
(Crisis of Harun)

Oh, shit!


Feo smashes into his side, avoiding the Black Zombie's fingernails, but it only scratches at the sound of how hard the bone is, and it doesn't nod.

Feo quickly retrieves the sword as it drips. If he catches the Sword, he'll have to give up his weapon.

"Boring bastards! I don't care what it takes. Get started!"

Almost ran out of Mana on his back, but he gripped his teeth and pulled all of his mana up and lit up to get to the sword.

Almon turns his torso sharply to the sound of bone joints from his waist, avoiding the teeth of the approaching sloc, and stabs him in the side with a sword.


"Hmmm! Scary stuff! Why is this wolf mutant so winded?"

The clever sloc backs off with his front claw before being stabbed any deeper. Alman, who has been serving for over a decade and used basic imperial swordsmanship to carve bones and practice, was so fearful that the Devil Mountains' horses would not be the opponent unless they were Knights with Sword.

Blood spills from the retreated sloak's flank, but he looks at him with more horrific eyes than ever before.

Are you sure now? C. I was able to endure this much because I was a skilled and skilled soldier.

In the early days of the raid, the opponent is a Black Knight, so many casualties have come out, but the opposing team survives together as the opponent turns into a Magic Beast and Enhanced Undead.

"Kaaak! Knng! Ha! Ha!"

The sticky spit of Almon's heart bursts, exhaling intensely. Magic and reinforced undead are also fast, so if you turn your mind away for a while, you will be immediately defeated. But after about 20 minutes of being ambushed, your physical strength, as well as your mental strength, is low.

It is reported that Harun, the commander of the Storm Mercenaries, was on his way when he tried to take at least one more person to die and was bewitched when he was about to fall into despair.

When the signal came, they told us to evacuate to the north.

"Ha! Hurry up! Please!"

Did he hear his desperate voice?

Cough! Cough!

The dark atmosphere that made the body heavy suddenly shook. I was surprised to see the sky, and the membrane that was covering the sky like a black cloud suddenly burst. Maybe that's why the horses and undead are slowing down the attack.

No, no, no! They said it was time for the horses to change their attack direction and head out of the castle. '

Terro and Alman were eager to turn and run north, but they waited patiently because they had long been accustomed to obeying their superiors' orders.

Suddenly, the battle in the castle stops. instinctively felt that something big was happening and both sides stopped. Everyone's gaze turned to the cloud-like membrane that covered the sky.

Blah, blah!

Are the glaciers cracking? The black cloud breaks like ice, then suddenly the membrane disappears and the blue sky appears.

"The Black Magic Division has been broken!"

The heavy weight that was pressing down with someone's voice disappears. Is the Dark Magic Cube really broken? The faces of the characters on the side of the Guard Road brighten.

"Well, what is that?"

Those who cheered that the Black Magic Division had been broken were astonished at the mysterious objects floating in the sky. High in the sky, there were dozens of strange objects with two creatures that looked like birds but were as big as the legendary dragon.

An unidentified creature was spreading its wings, but it could not be seen accurately below. What is certain is that it is much larger than the Wyvern.

"No, magic?"

The wizards' eyes widen to see other objects.

"Ugh. What the hell is that?"

Pablo groaned as he saw objects that looked like magic missiles, but were three to four times their size.

At that moment, I felt a vibration and a strong pulse transmitting throughout my body.


The blue sky and clear vision were slowly blurring again.

"Oh, no! The Black Magic Clan didn't break!"

The moment Pablo screamed, huge magic missiles in the sky were launched at incredible speed towards the ground.

"Ouch! Hooray!"

The speed of a giant magic missile is too fast. I don't know where it's going, so I panicked for a minute. The wizards of Gard Lord sigh of relief.

"Protect the Mage's Core!"

"Take the shield down!"

"Double Dark Shield!"

"Range Shield!"

The moment the Black Wizards were waiting outside the castle, screaming in horror and scattering, they heard an enormous explosion.

Shhh! Shhh!



What happened? '

Pablo was surprised to see a strange sight as he tried to unfold his Fly magic, because he couldn't identify himself outside the castle due to a high wall of five metres.

Kuang! Khur!

"What about the horses? '

I've heard of it, but until just now, the horses attacking them were suddenly turning and rushing toward the outside of the castle. In addition, the land of curses that had been transformed black became weak at the same time as it searched for my color.

That wasn't the only weird thing. Suddenly, it started raining from the sky, but the strange thing was that only the inside of the castle fell. Strangely, while people were unconscious, all of a sudden, the undead, screaming, started pounding on the ground.

