Harun's group is busy with business before they head to Koem Castle, which will be their headquarters for a while. One of the reasons I came to Fort Matsurut was to unite the

It was a purchase of necessities for a tremendous number of mountain tribes who might form. At least four months to feed yourself.

All the crew went out because there were more, and they needed a huge amount of Saint-Fil-Fu, even the clothes.

Harun also moves separately from his men.

'You should buy as much as you can.'

Harun promised to support their supplies for a while if the mountain tribe alliance was formed, as Batun said. Because of Ghost,

Commerce had become extremely atrophied, so it was difficult to obtain that amount. The price of the fort has already risen considerably.

There's been a decline in the number of stores that are opening and operating right now, and there are a lot of merchants who would like to use this opportunity to make a lot of money with their stores.

I couldn't get the yards I wanted, let alone the price. When the corridor was blocked, Harun had the magic hides, the magic stones, and the herbs.

I couldn't sell it

Because of this, the supply of affordable living medicines and active commerce are also rapidly decreasing the quality of life of ordinary people.

It is. I was in desperate need of a reason to deal with the ghosts.

I've asked the Currents to get as much Saint-Fil-Fu as I can, but I don't know how much longer, so I should have saved as many as I can.

It was extremely bad because of the Sauder Ghost's influence.

Harun went to the Garz Road Headquarters late this afternoon. There were evening appointments with Governor Aggressia and the Garz Lord Viceroy.

Harun eased the difficulty of purchasing supplies on the spot, and the leaders of Gaz Lord accepted the quest, though it may be because of the quest.

In the end, the generosity of General Aggresia allowed me to buy munitions on Garz Lord cheaply. In situations where reinforcements cannot be dispatched from the three empires at this time,

In the meantime, the amount of supplies the victim saw was left behind.

A huge quantity of one-third of the munitions went into the larger subspace of the pel. Once again, the subspace of the fellows who were awakened is now full of

I had plenty of time to put in sheep munitions.

Harun, in addition to that, has purchased numerous items from the Temple Alliance and the Horse Tower Alliance. To deal with the enhanced undead led by the Dark Prince,

Even if you can't see the big effects, you need items with divine magic, and magic items were necessary to replenish your lack of magical power.

The price of goods purchased for such reasons exceeded 10 million gold, but the advances received from the League exceeded that. Some pay upfront

There were few problems with the funds because I received them on behalf of them.

The day before he left the fortress, Harun secretly invited Mobius and Hersh into his home and spent quite a long time communicating his thoughts and a few items.

"Don't worry, Commander."

"I'll do my best, too. If we succeed, the Darkness will no longer be able to stop Garz Lord. And there are strangers who can deal with strangers.

I love it. "

The two of them had to thoroughly review the contents and then returned. Harun, who escorted the two of them, left the fort at dawn with his crew and rode on the Mino and Sunni to Koem Castle.

The Currency has already set up a large building for the Eastern Pool mercenaries, including the Special Forces, in the castle, although it has been vacated because of the reality of things. As much as the Ziggurat destroyed,

No, but the crew was very satisfied with the three-story building with all the facilities. Harun uncovers and heads to the same place with the Tino Commander. It's in Koem Castle.

It was where the mercenaries who were found stayed. Their home is located in an area adjacent to the Resistance Wall, where they cut down nearby trees and erected reasonable wooden logs and buildings.

Harun's group visits the Abyss mercenary headquarters.

"This is where the Abyss, Dakarin and Dragontails mercenaries stay. What brings you here?"

Harun is surprised by the words of the mercenary guarding the door.

"Huh? Why are the three mercenaries gathered together?"

I was looking for the Abyss mercenaries, but I also saw the Dakarin mercenaries and the Dragontails mercenaries I had previously met.

"Commander Harun of the gale mercenaries."

When you mention the name to the guard mercenary, the mercenary takes a surprise and guides Harun's group to the long, monolithic log building.

