"That's a lot of damage!"

"I see. Haha! But you still won. This castle is our home now."

Like a resurrectable stranger, the currents were not interested in the damaged situation. Nearly a third of them are dead, but they will soon be resurrected. The resurrection settings are based on the guild master himself, so you only have to wait three days.

The members of the Koem Guild were distracted while collecting loot. The number of items dropped during the death of 2,000 users was more than he could have imagined. Most of the items I was wearing were high C.P. crime points, as well as the items in my inventory, so the numbers were enormous.

The currents that were nervous before the siege were just letting the guild members go.

The thundering mercenaries are gathered on one side. Six men were poisoned and 12 wounded in battle were being treated by Remi and Daku, and the rest were resting on Tino's orders.

Harun makes his way to the place where the crew is gathering for new orders.

"Lord Dylan and Lord Taniella, destroy the topmost floors of Ziggurat and collect useful items immediately."

The two of them flew to the slope of Ziggurat.

"Jo and Bunker Jo will search the ground floor of Ziggurat immediately to escort Sir Myrus. Please confiscate the grimoire, materials, etc. separately. Nikken is escorted by Marie Jo to find, destroy, and collect magical materials."

"Yes, commander!"

The troops of the blast mercenaries, commanded by Harun, move swiftly.

Harun moved separately. Where he was headed was the basement of Girurat. In case you haven't noticed, I had Lippi and Wishine look at the nearest Ziggurat and find out that there are living humans in the basement.

I already knew the location of the hidden door installed on the side of the ramp to the second floor. Ziggurat was the third but almost identical structure.

After opening the door and going down the spiral staircase, Harun was able to hear many people breathing as he expected.

There were three large rooms in the basement, and there were dozens of people groaning and groaning. The door with the alarm magic and the magic lock was easily opened by the smashing injected Mana.

Harun, who forced the magic from both doors, opened the iron gate.

"Oh, my God!"

Dozens of people inside were groaning in shame, naked. It doesn't look like it's been taken away for human experimentation, but it's hard to find anyone who's been sane for a lot of torture.

Other rooms were the same. There were only women and children on this side.

'Mountain tribe.'

It was not a tribe he knew. The tattoos on his shoulders and forehead were not the same size.

- Nia, clean this place up. And I need to treat these people. Please come out and help me.



The summoned Nia and Wishin worked together to clean the rooms in an instant. Whilst Nia enters the bodies of the lost mountain tribes and vibrates healingly, Wishin sits on Harun's shoulders and heads to the third room.

The third door was enchanted by more magic than the previous two. This time, you didn't nod even when you injected the most Mana.

- Wishin, get in there and see what's inside.

Just leave it to me.

After a long time, Wishine, who was feeling better, was sucked in like smoke into the door, and then came out.

- Harun, there's a human being inside. No, I saw an Elf.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

I was able to calm my heart quickly because I had heard that Dwarves had been swayed by the dark arts in Stony Castle before.

Harun finds Taniella and Mirus and climbs back to the top. Only their skills can lift the spell from the door. Moreover, the mountain tribes who were clearly tortured had to go to the ground for proper treatment.

The elf barely regained consciousness after a full day.


The elf opens his eyes and sees Lemi dozing off, trying to wake up his torso in surprise, and soon he puts his back to the bed. He had no strength, but his sheets slipped and his naked body was revealed.

"Ah! You're awake. Just a moment."

Lemi pours a little of the reserve water over the elf's mouth. The gray face of the elf gradually regenerates as the amount of water soaking his chapped lips grows.

"Grumsdyne Milvicca Danicain?"

Lemi shrugs as the elf opens his mouth.

"Wait a minute. We'll get our commander."

As Lemi stares out, the elf turns his eyes to look inside. It wasn't the stinking basement he was trapped in. In the morning when the sun came in through a wide piercing window, only one table and three chairs were bent, except for the bed where he was lying.

Where am I? Did I get the safe? '

I thought so. The woman who just left definitely speaks the common language, but the evil tribe that had been seen by the tattoos on her face was definitely a tribal one.

At that moment, I heard the voice of a young man outside.

"You're awake?"

"Yes, commander."

"You must be a strong warrior. I thought it would take me a few more days to see you in shape."

The elf's eyes narrow to see the human entering through the door. I couldn't see the whole face because of the long head, but the mountain tribe must have a small tattoo on the cheek, and the aura was similar to that of the clan.

