Time flies, the sun and the moon are flying, and it has been 10 days since Lester gave the black wizards a free sterilization operation.

Since the operation, Knockturn Alley has been in complete chaos. Every day, black wizards with red eyes carry wands and go all over the street to look for Quirrell.

Not only that, even the Foley family, who had always been detached from the outside world and disdained to participate in the struggle of ordinary dark wizards, had come to an end.

They ended up not because of anything else, but because the sole heir of their family was sterilized by Quirrell!

This is really a great enmity against descendants. If the two life balls are not retrieved in time, then their Foley family will be extinct!

He is only 18 years old. He just graduated from Hogwarts and he is in the period of rebellion. He thinks he is invincible, so he took the task of chasing and killing Quirrell when he debuted. Unfortunately, he ran into Lester and was forcibly sterilized.

Now that the Foley family has let go, let Quirrell quickly hand over the life ball of the family heir, otherwise, he will die forever!

In this way, the long-awaited pursuit of Quirrell began.

Fortunately, this group of black wizards chased and killed Quirrell. They were still somewhat sensible, knowing that Leicester was not easy to mess with, so the union was not affected, and it was still as calm as ever.

"A pair of protective gloves, put them on!"

""Standard Spells, Elementary", install it!"

""Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration", install it!"

In the living room, Lester was putting the items needed for school into the non-traceable expansion bag one by one according to the admission notice list.

Needless to say about textbooks, Lester bought a big gift pack directly at the bookstore. The Hogwarts first-year textbook gift pack contained all the textbooks needed for the first year.

There are also various supplies needed for practical classes, such as dragon leather gloves, crucibles, and school uniforms.

By the way, Hogwarts also allows freshmen to bring a bottle of pets, and Lester has no other pets except for the talented little owl.

"Toto, don't eat it, hurry up, we are going to Hogwarts to go to school!"


In the luxurious birdcage, Toto lay comfortably on a small bed specially made by Simmons. There was a gleam of spring on his small face, and his big eyes were full of confusion and comfort. Above him was a small tube of purple potion. , was suspended above Toto's head, and a drop of purple solution would drop down every second, and then just entered Toto's mouth.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from that bastard Scar, you dare to take the medicine he gave you, do you want to become a sick eagle?"

Lester looked unhappy, and lifted Toto's little neck, and lifted Toto up.


Ignoring Toto's dissatisfaction, Lester stuffed Toto into the backpack behind him, and then quickly closed the handle of the backpack.

The backpack is specially made by myself, and there are a few small air holes inside, so I am not afraid that Toto will be suffocated inside, and the back of the backpack is made of transparent plastic, which just allows Toto to look outside through the window. Don't be afraid that Toto will get bored.

"Didn't Hafiz say he was coming to pick me up? Why hasn't he arrived after so long?"

After installing Toto, Lester lay on the sofa in the living room and counted the light bulbs against the ceiling.

A few days ago, Hafiz, the number one horseman, volunteered to send himself to Nine and Three Quarters Station, and then said he would give himself a surprise.

To be honest, regarding Hafiz's IQ, Lester doubts whether he will lead him astray. As for the surprise in Hafiz's mouth, hehe, surprises are everywhere in the eyes of a fool, Lester is a little No sense of expectation.

After a few minutes, the fireplace in the living room suddenly burst into flames, and then, a middle-aged man in Auror costume suddenly appeared in the fireplace, patted the dust that did not exist on his body, and came to Lester .

"Master Lai, I'm here to send you to Hogwarts!" Although Hafiz's brain is not good, he is not a fool. He has worked in the physique for so many years. It's not bad practice.

"I told all the students in Azkaban, when they heard that you were going to Hogwarts, they all said they would send you off!"

"But I don't dare to make my own claims, so I came here alone first, and then I want to ask your opinion. This is the itinerary planned by Sangbiao and I. Let me show you."

After receiving the itinerary handed over by Hafiz, Lester saw a line of large characters on the top.

[1: Charter the entire Hogwarts Express as a special car to send Grandpa to Hogwarts]

[2: Set up a dragon gate array at the gate of London Railway Station to celebrate three days and three nights]

[3: Prepare welcome personnel in Hogsmeade in advance, and welcome Grandpa Lay when he passes by]

[4: All the colleges of the Snitch class ride on broomsticks and protect the Hogwarts Express 24 hours a day to ensure that Grandpa Lai can reach Hogwarts safely]

[5: Scar said that on behalf of all the students in the Potions class, he will distribute potions in Knockturn Alley for free to celebrate Lay's admission]

Lester: "."

"Hafez." Lester put down the list in his hand and asked seemingly nonchalantly: "You and Sangbiao made this list together? I don't think Sangbiao and the others can do such a thing people!"

Hafiz was overjoyed when he heard this, it was a sign that Master Lai liked it and wanted to praise him!

"Master Lai, you actually discovered it. I wanted to give Sangbiao and the others some credit, but I didn't expect you to be so discerning. I hid it so deeply, but you noticed it all at once. That's right. Apart from the scar The dispensing of the potion was imposed on me by him, and everything else was designed by me for you."

"Although I didn't sleep for three full days and three nights because of this plan, but as long as you are satisfied, Grandpa Lai, I'm worth it!!!"

After listening to Lester, he didn't speak for a long time, but looked at Hafiz with some pain.

I am convinced to have you!

"The plan is not bad." Lester was a little bit unconscionable.

After all, it took him so long to lick him. Although his brain is still not working well as before, I still have to encourage him.

A philosopher once said that when you meet a fool, you should not argue with him, because the fool will never understand what you are talking about. On the contrary, you should encourage him and encourage him to become a big fool.

After considering the language, Lester said: "This plan is good, but it is too extravagant and wasteful. We are still in the initial stage, why is it so extravagant?"

"In this way, keep this plan for now. By the way, you can improve and improve it. When I become the headmaster of Hogwarts, you will use it."

"Now, just apparate me to Station Nine and Three-quarters!"

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