The rotting flesh of the fiercely struggling zombies melts away in tears, and the black bones of the skeletons are turning white and crumbling.

The mouths of the undead who were tormenting them spread.

"What? The dark magic is broken, but the magic is still there. What the hell is going on?" "

When someone makes that sound, a surprised voice pops out of the synagogues' gatherings.

"Holly...... Holly Lane is down!"

Holly Lane!

Isn't it raining with divine power in its name? People can now see why the undead suddenly turned out to be like that, but I wonder who, why, how, and in what way created this tremendous series of things.

I heard that the storm troopers were going to take some kind of action in advance, but I didn't think they were just mercenaries who caused this tremendous thing.

It was when people panicked.

"Now! Escape north!"

The people of Garz Road, who were in a daze, woke up in shock at the voice of the snarling Earl of Sierra El.

It is time for your promise.

"Break everything that stands in your way!"

"315,000 ligaments lead the way!"

"Clear a path!"

At the commanders' command, the soldiers swoop north without delay. There were no more Enhanced Undead attacks.

How did you do that? '

Pablo was a curious wizard, and at that moment, he was reminded of questions as he saw the undead 'heads crumbling in their teeth and claws.

As far as he knows, no one has this ability. Even the Black Wizards can't control their minds enough to change the target of a Shaman's attack in this instant.

"The rumor hasn't told us a tenth of what the Squad is capable of."

When someone approaches and wakes up with a word, Pablo quickly bows his head, knowing that the person is a gunman.

"Oh, Lord!"

"The Dark Mages are not completely destroyed, but they can no longer threaten us. With a powerful shock, the Dark Mages temporarily stopped functioning and hit their cores with strange, unknown magic."

When Pablo heard the gunman's words, he could feel a significant portion of the grim manage that was now suppressing the magical manifestation was not perfect.

"We're coming, too!"

"Yes! But I... I..."

The eyes of those who stared at the Northmen grew again.

What happened? I don't know when it happened, but one of the venereal diseases in the north collapsed. Meanwhile, a mercenary prosecutor opened his path with a two-meter-long blue aura blade caught my attention.

"Flying Error Blade!"

The eyes of the duchess rush in to escort Aggresa open wide. Obviously, it was a flying error blade that it was necessary to become a master of the sword and have an endless flowing Mana.

Every time the Swordsman swings his sword, the blade breaks and slashes dozens of glowing sacks, regardless of whether it is magic or sodding orb blades that are blocking the way.

"Oh, my God!"

An elastic, unlikely to emerge from the baron's mouth, flows out again.

On either side of a mercenary prosecutor with flying blades, two swordsmen in the same armor were opening their way, and more than a meter of the blades rose from their swords. The Marquis was surprised not by the blade.

"How can such movements be……."

The body of two prosecutors moving at tremendous speeds seemed to be tens of people because of the balance. Although the two tests are different from the ones opening the way in the middle, they appear to be swinging dozens of error blades due to the astonishing speed of the same sword master.

"That's Lord Dylan of the gale mercenaries in the middle. I don't know when he got up there."

Aggresia recognized Dylan, whom she had met before. Although all I could see was the back image, it was because of the heavy, hard prayer that reminded me of Captain Harun.


The monarch stretches out his elasticity and says nothing. I forgot to mention the marvels of the three swordsmen in the squadron.

These are mercenaries? '

The monarch could not believe what he was seeing. At any given moment, the position of a duchess or a musketeer could be occupied in three newly opened castles. Those skilled men are mercenaries!

Aggressia reminds me of such a masterpiece.

"We're coming, too. If this is the case, I think we need to take care of the rear end."


The monarch is the commander of the military, but today he continues to be frozen.

"Another magical attack in the sky!"

Those who inadvertently looked up at the sky could see hundreds of magical arrows of crooked size pouring out toward the south of the castle. The giant Magic Arrows fall apart in the blink of an eye.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom! Boom!


You hear a terrible scream with a loud shock.

"That's amazing. Are they the storm troopers?"

Even with his own eyes, Pablo can't be trusted. Which mercenary possesses this much power? I had to change all my notions about mercenaries.

"The gust is a monster. It's enough that there are sod masters like that..."

The Marquis is concerned about Dylan, perhaps because he's the prosecutor. I thought it was too hard to keep flying the blades, even for a senior Sword Master, but I still didn't seem to get tired.

Thirty-one and thirty-one troops, who took the wounded, left the castle entirely as they galloped back and forth. All that was left was the 33rd platoon, which was to retreat while defending the rear. With the exception of the casualties, there were only 3,000, but the short but well-rested priests who were encouraged to bless and restore them were in a condition close to normal.

