
Harun wakes from his sleep, groaning.

'Why is it so hard to open your eyes?'

It was too hard to lift my eyelids. Harun opened his eyes so closely that he couldn't help but be surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings. Obviously, he was on the way up the forest to Pine Grove, where he was now confident was the interior of the building.

'Why are you so powerless?'

I turned my head and didn't have the strength of my whole body to winter. After running away, I remember meeting a robber on the street who was incredibly assaulted and lying next to a garbage can. I wasn't trafficked because I was doing nothing but bone, but I first experienced the darkness of society.

Once upon a time, Harun's body trembled, looking out the window where the sun came in, smiling bitterly as if he were becoming old.


It must have been Ziggurat who looked out the window. The castle Darkness built was evidenced by a five-story building and a unique spire.

Why am I in Darkness' castle? Who found me and teleported? '

But Harun denied that possibility. The Devil Mountains were heavily flowing and unstable, with frequent loss of communication. Teleports and warps are magic that cannot be unfolded in these areas.

Then what is it? '

I thought I needed to get close to the window and take a closer look at the view. Now, there were no walls other than the fifth floor of Ziggurat and the spire, or any other buildings. Instead, the mountain appears to be quite high from the distance.



Harun, who was about to move his body, vomited during a delinquent, feeling a great deal of pain with the sound of iron.

Harun noticed that he was not lying on his back, but that he was erected with chains on the wall. The hands and feet were filled with restraints attached to a chain that was secured to the wall, and the body was covered with nothing.

Inside the restraint restraint, which touches your arms and legs, there seems to be a sharp needle. A little movement, and there's a lot of blood coming out of it. On the outside of the restraining sphere, which emits a subtle glow, was a geometric symbol.

Harun looks around the room, enduring the pain. What caught my eye was a small window that saw Ziggurat, a long table in front of him, a few chairs, and a pile of his armor, weapons, and memorize belts in the corner.

On the table, there were iron tools that could be used for viewing only. Perhaps this is the torture chamber.

'I have to stop the bleeding first.'

Harun instinctively tries to steer Mana away from blood vessels, but Mana Ocean's will never budges no matter how strong. Mana was definitely there, but she was unable to move. I tried to draw the power of the beast, but it was not activated either.

Harun's eyes heavily shake as he wrestles with Manawa for a while, wondering what happened while he was unconscious.

"Is this restraint a Mana Seal? '

When that thought comes to mind, Harun's face distorts horribly. I had never been in a situation like this, so I didn't notice it quickly.

"Ow! Why am I like this?"

I knew there was no one in the room to answer, but I shouted at the frustrated heart. Blood flows from his wrists and ankles with terrible pain, but Harun continues to shout.


The iron gate opens as if answering his shout.

"Huh-huh-huh! You're awake."

"…… Nicken?"

Harun's eyes widen in tears. Niken, who thought he was dead, was alive and well, giving him a grim look.

"Aren't you dead?"

"Khh! How could you die? He's named after a black maestro with six circles."

Having seen Nicken's grim voice and face, Harun saw that his mood and attitude had changed, and he could see that the questions he sometimes had come up with were not a mistake.

Harun's gaze is on Niken's black robe. I've seen a black wizard in a robe with a golden circle carved on his chest. The Dark Wizard of the Darkness must have been a high ranking wizard.

"Was it the Darkness?"

"Hehe! Now I see."

Oh, my gosh!

Nicken was a stranger. I didn't mean to be rude, but he was my comrade who walked the path of death on his way here.

"So, you've been doing slip magic on me?"

Nicken nods slightly, with a bitter expression instead of an answer.

Harun realized that the reason he had lost his mind and that what he had imagined was real.

"I didn't pretend to be dead. I fainted. When I woke up, the commander was crying."

Nicken's grim face erases the bright, warm look he's been seeing. His mood was so vivid that he suddenly became someone else.

You were hiding your true colors? '

He clearly said five circles with his mouth, but now he said six circles of black magic.

"Who are you?"