"This is the unified office of our three mercenaries."

"Thanks for the tour."

"Oh, no. It was an honor to meet Captain Harun in my lifetime."

The innocence of the mercenary blushing his face made him lighter. In fact, I had come to ask a difficult favor.

Knock, knock!

"Come in."


The sound of a knock was definitely Elzer's.

"Harun? Harun?

Did he listen to Harun or did he wait for him that much? Elser recognizes Harun's voice and opens the Warak door and bends.

"It really was Harun!"

"Hahaha! Elzer!"

Instead of the usual mercenaries, the two hugged each other tightly. It's been a long time since I've seen you both since you were my first friends.

"Something's different."

"That's what I was going to say."

Elzer felt Harun's change with his face exposed, and Harun noticed that Elser's prayers were close to the Sword Master.

"Welcome, Commander Harun!"

"He wasn't actually my boyfriend. It's too hot for an old man like us."

Harun opens his arms, surprised to hear from inside, but Elsa doesn't give out easily.

"Never mind. Ignore the old men who only wait for the day to come. How long has it been since I've seen you? Are you interrupting?"

"But you have to say hello."


As Elser stepped out of his arms, Harun could see three people smiling greedily. Piel of Abyss, Presidential Leader of Dakarin, and Navascon of Dragontails.



"Hahaha! You're here."

Harun's group greets the three of you with a greeting, and he hears why they are staying together.

"Most of the other mercenaries made a deal with the estramorwn, but we still haven't made a deal to meet with Commander Harun."

Peel of Abyss, who had inadvertently been delayed in recruiting, told me a story on behalf of the people.

"I've been waiting for the commander to bring me a proper quest. I've been working hard on my training since I was so good at what I had before."

"So were we."

The three of them waited for Harun here in the Devil Mountains, self-consciously knowing that a big case was going to blow. But the more you devise an operation, the more power will go to two special forces.

It was Harun who felt inadequate, so their words were thankful. Though it is said to be a training exercise for mercenaries who have paid a lot of money to recruit, it is easy to let the decision be made as a leader.

It can't go down.

"Hahaha. You've made the right decision. I brought you a big one."

At Harun's words, the three of them smiled in repentance, looking at each other. Harun checked the three mercenaries' forces first. The three mercenaries knew the evil nature of the Devil Mountains and the beasts.

You bring only mercenaries of the Expert Intermediate or higher. In the case of the warriors, there were six Sword Masters and 42 Experts, with a rank of 106 and an intermediate rank of 314.

In the wizard's case, 6 circles were 44 circles and 5 circles were 105. Due to the nature of the mercenaries, the wizards' attack power was truly enormous, considering more than one circle.

What was special was that Elser had just entered the Sword Master. It is still classified as the Supreme Exporter, but will soon be a definite beginner. From a mercenary to a woman, to something like that.

It was almost like a miracle.

Even though her qualities were exceptional, she was a great accomplishment, driven by diligent efforts. Her name will spread far and wide. Harun assembled three teams of three mercenaries.

"So it's our new mission to escort the Merchant Guild and deal with the Ghosts?" "

"Yes, if you take out a Ghost team, I will pay you 1 million gold."

The three of them gaped at Harun's words. Every number I ever spit out is overwhelming, and I haven't let go of their expectations this time.

"Hehe! It's worth the wait. Ten ghost teams and 10 million gold."

"Haha! This time it's the scroll I have and I'll use my potions graciously."

I couldn't take out ten teams to escort the Merchant Guild from start to finish, but I had big dreams.

"Tsk! I thought I'd take it easy on you this time."

"When this is over, let's have time to compete together."

Elzer was a little disappointed, but the first time he failed to keep his promise was Abyss, and he quickly slumped down because he received a new promise from Harun. Now, the best of the three mercenaries...

It will cross over to the Mino Empire and the Synteron Empire through the Warp Magic Group.

- Then we'll have a team.

Pulsecran accepted Harun's offer in good faith.