"Ah! The enemy's counterattack!"

The eyes of those who were about to move in the cry of someone turned south.

"Oh, my God!"

Two giant black hands shoot up toward the sky. An enormous black hand, the size of which is comparable to a three-story building, left a black tail with a terrifying lifestyle.

"It can't be the Dark Prince. But this……."

Huberon mutters, looking south of the castle unseen by the wall.

It is known that the Dark Prince has risen to the 7th Circle. There isn't much dark magic in the attack family. Dark hands are a three-circle magic. Of course, because it can be manipulated based on black magic, white magic has more than four circles of power. But with a dark hand that big, you're a long way from the circle.

"It's probably just before the Black Wizards used it."

Aggresia replies to Huberon.

A dark hand that big can't be 7 circles.

The Dark Prince, also known as the Seven Circles, is using magic because he has received a Magic Battle from other Black Wizards. You feel like the Great Wizard of Hooveron has dug a trap and waited for himself, even using the Magic Transition.

Blah, blah!

In an instant, the atmosphere shifts as the giant black hands and unidentified giant birds collide against the high-altitude target.


Almost instinctively, Huberon opens his eyes and shouts. He clearly saw the great birds being pushed away. The claws of the giant birds bounced upward the moment they hit their black hands.


Several people bounce off the back of the bird, bouncing off the back of the bird with immense power. Wizards with strange amplification spells. Huberon empowered his whole body without even knowing it. If you fall from that height while you are shocked, you will be in trouble no matter how big a wizard you are.

At that time, the giant birds that were thrown overhead flew their wings forcefully and swooped down magnificently to retrieve the flying people.

Whoa, whoa!

Aggresia and others cheered without even knowing it.

However, when the giant black hands, which had also fallen down for a moment, flew back up again, there was a deep tension on people's faces. I was so curious if it wouldn't be pushed this time.

"The Sword Master is on board!"

Like someone said, a grey orb appeared on the back of a giant bird.

"Grey! I've never seen anything like it."

Even the Marquis's words were briefly distracted by the orb-blades flying towards the massive dark hand.

"Flying! A prosecutor flying from the sky!"

The wizards and the prosecutors' eyes widen. I had never seen such a strange sight. A wing-like swordsman with a grey coat flies across the sky as two giant birds take on one dark hand.

Blah, blah!

The massive dark hand and grey orb-blades shattered the acid to see how much Mana had been injected. And again, the atmosphere shifts as if the dark hands and nerds were about to be thrown up and down.

The exam quickly begins to fall to see if the orb was shocked as soon as the blade broke, and the bloodstream emanating from his mouth is clearly visible.


While Aggresia is in prayer with her sad face, she straightens her cloak like wings to see if the unconscious prosecutor has regained consciousness. Then the fall speed slowed down.

"Commander Harun!"

Aggressia, who was able to see the exam's face through the magic child because she had fallen for a short time but did it quite a lot, shimmered with elasticity. He looked familiar.

He's vomiting blood. Is he gonna be okay? But Captain Harun was the Sword Master? '

I knew he was a great spirit, but I never imagined he'd be this good. I couldn't be more surprised as Aggressia, who thought she was similar or a few years different.

Was there a Spirit Master before and after thirty years old? '

I had read many books (which I had lost in the text) in the Imperial Library and Horse Tower after Mohu died, but I had never seen anything like Harun.

It's not common for a Spirit Swordsman to be so skilled at swordsmanship!

Aggresia had no choice but to admit that everyone had been wrong about Harun and the squadron.

'Anyway, if I'm good enough, I'll be fine.'

Even though the opponent is the Dark Wizard of the Seven Circles compared to the Great Wizard of the Eight Circles, you won't have to worry much about Harun, who has mystical skills and swordsmanship reaching into the depths of the unknown.

While people were relieved of the bizarre battles in heaven, including Aggresia, a black hand quickly rose again from the earth to the sky.

The black wizard, who was suspected of being Dark Prince, seemed to be somewhat shocked by its similar size but pale color compared to before. However, the intent of the prosecutor to fly back up because of the dark hand was nullified.

The inspection stops in midair to see if it borrowed the power of a flapping coat, or if it had special magic items, and grabs the sword with both hands.

"Huh! At least it's more than intermediate?"

The baron opens his mouth. The blade that emerged from the inspection was almost no different from the previous one. Despite being so shocked that he lost his mind, it means that he has at least one level of ability to make the same error blade.

He will never know that Harun's Mana Ocean is not one.

Blah, blah!

The atmosphere seemed to be breaking again.