"Let me formally say hello, Captain Harun. I am Nyken, leader of the Illiots of Darkness."

Harun realized that he was not only being tortured by the Darkness, but an important guest who had visited the castle at that time. Perhaps the broken Mana Seal that fell next to him was not what he was wearing.

"Niken? You lied to my name. You must have been a visitor to the Stone."

"You have a good head. How could he think of me as a prisoner at that moment?"

I thought it was too easy to tell if it wasn't a smashed Mana Seal that fell next to the guy with the head wound.

"Huh-huh-huh! Maybe. The castle collapsed while enjoying the fun of freeing a prisoner's Mana Seal and torturing him."

Now I could clearly see what was happening in English.

"Oh my... Ugh!"

Harun, who was about to scream out in a furious uproar, felt terrible pain as he moved again. The needle in the Mana Seal and the restraints penetrated the flesh and touched the bones and nerves.

"Whoa! Be careful. This is a precious item with a blood-sucking steel thorn in it, so you shouldn't get excited."


Harun sharpened his teeth. But it wasn't just the time to be angry. I had to figure out why I kept myself alive so I could deal with him.

"Where am I?"

"You're quick to accept your situation. Good posture.I 'll tell you that much. This is Pine Castle, which is being built outside the boundaries of the Temple of the Moon, in the middle of Pine Grove, the home of the Elves."

Nyken gently showed me Harun's water.

"Why did you keep me alive?"

"Hehe! Why are you doing this? The commander told that elf bitch how to get through the barrier."

That's what I kept him alive to know.

Harun saw that they had not yet broken through the barrier that covered the temple of the sealed moon with the devil's eyes.

"The commander has the means to let you live if you just show him the way. But we were partners for a while."

The look in Niken's eyes makes it sound real. He doesn't seem to think Harun, the mercenary, will end up not speaking of it for his loyalty to the Elves.

"Do you think I know that? I haven't heard anything."

If the Demon King's Eye falls into the hands of the Darkness, what will happen? If this world of Beyond is not a virtual world created by an artificial intelligence computer, then many lives could be lost because of it.

"I thought about the love that I had accumulated and tried to go easily... …."

Harun's resolute response suddenly distorts his face. It was doubtful that the person who accompanied him was the one whose eyes turned into a triangle and emitted a fierce light.

"Nothing came out of the Elven Woman's body, so he must have given you a way through the barrier in secret before he died. Isn't that right?

"There is no such thing. You know that."

Niken pauses at Harun's words and fixes his sharp gaze. In fact, I was secretly watching Harun and the Erifian, but I had never heard or seen anything particularly suspicious except when speaking in Elvish. If it is, it is only when you are losing your mind.

"No, there is! You must know that."

I searched both Erifian and Harun's belongings, but I couldn't find anything that Erifian might have given me. But Niken is confident that only Harun knows how to get through the breach.

"I don't know."

"Huh-huh-huh. Those who think they can do anything can only lose if they become Payne. Zz!"

Nyken's face turns cruel, and he holds the whip of one of the tools lying on the table. On the end of the whip made of leather were sharp needles.

Heave! Heave! Ta-da! Ta-da!

Niken whips me diagonally. It was a lightly whipped whip, but Harun couldn't help but scream a low, oppressed scream. The pain, which seems to be fracturing, causes the flesh to fall out and vomit out between the notches.


Harun's torso turns into a mess after a single light whip. Deep wounds were made to the lower abdomen and thighs along with a diagonal scourge mark from the clavicle to the thigh.


With a grim laugh, Niken casts a shimmering glance at Harun, who quickly turned bloody.

"Expect. There are plenty of good men out there who want to torture you. Look forward to the exhilarating gifts that wolves like you haven't enjoyed in a while, placed in this remote place."

Niken claps his hands once. Then, like I was waiting, three people came inside, and they looked at Harun, who was bleeding, and drooled with frenzied eyes. It was clear that he was a pervert who felt the best pleasure while harassing others.

Immediately, cruel torture began in the room, and Harun began screaming in blood.

