

The hill tribes of Harun's gale mercenaries, nuclear, moved swiftly without giving Darkness time to respond.

You've targeted the other two castles. Now, the resonance magic, which is almost complete, is increasingly proficient.

Warriors were able to take the two castles without sacrificing much.

The three mountain tribes summoned the families who were scattered near the Sumatra peak.

The mountain tribes who were still living in an uneasy life were eager to migrate to three castles with safe residences and farmlands.

By the time the mission was successful, the three castles had already begun to settle. Mountain tribes with strong viability and adaptability were actively working to build poor residential buildings, as well as open fields and build outposts.

Despite that short period of time, the number of the three tribes that gathered to the three castles counted thirty thousand waters and the other tribes joined more than 10,000 tribes, so they were short of food and necessities, but there was no confusion because of the supplies Harun brought from Matsurut Fortress.

Rather than chaos, the mountain tribes were satisfied with the quality and quantity of supplies provided by Harun so that they could live a much better life than they had before. Moreover, once the outer rim had been properly built and crops had begun to be harvested in the fields between the outer rim and the immunity, their satisfaction was very high because they did not have to rely on dangerous hunting as before.

Harun was able to fill his eunuchs and enchanted backpacks with sea cows, horseshoes, and mana stones found on the paper instead of necessities.

There was another good thing. The Wizards and Fomercans centered on Taniella and Mirus found a new warp enchantment method at the end, following an ancient grimoire that Harun and the warp sorcerers of Darkness had rescued from the Citadel Tower. Darkness was able to drive the magic circle with the Ultimate Mana Stone, but the magic circle that they discovered was driven by the purified stone of Pell, so its efficiency and stability was very high.

It is possible to warp for almost no time difference than that of the Darkness, where the barrier is running before and after

The advent of a new warp sorcerer has temporarily changed the situation in which the rugged topography of the Devil Mountains has prevented even your own people from communicating properly.

Thanks to the efforts of the sorcerer's advisors, shortly after the mountain tribe occupied the castle, the Semi-permanent Warp Mage was completed. This means that when a castle is attacked, it can quickly provide support at Dalne Castle, as well as people.

The movement of the logistics was active, which meant that the three tribes' castles were bound together beyond the streets.

When the three castles that were later occupied were settled, Harun called a meeting.

The meeting was attended by mercenary leaders as well as the chiefs of each tribe.

It's not official, but the gale mercenaries are already at the top of the leadership position, as well as being an obstacle to bringing the three tribes together.

"Everyone worked hard. It's a shame there were so few victims, but there were sacrifices they were willing to make.

Because, families will be able to live safer and more comfortable lives than ever before. Tribal Alliance on Casualties

Thank you for your thoughtful action. "

Harun, who presided over the meeting, had never been able to rest properly before, but had been able to give a hand to those who were actively involved in combat and stabilization work.

I expressed my gratitude. He also familiarized himself with the victims of the process.

"Problems with settlement are already being handled brilliantly at the three tribe head office meetings, so it shouldn't be a problem."

The three tribes have already formed a tribal coalition around the blast mercenaries, moving like one.

The tribal coalitions of arms and columns of each tribe were being dealt with by discussions and multidisciplinary principles on all sorts of matters, and were fusing with each other for a short period of time.

The gale mercenaries were not officially involved in such matters, but the influence was immense as the great warriors of the clan and the Fomercans tortured the mercenaries.

"The tribes of the nearby tribes will be gathered here in the future. What do you think of the alliance?" "

Harun's gaze leads to Fathan Pirot, who became the leader of the Tribe.

Pirot, who wisely led the villagers to the ammo in Tiffany's village, became a great warrior and went to Evergreen.

I should have hidden it, but it wasn't the right time.

Fair and wise, Pirot was flattened by the tantrums and became a ruin, meaning "Great Leader." Pyroth has exercised his ability to stabilize the tribal coalition in a short period of time, including the creation of the monarchy and administrative organization of each castle.

"There are about 30,000 tribes and 50,000 other tribes in the first Baal region, as well as in the canteen. The news that a safe residence has been built is being reported everywhere through the Ein Warriors gathering herbs, so they should be arriving soon. But I don't think there's any problem.

There are. The three castles in the Baal region already have solid exterior and defensive systems, and soon this region will be, too. The cultivation between the tolerance and the exterior is a fertile land, and even if the population is twice what it is today, it can produce enough food. "

The castles built by the Darkness had one common feature. Each castle was occupied by the same place as the mines or farmlands. The castles occupied by the mountain tribes had no mines, but had a fertile land that could be cultivated into adjacent fields in any way.

