"Hey, what's this place? '

Harun opens his eyes and blinks a few times at the stunning landscape.

I noticed the dark blue sky and the red clouds.

Soon the sun will set. Obviously, the invisible sky was between the waters and the sky.

'I'm sure......'

That's when I got my memory back.

So he survived? '

It seems so. Harun wakes up and notices that he is wearing a memory belt, but not wearing anything.

Where's the lobe at Forest? '

Harun, who was looking around him, could see the pieces of Robe that were turning like a mop. It must have been torn apart by Mana's explosion.

"Mo, my body is normal!"

I didn't have any trouble moving my body. No, I was feeling much better than before.

It was light as if it were going to hit the ground, and it was full of vitality, as if anything was possible.

The tears of the Elves saved his life. No. Much better than before.

The body that was like a rag returned to normal, and the tattoos all over the body were small enough to feel like a big dot.

Harun, who moved his body lightly, could see that his broken bones and torn muscles had become stronger as well.


Harun looked up and couldn't believe it. He was standing in a giant pit.

A giant crater, hundreds of meters in diameter, surrounded himself instead of the castle of Darkness. You can see the giant grove of Agrawatt from afar.

"No way! Is this what I did? '

Harun remembers that the Explosion Sword spread all over his body while he was unconscious because he could not withstand the enormous Mana pouring into his body and would explode.


Harun sighs without even knowing it. He closes his eyes.

"I've become a monster! '

Harun remembered that Forus had practiced mental magic and drank the tears of the Elves with the help of a slut, and in the meantime he had a wonderful experience. Suddenly, things came to mind that were not his memories.

A vast, endless basin.

A giant tower resembling a Ziggurat.

Tons of faces, tons of knowledge.


Harun settles down.

What are these? '

Even though he did not experience it, he remembered things that were incorporated into his memory. No matter how hard I tried to resist, the memories that naturally followed came to me so vividly even though they were not my own.

By any chance?

Harun recalls the magic of soul possession and fairy tale magic Forus used on him.

When I remembered the magical name, it naturally continued.

"I see!"

I finally understood this phenomenon. He absorbed the knowledge and memories he had experienced and accumulated in life.

Unfortunately, the knowledge and memories were not completely conveyed, but the important parts were broken.

Perhaps the spirit of Forus was broken or destroyed when it struck the threat of extinction. If not, I will reveal myself after some time has passed.

"Too bad."

If the Forus' memories were intact, he would know a lot of things, but his memories were left with only large fragments.

Unfortunately, some important information can still be inferred.

"I never thought Ziggurat would be so useful! '

Built in the Castle of the Darkness, Ziggurat's spire not only shoots a particular Manapa from the sky high, but also acts as a warp gin, allowing even the most sensitive mountain ranges to communicate, just like the Devil Mountains.

There is no detailed principle or method of activation, but it is certain.

Since there are only 100 warps at a time and only five cooldowns at a time, the ability to move 1200 people in an hour gives Darkness more manpower than any existing organization.

'If we hadn't gotten rid of the tower at that time, we would have been beaten first.'

In the meantime, Harun destroyed the towers with anxiety when he raided the castle of Darkness.

It was unclear what was certain, but the existence of a spire covered in fine Manasik was uneasy.

Harun sighs of relief, knowing the information contained in the Forus Memory Fragment.

'It must be difficult for those who do not know this to attack the castle of Darkness.'

Harun doesn't know the current siege situation, but he thinks it will be very difficult to attack the Castle of Darkness unless he destroys the Magic Cube like himself and attacks it with a daring and overwhelming force.

Information about the Dark Moon Tower was also important. And there was information that I felt was not certain, but somehow important.

There was another building that looked like a validation coffin? '

According to Forus' memory, the basin where the Dark Moon Horse Tower-the name was Tran-was an ancient artifact similar to the Validator that existed in the Land of Silence. - as if the tower name doesn't ring a bell?)

Due to incomplete memory, the building seems to be about training, although the name is unknown.

After passing through the Horse Tower, Forus went there to learn and practice the magic of the ancient Ra Empire.

It turns out that all the fine magic he learned at the Dark Moon Horse Tower was spilled there.

Is it like a library? '

It was unknown, but it seemed clear that it had become the cradle of Darkness, powered by immense power in an extremely short time.