As Backcell enters the room, Niken's gaze fixates on him.

"What happened?"

"Well, that's ……."

Backcell, who had never failed before because he was so keen on torture methods and tools that he was judged insane for torture, stuttered differently than usual.

"It's not easy, is it?"

Luckily for him, Niken thought so. I was relieved because my ego was hurt and I was not reprimanded. Even though he was not from Noble, he led one of the seven battle divisions that Darkness boasted, Niken was an indispensable dual owner.

"Yes. I never thought I'd open my mouth. Whips and maces, as well as the best torture to break bones without nails and nails, coughed a few times, but his face did not change at all."

"I think so. And then there's the other guy."

The light of astonishment flashes past Niken's shimmering eyes.

Harun, who he experienced, was a fairly bland human being. His emotions were unique in front of his crew. Moreover, it is natural for the opponent to become stronger when he emerges strong, so he is not a person who can succumb to the pain.

'If it weren't for this situation, I'd like to make it my friend.'

It was Harun who admired Niken for the first time that he had never had a friend in his life and had never even thought of having one.

"Do you really think you're not a stranger?"

According to the information I heard yesterday when I communicated with HQ, Harun is surprisingly likely to be a foreigner. Niken, who had lived with Harun for a while, thought it was nonsense, but still had to check.

"Yes. The others who tortured and tortured me all feel the same way. The rate of sensory transfer is too fast for the avatar to see, and the capacity to accommodate it is too high."

"Hmmm. Maybe the headquarters misjudged me?"

However, there was a good reason for the division's judgment. The most suspicious thing was Arun's intelligence. Harun holds highly classified information that no earthling could possibly know.

"Well, if that's what he's capable of, he's at least a level 180."

It's not quite certain, but it's known that the Master of the Sword is pre- and post-level 200, so it should be. I find it hard to believe that Exporte is at the age of 30, stranger or not.

Legendary grade items that appear to be moving. There, even medium-degree spirits and swordsmanship are more advanced than Expert.

'If you're as good as Captain Harun as I've ever seen, you won't even have to deal with a novice Sword Master.'

Harun's abilities, including incantation and dogma, are considered to be beginners of the Sword Master.

The Sword Master is superhuman. Since he is an ability to exceed the capacity to be seen as a human, it is possible that his subordinates have an astonishing rate of sensory transfer or capacity to accommodate.

Given that the level of super capsule users who belong to the best warriors or wizards that the organization supports with immense power is now in the 160th generation, it is unlikely that Harun will transcend it much more than a foreigner.

Beyond level 100, the level up speed is at its worst. If you are a member of a large organization and do not receive intensive support, you must play enough to level up to level 20. I can't even imagine a level 150 +.

'It doesn't matter.'

He's going to die anyway. When he posted a report that physical torture could not find the information he wanted, the headquarters said they would send a separate person. Any organization he knows will be used to find out what information he wants from Harun and then dispose of it.

"You're not gonna die, are you?"

"Yes. But I think I'm going to die of too much blood during the torture." "

Judging from the amount of blood that was bleeding to death soon, it seems that the law assistants who were the leaders of Pamir tortured him.

"Stop torturing and lay down your lives until someone comes from HQ. If we die in the wrong hands, our unit could take all the blame."

"Very well, Lord."

It was then.

A plethora came inside.

"How do you feel?"

"We failed. Deputy Lord Brienne and the other wizards fell in blood. There was an anomaly, and more than a hundred of the people who ended up in the vicinity saw major damage."

"Damn it! That idiot! She was so confident."

Niken wakes up, speechless.

Like himself, Deputy Master Brienne of the Six Circles Bighiner focused on researching the Magic Cube as opposed to his devoted self to attack magic, so he had hoped for some time.

"Let's go!"


His escort catches up with Niken on his way to the final.

After exiting the narrow castle of Ziggurat and the three buildings, Niken was able to see the fine grooves with a series of loose connections. Inside the boundary is blurry and I can't see anything, but there are a hundred other wizards and 300 black knights standing in ruins.