"That's good. If you keep up with us, you'll have a big leaf. If a team from the League of Merchants takes care of Ghosts, we will pay you 1 million gold per team."

- Hahaha. That's our job anyway. Thank you for not doing that.

Pulsecran, the leader of the Merchant Guild, accepted Harun's offer as a merchant. The Merchant Guild agreed with Harun to assemble a Special Force and Buffalo team to escort the Merchant Guild.

There may be a lot of talk about using such advanced power, but it was an emergency now and it was essential to keep up with Harun's blast troops.

- How many teams are there?

"Ten teams will move on, and more will follow."

Are you sure?


In fact, there are six special forces, except for the League. The rest of the team was commissioned by the Knights under the Imperial Guard who were dedicated to the defense of the Imperial Circle by the authority of Wand given by Pinosee Hose.

They decided to escort the Koem Merchants Guild, which specializes in the transportation of Imperial ingredients.

It was an exaggeration to say ten teams, but maneuverability was not a lie given the first team to play the role of a few. But Pulsecran suggested that two basic sod masters per team include two six-circle wizards.

thinking about it and freaking out.

Although not all of those teams were the force of the blast mercenaries, Pulsecrani was surprised that there were more than 20 Sod Martyrs and 6 Circle Mados, respectively, even by simple calculations.

Although he is the leader of the League of Merchants, he does not have the power to gather such strong men together. Such tremendous power was created by the commander of a mercenary army.

Our choice was the best! '

Pulsecran was more able to trust Harun's abilities with the results. His true strength was not a prosecutor of great fortune or of great skill.

"Connection is the greatest strength! '

Palsecran knew that there were many friends who could help in any situation that was the greatest force in the world.

"Then I wish you the best of luck."

- Thank you, sir. And as you said, I'm going to start with the top of the storm.

Harun's communication with Pearsecran worried that the seven teams would be able to deal with the Ghosts properly, but there was no other way because of the power available at this time.

Before arriving here, Harun gave orders for the advisers who were staying in the castle near the Tanga Bong to deal with the leaders of the three tribes while also dealing with the capture group of Golden Road active near Lake Tulam.

The leaders of each tribe also decided that, according to the summons of the wise Bartun, the captors would follow the mountain tribes as they marched towards Lake Tulam.

If not, they could have assembled at least four teams by storm troopers, but they were unable to disperse the power.

'We must do as much damage as possible at the beginning and quickly find the stronghold.'

When Harun was ready to make his move, the signal generator specially constructed by Pacochu Horse Tower was secretly handed over to the League. And the merchant merchants' long march started with the promised chariot.

"Come on, let's hurry."

After a long journey, Yeon-woo urged the merchants and workers who were delayed to look around as if they had not abandoned anxiety, even though she said so.

The escort of 20 workers, including ten wagons, four merchants and a horse and carriage, this ascent is a real disaster given the fact that all ranged ascents have been completely halted due to a Ghost attack.

The merchants thought it was beyond insolence.

'Phew. I'm still nervous, though.'

Yeongwoo, who had already been attacked by Ghost twice, was trembling when she remembered the moments that were like nightmares, but she caught her breath.

'This time the commander has decided to make his own move. You'll be fine.'

Harun, the leader of the Blowing Mercenaries, was like a god to the Blowing Mercenaries. Harun, who is gaining much more fame than the real-life captain Harun, who owns the fan base he lives in,

I was trustworthy.

Of course, the evidence that it could be trusted was based on his power that spread like a legend. It is said that you use sadness as a ghost and even a spirit for your extraordinary abilities as a Sword Master. There, on the horse.

The sorrowful Hulbert was truly a hero, adding to the compassion of producing and selling medicines at the lowest margin for the people of Beyond.

The damage inflicted by the two raids was a massive level drop, but it was unbelievable to the merchant guild. The price of the missing item, as well as the price with the counterparty.

The penalty will be 100,000 gold.