'I have to go anytime.'

The Tra Basin is where their headquarters and Dark Gate Horse Towers are to be taken care of anyway. And there might be a global climate control grimoire that the GPC is looking for.

No, there has to be. In the memory of Forus, I suddenly noticed the existence of such a grimoire.

Heroes from the mountain tribes Forest spoke of gained immense power there. Whether it's a grimoire or a sword.

We have to go to the land of chaos! '

The item the Dark One seeks is not the only item in the Demon King's eyes. Even if it is not the eyes of the Demon King, it is said that the item Pure Stone is in the land of chaos.

Unfortunately, the broken memory does not give us a detailed idea of where it is.

'Once I get the Demon King's eyes and meet the crew, I should go to Fort Matsurut.'

I had to finish the deal with Queen Evelyn, but I had to get information from the Empire Intelligence Guild about the land of chaos. Only one step ahead of them can they break Beyond's plan.

'Apostle or dark nis, we can't let the world go on like you want it to.'

When he remembered what he almost took away from his body, his teeth cracked. Even before that, until just before death, they will now be enemies like GG who can't live with the same sky.

Now he will destroy the Darkness thoroughly, even if they do not want to. It was then.

- Brother, brother, please come back!

Bell's will has been conveyed to my mind. Harun's eyes flashed with desperation and compassion that I had never felt before.

- Bae, Bae, what is it? What's the matter with you?

Harun rushes to Bell, but her brainwaves have already severed.

Something's happening! '

I was anxious. Thinking that something had happened to Belle made me feel urgent.

I had to break through the elf's walls to get the Demon King's Eye, but now I can't think of anything.

Harun logs out of the safety zone at the same time.


Harun comes out of the capsule, looking for Bell, but not feeling anxious.

- Azman!

- Yes, Master.

Luckily, Azman is fine. Harun used to be able to communicate with Azman on a brainwave only to concentrate his mind on Bell's urgency, but now he doesn't realize that it is possible even though he is having a different thought as if he were having a conversation.

- How are you feeling?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Perhaps Azman was aware of Harun's status change while playing inside the capsule with her amazing ability.

- Where's Belle?

- We have a problem.

It was Azman's brainwave, usually with no emotions exposed, but this time it seemed to contain something.

Harun doesn't even realize how great it is to feel the emotions in his brainwaves.

However, Azman said that Harun became anxious.

"What's going on?"

I was surprised and asked.

-Check out the hologram footage of the current storm base first, Master.

Along with that, Azman posted dozens of videos in front of Harun.


Harun watches the videos, and shortly after, he waves a flag.

As soon as I see a pale face with a dagger slashed around Bell's neck and a wound, Harun's eyes light up.

Not only that, you see base members fleeing like herbivores under wolf attack, combatants fighting raiders barefoot with no proper weapons, and abandoned facilities.

"Who are they?"

- There were intruders, and among the large accepted lenses was a group of Glory Gaia fighters called Blood Shadows. And then there were the base brothers and sisters who were involved with them.


You already know this through Peron, but when you see that the enemy has actually infiltrated and the attack has taken place, your eyes turn upside down.

Moreover, it was such a pity that there were even members of the surrounding base.

- What's the situation?

- Fortunately, he's out of danger, except for a few. There are eight of them, 20 of them, but according to Plan One, the base members are fighting systematically and some are overwhelmed.

You'd be surprised.

At first, I was embarrassed and didn't know it well, but when I looked closely, the situation looked right. It was obvious that there was damage, but the base members were taking care of the intruders in their own way, except for Bell's situation.

It was odd that there was no great confusion even though GG's special forces were determined and operational to have been raised as murder weapons since childhood.

Fortunately, three of the Blood Sadou agents infiltrated the base, three on the ground floor, and three tied up in the collection room.

So the rest of you are renegades?

Two renegades are holding a hostage on the seventh floor of the basement with two Blood Shadows.

Though 20 perverts joined me, I was fortunate that 6 professionally trained people could not impose.

- How many victims so far?

- The merchant's most vulnerable. Because I was connected to Beyond and was forced to disconnect according to a plan member who was scheduled to be deployed in an emergency, I was ambushed before I knew what was going on. So far the damage has been 23 deaths, 43 serious injuries, 88 minor injuries.