In front of them lie the most prolific wizards with pale faces, with the exception of themselves in the Iliots, led by those who were severely injured. A fierce stream of life streams out of Niken's eyes as he sees the items that appear to have been dropped by the dead.

Nyken's gaze rests on the wizards, and his insides are severely wounded as they now see a sharp, thin, stiff stain of blood.

One of them wakes up stumbling. It was Brienne who was a vice owner and was spying on Hochtam. The eyes, nose, ears and blood from the mouth seemed to calm down, but I had to take care of my face because I saw the other members.

"What? You said you were confident."

"I'm sorry, Master. The superimposed power of the Black Magic Clan led to the culmination, but the result did not change, as the wizards suffered severe internal injuries."

Nyken's face distorts profoundly in Brien's words. Brian, who excelled in Darkness when it came to magic, succeeded in concentrating and drawing out the forces of the Black Magic Group in one direction. That's why he promised to break the seal confidently.

"No change to the overlapping Black Magic Clan?"

Even the alkyd fighters who first discovered the existence of this place tried desperately to open or break the barrier, but it didn't work. You may not have attempted to draw the power of the stacked sorcerers into one place like Brien, but you may have used every star in the world.

'Dammit! I volunteered for Erifian and Harun...' '

I wanted to shave Brienne's face after spending a valuable amount of time and doing nothing, but I couldn't bear it because the matter was so serious and his back was so full.

"Shouldn't we find the core and destroy it? You said it was some kind of magical cult after all."

"Well, that's ……."

Brian stutters, gazing at his position all the time. His high nose is flattened in some way. Unlike the loud shout a few days ago, this face is dark and dead.

"Not enough overlap and spread of the Black Magic Clan to let all that power go in one direction, but if you don't dismantle it, it's another dimension."

If you look at the dark circles beneath your eyes or the ugly colors, you can see how evil he is and how dark magic he has done. He was aiming for his place in Hoshitam, so he shouldn't have gone to all that trouble.

However, there is no need for compassion or recognition in an organization. Organizations are cold, performance-driven individuals with awards and bees.

"You're useless! That's what you reported to HQ because you're so confident! Take responsibility, you son of a bitch!"

I reported it to him because he was confident. I hated him so much that I wanted to chew it, but I couldn't help but rely on him, especially the magical field, so I gave him work because he was better than me, and this was how it turned out. If we don't break this seal, we'll be blamed for our incompetence.

In fact, the existence of Erifian and Harun made me feel the same way, but things have changed now. Whatever happens to the organization must be punished without compensation. We had to make sacrificial lambs in the worst case scenario.

"…… But you didn't get the secret of the seal from the mercenary either, did you?"

Even in this situation, Brienne is also an unbelievable man who stumbles. But now that I've caught the pod, I have to smash it. That is the purpose of preservation in the Darkness.


Nyken's eyes burn red with his face. His fist flies toward Brien's face, raising his head as if it were not due to his inadequacy, but rather due to the consequences.



Brienne flies back, screaming in agony.

"Son of a bitch! I told headquarters you could do it, and now you're telling me that? You, you bastard! Did I do that on purpose to water you?"

Nyken's eyes gleam and give off a strange glow.

Bang! Bang! Unemployed!

Nyken's fists and feet fall on Brien.

Not only was he as dedicated to magic as Brienne, but he was a Niken who started the game as a combat wizard from the beginning, so his physical ability was even greater.

"Die, you son of a bitch!"

Boom! Boom! Baaak!

"Khh! Khh!"

Brienne's body quickly became bloody. The fists and feet of the mercilessly assaulted Niken were unstoppable. After about a decade, Brienne got married.

"Huff! Huff!"

I was out of breath because I hit him. However, I felt like it would fly away because I felt relieved that I was grinding my teeth with my hands. Nyken looks at bloodied fists and boots, killing like a madman.

"Someone take this bastard and breathe!"


The group that used to believe in Brien carefully approaches and begins to grab his limbs and move them.

"Meldon, what's our damage?"

The frenzy still lingers in Niken's gaze at Meldon, the chief blacksmith.

