Harun and his artificial lens crew infiltrated the Union in a flurry of atmosphere due to barrier reductions. Most of the crew were led by rum and races. Ari uses the drillion to create an underground passageway to the basement of the race house. They want to meet face-to-face people as well as handle things like banking and food and groceries purchases. Harun moves separately to his old home. Luckily, the building was still empty. Given the cleanliness of the furniture in the house or the grass in the yard, it seems that the essence sometimes takes care of it. Outside the house, there were still fewer people walking. It is time for most residents to be at work.

It's a little early. Is he gonna be okay? '

I pressed the chime while worrying that it might interfere with the game. I didn't wait long, so I ran out.

"Captain Harun, no!"

In the long run, I liked to see a little weight on the face of Jin Jin.

"How are you, brother?"

"Hahaha. I'm fine thanks to you. Let's go inside."

Harun is surprised to see that the house has been cleaned out.

"Haha! My friends and family are here for this opportunity. Since there are women in the house who say they will also deduct taxes from Union, they are cleaner than ever and are comfortable living there."

I thought it was clean, but it was touched by a woman. Jinsu and her friends did not live without tidying up or cleaning, but it was not this much. Seeing Harun looking around, Jin smiles and says.

"My friends are breaking the dungeon around Koem Castle."

"Ah! When did you go there again?"

"He went to see the commander. But we are still there because we have discovered a dungeon, presumed to be an ancient heritage, just a short distance from Koem Castle. It's a level dungeon, but something doesn't feel right. I've been dying a few times, but I'm getting a little inside."

"As expected, you're enjoying the game."

I was really envious. I was living in a real world, but Jinsu and her friends, like most users, were thinking of it as a virtual reality and enjoying the game.

"This is all because of you."

"Ahh! My brother."

The way they look at each other is warm. After talking about what had happened for a while, the two of them woke up at the sound of a chime.

"Who is it?"

"Hehe! There's someone I'd like you to meet. Wait a minute."

Jin went out to open the door.

Is that what you wanted to see me about? '

A moment later, two men and Jin enter the house. One was a tall, thin, mid-30s man with intelligent images. The other one was a woman about twenty years old who was smelling the fragrance of wild explosion in her muscular body. Harun's gaze stayed on the woman for a moment.

You're a great warrior. '

The prayer came at a glance. You feel an explosive sinking force in your resected posture. Harun thought she was a man's bodyguard.

"Have a seat, everyone."

As he sat down to follow the decimal words, he introduced himself.

"This is Harun, commander of the gale mercenaries I work for. Commander, this is Ryu, leader of the Underground City and guild leader of the Savvy Guild, and his daughter beside him."

Harun was surprised that the woman who thought she was an attendant or bodyguard was a boy's daughter.

Leader of the Underground City? My brother had a great face. '

What a surprise. Harun knows that Under-City is perceived by Union authorities as an illegal organization and is denied existence, as well as all its leaders are wanted. But I never thought that Jinseo would face the leaders of the Underworld City.

"My name is Harun. Nice to meet you."

"Hahaha! The game name is Ryu, but the real name is Blue. My daughter is an orange. It is an honor to meet Captain Harun, who fought against the notoriety in reality and fiction. I'm delighted to meet such a precious person in person."

Blue shook Harun's hand, expressing a fondness for his full face. Harun's eyes warmed as he stretched out his hands to his sincere actions, not just words. I could feel the hot gaze of interest towards him.

"You're younger than I thought. I thought you were in the same league."

"Haha! You did?"

"How old are you?"

"I became an adult last year."

"You? Oh my! Oh, you're with me."

Harun smiles bitterly at the appearance of his favorite orange, jumping to see what's so good about being the same age.

"I'm usually a little presbyopian."

"Oops! My daughter has done a terrible thing in the first place. I can't control it because it's so anti-corruption. I apologize."

The blue horse makes the orange face flush and lowers its head. Even if I thought about it, I felt that it was an unfortunate act.

"No, I know your daughter did this for nothing. And people my real age are a little bit surprised. It's been a long time since I've cared about it. You don't have to apologize."

That's true. It was better now than when I had a skeleton-like mollusk. However, I am satisfied that no one gives me attention even though I have crossed the street. The blue gaze that was thrown at Harun became intense for a moment before returning to the top.

"You have a great charisma and a soft, warm heart. Deep down, it feels dry and hot. Young people are amazing."

Harun, who heard the blue words, knew that he had a special ability to know the inside of a person. It didn't feel good for the other person to peep at him, but he would have passed away without knowing it, so he quickly turned it off.