'That's it too. I can't take it anymore. Me and our ascent will be the starting point.'

Yeon touches the small beacon in her hand and gives a strong glow to her eyes. The ascent out of the city of Luvane has never occurred in the past row. After the merchants stopped moving as if they had promised,

for the first time.

They will show up.

A cold sweat flowed from the spine of Yeongwoo.

"Savirin Canyon is just around the corner. Escorts to scout the area and keep your eyes peeled."

Following Yeouido's command, some of the escorts left without delay and the merchants and workers who were unable to escape the anxiety became more tense.

Surely the Ghost will appear in the canyon. Ten merchants have been defeated by them inside the mouth of the canyon. They showed up on the terrain where they couldn't escape, killing everyone and taking everything with them.

Reconnaissance has always been the same. There were no signs of an ambush anywhere. Based on the results of the reconnaissance, the ascent slowly moved and eventually entered the entrance of the canyon.

'Come out here!'

Yeon-woo suppresses anxiety and brings the ascent inward in a notorious state.

Did he move for almost 10 minutes? Suddenly, I felt a strange sign.

He's here!

I've been beaten twice, so I don't know anymore. I felt Mana's flow of high-level magic being used. Even though the level crashed badly, the sixth sense became more sensitive. The swallow confirmed that the Ghost unique movement magic team was activated and activated the signal generator.


Suddenly, a powerful swarm of light rises from the canyon ahead and vanishes.



Yun Wu's guess is correct. Two guards patrolling 30 meters ahead suddenly collapsed screaming. The place not too far from them was the place where a group of light had just appeared and disappeared.

Ten black incarnations appeared when it appeared. The fact that he couldn't see his face with deep pressure on the hood was the same as the last two experiences.

"Phew! P-st."

"Ghost appears!"

People screamed in shock.

"Don't panic, do as you were told!"

After referring to the instructions we had given in preparation for this incident, Yeon-woo looked at the escorts who were moving forward with a firm look.

While the escorts were preparing to react to the enemy, the wagons gathered their horses in one place and tied their horns together. The wagons and merchants loaded their crossbows and placed themselves between the wagons.

"Sir, you must come! '

The ability of the escort who had been killed by the Ghost several times was unbelievable as the level that fell. No, even at the level you were hired at, you couldn't have been ghosted. No matter how many estramorwn there are with their lives at stake,

Since emotional pain and heartache are inevitable, the bodies of the escorts waiting for the enemy felt heavy.

"Brother, brother, I'm bored!"

Pel asks you to play around if waiting is hard.

But he was still a child, so he deserved it. It will be hard to concentrate on one thing at that age. Maybe it's a natural reaction to be stuck in that room all day long. I was finally able to see the world, and I was stuck in one place.

If you are not frustrated, you must be lying.

The Special Forces 1 team had to move as soon as the signal came, so they were stuck in the room, waiting for everything to be resolved.

Harun closes his eyes and falls into a light meditation and looks at Pell with a stern face.

"Don't be so dramatic. Just sit down. We'll be moving up and down hourly from a few hours ago, so we should have a signal shortly."

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

Pel lets out a whoosh with a heartache on his face, gluing his butt to the ground.

"Fella, if you're bored, why don't we have a chat with this old man?"

Taniella says that Pel's face turns pale.

"Hehe! Grandpa Tani is the best!"

Pel runs to Taniella and sits down in front of him.

"Have you decided what you want to discuss?"

Dylan asks when you woke up from meditation.

After the Special Force took up residence in Koemjeong Castle, Taniella was working and debating with others to overcome the magical weaknesses of resonance.

Spells can multiply magical attacks, but the problem is that it takes a long time to do so.

The theory and system of resonance magic have not been captured yet, so we were focusing on reducing the time it takes for magic to manifest, but we needed a lot of research because it was not easy either.

Anyway, I guess it was worth it when I saw how much Taniella cared about Pell. It was a good thing we had to go when the signal came in right away.