"You're up. How are you feeling?"

"Huff! How?"

The elf raises its eyes, raising its long eyebrows in surprise at the elven ear. She has never heard of Elf-speaking humans before.

Harun didn't expect her answer because she knew why she was surprised.

"My name is Harun. He's the commander of the storm troopers. We received this castle yesterday. You're safe now."

Harun's words bring tears to the elf's eyes. Now he could clearly see that he had escaped the hands of evil men.

"I am an Elf of the Blue Du clan, Erifian."

The Erifian is easily opened to the clean and familiar energy that is felt in Harun's body. She is a shaman who can read the energy of her opponent better than anyone.

Harun was able to smell the scent of dark spirits from her.

"Hmm! You were a shaman. Nice to meet you."

"It's similar, but not necessarily. So what happened?"

Harun had a lot of questions, but he decided to let her go first. She's been unconscious so far and barely conscious, so it won't be easy for her to accept this situation.

"... This is how it happened."

"I see. Thank you. Quack, quack!"

Erifian raises her torso to express her appreciation, then realizes her reality and screams.

"Hehe! Don't be shy. I'm the one who healed you with Remy."

The heart of Erifian, whose face had been pulled up and turned into a carrot, began to beat without cause.

This is the one who saw me naked! '

I did not feel ashamed or ashamed when I was tortured, but I am different now. I don't know if it was because it was a safe situation or because I had similar energy in my family, but I was too ashamed.

"I tried to dress, but the trauma was so severe that I couldn't because the medicine was so thick. So understand."

"…… I understand."

Her long ears, which lowered the blanket and revealed her eyes, were still flaring up. The whole body had been beaten with a thorny whip for several days, so there would have been no sanctuary.

"What was the Erifian doing here? I heard the Elves live deep in the mountains."

When Harun's question reminded him of the reason he was dragged here, Erifian poured out tears.


Harun doesn't pick on her, but lets her cry until her stomach clears. Remi whispered to Harun with a look on his face when he saw Herpians like that.

"Commander, I hear the elves have a very narrow range of emotions, don't you?"

He had heard that sound before. However, it was possible that people like humans could not be unaware of the sadness that Elves belonged to the Demihumans. Even if I was confident, I'd feel much better now, but my emotions are somewhat dry.

"Maybe something like this is happening."

Harun was right. After hearing Erifian's cry for a long time, more than 280 Elves from her village were suddenly wiped out by the Darknesses.

"Why did they attack the Elves?"

The Darknesses who invaded the village were left with close to 5,000 casualties, but were curious as to why they launched the invasion. Harun couldn't figure out why Darkness would attack the Elves, no matter how much he thought about it.

"It was the eyes of the Demon King that our clan had."

"The Demon King's Eye?"

"Yes. There was a time in ancient times when the barn barn was opened and the Demon King led the drunks and the horsemen into the material system. The Demon King injected predators and monsters with Margie Qi to make magic and the world into hell. The gods who had to defend the material world fled to heaven without being overwhelmed by the powerful powers of the Demon King, and all the life of the world was at risk. By the Sun God Ra for his love affairs to the Maw of the Earth? Balmon, the darkest god, has arrived."

Harun listens to Erifian with a strange look on his face. Surprisingly, the legends of the Elves, who are known to outlive and preserve history better than Humans, were similar to the Aca legends.

"With pure dark power, Balmon tamed or destroyed the horses, absorbed Margaery, and began to eliminate the scattered horses and horses one by one. After taking out all the Demon King's clans from the Devil Mountains, Balmon held a final battle with the Demon King in the" Land of Balac "deep in the mountains. At that time, Aran, the incarnation of Myos, the goddess of the earth, participated, and she survived to the very end as one of the five wives who loved Balmon."


Strangely, I like the name. Ari, Arang, etc. are mostly names given by Kowon Union.

"Yes. The ancestor of our Blue Du clan was beloved by the High Elves and the great Savior Balmon, who led the Elves of the Devil Mountains. But I couldn't accompany Balmons who had succeeded in exterminating the Demon King when he suffered serious injuries and went to the Maw of the Earth where Lady Myos resides for treatment. Balmon mourned for leaving his beloved Arin on the ground and gave her the Demon King's eyes, which contained the power and magic of the Demon King. With it, the Demon King can train warriors with powerful powers using pure magical power in the material system."