"It's not people!"

Like someone said, I've never seen a battle like this before. Many of the Black Wizards will be performing the Dark Prince, but if they don't, they'll be fascinated by this strange battle as well.

At that moment, Aggresia suddenly heard a strange voice ringing in her head.

- … what…?

What is it?

I'm clearly opening my eyes, but I hear someone's voice in my head, and Aggressia's big eyes get bigger. She looks away from the unstoppable battle over the air as she eagerly hears the voice, briefly focusing her mind inside her.

What are you guys doing, making us keep fighting? Why aren't you escaping?

Yi, this is...

It was definitely Harun's voice. No, it was not a voice but a will, but it was soon known that the caller was Harun.


Aggresia, who first encountered the willingness to pass directly to her head, moved her tits in shock.

- What are you doing there? I said move fast!

Looking back at Harun's urgent intentions, Aggresia can see the three swords of the gale bladder climbing up to the top of a new northern slope and the two troops wearing their legs following him.


Again, Aggresia looks forward and sees horses who don't know retreat rushing into the castle wounded. Near the walls were the bodies of the demons. While he was distracted by the battle in the sky, the dark knights leading the charge were killing the horses and entering the castle again.

The strangest thing that happened in a row, which was hot in my head (in the text), cooled and my whole body's fur curled up tightly. Idiot, I was just watching the fight without even realizing I was on the edge of a cliff when I was about to die.

"Everyone, wake up!"

Her voice, as well as the amplifying magic, awakens the spirits of those who were distracted by the battle of the air.

"Get out of here!"

"Oh no!"

Those who are now aware of their situation flew the new statue to the north without delay. As was the first operation, 2,000 women in the 33rd platoon began to retreat, severing and crushing the heads of those who were still struggling with pain.


I'm fighting this ridiculous battle because of someone, and even though Garz Lord on the ground opened the escape route, I'm still blowing the chance.

Harun swings his fist as he sees a giant black hand turn into a fist.



The moment he slaps his fist-wielding black hand with the smashing aura blade, his body rises into the air due to the tremendous resistance and the powerful power transmitted through the sword. And the blood gushed out from the inside and flowed through the lips tightly.

'Dammit! It's a magical transfer.'

The memory of the Forus was a magical transition to form a special Black Magic Group and transfer its magic power to the person in the center.

Unfortunately, even resonance magic couldn't break the Black Magic Clan completely. Sitting in a bizarre ambition, the Black Wizards were conveying their magical power to the Dark Prince at the center.

Without the Mana Battle of the other Black Wizards, the Dark Prince would not be able to operate two of these massive Dark Hands, even if the Dark Wizards were seven circles.



You are not the only one in danger. It was low enough that only his ears could hear, but Sunny was also severely injured.


The dark hand magic of the Dark Prince was so powerful that my partner's injuries caused the angry minos to vomit a peer, but the power of hundreds of black wizards was transmitted to the Dark Magic Cube.

Perhaps the wizards who have exhausted Mana are about to faint. We can't guarantee the lives of Mino and Sunny, not even the lives of the crew, if we are shocked anymore.

Harun pulls Mana from the lower half of the battle to strengthen the blade.

"Yes, let's do it!"

I've never felt so helpless before. The black hand, which is the size of a three-story building, stops at an altitude similar to Harun's, and this time raises the blade.

This is insane!

Harun turns his gaze to the ground for a moment, and sees the man's cunning blades flying upward, presumed to be the Dark Prince.

What kind of magic is this? '

I'm not a wizard, but Harun doesn't know magic, nor does he know dark magic. It's imperfect, but it absorbs Forus' memories. But this is not how Harun's Dark Hand magic operates.

It was as if the hands of the Dark Prince were striking space and confronting themselves. It was magical, but it was as free and deadly as Munk's hand. Moreover, if the hand enters the attack zone, it is so large that it is invisible, and if it is hard enough that it will not be hit by the Oracle Blade, then the horse is finished.

Harun wields his fist as he looks at Omrad as his palm approaches him. Even if I wanted to use a sword, the attack itself was so fierce that I had to accept it purely by force.

Harun's destruction and the dark hand of the Dark Prince charge against the thorns.




Suddenly, the world turned black. The aura that enclosed his mouth was vomiting blood, but his consciousness was instantly severed.


Harun's throat falls at an incredible rate.

Harun's eyelids twitched instantly after a 50-meter drop. It instinctively senses something dangerous approaching you and wakes you up.

Hardly opened his eyes, Harun could see that he was falling at a tremendous speed and the dark hand was descending with a terrifying force towards him.