"I've decided to triple the power of magic. Finally, I was able to find the right magic, so I was able to use it about half the time I had originally."

"Hoho! It's half an hour, but it's three times as powerful. Amazing."

Harun was also very surprised to hear the conversation between the two of them. I didn't know there was magic. With that kind of efficiency, it could be called a magical revolution.

"Anyway, I think our fel was bored by himself, so we should play with him for a while."

After getting the tools out of her magic pouch, Taniella informs Pell of the rules of the game in detail as she goes through the example. Toctak is a game of catching and throwing five small stones up.


Harun, who was listening to the explanation next to him, was very surprised. There are people on Earth who enjoy playing pokey games when they are young. I've played a game that's long enough to go up to the end times, which is air play.

I know Harun by hearing all about it. But it was no wonder that there was almost the same game in Beyond, a completely different world.

'That's why foreigners think of this place as a virtual reality.'

On the other hand, there are many similarities between the two. In the history of the Earth, in the medieval world, and in this world, the unprecedented hierarchical texts of the Earth.

It existed and even existed during the time when dinosaurs lived.

By the way, this place is going to lose, right? '

At first, I thought there might be another planet. And then I asked Ari, based on the parallel cosmology of the apocalypse, it's another dimension that exists in the same time period.

I thought it was most likely to be thinking.

Harun suddenly meditates on a parallel cosmology. Identifying the truthfulness of the theories you already know and raising your understanding, while simultaneously thinking of many objections.

Harun's accident is expanding rapidly.

In fact, Harun, who was so calm that he had to meditate, accidentally fell into a real meditation because of the commotion.

The world of meditation, for the first time, expanded the realm of thought quickly and deeply beyond the limits that it had set itself far from intellectual distance. Because I am not properly educated

Neural circuits in the brain that had not developed were temporarily activated for a short period of time that could be considered to have stopped for Harun.

In fact, because Harun was already activated, brain function was ready to function at any given time, but the velocity or definitive range was significantly different from that of the perpetrator.

An apocalyptic study showed that the processing power of the human brain is enormous compared to that of a supercomputer, known as the most distinctive scientist of the 20th century.

Even Einstein was known to have failed to use even 10% of his abilities.

At this rate, Harun's intellectual abilities will climb to a new level in Azman.

However, fortunately, it seems that coincidences interfere with luck.

Peek, Peek, Peek!

Suddenly, a tone came into my ears. At the same time, his accident, which had expanded to an obscure place, returned to reality.


It was a shame. Bell came in to kiss Ari. But this is not the time for grief.


"I'm ready to go anywhere, brother."

Pel falls in love with Taniella, then stands up as he hears the beep. At the same time, others stopped doing what they were doing and gathered around Harun.

"But what are you going to do?"

Harun told me not to worry, so I was also curious about the torturers who weren't too worried.

"Our fel is the one who will send us to the place where the signal was sent."

Harun strokes Pel's head next to him.



The crew opens their eyes wide and looks at Pel and Harun in mysterious ways.

"Hehe! Please gather around me. And take a piece of me by the hand."


People stand still because they don't understand what Pell is talking about.

"Just do what Pell says."

Harun places his hands on Pel's shoulders and speaks. He tilts his head one by one, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Then, let's go!"

Harun's group's gaze suddenly shifts, and the object is severely distorted. And then one minute, people are watching them fill up with light particles around them.

I feel the intense pressure and velocity of falling tens of thousands of meters without incident.

The crew became dull and impetuous, like whitening in their heads and escaping to the intestines and the Defendant's pores.

"Hehe! We're here!"

The moment I heard Pell's words, the strangled crew regained consciousness.



People who had experience riding Minos and Sunnies still came to their senses with a few shakes, but the rest of them moaning.

He frowned and begged for a stumbling and tangled spirit.

"It's been a long time."

The deep-pressed hood moves a dangerous-looking jaw that looks like that of a wart.