"That's a compliment."

"Jinsu, who accidentally met me and saved my life, asked me to meet Captain Harun because she knew he was a member of the storm. And I think it's really great to see you like this."

Harun's eyes become subtle.

Is there a purpose to this? '

You don't seem to know the truth. But there is no way that Jinseo can talk about himself.

"I was able to hear from the right person about the barrier reduction. I was able to save a lot of people. Accepting new people, Under-City is now able to do a lot."


When he looks at the essence with an elastic expression, he bows his head in a complex manner. It troubled me to say precious information carelessly.

"I'm glad Under-City didn't have the strength to help us if we didn't want to. You did a great job."

I meant it. In fact, I got the information on the barrier downsizing case, but I couldn't do anything about it, especially for many. I wanted to do something for those expelled from Union because I didn't have the strength and ability, but there was nothing I could do except select a few and accept them.

"No, I'm ashamed that I didn't take it all because I didn't have the ability."

It was not pretending, but it was all revealed with my face.

"Shame on you. Almost 200,000 people have moved to the underworld city. For those who have been abandoned by the Union government, it is like a rope from the sky."

I was intruded by where I heard the situation. Harun was truly ashamed of what he said. It bothered me that I didn't really care about the game.

"In fact, if we weren't lazy, we could have accepted more without screening."

Blue briefly explained that Underhunt City had been built with Union on the ground in the early days of Human power, but that mining and other utility problems had left it useless and that hiding underground from oppression by those opposed to the system had become useful.

"Undercity is as vast as Union. But because of a lot of problems, like being abandoned for a long time, the rest of the country is not suitable for Humans."

If it's been abandoned for more than 100 years, it would be a harsh environment for Humans to live in again.

"If we had been prepared step-by-step, we could have embraced almost a million of these discarded human beings, but it breaks my heart that we got the information too late and we're so weak with food and power that we can't help."

"No. That should be enough power for the desperate Humans." "

Harun truly admired the blue. Though he was in a position to gather and process multiple opinions, instead of exercising unquestionable power as the elders of Union to the marketplace, it was evident that blue was putting great empowerment into this. The majority of the 1 million people who gave up on Union are psychopaths. Drug addicts, disabled, prostitutes, and thieves, but technically, they're all victims of the Union government or GG or HG. Blue looks different. An image of a natural leader with strong beliefs was emerging in a gentle and gentle image.

'You're just like Hyeryun.'

Clear eyes glow with hygeum and feel the warmth. But he had strong beliefs and upright opinions. Once I opened my heart, the conversation became pleasant. Harun opens his mind and focuses on talking to the blue. Blue vomited on Jin and Harun about the problems and alternatives of the current Union system. Once we started talking, the blue body was young and his heat moved the minds of the listeners.

"A society is a kind of creature that evolves by the level of consciousness of its members. Each member should be actively involved in social activities and find meaning in those activities. Likewise, politics can do nothing without participation. The moment you get away from annoying because you don't like it, what you want goes away. Even if what you want comes, it can't be what you want. We all need to revolutionize Union's identity system and find ways to live like a big family, with or without abilities, and strive for that goal."

He has so far created a new perspective on the right societies and politics for two people who have never cared much about politics or society.

"It's been a long time since I've met anyone I can connect with, and I've lost my temper."

Blue spoke in a confident tone for nearly three hours.

"No. I've heard good things."

"Me, too. I wish the world would be as challenging and dreamy as you say it would be."

When I woke up, three hours passed by. He was obsessed with the blue story that made him unconscious of his time. That's how fascinating his story was to both of you.

'If this man becomes leader, won't Humans taste a little bit alive?'

Blue wants to open up a world where Humans can become owners. A world where everyone together can dream as much as possible. Harun created a small society just for those who were vaguely close to him, but he had never thought specifically about politics or society. The storm base is getting bigger, but as the commander of the base, I've never thought about the future. I just listened, but I could learn a lot in politics and social circles.

'I should take the time to study this field.'

Harun blames himself for everything he lacked.

"Phew! Once you start talking, the default is three hours. Dad, that's sick, too."

Due to the seriousness of the atmosphere, the peaceful pinglass of the orange blushes.

"Haha! I see. This disease is getting worse by the minute. I'm sorry."

"No, it was very beneficial."

"Me, too."

Jinsu was quite impressed.

"Dad, you need to tell me what's going on."

"Ah! Right."

Blue shakes his head a few times as if he had finally regained consciousness and drank a cold tea.