"21 wizards and 42 Black Knights are dead and twice as badly injured."

"Son of a bitch!"

The sacrifice was too great. Together with my 300 wizards and nearly half of the Alliotz battalion of 700 Black Knights were killed in this fire zone. Members are all users of the supreme capsule and would be brain-dead or dead in real life.

Three of them were killed by the Shamans, but seven were struck by the tremendous force that came out of the seal to break or destroy the seal like this one.

As long as they're alive, I'll try to cure them with potions, but I can't help the dead. HG and GPC, who have been missing their events for a while, have recently turned on their lights and are digging for information. It's hard to fill up members for a while.

"Damn it!"

I tried to swear, but I was exhausted. The boiling anger has been somewhat resolved, but no suitable solution has come to mind.

Damn it! '

There are so many victims who say they're looking for the Demon King's eyes. This mission has pushed us far back from the successor competition.

"If you can't break the seal or make it through, then get ready!"

The conference room froze on Niken's cold horse. Brian has barely recovered to normal with his crew's healing magic (?) I glanced at Niken with cold eyes, but then I dropped my head down.

The faces of the ten captains who attended the meeting were stiff.

Considering Brian's confident deformation overlap magic group has had no effect, there is no way.

If we don't do our job properly, we shouldn't dream of promoting ourselves, not even Master Nyken. In the event that seven units compete in succession, if one of them does not know it, he will also fall into the abyss.

In that atmosphere, another deputy director, Volak, opened his mouth carefully.

"The Temple of these Elves is presumed to be inside the Temple, not outside the core, as it does not seem to be useful even as a stacked Black Magic Legion."

At the words of Volakh, the eyes of the blacksmiths converge on him. In his mid-30s, he is a six-circle madosa like Brienne, but with great prints and resourcefulness, he gains a lot of work in reality.

"So the only way to break the seal is to go inside."

That's what people with a twisted head think. But how do you get in?

"There's got to be a way to get inside the seal. You took it out, right?"

Niken gives you a nod.

"I heard a mercenary named Harun is a spirit."

Niken's cold face shifts slightly at the words of Volakh.

"Assuming this barrier can only be broken through by elves, there is one possibility. If it's an Elven trait, it's probably Spirit Affinity. So Harun, the mercenary, is also likely to make it through the barrier."

Niken's face twitches when he hears Volak's words. I asked the HQ to take the other Elves alive, but I was disappointed in their reply. The ignorant members of the Merak fighting party responsible for the Elves killed them and absorbed their Black Magic Power through them.

"I've heard that with more time, we may be able to capture more elves alive, but there are no survivors here right now. So we have to somehow convince the mercenary, Harun, who's in our hands."

"Hmm! Are you suggesting we make a proper threat, not torture?" "

Niken gives you a nod.

"Yes. I don't know if there's a reasonable means of intimidation."


Nyken's face distorts with the image of Harun turning into a tornado. If you think of a man who never loses his courage even when he is taken captive, you can feel fear and inferiority about him from one corner of your heart.

'If he's a foreigner, as Mankind's headquarters suspects, he could threaten him with a storm base.'

Perhaps the factors at the headquarters this time could have brought the answer.

"You all know the precious people of the headquarters are visiting here. To keep you from being a nuisance, the first and third generation will wipe out the horses to the leaves of the forest. Backcell, stop his torture and restore him to his senses. Do your best to widen your enchantment so that the rest of the horse-drawer cannot attack."


The attendees respond graciously and leave the barracks as Nyken's orders come through. All that was left was one of the two vice owners and his footman, Raqlakh.

"Is that possible?"

"If Harun is a foreigner, as the headquarters has determined, he has no choice but to capture the acquaintances of reality or the storm troops of the world. I heard from the Master that a mercenary named Harun is still more effective than torturing those close to him."

I thought it would be possible. Niken's time with Harun was short, but there were a few things he knew for sure. Some of them were that Harun was horribly fond of his crew.

"Yes, you should!"

Niken smiles sadly.

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