It's been a long time since I've had a goal like he said. Should I give him a chance to blend in this time?

Yeon suppresses her fear and opens her mouth, clenching her fists.

"Who the hell are you people?"

"Khh! They call you Ghosts, right? We changed that, too."

He was a young voice in his 20s or 30s.


Looking around her jaw and mouth, I thought of that. The mouth-shaped sound was different from the common language here. I guess the rumors are true.

"What is your true purpose?"

If they had taken all the goods like they did with the other merchants, they wouldn't have asked. Ghost attacks the Poisonous Tornado Guild.

I burned all the medicines. No matter how much it costs, that amount is worth a fortune.

"Heheh heh. Dreams last a long night. Shall we get started?"

I longed out the error that the wart's jaw had picked up for a while.

'Excellent Expert. Excellent. Three in comparison with him, a little lower. Nen, that's the wizards behind him. Luckily, you won't have to.

No, there's one more. '

You can recognize the target's skill to some extent, as Yeon Woo also has skills above Expert Intermediate.

If they're all foreigners, I'm really scared. It's amazing to think that there are at least 10 or up to 100 of these teams.

Less than 1,000 of the highrankers with information out there are the best Experts yet. Only a fierce user of Payne can enjoy that glory. But...

No matter who they were, I forgot to mention for a moment that an organization has at least 100 people and more than 1,000 Exports.

'An enormous organization intervened.'

The wart's jaw opens to see the surprised look on Yeongwoo's face.

"I took my time wondering what I believed and jumped into limb, but it's nothing. I don't know what kind of balls they came out of. Tsk, tsk!"

It was that moment.


Suddenly, the atmosphere next to Yeongwoo seems to be severely wobbly, and a group of people appear on the transparent membrane.

Surprisingly, neither Yeouido nor Ghost took any action. He stared in astonished glances and the transparent film faded away.

The people inside were revealed.

She wets her dry lips and squints her eyes. Thinking about what they had told me in advance, they had to be on their side. So I was wondering if you had a face.

We look at those who want to appear.

Unfortunately, none of these faces appeared to know. Even though Yeonwoo is a mover, Harun has never seen it, because it is not a zigzipper.

Several of them appear, staggering or whitened, with a strange sound due to the aftermath of warp magic, standing like ice.

But before he even recognizes the opponent, one of them walks towards him.

"This is what Ghost looks like. You look pretty young, but you're pretty high level."

He spoke to a man who appeared to be in his late 20s. The man's face, tall and rich, was ordinary, but his eyes were so cold and intense that it felt like cold water.

It made me nervous as if I'd drunk it.

"…… Who are you?"

I recognize the faces of those who put deep pressure on the hood to see how they did it, and the wart's jaw reflexively asks as if it were from Yeon Deok earlier.


"Stones... wind?" How? "

The wart's jaw feels like a stupid question, even as it speaks. If they did, they wouldn't tell you not to do it. That's what you've been through.

The Merchants Guild will not stand by.

I've heard the rumors about the storm troopers and their leader, Harun. Rumor has it the king is exaggerating, but I know the wart's jaw isn't necessarily the same.

There were. Seeing as they were barely known.

'So now I told you to stop.'

Despite the slightest reversal of the brain, organizations can expect the people so far to be able to cope with themselves in any way.

He insisted that it sounded fun and eventually called in the strongmen.

"Are you glad the mercenaries made it? '

Mercenaries are mercenaries, no matter how formidable they may be. Without the Sword Master, there's no problem. As long as the Master of the Sword is not a terrible man, in any country,

It is the custom of this world to make nobles or lords, so mercenaries rarely become sod masters.

"I guess we wanted to do what you guys did. It looked pretty fun. The commission was well paid, and you're a bunch of strangers, so I figured you'd have a lot to salvage."


Dylan flies past Harun shortly after he tries to swing his sword, pulling out more than a meter in rage.