"Darkness was after the treasure."

"That's right. But I don't know where they heard that information, but we Blue Du don't have it anymore. They were hidden in some kind of place because there might be Black Wizards or Horsemen after the treasure. For generations, Rodman has known where it was, and 2,000 years ago, Rod traveled north and went missing, and now no one knows."

"I see. What about the other clans?"

"They're all dead. Two thirds died fighting bravely when Darkness stacked up against the Black Magic Clan and broke through our natural barrier, and the rest died in their torture to find out where the Demon King's Eye is."

"How has the Erifian survived so far?"

At Harun's words, Erifian is unable to speak for a moment with tears in her eyes.

"I was originally a warrior, but after the blood of the High Elves, I was chosen as a candidate for the Lord and I was given visions in secret places of my clan, so I was caught a long time after the tragedy."


Harun kicks his tongue. It was a pity that she had lost all of her kin at once and was caught because she could not escape properly.

"Once every two months, Lord comes by with food, and three months later, he goes to town without any news, and he gets caught by an enemy who's been stalking him. Among them were dark elf spirits who could sense my prowess."

"Hmm! So that's it."

"I've been tortured and humiliated since the day they caught me. But because I didn't know anything, my body and mind became increasingly humiliated. I heard about my family's tragedy from a Dark Elf Spirit who took pity on me and secretly helped me. They say all but the young Elves that Lord smuggled in are dead. No matter how much they tortured me, they sent me to a temple where I didn't know and where the higher people lived. I got here two days ago, and I barely slept, and I was tortured again."

Still, it's a good thing we moved here. At least the foreigners were able to have sex with the dominant crowd of Darknesses, so they did not get worse.

"But did the elves have a shaman?"

She said she wasn't a shaman, but she asked because she felt a similar energy from Latika.

"Yes. Aran, who used to be called a spirit, but was loved by Lord Balmon for her beauty and inviting gifts, was able to harness the power of a vast earth, different in dimension from what the spirits exerted, and also used some dark forces. Aran's power is passed down through blood through generations, and through magic that harnesses its power comes down with it, and I am the current conqueror."

"I'm sorry about your family."

"…… Thank you."

"It must have been hard. Have some light food and rest. Lemi, can you feed me?"

"I will."

Remi sits next to the Erifian with a dead bowl ready.

"Oh, no. I can eat it."

Erifian shakes her head and gives a violent gesture of denial. It was full of light at different boundaries than the way you looked at Harun. But her condition was not that she could eat alone.

"You could pass out while you eat. Remy's a healer, so you can relax and accept him."


"Oh, my!"

Harun was puzzled by the violent reaction of the Erifian. Seeing Lemi's personality slightly distorted face, she seems angry.

"Then I'll feed you."

It was just a sound that made me feel uneasy about Erifian's face. While Lemi's eyes were narrowed by such changes in the Erifian, Harun accepted the meat bowl.

"Captain, I'm going out there."

A little angry at Remi, Harun nods quietly, holding her with one hand on her shoulder and leaning her back against her shoulder. That's why Mofo came down and revealed her heart, but Harun and Erifian didn't care much. Her nakedness was not beautiful, but the ointment was thick all over.

"Swallow slowly!"

"Gulp! Okay."

I don't know how hungry the Erifian was, but they ate a whole bowl. The elf, known to be not so strong in appetite, couldn't chew it up and swallowed it up a bit. That allowed me to discard the cold and noble image I had of the elf.

Harun's back is supported by one shoulder, without laying her down, feeding her to death. It could have been the result of a long food intake.

"Erifian, are there any other clans around?"


Erifian blurs as she tries to answer what she's thinking.

"Did they?"

"I think so. I don't know where you got your information about my clan, but I heard a talk from the Dark Elf Spirits as they were escorted here, and they said six Elf villages were burned down."

"Hmmm! They're ruthless. So there's nowhere to go?"

"… nothing."

I felt sorry for him and I felt sorry for him. If it wasn't for strangers like you, I'd be living in peace right now.

"Rest well for now. Our mercenaries will stay here for a while."

"Thank you, Harun."

Since she was full and looking for peace of mind, Erifian's eyes closed as Harun's beating fell asleep. Harun knocks her like that a little more, then carefully lies her down to avoid waking up.