"Actually, I asked the Jinsung Army to meet the commander for a reason."

"Yes, go ahead."

"We've been dealing with outsiders for a long time. We have a lot of fancy equipment in our Underground City, and we need renovations, so we've bought a lot of metal and machinery from the black market and from the outside. We supplied them with their own food, clothing, medicine. But the call of mutants prevented us from rescuing the escorts. We've also run our own escorts, but we've given up our inadequacy to deal with mutants. When I spoke to the Jinsu crew, they told me that there were storm troops and that they were traveling there in person, and they asked me to arrange a meeting with the commander to discuss the matter."

The blue woman looked at Harun with an anticipated gaze.

'I'm in trouble.'

There's been a delay, but the Dead Bunker attack is scheduled soon. The operation will involve all combatants. If it's normal to think about running the ascent yourself, you can involve the Under-City in the ascent.

"Hmmm. I heard what you said."

Harun explains his situation with a somewhat difficult face. As the leader of the Underground City, there was no need to hide stories about GG's dead bunker. Maybe that's what he needed to know.


"Oh, my God!"

The blue woman was surprised. Unexpectedly, they already knew the existence of the dead bunker.

"Dead bunkers are dangerous places. How did you manage to do such a dangerous job?"

Harun is shocked that the blue know about the dead bunker, perhaps of course. I opened my mouth with a serious blue face because I read that tone.

"The founders of the Underground City are scientists and intellectuals involved in the early days of Human Resources. Although they were banished from the Union or threatened to kill, they knew about Glory Gaia and the Human Guard, which took root in the age of the Apocalypse and followed them like poison mushrooms in the Dark Ages. In fact, they're the ones who have seized the unions in the dark and fixed the ridiculous identity system."

The blue horse breathes a heavy breath without breathing.

You knew that! "

We don't know the size of the Underground City or their strength, but they also knew about GG and HG.

"The Dead Bunker is a place where leaders of the people who want to live in immortality are strongly suspected of breeding mutants. Three locations around the world were originally set up to find ways to adapt to polluted environments, with the largest and largest facilities near Kowon Union. It was originally the site of a worldwide genetic engineering lab at the end of the world.

Built deep underground, it has preserved research data and research facilities throughout the Dark Ages. At first it was just a mild research facility, but Glory Gaia's hidden leaders who dominated the Big Unions in cancer were corrupted with the aim of prolonging their lives. In the early days of Human Resources, a small number of our Underground Cities and Human Guards attacked the area. But the defenses there were like iron walls, so everyone failed. I can't believe you're trying to attack such a place! It's as stupid as hitting a rock with an egg. "

Blue was more familiar with the Dead Bunker than he expected. Harun accepts Blue's worries enough, but he can't give up.

"Thank you for your concern. We can't go into detail, but we have our own plans."

"Wow, this is so cool!"

Blue gave me a long sigh to express my concern vividly. Harun was proud of the blue woman who had never known him until a few hours ago when he was genuinely worried about her and the storm troopers. I can maintain a good relationship with them just by looking at this.

"We may have what we need in the Underground City. There's stuff from the furnace villages, and there's stuff from the GPC deals. If it's in stock, we'll give it priority."


Instead of blue, the orange stood up and shimmered.

"These are the things we need right now."

The orange quickly took out a list of a few items from his arms, as if he had always carried them. The list was overwhelming with food and medicines, perhaps due to the recent acceptance of overwhelming numbers of people. In many ways, it seemed that the orange was playing an important role in the under-city. Harun looked at the list and sent an EEG to Azman. Brainwave communications with Bell and Ari were largely affected by distance and personal situations, with little limitation with Azman.

- Azman, check the inventory of the list I'm looking at.

- Yes, Master.

Harun checked the list thoroughly.

- Master, we have everything. However, we hope that 21 of the items in there will only be available in the next year or so. Except for those, there's plenty. Even if we take out the necessary quantities, we have enough stock for the last GPC transaction.

Azman summoned the supplies he lacked to provide. Harun smiles when he hears Azman's words. It seemed like a strange smile to the blue lady, but Harun felt happy to be able to help in the yard that he was determined to help.

"With the exception of 21 of these items, we have enough at our base. We can deliver it here by tomorrow."


Harun's words woke up in a blue blaze. Blue is currently in an uncomfortable situation. Accepting close to 200,000 people at once deepened the lack of resources that the city has, the existing citizens had to complain about. Since it was not prepared, it was a cymbal that was seriously reviewing to withdraw from the market unless supplies were supplied shortly. At this time, the various resources of the Underground City were lacking.