Wings of the Narcos! '

The moment I fainted, the moment I remembered the power of the tattoo that had been broken, my trembling coat tightened and decreased the fall speed.

Wheyric! Harun shifts his arms and legs to a steady position at one point in the air, glancing at the excitement on the ground and at the Dark Prince.

Harun was able to clearly sense a tremendous amount of energy from the Black Wizards and the Dark Mages heading towards the Dark Prince. The enemies didn't react, though they suffered enough damage to be unconscious for a moment.

"Damn it! He's getting stronger the more he fights!" '

The Dark Prince works his magic by transferring it to other black wizards through his body instead of the usual dark hand magic through his mind. His operation has become more detailed and more powerful. Moreover, the density of the dark hand is even higher, making the first few times stronger for the same size.

'I never thought dark magic could be so great.'

In fact, in direct combat, dark magic has no greater effect than white magic or swords. Now I thought there was no magic that could withstand an orb blade other than the magic of the legendary meteorite summoning.

In addition, except for the Undead, it specialized in cursing, chimeric manufacturing, mental and Poison disciplines, so there were only a few direct attack spells in combat.

"How did a stranger get into 7 circles? '

I wondered that, but I understood some of the background he had.

According to Forus' memory, it must have been made in a short period of time through an ancient artifact called the 'Coffin of Trials', the Dark Gate Tower, and the fragment of the Demon King. But like swordsmanship, magic is also experienced through time and failure, exerting the power to skip two or three stages.

However, I had no idea that foreigners, who were only in their early 20s, would attack such sophisticated and powerful forces, even if they were assisted by their servants.

'I'm getting stronger, not fatigued.'

Manat is already showing the floor because she can't afford to be relaxed.

Harun has unveiled some Mana Storage. As the massive amount of Mana was injected into Baksala, the aura of the blades grew thicker and longer.

"If we run fast, we'll get away easy!" '

Harun grumbles against Gard Road, who is watching the air war in a dazzling manner.

However, when Manas of Mana Storage were all opened, his damaged organs were able to recover at a frightening rate and find peace of mind.

The dark hand that was waiting did not attack him immediately. As the color became darker and the creepy Margie became stronger, it seemed like she was waiting for the last blow.

Okay, let's see who wins! '

Harun the Oggi sent his mind to Aggresia in the castle, who was still staring at the sky foolishly while putting Mana in the smash.

It worked!

Fortunately, her mind seems to have been conveyed correctly. The people who were staring up at the sky started running toward the north side of the castle in unison. The three warrior army advisors, including Dylan, have already cleared the way.

"We should bounce, too! '

Oh, Harun, who didn't feel the need to stay here and deal with the Dark Prince, also told Mino and Sunni to run away.

- Look out, man!

Mino and Sunni go up to heaven with all their remaining strength, worrying about Harun. Fortunately, the dark hands they were dealing with were going up the Virgil Leaks for a moment and quickly coming down. Harun became even more dangerous.

'I can't stand the two of them together. Let's take one punch and run!'

At that moment, the Dark Hand flew towards him with his fingers straight and swift to process.


Harun smashes his fingers toward him, combining his maneuver with his maneuver.

Blah blah blah!

The world is falling apart.

The atmosphere is like glass? An enormous shock wave that had never been experienced before struck Harun flying with a Uldorld reaction.

"Ugh! Ugh!"

My whole body seems to be bursting. The world revolved around him and his eyes turned red. I can't get the posture I wanted to see if the power to the Nars' wing tattoo had been cut momentarily.

I feel lost in my head.

Is he dying? '

But you can't die like this.

Ari! Bell! Pell! "

I finally learned the feeling of love and found out what it was, but it was so unfair to go on like this. I cannot bear the sorrow and suffering of others.

Harun grips his teeth. It was already covered in blood, so the strong smell of blood tickled the tip of my nose. Fortunately, the senses are still alive. Pain or whatever, I can't just sit here and wait for death.

Harun has unlocked all Mana storage. I also pulled up all the forces in the activated tattoos. As the power contained in Manawa's tattoo of Mana Storage spread throughout the body, the organs that left the site and the ruptured and severed muscles regenerated at a rapid rate and the ruined bones settled into place.

'I almost died, but you guys are the same.'

The ground is no longer a distraction.

Harun looks at the dark hand as if he were in the air, having recovered to the top in an extremely short amount of time.

Merge now! '

One of the dark hands, as if it weren't just his own, had changed so hard to recognize that it began to blend in with the dark hand that had dealt with Mino and Sunny.