It's been three days since we took down the castle. Currently, the Koem Guild is very nervous. It is time for the resurrection of the dead dark knights. All guild members have been stationed in and out of the castle from dawn to keep an eye on the situation in real time, but no situation has occurred that was expected to be late in the afternoon.

"Looks like you won't be resurrected today."

The current that was waiting on the top floor of the Ziggurat fourth-floor roof, which had been destroyed, was barely relaxing.

"Well, they wouldn't be resurrected if they had a head. Resurrecting in this situation is an act of suicide."

NonRyu also loosened his nervous face. The face of such a drifting sister was hardened again by Harun's words.

"I'd rather be resurrected...."

You're right. It's not a good situation to think about someone who will resurrect here at any time. It was also because I could not always have this attitude, but it is difficult to use my gender with confidence.

It was then.

"Mazuda! Mazuda is here!"

A group of fighters scouting outside the castle rushes towards the castle.

"Everyone stay where you are! Deskrai's Special Forces will take care of it!"

The wavering members of the KOM Guild regain their stability as the currents give their orders through the comms, and a special party waiting in the square rushes towards the front door.

"Non current, activate Image 3 bead."

"Okay, sister."

The third of the eight image beads with the nostrils on the table produced a hologram of images coming into the air, like a hologram, into the head cam lens filled in the forehead of a promoter waiting for the front wall.


The slope, which was less intelligent than the other horses, was easier to take.

"Harun, is it a full-blown attack?"

Harun shakes his head at the worrying question of the current.

"I don't think so. We can't attack this place naked with everything we've lost. He's trying to buy us time to change the resurrection point, at best."

With 20% of stats down, the Dark Ones won't be able to attack the castle properly. It is not easy to target a wall of five meters, not to mention thousands of defensive forces that are well guarded.

Moreover, since you have lost almost all of your items, there will be no way to attack you. I'm glad I have something to wear properly.

"That's right, sis. Changing the location of the resurrection site from a safe place near the location of death to the guild leader, except for those who can move, would be the best choice for them."

The strength of more than twenty sloaks was fierce and fierce, but Deskrai's special forces, consisting of skilled swordsmen, were working effectively with three of them. Half the Special Forces are on standby, wary of the forest, but there's no sign of it.

Eventually, the sloaks end soon. Even with incredible strength and agility, Expert-class warriors couldn't help themselves.

The current picks up the communicator, confirming that all the horses are dead.

"The Special Forces maintain a perimeter and scout a kilometer radius to kill all living things. The 1st and 2nd Combat Squads are commanded by the Special Forces to carry out the mission."

When the current order fell, two 1,000 combat troops who were waiting in the city left the gate and used eight pairs of special forces as heads to move in eight directions.

Deskrai led the Special Forces to the castle after reconnaissance and combat missions, before the sun was fully set.

"Senior Warrior Chief, what was the situation outside?"

Currents asked Deskrai, who had just come up to Ziggurat to report.

Above Ziggurat, I could hear the clashes of screams and weapons as if they were coming from everywhere, but Deskray did not ask for any assistance, as if he were on a smooth journey.



The solemn commander's face was strangely distorted, as well as strange laughter, and the currents' faces hardened.

"Sorry, Gilma! Stop being so funny."


"It was so funny that those who only wore shorts and sleeveless shirts were so scared to run away that I stopped, and I apologized."

"So that's it. Puhhh!"

Even the currents who knew the situation abandoned their usual solemn expressions and burst into laughter. He dropped his high C.P. gear as well as essential items like weapons, so he couldn't help but laugh when he remembered the scene of running scared with only permanent items, shorts and sleeveless shirts.

"I wanted to pursue them to the end and kill them indefinitely, but I was patient in case the wizards and horses were lurking."

"Well done, Senior Warrior Chief."

It's time for the darkness to descend. They haven't experienced it yet, but when they heard about the guilds attacking the other castles, the Dark Wizards of Darkness insisted. If you summon anyone while chasing them suddenly, the damage will be great.

"What's the damage?"

"About 200 warriors chased the enemy deep and were killed or badly wounded by the Black Wizards and Black Knights. The number of enemies killed by us is roughly 500."

"Good work. Now get some rest."

If there were 200 casualties against 500 enemies who didn't have proper weapons, it might not seem like much of a criminal record, but considering the strength of the enemies who even had the Sword Master, it was reasonably satisfactory.

