
Belgrade Fire Zone

Harun's group, who went through the millennium of excavation, finally made it to the beginning of the Belgelat Volcano when they left Koem Castle in the first half of the full moon. As I struggled through the dense forest that covered the sky and climbed to the top of the mountain, the volcanic regions of Belgelat showed their faces as if pictured.

"You're a volcano."

Harun was able to smell the cloudy smell of sulfur, not only from the high terrain where the tall, rugged mountains rose successively from afar. It is a protest that numerous craters of arithmetic burst from time to time.

"Well done, Danu!"

"Hehe! No. Commander."

Thanks to Danu, I was able to avoid the magic except for meeting 30 Broyles. Not only that, the monsters also encountered the Black Orc Scout a few times. Of course, predators appeared constantly, but none of them were afraid of predators.

"Now go back."

"No. I'll take you to the end."

Danu jumps at Harun's words. On his way here, Harun, who was personally guided by messenger moving skills, regarded him as a teacher, not just the leader of the group.

"From now on, the Erifian will guide the way. The crew will want to hear from us, so go tell them we're safe."

On the outside of the mountain range, the magical communicator worked for a while, but as it entered, it did not work at all because of the heavy Mana flow.


It seemed to me that I could not walk away.

"How do siege wars work?" I was wondering if you could relax and come back with the rest of the crew and wait here. "

After saying that, Danu's face lit up.

"Very well. I'll be right back." "

He vanished into the woods where there were no birds to catch.

'It'll be better if the crew's all here.'

It was Harun who regretted coming this short because he felt something ominous.

'Even Minos and Sunnies couldn't move to absorb the pure stone's energy…….'

If I'd known this was gonna happen, I should have gone with Bertrand Vicks. If they were around, they'd be a big help in finding the witches.

'No, being stronger will really help me.'

Harun struggles to get rid of the sadness he felt for Virtuvik.

It was a matter of urgency, but I felt uneasy about it. I brought only foreigners who could be resurrected, but the more anxious I became.

"Come on, let's just finish up here and go down the mountain."

"Yes, commander."

The crew unloaded their backpacks and began preparing their meals. Harun suddenly misses Bell and Ari as he sees Nicken preparing the bread in a playful contest with the dinner party. So you move a little further away from the group and concentrate on what Belly told you, then you call out the names of Bell and Ari and think of their faces as strong.


I said I could communicate with brainwaves, but I haven't been able to relax. I forgot to try because I was instinctively focused on training whenever I felt anxious. Harun is so used to concentrating that it didn't take long for communication to take place.

- Jonathan!

- Brother!

Bell's cute and lovely voice and the loving and eloquent voice of Ari were conveyed in my mind as if I had waited. It was amazing to be able to talk to her in such a different world.

- We're at the Velgelat volcano.

- Tsk! Whatever it takes, I'll lose my mind. I haven't heard from you in a while!

The chief bell grunts in a grumbling voice.

- I'm sorry!

I shouldn't keep doing this, but I feel like I'm living with the sound of apology on my mouth.

- It's okay, brother. You can't care about small things when you're doing big things.

However, unlike Bell, Ari is glad that he understands himself well. I am not afraid of Ari, but I can't resist the words of her mind that are trying to understand her position.

You're the only one who understands me!

You're a fox! You were just looking at a bunch of your brother impersonations with me, and you got in touch with him, and you changed your face like that!

- Honey, when did I do that?

Every time you talk to me, you tell me that you're gonna call my brother first, that you don't want me to care about your whining, and now you're making a big fuss!

- No way!

I don't know what happened, but it felt good for Harun. It was like being with two people.

- We don't have a lot of time right now, so we can't keep this up long.

At Harun's words, the two stop bickering.

- I was singing because I wanted to hear your voice. Everything all right?


- Yes, sir.

Ari replied briefly because he didn't want to waste his time at the base, but there was no risk.

- Did you get the package from Union?

- Yes, brother. I was conscious of their eyes and purposefully moved to the bicycle.

Harun relieved of Ari's reply.

- Well done, isn't that enough?

- For a while.

