp Wizards, so advanced workers are playing around. If this castle belongs to us, we'll be comfortable in many ways."

It was unexpected, but it was something you might think about in the case of the current guild that is running a large guild. It didn't make any sense at all.

"If it's because of the GPC's mission, don't you think we should set up camp in the Devil Mountains?"

"Mmm-hmm, what?"

Currents became a frightening face as if they were looking at a ghost.

"If you're looking for a climate control wizard, it's better to have a close relationship with the information guild or to have a substantial funding source in case you decide to buy it later."


Currents stopped for a while and could not speak. I was so surprised.

"It's a monster, after all. How did you know that?"

"Accidentally! Tell me the real reason."

"It's the guild members. Since we run the Merchant Guild, we are rich in funding, but there is no hunting ground occupied like any other large guild, so the guild members are having a hard time leveling up."


As soon as Harun heard that, he was able to understand her position, remembering the traits of the estramorwn.

"After connecting with the world, the average foreigner's level has risen to close to 100, so we need a hunting ground for intermediate and advanced monsters, but our KOM Guild has not secured a place to care about the upper world. But there are forces at stake to fight on the hunting grounds. No matter how much you pay, rankers are more interested in raising their level than the Merchants Guild..."

In short, it was said that the guild members were moving away.

"But the Devil Mountains are full of lots of horses, starting with the lowest 120 levels of low water. If you only own one castle, the guild's stronghold problems will be secured, as well as the Hunting Ground problems will be solved automatically."

"There's a reason. Let's think about it."

Harun has brought the Currency to the Koem Merchant Guild branch in this fortress.

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