"I'm so glad. I think we should stop any further aggression in order to stay stable for a while. What do you think of the coalition?"

"The commander is right. Now it's not about expansion, it's about accepting what we've got and facing change.

It's time to stabilize people. We split up into villages, and this is how we came to live.

We're experiencing some issues. We need to build a new system, a new security system, a new combat organization.

You have to. You have to be prepared for it. "

Not only did Pirot answer that, but all the leaders of the Tribal Alliance had black circles under their eyes.

I could only imagine how much they were struggling with.

"While it is important for the Mage Advisors to establish a new magical system, it is also important for those who are under fire to gain wisdom.

Please lend it to me. "

"Very well. I'll help you on the way." "

In Taniella's words, the faces of the tribesmen turn pale. They also had administration, but they also had the ability

To handle work derived from smaller castles, 20 to 100 times larger,

It was a lot of trouble.

The sorcerer advisors were gathering their strength day and night to build a new magic system called the Tornado Tower. In the meantime, I've heard the names of Taniella and Mirus, and I've already had enough resources as there are hundreds of free wizards in the Baal region.

"Soldier Advisors ask for the help of the men as well as the warriors. Although the Darkness is being defeated in three places at the moment, it will definitely not be subdued. Please train the warriors hard for that."

"Don't worry, we're already training the warrior chiefs, and with the help of the Wizards, we have tattooed three tribes.

We're rebuilding that weight, incorporating magic. "

Dylan answered on behalf of the soldiers' advisors.

The warrior chiefs will be guided while leading the warriors.

If we unite them with an original sword that uses Manassian magic and tattoo magic, their power will become even stronger.

Warriors already in the gale mercenary have proven it through several battles with Darkness. The effect of having a few Mana Oceans made the forces of the blast crew several times stronger in a short time.

The attendees have finally brightened their faces. This is a big framework, but when we get to the bottom of it, the future is bright.

I'm relieved, and even though I'm tired, not from responsibility, that I'm going to do something big for my family's future.

He had pride.

It was Pirot who woke up that moment.

"But there's a problem."

"What is it?"

Harun is nervous about the problem.

"I've lived without it before, but the quality or benefits of the supplies the commander gave me are high, and I think there will be a lot of complaints if I don't continue to be supported in the future.

I think we should discuss a solution to this problem. "

Most of the attendees nod in Pilot's words.

Life in the barren mountains was far from convenience.

Not only basic necessities like clothing or utensils, but the present and the past are comparisons themselves.

I had a gap I couldn't make.

If you live like this and go back to the old days, you will reject all the bags. Because of this, the tribal coalition that is struggling will be greatly shaken if continuous necessities are not provided.

"You don't have to worry about that. In the case of necessities, the Gust Guild will stop by every castle at least once every three months for a while.

However, it will be made of horse hide, horse horses, herbs, and mannequins, so please be prepared constantly. "

"No more worries if you give me that."

It was a promise I had personally heard from Harun several times, but the people of Piroth and the Association were once again relieved of this formal promise.

"Let's end the meeting now."

The Alliance members were greatly disappointed when they dug up the meeting without any other agenda.

If Harun or the gale mercenaries were more active, they thought they could easily solve the problems they were struggling with, such as the three tribes' practical integration problem, the new system.

The gale mercenaries have vowed not to rise above the three tribes early.

The Alliance begged us to lead them when they heard that the great warriors and the Fomercenaries were torturers of the mercenaries.

Harun and the mercenary leader have decided to be supporters or supporters as previously thought out.

Above all, Harun didn't want it.

"I lack the qualifications to lead! There's too much work to do. '

Harun was still not confident about himself. No, more fundamentally, he wanted a free life and not the life of a leader who was responsible for so many people. No matter how powerful or sweet or powerful or forbidden life may be,

Not more appealing

"I won't be seeing any special provocations or changes for a while, so I'll be leaving to take care of my personal affairs."

The Alliance personnel were a bit surprised by Harun's words, but there was no great shock as the mercenary commander had already heard. We all knew that Harun was isolating himself for a secret purpose, such as gathering highly classified information, and now is not the time for Harun to be in dire need.

After the meeting, Harun greets Barona and her crew briefly and prepares to return to reality. Tell them to get ready.

Ask Baya Mino and Sunni for a thorough reconnaissance of the Devil Mountains and call Pell to confirm progress.

Even though it was everything.