"Haha! How can I repay this favor? Suddenly, it's ten times more populous, so there's not much money to spend, and there's very little we can do for the storm."

"Grace. Where is grace between friends? It's a friend who lives with us, so if you can help him, you should help him. You can pay for what you're offering later when you can spare it."

Since you have the same enemy, it is good to help to maintain good friendship when you can. Harun's words make you look like you've been hammered by a blue head.


"Yes. We will have the same dream and we will shape the same future, and we will be friends."

As for Harun, being a friend had the same concept as family. If it was long or short, Harun felt a strong connection to the underworld city through a blue horse for a short time. Did he read Harun's emotions as they were? Blue nods a few times and gives you a decisive look.

"Then we are friends now, Captain Harun."

"Yes. As soon as it worked, we became friends. I would like to think of Under City as a friend of our storm base in the future."

"Friend! What a great word. Huhu! A friend."

How many times have I told myself that blue is a good friend?

"Very well. Since the storm troopers consider us friends, we'd like to do a little help for our friend." We send in our Special Forces to target the Dead Bunker. "

"Yes? No....."

"Hohoho! My mom would pass out if she saw how hot my dad is. The Field Marshal and 250 Orange or less Special Forces will stand at the forefront of the Dead Bunker attack with the Market's special instructions."

Before Harun could say anything, he responded to the blues as coldly as he did. At first, the orange who talked like a joke, later, he changed his mind. Her whole body was filled with immortal courage and unbreakable speculation.

"You're a natural warrior. '

I don't know about the combat skills, but I was just hanging out with the best of the mercenaries, Iron Fist or Rosu.

"Yi, this is probably....."

"Hahaha! It's definitely a problem for me to promise to move the Privilege without the City Administration's vote, but the fact is that the Constitution requires no special vote against GG, HG and GPC. I also wanted to destroy the dead-bunker, which has been a nemesis of our generation for a long time. to move around like a gust. It may not be reasonably possible, but I think it's possible to work with the commander for a reason. So I hope that this decision is helpful. Field Marshal!"

"Yes, Mr. Mayor!"

"The commander of the Special Forces is in charge of the gale mercenaries. I will rule my own movements and rebellion with military rule!"


What happened so quickly is now completely over.

"This is... Phew! Thank you. I'll finish off the Kipilko Dead Bunker."

Harun, who was trying to stop him once more, sighed and emptied his heart. We didn't have to refuse help because we didn't have enough power. We just have to repay the favor as much as we received it.

"You thought well."

In fact, I hesitated after hearing the word to meet Jin Soo. I didn't have time for this. However, taking the difficult time to meet an essence that I hadn't seen in a long time has unintentionally resulted in a big relationship.

Good work. Under City's perks include a large number of people who have been genetically modified and became extremely gangrene, or specialized in contaminated environments, are no different from Union's special forces. Joe Saw once made them a suit. Their power is worth ten times what we provide them.

Azman also judged positively. Then I remembered the story I had heard from Saw before. Under City is home to a large number of human settlements abandoned at Union. Born with an unacceptable appearance, they are said to be genetically mutated, to be ugly in appearance, but to have excellent adaptability to the environment outside the barrier, and to have excellent combat power. Those classified as disabled and abandoned as Bordeaux local nursing homes were secretly sent to the Underground City by their families as mediators connecting Union to the Underground City.

I think you're in good company! '

He has not learned much and is feeling overwhelmed. Understanding the world and looking at it is narrow. Harun admits that a small group cannot become a mod and a great leader. He is currently engaged in a nonsense fight with the great forces that run the world in cancer. A society with a gap in power will be left in chaos if even a millionth of it is fought for a decade or a hundred years, or if it can eliminate them with greater odds and luck.

'If such a chaos comes, he will stand up. At least it's better than the current Union.'

If the calling you find is to break the three great powers, the blue calling is to enlighten those who do not recognize their value by being nurtured in the union system and to create a happy society for the vast majority.

All I have to do is do what I have to do! '

It's almost impossible just to do what you do. The next thing you need to do is not worry about yourself. While waiting for the meal to be ready, Harun and Blue had a deep conversation exchanging various information they knew. Obviously, knowing the blue is much broader and more in-depth about the Union has helped me a lot. The information Blue knew about the composition and elders of the Senate, the highest authority, as well as the administrative and judicial organizations, the military, and their recent trends, was truly vast.