"Congratulations, Cedric! This castle is now the guild of Seir and Koem."

Harun congratulated the Currents. The enemy won't be coming back for a while. Enemies with unchanged equipment will desperately move to replenishable locations such as nearby castles.

"Thank you, Harun. We wouldn't have taken this castle without the storm troopers."

Currents were genuinely grateful to Harun. If Dylan hadn't dealt with the Sword Master and Harun hadn't dealt with the Black Wizard of the Five Circles, they would have turned on their enemies. I had no idea there was a Sword Master in the dark forces.

"The future matters. Now that we've confirmed that the Darkness' power is stronger than we expected, we're going to need all hands on deck to recruit or raise Gaza, as well as vigilance."

"I know. But can you do it for me? Or at least one of the three."

Currently, Harun shakes his head, even though he asked me with a desperate look. I had something in mind.

"The gale mercenaries must engage the nearby mountain tribes to attack other castles. We can't afford to split the power for a while."

"But the strength of our guild makes it hard to defend the castle...."

Currents glanced at Harun with a heavy gaze, making a tear. Through her experience, she discovered that Harun was vulnerable to human things.

"It's going to be okay. The mountain tribes will occupy the castles near this castle. Our mercenaries will be in one of those castles. Building a tight-knit cooperation system between the sexes will make defense easier."

"Should I?"

The Currents are relieved of Harun's words. If so, the burden on defense will be significantly reduced.

"First, set up traps and boundary magic around the castle."

"Okay, I'll be quick."

The currents, along with the tides, went down to Ziggurat. The enemies you were worried about were no longer at risk of provoking, so you have nothing to do now.

Erifian has also recovered a lot of energy over the years. Remy and Henny stayed by her side the whole time to heal her suffering from the death of her clan and the aftereffects of torture, while giving her emotional stability while chatting.

"So Commander Harun is friendly with the Elves of the Silent Land."

Hearing what happened in the land of tranquility from Henie, the Erifian's eyes glow fiercely. As the heir to the Lord of the Erifian, I was able to speak common words.

Remi didn't like the Erifian much because he understood what he was saying last time and didn't fight well and refused to feed him.

"Yes. I don't know, but I think I did the Greenes a great favor. Lord even gave me a necklace to prove my identity as a gift."

"I see. I've only heard the stories, but they say they make regular deals with the Elves who entered the Skyloop Mountains with the commander." "

The Erifian hears Remy and Henny's words, and she thinks for a moment.

'It's not just mercenaries. The ability to communicate with our Elves is not only the fragrance of intense spirits in him, but also the dark scent of the Devil Mountains. I think I can trust a human who has been recognized by the Elves living in the land of Silence. Is that the legendary hero of the human race? Well, maybe we should ask him for help.'

It's only a matter of time before the six villages of a clan are destroyed and the secrets of a larger clan of Elves taken captive are revealed.

'We don't have time.'

Now that the enemies only know that they have the name Darkness, the Demon King's Eye must have discovered the existence of natural stones in the land of chaos as well. If the torture stopped recently, it must have been said by the head of another village that did not overcome the torture.

'I have to go first. To the volcano of Belgelat!'

She told Harun on her first day that she didn't know, but she had actually heard of a place from Lord where the Demon King's Eye was hidden. In the middle of the mountain range, Beecher in the incarnation of Belzerat, there was an area where enormous natural forces gathered and were created, hidden, which was also the home of the Elves.

"Why did you think of something, Erifian?"

Hennie asks her if she thinks it's weird.

"No, it's not."

At this time, it was helpful to put herbs on your face because of the wounds.

"When will the commander arrive?"

"Phew! Why? Do you want to see it?"


The Erifian yells sharply at Henny's jokes.

"Hehe! I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

Henny and Remi smile and pass the moment, but the face and body of the Erifian covered in pills and scabs are reddened.

'Captain Harun saw my whole body. Even in secret places.'

When I thought about it, my face was burning. It was an Erifian who had been dragged here and tortured by all sorts of castles and didn't feel much, but when I thought of it, my whole body was in a blaze.

"I need to talk to the commander."


Heny and Remi feel something special in Erifian's words. There seemed to be something I needed to tell you.

"Wait a minute. I'll get the commander."

"Yes. Now that the trauma treatment is over, we'll go out there."