The rest of the four spirits were still in a difficult process of Awakening, but Pel was continually refining the replenished stanchions and empowering them.

- Get your ass back here! Sometimes I want to breathe the air out there, and if you go into that world, then I'm out there, too!

Harun was able to return to reality after a long time, greeting Fel with a quick greeting.

After a long return, Bell and Ari had not been expected at the central base.


I know Bell and Ari are busy living because of their obsession with Beyond, but I'm still disappointed.

No, I was about to get angry beyond being sad.

Harun was surprised by the change in his mind. I thought I'd always be there for her.

Could it be? I was surprised to see this kind of feeling for so long.

"Have I relied too much on Belle and Ari? '

Harun felt surprised at himself for thinking about Bell and Ari, and he felt sorry for not doing anything differently for them that he felt was so important. It's Belle. She's your sister, but Ari loves you.

I confessed that I didn't have much of an event, and I didn't even have much time alone.

'You have to be good at this opportunity.'

The moment I thought about it, I remembered the marriage of rum and race. When I heard their decision, I didn't think much of it, but I suddenly imagined what it would be like to marry Ari.


My heart starts pounding just thinking about it.

Ari was always dedicated to Harun and acted with caution, although he did not know the beauty that was taken away from him, but with superhuman abilities. She waited patiently until he looked at her and did not hesitate to do the hard work for her.

Harun decides to take some time to himself, as Beyond's situation is not urgent.

But it was Bell who sent Harun the brainwave first.

- Bell, bell!

- Hey, bro? Did you just get out?

Not long after I recalled Bell's footage and focused my brainwaves, I got a response.

- What are you doing?

- He works in my office, hohohoho! Your brain waves are unstable, so you must be upset.

It's a ghost.

Bell relaxes at Harun's mind with an unstable pulse.

- No, it's just anxious and curious to get out and not be there.

I don't think so, but we're almost done here.

Harun sends an EEG to Ari while Bell is on his way to the central base.

- Ari, where are you?

- Did you just get out?

Harun's acquisition takes a few moments to ascend, confirming Ari's surprised and delighted feelings in her reply.

Harun was vividly experiencing the value of a single word.

- Yeah, what are you doing?

- I'm investigating underground roads around the base.

Then I remembered what I asked Ari to do. Half the Secret Service she leads adds a drillion.

The other half were built to investigate underground roads built by Union, GG, or HG.

- You're in trouble because of me.

Others were still working in the base, but Ari had been working in the basement for a long time without getting enough rest and without light. I was really sorry for making my lover do the hardest thing for me, not anyone else.

Everyone is doing this for the future of the storm base. You and everybody else.

- But I want to see it, but I'm separated.

- You really want to see me?

Harun nodded as soon as he asked the young Ari, surprised and excited.

- Yeah, a lot.

- I miss you so much.

When her heart that thought of herself was transmitted vividly through the brainwaves, the heart that was sad melted without a trace.

- Should I go that way?


Ari is unable to speak for a moment, wondering if Harun's words were unexpected.

He was embarrassed because he had never actively expressed his mind to this extent.

- It's like he's already here. Hang in there, brother.

You only have 20 days left to work on your primary objective.

If you miss me, I'll be glad to see you. Just bear with us a little longer.

- Yeah, I got it. I'm afraid we're going to have to wait a little longer.

- Hang on, hang on. I'm also working on the place that my brother told me about.

- I'm sorry?

I can't remember. The place he asked Ari to do it himself.

- Oh, my God! No matter how busy you are, you can't forget that.

When Rum and Race get married, we want a great place to send the honeymoon away from the base.

I did.

Now I remember. Obviously, I said that to Ari separately the last time. Leaving the base. Honeymoon.

I wish there was someplace I could take a vacation.

'I don't think I ever asked you to make it.'

In his own words, the horrifying Ari must have been overwhelmed.

Anyway, I could see what Ari was thinking about me just looking at this.

She's a very, very lovely woman.

- So it's done?

- Not finished, but the rest of the men at the central base are finishing up, so it should be over in a few days.

- Where did you make it?

- Made it in the lake. Based on Dr. Cheongil's research journal, we will discuss the barrier creation

And fortunately, we've done some research, so we've been able to create a barrier on the bottom of the lake. We've built the first building and decorated the landscape around it, but there's a lot of work to do.

I was curious about the place. Now that Ari is in command, it will be a place for people who have been there to keep beautiful memories for a lifetime.

- Well, that's good work. That's all we got.