It is closely connected to the inhabitants of Union, and has excellent information on Under-City, which has ultra-wave communications with other Underground Union Cities around the world. The encounter with Blue allowed the storm base to make trusted friends, and Harun himself was able to establish clear thoughts about his dreams and his future walks. On his return to base, Harun instructed the counterfeiters to deliver supplies to the Underground City via an underground passageway.

'The storm base is no longer alone!'

Thinking about the Underground City, Harun smiles deeply. I felt relieved that there were a few colleagues who were weak in power but shared their intentions. Moreover, the leader had a straight idea. After finishing things up, Harun wrestled with the payment paperwork that had been accumulated, and received a visit to rum and races.

"Commander, I have something to tell you.

They looked a little nervous, no matter what happened. I knew that they were in a good relationship, but I never expected why I came.

"Just sit down. And if you're not here as a crew, but as a friend, don't be so hard on yourself. I want to be comfortable with my friends when no one else is around."

At Harun's words, Rum smiles widely and sits down with the race.

"So, what's going on?"

Rum has recently become a blacksmith after his efforts. Race was in charge of a special task force that led Nine and 12 other talents. Sooner or later, she was going to be a special tribute to these talents.

"We're getting married."

Rum hesitates for a moment, then blushes and opens his mouth with difficulty.


Harun's eyes widen with unexpected words.

"My parents let me."


Harun opens his mouth and is unable to speak for a moment. And the laughter that popped out.

"Hahahaha! Hahaha!"

The stress caused by the increased work throughout the base by the new brothers and sisters flew away at once.


Harun wiggles his hands. It made me feel better to think that for the first time since the base was launched, a new couple was born. Marriage in a world where people live may not be a big deal, but it has a symbolic meaning. The birth of a new family can mean a lot to everyone.

"Do you think it's possible for both parents to move here?"

"Of course you can."

There's still plenty of room at the storm base. Moreover, adults with various experiences need a lot.

"Thank you, commander. My dad's gonna love it."

"By the way, your father works for the National Guard. Then you'll be safe."

If I work for the Defense Agency, my life is stable and my safety is better than that of ordinary people. Of course, I could have wanted to move in with my children, but I didn't understand that there were so many things that I had to give up so easily.

"I think you've been thinking a lot about taking down this barrier. The rest of the villagers, apart from the Nobles, felt abandoned at any time. Many residents, as well as my parents, live in a very uneasy state of mind."

"Rum's right, boss. My parents also decided to relocate for the same reason. Up until now, I've watched the Novels' tradition thinking that Union would protect them under any circumstance, but it's different now. They're living in a state of anxiety because they don't know when they're going to be abandoned. Three of my classmates, trained to do this, have decided to move here for a while."

From what I can see, Union seems to have lost a lot due to these barrier reductions. The most important of them was the loss of trust that the residents had implicitly. It was based on the fact that Nobles were able to observe power and gold without complaining or complaining. The thought of not knowing when he too would be abandoned led to a general hatred of the Union system, along with his disbelief in it. Residents have lost the sense of belonging that has led them to endure all kinds of inequality.

'Maybe this barrier will cause Union to undergo a big transformation!'

Harun looks at the two tightly clasped hands and loosens his face again.

"When do you want to get married?"

"A wedding? No, we just..."

"32838;" 22687; "Seeing Rum's attitude of speaking, it seemed like the two of them were trying to move in together in an agreement. Perhaps the reason for his visit was to inform him that they had decided to move in with him and ask for a new home assignment. Harun waves his head, thinking about marriage for a moment.

"We've got a wedding to plan! Your marriage is not just a marriage. We're the first couple to have a blast base since we were born, and we can't do that. Through the blessings of the parents and the base members, we must confirm and promise our love and responsibility to each other."

"Well, that's..."

Rum and lace only blushed their faces. They were hesitant because they thought of the wedding, but they didn't have much, and when they met each other, they hesitated because there were no special ceremonies or customs within Union.

"How long can both parents be here?"

"I'm supposed to pick you up in a week. I don't need furniture, so I just need money and clothes, so it won't take long."

"Great! I'm responsible for this. The first wedding at the base will be in ten days, so if you two are in a hurry, just wait ten more days. Don't get into trouble."

"..... I've already had an accident. It's three months pregnant......"

"What is it? It turns out he didn't practice, he only dated!"

"Oh, no! I've been training so hard. I wouldn't have had an accident if Race hadn't offered me a drink at the Battle Party."

Harun's eyes were warm as he tried to excuse the rum and saw the race with a red face, unable to lift his head. The marriage of two people and the news of two years old seemed to show the future of the base.

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