Soon the severely damaged dark hand disappeared and a much larger dark hand appeared. An almost five-story building, Darhhand taunts Harun with a gigantic grip of his index finger.

It's not gonna be easy this time! '

I've never drawn my own strength to this extent. He had several powers, but he usually existed separately and had never drawn them out by his own will.

Harun's eyes suddenly became stronger looking at the grey aura blade, which had doubled in thickness to 3 meters long. There is no need for a sword against a massive dark hand. If anything, it's just a struggle of strength and strength.

Damn it!

Harun, who is dealing with a giant dark hand, knows best that he won't be the opponent, but he can't help it. If this dark hand faces Garzlod on the run, the life of the poor will surely be lost.

"Here we go!"

Harun flies towards the provocative giant fingers and smashes them.

The attack on the dark hand, which had just turned into a fist, was not a crush. As he flew away, Harun's left hand moved so fast that it was invisible that it ran through the rainbows.

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!

Along with the sound of being stuck in the table of a living creature, a large number of notaries are impaled in a giant black fist. However, the massive black fist did not show any change.

Suddenly, there was a meaningful change. Black Unstoppable? There was an explosive discharge of a powerful current inside.

Twitch! Twitch!

The Dark Secretary and the Nezar's Secretary of the Hidden Zone were in a violent fluctuation, especially the part of the Blitz Dagger where the brain-strength flowed before the Merchant Guild showed a violent movement, as if it were painful.

However, the Dark Hand did not lose its virtue, and Harun was almost impetuous.

At that moment, a giant fireball flew over the ground and struck the Dark Hand.


The dark hand's fingers are shattered in an instant.

What if it was a fire flare this size? '

Harun looks down and sees a group of people in the northern plague. At its core was the Great Wizard Huberon, who was getting up under the support of the knights.

Harun smiles as he sees his hard waves, but his heart is sorrowful.

If they had attacked at the same time, they would have maximized their power.

Harun, who flew back momentarily after the aftermath of the explosion, hurried to attack as some fragments of the dark hand scattered into the sky began to merge with the main body.


Harun, who was about to blow himself up, suddenly felt extreme pain in his chest. Something sharp pierces through your chest and out of your back plate.


Harun's body shakes unstable. The mana in your body suddenly boils, showing signs of a violent uproar.

Looking down, you see a sack of daggers decorated with a colorful jewel in the middle of your chest.


I didn't have a clue where the Dagger came from.

How did it get up so high?

What kind of item could cause Mana to be dispersed so quickly?

"Now's not the time to be thinking about this! '

Even though you are facing a mysterious attack, you cannot pass up an opportunity for the Grand Wizard Huberon.


The giant gray orb of Harun collides with a black fist with a flickering finger.

Blah, blah, blah.

The world, including your body, was shattered. A tremendous surge from the crash site strikes Harun's body without a crash sound.


Screaming, Harun's flying mouth, nose and ears bleed ‘ D's dead blood burst like a fountain. His body is nothing more than a lump of flesh, and his organs are shattered into pieces.

'Dammit! The bastards couldn't contain my Mana!'

Even at that moment, Harun was very disappointed. At the last moment of the rock, the crush was shattered with the dark hand when the external shocks overlapped without receiving all of the Mana he injected.

'If only smashing could withstand my Mana…….'

The last time Harun lost consciousness.

- No, tongue! Fairy tales!

You hear Pell's desperate voice faintly in the distance of the faint ritual.

The moment the Dark Hand broke the mountain, the sky was all over the bird. О? Changed.

The dark prince, who fought Harun in the dark hand, falls back into a seated position. Many of the Black Wizards who performed the Magic Transformation around him were unconscious and collapsed, and the Black Magic Division was broken soon after.

Could this be possible? '

The eyes of the dark prince, which face where the uprising took place, stand bloodfooted.

The dark hand is broken. The dark hand, which draws the Black Magic Power and the Black Magic Legion transferred from hundreds of Black Wizards through its power, splits into pieces and scatters into the atmosphere.

The dark darkness that drenched the sky suddenly faded and the blue sky was revealing its liver.

The Dark Prince bleeds with his mouth and nose, but does not look away from the sky.

Where did they go? Did they all go to powder? '

I didn't see the scene I expected. The world under the laws of gravity, including the corpse of the opponent, did not appear as it should have appeared.

Fragments, which are presumed to be splintered, are reflected in the light and raining like rain.

"Dead, right?"

The figure of the person you encountered disappears like a shadow in the sky that has been transformed by a fragment of the Dark Hand. His strange sword did not appear to have been shattered either.

Even if the Black Wizards and the Black Magic Legion who preached Black Magic to them were less effective, they would be able to crush the entire mountain. Man will never be able to live under his power.