Henny and Remi leave the Erifian behind.

I saw Harun coming down from the 4th floor of Ziggurat.


"Is Erifian feeling better now?"

Harun asks, "Where do they come from?"

"Yes. The trauma has healed the frontal lobe, but the wound is so deep that I think there will be quite a lot of scars."

"I just want to live."

"Yes. But it's going to be tough for a while, not to mention the elves in the same village, and a lot of their families." "

"So take care of the two of you."

"Okay, don't worry about it. We enjoy being with the Erifian. But she has something to tell you."


"Could it be a love confession?"

"I think so. You found the commander because his face turned red."



Hani and Remi smile as Harun make a silly face as to whether what they said was funny.

Harun smiles bitterly and enters the room with the Erifian.


Since Heny and Remi had just left, Erifian, who was standing in the middle of the room with mofo lifted up and came down from her bed without even realizing Harun was coming in early, was frightened, but she still hasn't regained her strength and can't hide her naked body. She sits in place with her face turned red.

Harun's face blushes slightly, but he turns away afraid that he might embarrass her by walking into the Eight Idiots' slender body.

"It may be the wounds of glory, but you look like a very strong warrior."

"Well, is that so?"

Originally a warrior, she learned Elvish magic and spells from ancient times, but preferred to be strong. That's what it looked like. Even her precious breast as a woman was filled with thick scars as if a snake had passed by.

Harun takes off his armor jacket and gives it to her, placing a teapot on the magic brazier.

"You have something to say?"

"Ah! Yes!"

Harun is quite tall for a human, but also similar to Erifian's height, so his armor fits nicely.

After seeing her naked body, Erifian was relieved to see that Harun's eyes did not contain the dirty emotions as she did the last time. In his eyes, only the feeling of admiration, such as looking at beautiful flowers or things, was illuminated.

After a moment of silence, Harun sits on a chair and hands her a cup of tea.

"Thank you, commander."

"You're welcome. So, what's up?"

After a short sigh, Erifian opens her mouth after asking Harun.

"Sa, I actually know where the Demon King's Eye is."


Harun was able to guess why she had just told the truth. When he just woke up, he couldn't trust himself. But why do they tell themselves that?

"I understand why a group called the Darkness needs the Demon King's Eye. The Demon King's Eye will use the Black Magic Reporting Power to create thousands of undead and horsemen. That way, every living creature in the Devil Mountains will die."

"Tell me all you know about the Demon King's Eye."

"Unfortunately, what I said before is all I know. But what's more, if you have the Demon King's Eye, you can control your magic and control the souls of living creatures."

That alone is enough. Harun's forehead is covered in thick wrinkles.

'Maybe it's not that bad. The Holy Stone, Dimensional Stone, and the Demon King's Eye may be able to open the Magic System.'

I was so frustrated not knowing what Darkness was plotting in this world. What do the non-residents of this world want to do? If you open the horse system, everyone will die.

'The only thing we know for sure is that we have to stop them from getting the Demon King's Eye.'

Harun clenches his fist. Whatever he wanted to do, he had to stop them from doing it somehow.

"Where are the eyes of the Demon King?"

"Deep in the Velgelat volcano, the heart of the Devil Mountains."

"Do you know the exact location?"

"Yes, I've heard of him. I was actually one of the next loads. The next roads, chosen by one in each village, compete fairly once every 100 years, one in the integrated road and the other in the Senate at Pine Grove in the volcanic region of Belgium."

"So you can discuss the location among the next roads in other villages?"

"Yes, I think I may have found that place already. I am nervous that there was no torture during the convoy or after I arrived here."

Harun was able to guess what she meant by that.

Damn it!

Work overlapped. If I had known this, I would not have sent Essen, a Burka communication device, to three villages. It's already been two days. It may be later than a full day before the Akas, Burqas and Ain warriors gather at the place they spoke of.

'I'll leave this to the rest of the crew and go by myself.'

I had no idea what I was going to do with so many dark circles by myself. It's just a decision I made because I had to somehow interrupt the Darkness' event.

"I see what you mean. I'll think about it. Get some rest."

"Hurry, commander!"

The urgency doesn't change anything now.

"If you're in a hurry, just pull yourself together. You're the only one who knows the way."

At Harun's words, Erifian looks urgent and relieved. It was known that Harun would not take this matter into account.

To Be Continued

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