Harun hurls three diviners into the sky with nothing and spreads his messenger jumping and fast skills to the extreme and shoots back at the remaining wizards. I just came up with the sword.

They flew over them with no room to react.

"The Dark Hand!"

"Dark Arrow!"

"The dark sphere!"

Black arrows and spears fly in front of Harun, followed by a huge black hand reaching out to him.

Harun stops shooting like a bullet as the enemy responds much faster than he expected and quickly pulls the hammer. Even if you try to avoid other magic,

The dark hand, which is connected to the soul, must be dealt with.


You don't have to hide your skills because it's a fast pact.

Blade rises from the crack of the blade.

Boom, boom, boom!

The Dazzling Orb Blade blows away the Dark Arrow and the Dark Sphere and rips off its massive black grip.

"Huff! Master of the Sword!"

"The Sword Master!"

The sound comes from Harun's front and rear. That's why there are four of them, including Dylan and Illum.


Looks like you've already dealt with one.

At that moment, the man beside the wizards shouted in a surprised voice.

"Fall back!"

With that sound, the blade rises and rushes toward Harun. He was hiding behind a real master.

Quack, quack, quack!

As the roar blades collided, there was tremendous dust with the noise.

"Khh! Khh!" Where did they come from? "

Whether he was greatly shocked by the struggle with power, the hood of the man vomiting blood was torn like a mop, revealing its whole appearance.

Human Guard, indeed.

As soon as Harun looked at the golden grass plate, he could see who they were. In Forus' memory, these men already know the Golden Knights of the Human Guard.

In the background, you see three wizards hurrying a wide leather across the floor. What's impressive is that they're not painting a magic circle, but they're unfolding a large leather that's already been painted.

It was a scene of putting a tiny micro-management like an egg into an element.

'The secret to their swift warp was that leather sorcerer. However, no matter how many magicians you warp, that leather magician should remain normal... "

Installing the Wizards is a very tricky task. Even a 6 Circle Wizard has to work for a long time, but they have to draw the Wizards on a piece of magic.

Implement warp magic by mounting the power source Manasik in a predetermined location when it is needed.

It's amazing how sophisticated it is to have a magic cast on a leather that works, but I don't really admire how you came up with that idea.

I couldn't. What I couldn't understand was that the Leather Warp Mages disappeared after warping.

Is it disposable? '

Likely If it is expressed by ripping like a home teleport scroll, then the warp magic made of leather also works in a similar way.

I was able to disappear, leaving only tiny pieces behind.

"Huh! Magic missiles or magic spheres?"

"The Dark Shield!"


"The Dark Shield!"

The wizards are bewildered by dozens of magical missiles that have suddenly flown away, unfolding Blink and Shield magic. But the magic missiles they saw were three times larger than normal.

That power was not something they could withstand with their instinctive dark-shields or blinks.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!



The Dark Shields of the Black Wizards, struck by a magical missile, like a monster with more than ten feet, were torn apart like a signpost, and were shot while praising another spell.

The same was true of the Black Wizard who fled with the Blink. Magic missiles were more than thermal, so blinking was inevitable.


After striking a powerful blow against Harun's aura blade, the opponent who flew backwards to the impact became more astonished by the shock he saw.

At that moment, I was attacked by an attack I had never thought of.

The three monks that Harun had shot at the sky flew at him. He swings his sword with all his might from that flying position.


The boom ceased at once. The number he could beat was just one.



The target groans and raises its eyes to the ground. I could see the sack on his forehead. Subsequently, I turned my gaze downward, feeling a burning pain in my heart.

What is this? '

Madly rushing Manawa and the whole body's blood rushed from his body when he was shocked because he couldn't handle the tremendous power of the scream without pulling Manawa up properly.

He was headed for his head. And unbelievably, his mana and blood are being sucked into the water.

"Khh... khh... khh!"

He quickly turned into a mummy and eventually crumbled like dust and scattered to the winds. When the Dark Secretary returned to Harun the same robe as the mop he had left on the floor

There was only full-flat armor and a few things left.