After realizing he's inferior to the odd dagger he just acquired › hmm?

It was a strange dagger that had no information but the name of the Ultimate Soul. '

I accidentally acquired the dagger that destroys whatever the material of the target is in the name of the extreme soul, so I stopped loving it, but it was so urgent that I blew it up.

Did the Dagger turn to powder with him? '

I had a strange thought when I didn't see any evidence to confirm the death of the enemy that I thought was a waste.

Despite the serious internal injuries, he did not miss a single moment, and his magic child did not appear to be presumed to be a flesh or bone fragment at all.

There are two possibilities.

One was the dust of the beast and the dagger, and the other was probably a foreigner.

If he is a stranger, he may be resurrected. When I thought about it, my anxiety quickly grew. I never wanted to face that guy again.

'Aigoo, I hope not.'

I don't want to deal with people with abilities like that anymore. I flew the skies freely like a wizard on the subject of a sod master.

I was even more amazed when I thought of the grouchy monks.

'He's probably dead.'

There was only one conclusion you could think of in this situation. There are some strange things, but the other conclusion is that there is no place to think.

But I was strangely anxious. I couldn't dig it up for that long, no matter how long the sorcerer. But it doesn't look like you have any special flying items.

'He had a strange ability.'

One on one, or even a teenager, could not bear the strength to do it. How do you deal with a Sword Master who flies around like a bird and flies an orb?

Magic was of no great use to him.

The Dark Prince felt a strong defeat for the first time while playing both reality and Beyond. There may be someone who overcomes his abilities, but he was afraid and anxious when he thought of the one he had just dealt with.

"You're anxious, but you're dead, right? It's too much power for the human body to handle as many as hundreds of Mana in one place. '

Only after concluding that, I was able to find some peace of mind.

Various emotions alternated across the face of the Dark Prince.

There was a figure watching the face of such a dark prince. She was Shirin. He was General Manager of Darkness and, in reality, his personal assistant to the DarkPrince.

Was he shocked? I've never seen such a profound emotional change. '

"Lord, are you all right?"

Shirin puts his hand on his neck, lifting his head and placing it on his thigh.

"Kuaak! Kuaak!"

The dark prince, who vomited dead blood on his throat and mouth with a violent cough, could only see so many black wizards fall.


The Magic Child naturally released due to the relaxation of the tension and his vision became blurred so that he could not see the situation.

"Only the siege in the north has been completely annihilated. The enemy is already out of siege."

"You had troops marching in the other direction, didn't you?"

"Well, there was an urgent call, and someone else, presumed to be at least a middle-scale sovereign, appeared and slaughtered the ambush team across the mountain. We can pursue them, but if they join us and are unable to support the wizards, we may be left with them."

"Is that so? Stop the pursuit! It's too bad, but I didn't know people with that kind of skill would fall out of the sky."

The Dark Prince recalled the tremendous magical attack that he had driven all the way down the slope with an aura of more than two metres and nearly destroyed the Black Magic Clan embodied by the three sod masters and the finest mana stones.

Although there were an enormous number of subordinates in his example, no one could deal with such strong men one-on-one. They came down from the top of the mountain behind the siege network suddenly, so they couldn't stop them.

"Who blew up the last flame?"

DarkPrince asks with his teeth.

"I wonder if the Archmage of Huberon on the Death List blew up. He was the only one who could use a Fire Flame of that power because the Black Magic Cube wouldn't break."

"Damn old man! I should have killed that princess this time."

He was the same as the Seven Circles Archaeologist and the Dark Magic, but the majority of the magic above the eight Circles was practiced, so Hoveron, who was not too careful, hit his head.

Are you sure you're a big deal? '

To counteract the power of the Dark Hand at such a subtle moment, if the fingers of the Dark Hand hadn't flew away, a mysterious knight would have turned it into powder, no matter how powerful the Master may be.

"But who were they?"

"Based on the appearance of the great birds and the impression of Lord, it is presumed to be a galloping mercenary."

"Ah! It was them."

The Dark Prince nods, hearing Shirin's words. From what I heard, it seemed right. The problem is that their power was much stronger than they had heard, but their leader died without leaving a body in the dark hand. Perhaps it's good to see them longitudinally.

"That must have been Harun."

"Yes, I'm assuming so."

Then I suddenly remembered one possibility.

'You're not a foreigner, are you?'

It bothered me all the time that I couldn't see the body or the fragments.

Then it occurred to me that Harun might be a foreigner.