But I don't know what it would be like if Saw was using a lot of ingredients.

Harun smiles at Ari. Like the meat that met the water, Saw was stuck in the lab and made the things he wanted to make and was dedicated to his research. Saw was born with the qualities of a scientist.

Our position wasn't compromised, was it?

After a certain range of movement, they triggered a magnetic storm to block their tentacles. They didn't know anything.

Harun smiles unknowingly because he can't see it. The Special Forces and all the equipment they could use to monitor it, but nothing was there after the violent magnetic storm, so they must have been confused. I was so proud that I could artificially produce even a magnetic wind. The power from the storm base was rising differently every day. All thanks to Bell, Ari and Azman.

- He's got some kind of device.

Rest assured, we've removed any tracking devices or anything that might alert us to our religion. Bro.

Bell probably packed it thoroughly. I felt cheerful about Bell's voice, which became increasingly emotional.

- Thank goodness, both of you. Ah! Looks like dinner's ready. I'll call you back.

Harun didn't get to say goodbye to the two of them, but he had to be satisfied with the story and cut off his EEG communication.

"Phew! Hot:

The bunker, unable to withstand the heat rising from the ground, takes off its armor and rolls it around with its left hand.

"Commander, how much farther to the destination?"

The thick sweatdrops on his forehead made him breathless even in the duel.

"Erifian, are we there yet?"

On Harun's question, the Erifian stops walking in front of the group.

This is just the beginning of a volcanic zone, and I've heard from Lord that boiling lake is only two days away. It takes us three more days to reach the ancient home of our clan, the Agrawatt Forest. The final destination is a place deep in the forest called Pinehouse. "

"Phew! This is killing me."

Nicken disfigured the impression.

I walked into the volcanic zone for three whole days, but I was amazed at the entrance. The ambient temperatures were increasing exponentially as they went inward.

Not only the heat of the sun, but also the heat of the geothermal field. There was no way to avoid it. The only thing they see in the dark red rocks is a gloomy, blooming man.

"Let's rest under that rock for a while."

It is not time for rest yet, but if we go any further, the group's strength will not drop to the ground.

At Harun's words, people venture out and head towards the shadow created by a giant rock that reaches 10 meters high.

The shade created by the dark red rock is so large that everyone can enter. Hajim or the people couldn't even sit there or lean on a rock. Both the floor and the rock were too hot. In a standing stance, the group dries a little of the hot water in the leather bucket and drenches their mouths.

"It's a hell of a place."

Even Marie, who had not said anything in the last three days, frowned.

"Is Magma flowing near the surface?"

"I think so. I heard it's a fire zone. It's a really hot place."

Nicken's words give you a red face.

Harun's eyes glow fiercely for a moment. Something strange came to mind.

Do you also use the word Magma here? '

But the doubt soon disappeared.

"Range Long Reel!"

With Nicken's spell, the atmosphere around you cools quickly, as if you were in a hot tub and went into an ice cave. You feel cold for a long time. People drank deep into the cold atmosphere, snoring their noses. I was able to feel the full coolness of it myself. The temperature of the atmosphere rises again because of the heat, and the cold energy has already dissipated, but it no longer rises. The Demibeast still remains unsolved, standing over Nicken's side. Nicken says to Harun, proving it.

"Commander, you may sit down and rest. I can hold it for about 10 minutes with my magic."

"Should I?"

Unlike the cold atmosphere, the floor is already very warm because of geothermal conditions, but the magic has lowered so much that it can stick its buttocks to the floor in the middle of the day as it gathers.

"Thanks to Nicken, I'm enjoying all this luxury."

"Hahaha! I'm glad my magic helped."

After mastering the original dark magic up to five circles, he was able to talk with ease while continuously injecting magic. The rest of the crew struggled to show their gratitude to Naken and sat on the floor enjoying the unexpected cool atmosphere.

Bunker and Marie even closed their eyes. It was too hot at night to sleep. The contest logged out as Harun advised and closed their eyes for about two hours, but they insisted on sleeping here instead.