Harun grits his teeth, his fingernails digging through his palms. The brothers and sisters who were sacrificed without sin came out too many times.

Is that good enough for you? '

Though it hurt the victim's feelings, there may be little damage given the sudden crisis and the infiltration of GG's special forces.

- The defectors were unpredictable. The damage was done because he had a plan circle in mind to attack from the outside. I'm sorry, Master.

Without Azman, the damage would have been greater. It was a mistake not to think that one of the brothers of the lens might have snuck in.

Scanning the subject's brain to determine his identity is too much for Azman.

That's why we couldn't do it for the new brothers and sisters who came in on a large scale.

- Bell's condition is most dangerous.

- No, Belle over there is the understudy.

- Aah!

I've heard this story before. At that moment, Harun's firm face loosens slightly.

- The real bell is on the second floor of the main base here. But the band and fairy tale rates are high, which can be dangerous.

Yes. Harun's warnings and his insecure self were also made of cyborgs that looked just like Bell's, and Bell was working closely with the cyborgs while maintaining minimal physical activity in specially crafted capsules.

That's why Harun didn't worry so much about Bell's well-being, even as Ferron said. But Bell was also in danger because of the fairy tale rate like Harun.

- What's the fairy tale rate?

It was important. Harun's face reminds him of what happened to him this time. Stupidly taking care of others and not of yourself.

- First 80 percent, but now 40 percent less.

In Azman's explanation, Harun could barely show his face. At the very least, it will not cause death or brain death.

I thought it would be better to solve the fairy tale right now, but using a kind of psychic ability, which I did not want, I endured because I thought there would be a big aftermath.

If the base brothers and sisters knew about this, things might have changed a bit. At the moment, the base members are taking Bell's sacrifice as planned and fighting the enemies, but their hearts will vomit blood.

- But if his replacement gets damaged, Belle's soul could be harmed, so we better hurry.

The way to use this is based on Dr. Cheongil's research journal. Using games that assimilate with avatars through capsules, we figured out how to assimilate with real-world avatars based on high mental strength instead of connecting systemic nervous tissues.

However, we cannot apply that technology to everyone. It was possible to make Bell's mental strength, especially strong, with blood and genetic information like Harun. No ordinary person could do it.

- Get me a Magnetic Supercar on the way to the fan base. Do you have any weapons?

- Yes, Master. I used to keep a spare. But what about people approaching from the outside?

Surprised by that, I looked through the videos and saw the men in suits on the bottom four screens were wearing swords on their backs, and their hands were covered with particulate guns.

- Is the entrance closed?

We issued a lockdown order before Bell was taken prisoner.

- Is that so?

Harun's eyes gleam brightly.

- Can we create a magnetic pulse in this state?

- It's possible.

- Then get it centered on the blast base right now. At all tornado level. We need to keep them away from the storm base until we clear the interior.

- Yes, Master. I'll do it right away.

Harun listens to Azman, who seems to have put down his worries, and heads down to the elevator.

"Thank God!"

If that number had gotten inside the base, it would have been a massacre. Fortunately, the base brothers and sisters are overcoming panic and fighting each other's systematically introverted enemies.

It was also fortunate to not have an effective weapon except for the first floor.

'We have to get Bell first.'

Those who hoard and grind grain guns on the ground floor were the most dangerous, but their granule cases could not pierce the shielding power of the suit Saw created with his heart's blood and kill the subject at once.

You will die if you are hit or exposed by dozens of shots in at least the same area. As I proved that, only the symptom on the first floor of the basement has come out, but the dead have not yet come out.

The dead were killed unawares when Bell was taken captive, either from the cafeteria for a knife or by those who stole a scalpel-type weapon from the lab.

She is also a precious life, although the bell the Blood Shadows are holding hostage is a substitute and a cyborg temporarily assimilated by her.

If it is true that there is a soul in the place where there is life, then she will have a real soul, even though she does not know it now.

However, if Bell is released from captivity, the base members will be able to face the enemies with peace of mind. The fact that Bell is being held captive, which handles most of the outpost's work, is disruptive to active action, even if someone is caught alive by the enemy as part of the plan.


I arrived at the base basement where Azman had met Harun for the first time in seconds on a nearby magnetic supercar.

'Yes! We have enough weapons.'