When the honeymoon period is over, we can spend the holidays there, right?

- Yeah, sure, we've been too busy.

- Yeah, I'm excited!

Seeing Ari happy, I felt sorry for some reason. It was a lot of hard work.

'Let's make time for Belle and Ari this time!'

Harun firmly decides.

I'll see you later. I love you.

- Me, too, brother.

After the communication ended, Harun stood still for a moment.

I feel like I'm missing something because of the fact that I can't see Ari again for 20 days.

It was pushed. From what I can see, I don't think Beyond cared much for Belle and Ari.

That condition was broken by Bell's arrival.


Along the elevator and underground roads that set up separately in Harun's office and concierge room, Onbelle rushes toward Harun from the central base. Harun's eyes widen as he spreads his arms around the running bell.

"Huff! When did he get so big again? '

With the heavy weight, the amount of feeling and shock felt in the chest was a sign that the bell had grown quite a bit in the meantime.

"Hehe! I missed you!"

I came out of the shower and wrapped Harun's waist around my legs, wrapped my arms around his neck, and breathed into his shoulders and chest as if I were smelling his body, but my expression relaxed.

"The girl who will love soon will be a child when she sees it."

Seeing that Harun has no parents, he seems to be looking for that face and affection. Well, neither do I.


Bell falls, shy of Harun's words. But I don't want to fall apart.

I remained suspended, but didn't consider taking my arms off.

By the way, the outfit seems to have changed a little. Normally, uniforms are used to provide a wide, ventilated

It was common to wear long sleeves and trousers, but now the bells had seven sleeves or trousers.

A uniform designed to stick to your whole body.

Bell in a dress uniform highlighted the body of a mature woman, so she was an archetype for adolescent girls who like to play nice. When Harun saw that, he felt strangely sad. Soon Bell will leave his arms.

It felt like it.

"How are you?"

"Yes, no. I was wrong about you."

"You did?"

"I had to work alone to enjoy the game, and it was bad, really!"

Although my body has matured like a girl, Belle's struggling appearance is not at all different from the first time I met her.

I thought that it might be the same if I met a good man and married him.

Belo may have always felt a sense of brotherhood in his eyes.

"That's why it came out like this, and we're going to last a little longer this time."


"Yes, I'm sorry for you and Ari, and for Dr. Hwang and everyone else."

"Really? Ah! But......"

This time, Bell's smiling face becomes blurry again, saying that we can stay together a little longer.

"Why? Did something happen?

"Well... something's come up."

"What's going on?"

Harun sits carefully on the couch, still hugging her waist. People might misunderstand.

Since when were you two the most comfortable? When I talk face to face in this pose,

The user desperately feels like the target cares about me.

"The people of the Herb Village who were staying in groups to migrate to our base were caught up with them on the way.

I was going to call my brother about it. "

"The people of Herb Village?"

The people of a herbal village who lived deep in the vertebrae seem to be in bad shape outside considering migration.

"Yes, the village chief and the warden have known each other for a long time. Seems they've decided to relocate to our base as the Oregons have expanded into the mountains recently and become a threat to their survival.

But as the warden pointed out, I was coming down the mountain to Namhae and continue along the Arisu River.

They've been caught by climbers who've recently expanded their territory to the riverside. Oregon, who captured the villagers, released some of them, including the chief, and asked them to get the goods they wanted if they wanted to take others. "

Now, I know the majority of Oregons don't target Humans for food.

When I didn't meet Belle, I thought they were hunting Humans.

"What kind of things?"

"Yes, these."

Bell's paper contained small generators and a variety of machinery, such as salt and sugar.

Currently, Oregon was not capable of self-sufficiency.

We need to find out more, but most of these items are in stock at the base.


Harun lets out a tear, looking at the things Oregon needs.

'The Orcs from the North have a considerable civilization.'

Unlike the previous Orcs, which were no different from predators, these Orcs were not only intelligent enough to match the Aruters.

It appears to have achieved a significant level of civilization. Harun, who has been brain-trained as a monster with low intelligence since he was a child, has still heard that Org has a civilization enough to use a generator, but Shhh.

I didn't believe it. Brainwashing is so scary.

"Then why are you here?"

"The Herb Villagers who used to come to our base have been in radio silence with the residents of Entertainment Village. Since the outsiders have been invading a lot lately, let's endure the interruption of everyday life as well as gathering herbs.

That's what happened when he tried to relocate to our base. "

It was worth knowing. While Harun was obsessed with Beyond, many of the brothers and sisters from the town of entertainment came to the base alone or as a family.