Thanks to Nicken, Harun feels a strange sensation when resting properly. Harun sweeping forward as he felt like something was coming towards him, and he could hear Life's will.

- Dude, the freaks are coming this way.

That's what Liffy said. Something came through the basement.

"Nicken, unlock the spell! Everybody up and watch the ground!"

Harun's urgent instructions unleash the spell, and the rest withdraw their weapons and keep an eye on the ground.


You notice a vibration from the ground that is palpable enough for all of the party's attention raised.


The moment Harun shouts, the group leaves, as if they were locusts. At that moment, Harun's group sits back, and a large shady land springs up, spreading dark red dirt and stones into the sky.


A giant pit has just appeared on the ground that was just sitting there, and with a low sound wave that rocks the atmosphere within it, a monster with a huge body appears.

The red coat had no fur or incalculable spurs, and the small head had more than half a mouthful of teeth that looked like sharp saw blades and no eyes. The body of the person standing behind the bee reached 4 meters long and the body was 3 meters long. The front foot on the shoulders that looked solid had three claws that looked like shovels.

Sledz, run! "

The Erifian starts to flee with a sharp warning.

Other people who had been distracted by the appearance of a strange beast for the first time came as they tried to turn around and jump, and the land ahead of the Erifian was torn apart from one another.

"Ugh! Wrong!"

The Erifian turns back and starts running, screaming in despair and horror.

Niken finally regains his senses about what happened at the dawn and casts a spell on the monster who appeared in the first place.

"Dark magic missiles!"

Twelve black magic missiles were generated in front of Niche's chest and soon flew to the beast with incredible speed. The beast either reacts slowly or does not care about the magic missile.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Originally, it was normal to fall down or scream, but a monster named Schlemz was just standing there.

"Oh, my God!"

Nicken looks unbelievable. Twelve magical missiles were hit, but Schlemtz's appearance did not change. But that wasn't all the attack was when Marie shot the arrow. Three iron bars fly towards Schlemtz's massive fuselage.

Tink! Tick!

The iron bar bounces off of Schlemtz's dark red coat or tumbles to the ground powerlessly. It is an envelope with an unbelievable defensive power that can be processed from such a close distance. The arrowhead possessed by the error was just as powerful as the wizard's shield, so it was worth knowing its defensive power.

Nicken and Marie, who look bewildered, try to attack again, but they settle down on their heels, gripping their ears with an enormous, painful face that draws back the spell.

Schletz makes a different sound than before, but surprisingly, it's kind of a peer.


The cursing waves that sounded like snoring, not vocal chords, caused people's faces to distort in a flash. It caused intense pain as if my head had turned white.

"Here come the horses again!"

The horses are approaching the group, keeping an eye on things while they're still. It was rising in succession, creating dozens of stripes of ground flakes from afar.

"Everybody up on the rocks! Now!"

Harun rolls around the Erifian waist and rises over the rock, and Nicken casts his Fly magic into the air.

In the meantime, the three men were unable to escape, so they grabbed their weapons and attacked the wagon's head, which was just spilling out of the ground.


The weaker one flinches back, stunned by the upward soil and rocks before attacking, but like a professional archer, she fires four straight shots in between.

Tick, tick! Tick, tick!

Despite pulling the demonstration properly and placing it on the ground, Chelsea fell powerlessly into the beast's hide.

Cough! Cough!

This is a stunning stabbing and Ben attack, but the battle already in Expert's wake and Bunker's weapon bounces off of the creature's weird-looking hand.



The two of them retreated, staggering back, vomiting their guard against the repulsive forces transmitted through the weapon. Your flesh, not your fingernails, is like a giant lump of steel.

In the meantime, Harun, who took a single leap up a 10-meter-high rock, lowered the Erifian and pulled the rope out of the subspace.

"Grab the rope!"


Unlike Nikken, who came into the air by Fly Magic, the three foreigners were rolling only their feet because Schlemtz, who had first appeared, blocked the way to the rock.


Harun sees the three men tightly gripping the flying rope as they draw the arc, then turns away pulling as hard as they can.