The process really happened in the blink of an eye, and the merchants didn't know exactly what happened, including the pond who was watching the battlefield.

Amon, on the other hand, is guarding the exhausted Fel. Where he looked, there were warrior advisors.

Dylan and Illum, Bovette and Batiate faced ten enemies. The three who defeated Batiath, a beginner of the Sword Master, were skilled intermediates.

One Excellent Exports and the other medium-class enemies are not so difficult.

Shhh! Shhh!

I wanted to hear how many times the blades hit each other, but the whole body was slashed with the sword. I was worried they were gonna run away, so Dylan put in a good word for me.

The blade of error, the blade of their sudden error, was unbearable and shattered.


Screams erupted from everywhere. Despite daylight, the new brothers of mountainous advisors repeatedly appeared and disappeared, each time the ghosts took their own heads.

You fall. Blood gushes like fountains from the cracked neck, but the bodies of the torturers are clean.

How many minutes has it been since the battle? The battlefield is calm.

Clubs! Clubs!

You can only hear the sound of hot bloodshed flowing out of the convulsing flesh, but all the ghosts have fallen to the ground with their miserable bones.


Shortly after, the body and bloodline of the estramorwn ghosts began to turn into light powder. As the powder disappeared into the atmosphere, there were all sorts of items piled up there.

"Yay! This item!"

Using excessive force to move the space, Fel, who was resting under Emon's escort, opens his eyes wide and rushes toward the items.

"Fella, just take a few. A lot of the brothers and sisters who have suffered must be rewarded for something."

"Hehe! Okay, brother."

Pel nods softly at Harun's words. At first, I needed a lot of items, but since I was Awakened and had pure stone fragments, I don't have to be greedy about them.

"Are you all right?"

Harun, who recovered the hide with the Warp Magic Cube, talks to the idiot standing moat.

"Ah… yes! Yes, of course."

"Your name?"

"It's called Yeon-woo. Commander!"

Yeon-woo froze and responded loudly in a floating position. Yeonwoo was able to remember Harun's impression of what his classmates had said.

"The situation is over, but you should be surprised. Rest here for a while and continue your journey." "

"Yes, I will."

"Just send a signal and I'll be right back. Don't worry. Move." "

"Thank you, Commander."

Harun once looked at the merchants and workers who were still unable to come out of the wagon and was ready to move again once Pell had collected all the items.

"Ouch! I'm still dizzy..."

"I still think my head is spinning and my insides are sticking out of my mouth."

A few people frown with the sound of death, but soon they gather around Pell.


Soon there will be a transparent membrane surrounding the people and the whole place will be filled with light, but Harun's group disappears, as if it were a lie.


Yeon-woo's posture solidified. Members and escorts are slowly approaching towards that alliance. In charge of the escort commander

Saasang opened his mouth, looking at the sight of Yeongwoo.

"Who was it?"

"This is the commander of our gale mercenaries. I don't know the rest."

"Your armor tells me you're one of those gale mercenaries. Amazing. I thought rumors were supposed to be exaggerated by our storm troopers.

I guess it's the opposite. "

"Yeah. I didn't know you had it in you. Two Sword Masters, nine Expert Class Swordsmen, and three Wizards in one breath."

When I took my thoughts out of my mouth, I was even more impressed. The Sword Master doesn't take pictures of them anywhere, but he slaughters them in the blink of an eye.

Given the tornadoes' innocence, it was truly unmanned.

"Now we can finally avenge them properly."

"Yes, that's right! I've only been beaten up for so long, but now that the commander has done this, I have to give him a proper taste."

There is a strong relief on the face of the group, a little away from the shock.

"Let's start with the items."

I turned to the items with Yeon Woo's gaze everywhere. Fel only took a few of the very rare and valuable items.

The rest will be their hard-earned loot, as Harun said, as a reward for their level and dropped items.

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