Rumor has it Harun may be a stranger. He was out for a while when the storm troopers started to announce his name. However, as a foreigner, the spirit prosecutor had never shown up, and the power was so great that such rumors soon subsided.

"No, foreigners can't afford that. But the situation is strange, so I need to check first. '

Giant birds like Gazslod and monsters who were waiting to dig a trap, and the rest of the mercenaries would have already escaped, but Harun's death is not a loss. They must have destroyed the Ghosts.

"Dead, right?"

"Yes? Ah! Of course he's dead. That's some kind of attack. The soul of the extreme is a huge item that pours out anything, even though the ratings are ambiguous."

Shirin spoke purposely. The dark prince she saw was much more insecure than usual, so I wanted to encourage her confidence.

As a Shirin, I couldn't help but squeeze his hand. Normally, it was a road with overconfidence that was worrisome, but for the first time, it was an anxious look.

"Yes, I will! That dagger couldn't have survived."

The Dark Prince nods ferociously to Shirin's agreement.

"What about the damage to our side?"

"As you can see, some of the wizards who lent their power to Lord died of mana backflow, and most of them suffered severe internal injuries."

"Damn it!"

The face of the dark prince, handsome and full of ears, suddenly distorted like an evil spirit. Despite the power of hundreds of his subordinates, he suffered serious damage. Internal injuries caused by Magical Warfare do not heal well with potions. There's been a situation where we haven't been able to use that much power for a while.

He's not really a mercenary. Who the hell are you? It can't be gpc, can it? '

Harun wants to pretend he died without even leaving a body in his magic, but he's still cool when he thinks about fighting him.

Especially given the strange shape that absorbed the tremendous electric shock and magical power that had been transmitted in the dark hand that was connected to him, the backside was cool.

"Lord, let's start with the potions!"

The Dark Prince thought as he drank the Supreme Healing Potion from Shirin.

'The ambush system has failed completely! If the Enemy Leader has risen to the ranks of the Wise, it won't be easy from now on. Cheers! They won't be careless when they face us beyond Deng.'

As long as the Ghosts have suffered significant damage, the support of the empires will now increase over time.

'There's no need to worry about that, as the Golden Road will have its variables. I lost the head of the Garz Lord, but is it still a good thing that Harun killed the mercenary commander?'

Having said this, I could clearly see that Harun and the squadron that had never been specifically thought of were big variables in his march.

If Harun is right, the event of the Special Forces must be limited. We're still getting requests from Golden Road, but we're in a situation where we can raise our voices.

'But we have to conserve our strength for now, right? This doesn't match my personality...'

Instead of setting up ambushes here, I gave up a few castles. These are highly strategic places. If this place is successful, I tried to push it into the recovery operation, but the sudden mercenaries cut the Black Wizard's power considerably.

Damn it!

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. What's this look like for mercenaries? For a special force with mercenaries in their midst, the army laughed at Ghost, but it turned out to be very funny.

The advantages of swift mobility and support have disappeared as enemies can warp even in the dense Devil Mountains. If you hit them with your strength and your strength, you will be forced to push them away.

'Until we have more troops, we must trust Golden Lord.'

If the undercover operation succeeds, power will rise significantly in the coming months. Until then, we have to stop our enemies well. I probably took a big hit this time, so I'll stay alive for a while.

'I should have killed him this time.'

It's unfortunate, but there's nothing I can do. There were so many variables that I couldn't even imagine. (Why do you keep repeating the same thing...?)

"The elderly are all distracted elsewhere anyway, so it doesn't matter for a while! '

I felt a little comfortable thinking that way.

Glory Gaia's upper half has been interested in dark magic since the opening of Beyond's world. Despite the fact that there were many parts of biological research conducted in the Dead Bunker that resembled dark magic, they were actually deeply related to each other.

The Black Magic Books on the Dark Moon Tower were being used for Dead Bunker's research and have recently come up with remarkable experiments. That's why the top people of the organization head for the Dagger Dead Bunker.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

'The dispatch to the land of chaos must be good...... If you get Pure Stone there, you will gain tremendous power like the Demon King's Fragment. It wouldn't be hard to bring down the Demon King if you did.'

I have already realized through experience that the existence of the purest stone that is filled with the purest Mana that is the source of all things is true. Even though the water of contrition has gone back to the blight, if we only get the pure stone, we will be able to reverse the fourteen generations that continue at once.

"Recruit the troops and return to HQ!"

I don't know what my father who has already dominated most of the world in cancer really wants, but once he is given the command to rule this world of Beyond depends on obtaining pure stone from the land of chaos.

The cold eyes of the Dark Prince face west with the land of chaos.

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