As he rises to the rocks with the Fly Magic, Nicken shakes his balance with the low-frequency peer that Schlitz has blown, barely holding on to.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The three crews barely rise to the sky. Harun turns around, grabbing the rope. Their bodies also move in the air. Harun continues to hold the rope forward, slowly stopping and turning the rope with his arms. The weight of the three crew members and the rope is not a big problem, thanks to ProJulina's pull.

After a short while, the crew was able to rest safely on the rocks.

"Whoa! I'm alive!"

"Thank you, Commander."

"What a bunch of monsters!"

The three men who came back from the dead stare down at the rocks, barely breathing.

"His name is Schlemtz?"

Even though I don't know the Elvish language, I remember the name the Erifian shouted when he appeared. Harun asks Erifianhe.

"Yes, commander. It's one of the finest horseshoes, and it uses a peer that gives off fear and pain to the subject, and it has a hard leather that you can't help but error. Instead of having snow, Schlettz's extremely developed sense of smell and hearing tend to like hot ground like a volcanic zone. It's a scary guy who is said to love the blood of animals with low temperatures."

According to Erifian, she's also a new shaman. More than 10 of them stand still, their heads spinning around, unable to find where the group is.

"Marie, try to attack with the maximum amount of error!"

"Yes, commander."

Marie considers the disgrace she just had and unravels the stronghold on her back and strikes a wire at the demonstration.


As Marie injects Mana, the iron bar quickly turns blue, eventually creating an error in the grain.


The iron fist that injected Mana as it existed flew towards Schlesz, standing still like a fucking concussion.

"That's right!"

When Chelsea was hit in the head by Schletz, the bunker jumped and was delighted, but Marie was building a Pride Statue. I didn't hear what I expected.

"…… What, those monsters?"

Schlemz's head is wired, but it's only a little stubborn. Chulsey shakes his head nervously and falls to the ground helplessly. As if they were trying to find the place where the iron bars flew, they were usually glued to the side of their face, flapping their ears.

"You have a hide that doesn't even work."

The group's face stiffens.

"Magic doesn't work. If that's not the magic of the circle, it's hard to get a whip."

Nicken shakes his head, too. Even with the same magic attack, Black Magic based on Black Magic is more powerful than White Magic. There is no great difference between inanimate beings, but the dark magic associated with death is much more powerful for living creatures. That is why the Five Circles Black Wizard is commonly referred to as Madosa.

The Erifian stares at Harun with tears.

"What do I do, Captain Harun?"


"Schlemtz is a vengeful, usually ten-hunting horse. Once you set a goal, you attack until the last one is dead, and you say there's no turning back the enemy."

"Let's think about this for a second."

Harun recklessly sits on a rock and quickly has to get back up again. The rocks were so much hotter than the ground. It turns out that the crew is not standing in place, switching Federation feet. No matter how big the rock was, it had been warmed by the heat for a long time and the temperature had risen to its peak due to the intense heat during the day.

"Dammit! There are places like this!"

As the bunker screams with arrogance, the Federation's boots are clearly equipped with magical items. The smell of burning leather was coming from here and there.

"I can't stay here much longer."

The scorching sun rises high in the sky, but Harun's group's eyes darken.

Desperate repayment was not the end.

Kung! Kung! Kuang!

Along with the noise, a huge rock was shaking, 10 meters high, 50 square meters high, and 50 square meters high. Looking down, you see some Schlemtz digging the ground next to the rocks and the rest pushing the rocks against the giant fuselage.

"You can't think of a giant rock like this going over, can you?"

As Nicken spoke with an uneasy face, the crew's faces were filled with dread.

A horse that cannot be attacked properly on purpose!

"I don't see why it's so advanced."

Harun was impressed by the ability of a superior magician when he first met him.

'Ah! Now I remember. Latika Khan said that Schlemtz's tattoo gives him invincible defense power.'

I heard the name from Erifian and said it was familiar. It was truly an invincible defense force.

'But there's nothing hard about leather that won't kill you.'

Harun stands on a boulder, which is getting bigger and bigger. He finds a way to attack the mouth of the man who's too big to close well.