I once heard a report like that, but I didn't really care that there were more and more members of the base who were lacking.

I was instructed to accept it.

After coming to the storm base, the outsiders were able to live a new life in their dreams.

For them, the storm base was a legendary ideal.

It gives me the freedom to do what I want and have plenty of life needs.

They became the new inhabitants of the base and became unimaginable in their lives.

It would have been a catalyst to bring the outsiders to the base, and it happened during that process.

"How many are in custody?"

"27 households, 96."

"It's a pretty big one, we've got to get it somehow! They used to come here to be a member of our base."

Harun makes his decision without a thought. They were coming to the storm base, nothing else.

"Well thought, brother, we definitely need it because our physical abilities are better than Iner's and better adapted to base life. He's loyal to the base and very active."

Why not?

They have lived in harsh environments close to extremes. For those who were so desperate to survive that their only priority was to eat, the storm base is literally an oasis in the desert, and must be defended for generations to come.

It was a precious house to do.

Compared to the vast majority of Inner residents, the attachment to the base is a frenzy.

For them, the storm base provided them with many things that they and many generations of ancestors could not enjoy.

It is a precious place that made it possible.

That's better! '

Harun was going to use Oregon to target the Dead Bunker anyway. One day, Oregon.

I was thinking about meeting them, but they gave me a chance first.

"Where are they based?"

"It's in the plains of the river, 72 kilometers to the northeast. According to reconnaissance data from satellites and reconnaissance Hawks, the total population of the Urssium tribe holding hostages is estimated to be 20,000."

With a population of 20,000, it is considerable.

"How the hell did Oregon manage that population? '

And it turns out that the number of Oregons that started coming down from the north over two years ago is now just over a million.

I did. I was curious about how Orgasm maintains its number, which I know is in parallel with hunting and agricultural life.

Bell's words continue to suggest that Harun suspected such a question.

"According to people who have been detained, Oregon grows a variety of root crops. It also hunts and stocks are either fermented or baked in various root crops. Probably crops like yams."

However, if it is not a bulbous crop, in the middle of the day, it will be burned by the intense sunlight that goes over 40 degrees. cane

Root crops, like yams, that thrive in any kind of bad condition, can only be cut and planted in the vertebrae or elsewhere.

They are also grateful to the outsiders who live there.

"What's the status on the base?"

"I think I'm going to be over 10,000 in a few minutes."

"Oh! You're playing so fast."

The base is expanding rapidly as it falls into Beyond. People from the lens, people from the town of entertainment.

It's because they dragged in Inners and Outers. The life of the storm base has never been the same.

Recommended because it is of unparalleled quality and texture.

But thanks to this, the base is becoming saturated.

"The facility we've expanded so far is no longer viable. They're full of fresh supplies and food. Amarido Mid-term Measures

I think we should arrange. "

Expansion of the facility takes time and manpower, but it's not difficult. We're already 100 stories below ground level.

It's broken.

"The problem is the supplies, including food."

Considering the ongoing exchange of crops in the Undercity,

Not a chance.

"Why don't you go out and investigate yourself? According to Azman's best guess, the environment is contaminated.

Adaptive animals are said to have special resistance to contaminants, but I think you should check it out.

So if the result is good, we can use the land near the base to grow crops. "

"Is that possible?"

"I'm going to collect samples before I run them."

Consuming crops grown on radiocontaminated soil is the same as consuming radioactive materials.

The accumulated radioactivity in the body emits radiation to cause various cancers and destroy cells.

It also causes severe inherited diseases even if it survives.

"According to the book of the Apocalypse, radioactive contaminated areas can replant the soil by planting and extracting radioresistant plants for decades."

'Hmm, that should do it. If planting bulbs, such as cancers grown on grounds where radioactive materials have been removed,

It will be a great food for us and possible. '

Hundreds of years have passed since the end of the war. Of course, the level of pollution was extreme because of the competitive use of nuclear weapons, but it was still likely to be decontaminated to some extent other than where the explosion occurred.

'If you do well, you won't have to worry about food.'

I thought it would be useful for dealings with the undertowns and outsiders.

"And now I think we should really get going. There are also large quantities of coal mine villages

They asked for a deal in the towns. "

"It's about time."

We're not satisfied yet, but the paratroopers are now well trained enough to go on a Merchant Guild escort mission.

"Okay, then call a meeting right away!"

"I've already called it in!"

That's Belle.

Bell told me briefly what Harun must know on his way to the storm base.

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