Harun had already worn a battle suit prepared by Azman with a hundred grain guns, a sword and a box of white sacks, respectively, and a memorial belt with a hundred sharp knuckles in it.

Harun arrives on the 12th floor of the basement on an elevator only known to him and Bell and the Ari and Cyborg crew. This is where the important facilities of the base come together.

"Huff! Captain!"

There are people surprised by Harun's appearance as the wall opened with nothing. It was led by the researchers and Dr. Hwang who presided over Saw.

Once Plan One is up and running, the first people to evacuate are down here.

"Sir! Doctor!"

The two of them were surprised by Harun's sudden appearance, but ran to the sound of his call.

I've been wanting to shake your hand for a long time, but I felt sorry for the box on my shoulders.

"Commander, we've got Bell!"

"These guys are called Blood Sados."

"I know. I'll take care of it right away."

Harun showed a cold smile to the sound of water without difficulty because it was an emergency.

It was originally a expressionless face, and it was a smile that looked more frightening to children, but it gave faith and trust to both of them.

Harun lowers a box and forces Saw to take out a few of the grain guns and put them back on his shoulders.

"Here, please."

"Don't worry."

"Trust me, boss!"

Harun nods a few times to the two men who regained their curiosity as he grabs his weapon and quickly moves up the stairs.

Seeing Harun, who showed up with his weapon, the hearts of the two men who had fallen asleep due to this incident suddenly opened up.

"Your training must have worked."

"I think so. The commander's prayer is no joke."

Unlike before, Harun's strength, which naturally overwhelmed the opponent just by looking at him, was already reliable to the two people who had given him heart.

The two of them sat in one corner and looked at the children looking at Harun's back with a dazzling look.

There was a hot desire in their eyes. Most of them were children who had only seen Harun once, but they were mostly from the town of entertainment, so they knew that he was the owner of the base and their leader.

"Is that the elevator leading to the secret passageway?"

"I think so."

- What's the most dangerous place, Azman?

- Seventh floor underground, and the rest are being overcome by numbers, so there's no great risk.

- Okay, keep me apprised of the situation and let me know if it gets dangerous.

- Yes, Master.

Harun was able to meet the base members who had fled towards the stairs as he went up the stairs. They had to evacuate, but they waited there because the rest of them wouldn't leave.

"The commander is here!"


Harun gave several refined particle guns and blades to the base brothers and sisters who turned red on his appearance.

Harun's presence and the supply of weapons have been enormous, even though he was overwhelmed by unexpected embarrassment, but the women were also too fierce to deal with the rabid enemy.

Two Blood Shadow agents and four of their inhabited lenses arrive on the seventh floor underground, where the most casualties occurred, wielding the knife and scabbard from the cafeteria.

Harun can see him barricading the entrance of the stairwell with various facilities and struggling to prevent enemies from entering it.


Among those who greeted themselves, there were huge mountains and trillions of them. All over the stairs, the wounded are groaning.

Harun's eyes burst with fire.

"Great Mountain, what happened?"

Even with 1 pair of combat aides, it's hard to understand the situation.

"I'm sorry. I killed a few, but I couldn't get close because the enemy was holding the women hostage." "

Harun looked inside the barricades made of such things and saw six armed equators sitting in the middle of the corridor with a knife and a scabbard, sitting among dozens of women who threw their faces to the ground.

Around the wide interior, the base brothers and sisters were already dead or bleeding by the enemies.

Did the enemies feel threatened because they were surrounded by fighters on either staircase instead of coming here? The three were on their guard, and the other three were screaming at the prisoner's neck and giving the prisoner a fierce look.

"Let's get the wounded to the 12th floor underground. I'll take care of them."

"Yes, commander."

Daesan has selected his crew and survivors to transport the injured to the basement.

In the meantime, Harun distributes the refined grain to his crew.

"Have you ever fired a sniper?"

In case you were wondering, I unexpectedly raised my hands to two people. The two who received Harun's gaze introduced themselves.

"It's called a gallery. I was a sniper when I was in Glory Gaia."

"It's a shelter. I'm a gallery, too."


Harun was able to remember them only then. Brothers who came into the base with fleas.

I thought I was going with fleas, but I was still in the deep sea, and then I joined the trillions.

"Greetings. Say goodbye later, and I'll shoot those who are with me threatening the lives of the hostages." "

"Yes, no problem."