The answer was quick. Among his predecessors, the electric charge and the dark scaffold were the same. And the spirits were able to fight back. The only thing that mattered was their numbers.

'The masters must use them during a gunfight to maximize their effectiveness. Maybe I'll be a good opponent...'

With a messenger sword, it's possible to deal with them. In the meantime, Harun, determined to use his scabbard, leaps down the rock.



Suddenly, Harun leaps down the rock and the group is surprised to see him running down the edge of the rock.

The deaf Schulets recognize Harun's approach to the ground and rush quickly. Only three of those who pushed rocks with their brains were able to rush in, and the rest remained the same drought jobs.


Harun unleashes messenger skills and Mana swings the injected smash.

Ka 'ang!

As expected, the power of the front foot, which looks like a shovel, surpassed the strength of the steel. It looks like a dog standing on its hind paw, but their arms move fast enough to process. When I moved, I moved back and forth quickly, but not in a different position.


The front legs of those three splintered like shovels have built Harun's body with fearsome wind pressure and corrosion, but the shivering blow with his body moves one layer faster than the rest.

The crushing of the six forelegs and Harun begins to clash with the Federation. Harun makes a swift mockery of their feet to keep them from being surrounded.

"I think the commander has ten arms!"

"I know. I've never seen a commander's sword. It's unbelievable. We're up against three, but we're not outnumbered."

The floor races excitedly, and the bunker lowers its body, staring down and groaning. Marie is poised to sit next to him and fly the timer at any moment.

"Only then can I maintain my water supply...."

Nicken talks to himself and touches a scroll of when he pulled it out so no one can hear him.

'Dammit! This place is so flowing that the teleport scroll might not work properly.'

Nicken's eyes widen, shaking in anxiety.

"With Mana in the blade, you can do a quick walk and a fresh sword!" '

At the same time, Nicken finally opens his mouth as it looks as if three Haroons are scouring the area from a distance. He didn't realize that there was only one person with three eyes. After all, he's moving that fast, and he's never heard of anyone like this before.

"Cancer technology and spirituality weren't the only ones underneath. Even that swordsmanship is useless to be called a mercenary hero! '

I can never admit defeating him, but I've never heard of anyone who plays such swift maneuvers and swords. I thought that I wouldn't be able to guarantee my victory against the Sword Master.

Surprised, something flashes in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, Harun's rays lead to Schlemz, and a few moments later, he shakes and gives way to the ground.


"That's a trick. The commander's specialty."

Having given Marie's words more power to her eyes, Nikken can once again see flashes of light emanating from Harun and lines of light leading to Schlemz.

"I threw it again!"

When Nicken looks back at the excited bunker for a moment, he sees another horse fall to the ground.

What's the secret? '

I couldn't believe it. Sorceress is not just a sorcerer, but a weapon that can do something about a warhead with a massive fuselage. I don't know if it's a trick with magical powers.

'I see! The masters were the masterpieces.'

It only made sense to me to think that way.

"Huff! The scream moves by itself!"

The surprise bunker proves that his thoughts were right. Something shiny from Schlemz's mouth that fell on the ground flew out to Harun and quickly turned and flew to the other one.

"Power surge!"

This time, you see a seemingly sudden concussion flowing from the body of Schlemtz, trembling and slowly collapsing because only one person was playing against him.

Do you really have Ego? No, I've never heard of that. But with that level of power, it's at least legendary! '

If it weren't for that, it wouldn't have moved like a living creature like that. What was even more surprising, however, was Harun's movement against the rest of the horses that had been moving so fast that they had no tiredness at all.

Harun's pattern was similar. If you move fast enough not to be surrounded by them and you find yourself in a gap against Schlemtz, you throw a scepter. The amazing thing is that the battle has already begun for a long time, but you are not tired of it at all.

'How much Mana...?'

I didn't understand it at all through my own common sense. Expert was sure, but it seemed to have more power than this, given the rapid movements and fresh swords that came out of the smash, as well as the apparent quality of the machinery.