"Leave it to me."

The two of them had handled particulate matter well since Glory Gaia was originally a combat partner.

Although the hide of the mutant species is extremely protective and difficult to deal with with with with with with particle guns, the two had a knack for accurately fitting parts such as their eyes, ears, or genitals.

Although they stayed here, the two of them learned their swords from Beyond alongside the rest of the crew, but they preferred to shoot with a particle gun enhanced by the sauce.

"Commander, I'll take care of one, too."

"The head of the great mountains?"

Harun has never heard of the great mountains being good at shooting.

"You know what?"


Harun bursts into resilience at the words of the Great Mountain. Mass was a biocombat cyborg that, like the Thais, had been injectively trained in various combat skills by Azman during the differentiation process. The marksmanship would have been among their knowledge.

It is not just the introduction of unconscious combat techniques, but the differentiation of them as if they had actually been practiced with stimulation and responses that were impossible to reach the body in order to practice each combat technique.

Since manipulation is required dozens of times more precision than ordinary cyborgs, there is no such thing as the Great Mountains except the Thais.

"All right, well, that guy with the spots on his forehead is the target. Long hair in the gallery, short hair in the shelter. Count heat and fire at the same time."


After answering in a low but confident voice, you put the revolver between the barricades. Harun picks three sacks of scribbles and wedges them between his fingers.

'I don't know if it'll work.'

Harun has been nervous for a long time since he used his curve pitch skill in real life. If we don't want the victims to come out, we'll have to kill six at once.

"Maro, you bastard! How could you do this to your brothers?"

At that moment, a voice burst from the pile of hostages.


Hennie's voice was right.

"Oh, fuck! Now shut up, you bitch! If you don't want to get stabbed in the neck right now. Aren't you sick of it?"

"What kind of place is this where you can do something so cruel? They're all brothers and sisters.How could they do this to us?"

Seeing his voice split and rested, he seemed to continue screaming.

"You like the sanctuary. I followed you because you said you could live without work, but you stuck it in a restaurant and said you didn't have any abilities. Same here, same for Union, same for us."

"I see. Can you sleep with women all you want, or can you do drugs?" Shit! If I'd known this was a base like this, I wouldn't have followed you. "

The faces of the two men who were slapping the hostages' throats were distorted.

"You have to do everything you can to make a living. How can you expect to enjoy yourself doing nothing? You're the Nobles, you bastards!"

"Hehehe! No matter what you say, it doesn't matter. It's like being handed over to Glory Gaia to win. What we need is not some bullshit idea that we can all live well together if we try. Freedom to do anything, a sex-sparter to play with, and booze and pills. How long do you think it's worth living and how hard it is to work? Life is about living in the right place."

Their mindset is the same as that of many of the inhabitants that make up Union's lower floors. They are addicted to the peripheral pleasures instead of the value of hope and sweat.


Henny can no longer speak with one face. They are a bunch of losers who can't even talk. I blamed myself for dragging me here to make a better future with these people.

Two combat-experienced bastards were secretly exchanging their gazes as they listened to the conversation, and an unbearable satisfaction was coming out of their eyes.

'It seems that this situation has been repeated many times.'

Harun senses a slight distraction from Heny and whispers to his allies who are already in position and aiming at the target.

"Here, count it! One, two! Three... ten!"

Tsk, tsk! Tsk!


The grenade and the boiler fly away at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Puck!

The three heads of the hostages, who were making threats with their hands around their necks, suddenly shattered and flew away.

The other three play, staring at you in a daze, and the scream flies. It was later than a particle bomb, but their gaze miraculously flew to the other side.

Puck! Puck! Puck!



Two slanders were lodged in two temples. Deep in the sack, the scaffolder digs into the brain.

The other man staggers, choking and groaning.


Harun sighs deeply. In reality, I was really fortunate with the right skills, even though I did not train in particular.

"Wrap it up!"

The crew, who were waiting for Harun's instructions, rushes over the barricade and inside. I was nervous that there might be survivors, but fortunately, they were all dead.

"The gallery and the shelter follow me!"

"Yes, commander!"

The two of them showed off their skills to the top of the stairs along Harun.

Under the command of the Great Mountains, the task will be to move the injured and clean up the dead and their enemies.

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