It's the same pattern, but it's collapsing by one Schlemtz without any other attack. Boring but effective attack. Even if any of the tests he knows can move quickly with the sword held for that long.

The people on the rock are now relaxing and looking down. The rocks, which were shaking increasingly strongly and unsettling, stopped as all of the Schlemz gathered around Harun.

But there was also a crisis.

It was when there were three left after taking out the others. Suddenly, they open their big mouths.


An enormous fire has erupted from their mouths. The flames from the three of them soon filled Harun's body, as well as all the large spaces. The flames are constantly coming out of their mouths, and Harun's appearance is nowhere to be seen.


"Commander! Commander!"

"No, commander!"

The squad screams Harun, and Erifian screams with an incomprehensible word.

"Damn it! You can't die here!" '

Nicken jumps down, his fist clenched unknowingly.


It wasn't that there were infinite spheres going down, but it was magic that unfolded without knowing it.


With the Fly Spell unfolded, Nicken's eyes bulge as if they were about to unfold.

Three flashes of light erupted from the flames.

"He's alive!"

Niken's body suddenly loses its focus and falls to the ground, screaming unconsciously.



Fortunately, there was no pain except for the ground and a headache that seemed to support the head and buttocks.

Nikken rises from his seat and sees the flames fade away. You could also see the remaining three Schlemtz collapse in turn.

Woof! Woof! Kung Wung!

As he felt the ground shake, he was furious and sober, and he could see Harun without a single hair on his head.

"Hey, boss!"

Suddenly, a glint appeared behind Harun's body. Tears from pure amazement refracted the light.

"Were you worried, Nicken? I'm fine."

As soon as he hears his heavy voice, Nicken's strength subsides and settles down. Was he too nervous? Or is it because he hit his head on the floor when he fell? Nicken's virtue fades.

Harun stands in his place for a moment, wrapped in a thin, shimmering foe, his seminal blood rushing out of his dead body. Another horn sprouted out without even knowing it. This change was becoming faster and clearer.

It is fortunate that the time to absorb seminal blood was accelerated. I had never shown this to anyone before, but I had no choice but to show it all here.

The group looks at themselves from above, giving him a frightening look.

'Well, that's weird, even for me.'

I'm glad I didn't see the horns on my head because of the helmet. If he had seen it, he would have seen himself as the Demon King of the Magic Dynasty or as his vassal, Tashin.

Harun looks up at the rock and shouts, after absorbing all the seminal blood and confirming that his horny body has returned to normal.

"Is everyone all right?"

Harun's words bring down the ropes and rush towards him.

"I'm fine."

Harun's eyebrows twitch for a moment because his face is red and then he reaches the top.

As soon as the Erifian and her crew try to ask you something, Harun strikes. I know exactly what they were going to ask, but Harun had nothing to say.

"Then get some rest."

Harun injects Mana into the splash water and produces a sword that begins to peel the hide of Schlemz. It was originally difficult to skin a beast, but Harun had a lot of bots, so it only took a little time at first, but it became faster.

While Harun was skinning, Nicken fainted and the other four were watching, perhaps the floor was hot.


A large stable stone appears after Mana's injected Harun boots smashed Schletz's skull. The dark red cobblestone, like dead blood, flows four or five times larger and four-and-a-half-fold nasty magi.

Harun put the horseshoe into the sub-space and sent his thoughts to the bitch.

- Bitch, it's the new stable.

- Uh-huh-huh-huh! What a big stable. Master, trust me! I'll make it right.

He liked what was so good, even with a grim smile.

The people watching Harun's actions grimace as they see him mercilessly crushing the head of a beast and pulling something out of it. It was a terrible sight for those who had never seen it before.

Whatever the landing was, Harun looked like a black wizard with armor and blood all over his hands.

After Harun finished his work, he approached those who were standing in the shade, and they instinctively withdrew.


"P-Jean, do something about that blood."

Harun smiles bitterly and cleanses his body and armor by summoning Nia, checking her movements in Marie's words of fear.

"You've had enough rest, let's go!"

Those who saw Harun speaking in tranquility as if he had been walking for a while shook their heads as if they were tired.

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