Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 14 Animagus

The prefect of Slytherin is Lucius Malfoy.

He's a shining platinum aristocrat in looks alone, but that's deceiving, his pompous arrogance turns off Pomona, and yet there are plenty of ignorant teenage girls in Hufflepuff He felt that he might fall in love with himself and marry him.

Daydreaming is a common problem among Hufflepuff girls. Ravenclaw girls are more willing to spend their time on reading. They don’t even have to go to the school library, because their lounge is a library. The vast majority of Hufflepuff girls will find a suitable marriage partner before graduation, while Ravenclaw girls are more willing to work independently and become respected professions such as scholars and doctors.

Everyone has to face a problem when they grow up, career or family. Ravenclaw girls are undoubtedly strong women, while Hufflepuff is a housewife. At present, the primary problem facing the wizarding world is the sparse population. Of course, marriage is necessary to have children, but Ravenclaw girls dedicate their lives to knowledge. Ravenclaw is also a female-dominated college, and they also have their own codes, one of which is to learn to forget useless things, and it is useless for them to have a family and have children.

It's easy for Ravenclaw to attack Hufflepuff, just list the poor, ugly, fat women who dedicated themselves to their families and children, abandoned by their husbands in old age, and ended up on the streets.

The way Hufflepuff hits back at Ravenclaw is to list those weird women who live alone without any company except cats when they are old, and see who is more pathetic, and whoever cries first loses first. Therefore, expecting Ravenclaw girls to coexist peacefully with Hufflepuff girls is as difficult as making water and oil blend together. It is against the laws of nature, and even magic cannot do it.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw boys get along fairly well, Ravenclaw code 64, courage may not belong to you, but everyone can have wisdom. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff boys are not aggressive, but it doesn't mean they won't argue, it's just that their way to resolve conflicts is to argue, not like waving wands in the hallway like the Lion and Snake attack.

The first class at the beginning of the school year was actually Transfiguration class, and everyone had to bring their own pets to this class, and what a coincidence, Professor McGonagall is what Hufflepuff called a weird woman who doesn't marry and keeps a cat as a companion, she is single And the pet is a cat, which is standing on the podium right now. The Ravenclaw girls looked smug, whispering to each other, and looking over at Hufflepuff from time to time, as if waiting to see what another joke they would have. The boy who was reading a book in the common room early in the morning looked like he was about to throw up. It seemed that he not only thought he was dreaming, but also that he hadn't accepted the fact that animals can be turned into cups.

Apart from beauty and intelligence, there is another thing that can turn girls against each other is a man. It seemed so stupid to Pomona to be a rival in love for a man, and she swore she would never let herself be in the same predicament. Being in such a classroom made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles. It seemed that Dumbledore's home was not only noisy but also uncomfortable, full of adolescent rebellion and restlessness.

You're late. Pomona rushed to the Transfiguration classroom on the Gryffindor Tower at the critical moment. She was panting and out of breath.

Where's my pet?

Here. Mary lifted her cage and put it on the table. You are the first to get up, why are you still late?

I met Dumbledore. Pomona lifted the cloth from the cage, and there was a tortoise inside.

It has no hair, does not need to be bathed like cats and dogs, and does not need to be fed every day, because it is a cold-blooded animal, and it can last at least a week with one meal, and it does not secrete disgusting mucus like a toad and is good at jumping, it It's slow, it can't escape the rest room even if it's given a day, and it has a long lifespan. Even if Pomona dies, it might still be alive. What pet is more worry-free than it?

Principal? What does he want you for? Mary asked.

Something happened in France. Pomona said in a low voice. Do you know the Philosopher's Stone?

Suddenly there was a female voice clearing her throat in the classroom. Just when everyone was wondering where the voice came from, the tabby cat standing on the podium suddenly changed. Its front paws became hands, and its hind legs became hands. It became a foot, and in an instant it was a serious woman with square glasses, Professor McGonagall.

Although you are going to the classroom in time for class, you are still late, Miss Martin. Professor McGonagall stared at her and said, I think you can spend less time walking. After graduation, you have enough time to travel.

Like Newt Scamander, a Ravenclaw girl interjected, and all the Ravenclaw girls laughed.

Newt Scamander is a magical zoologist, he was also a student of Hufflepuff College, but he was expelled, and he caused a big commotion in New York, almost exposing the wizarding world.

Ouch. Eddie Water, the Muggle boy, finally vomited, which caused quite a commotion.

Yes, boys in Slytherin and Gryffindor are annoying, but girls are always attracted to them unconsciously. Boys like Eddie are usually ignored by girls. lesson!

I have a hunch. Mary propped her head on her hands, looking at the chaos behind. Today will be very long.

Do you still need to say? Pomona sighed weakly. What's the second class?

Potions, with Slytherin.

Pomona felt like someone had punched her in the stomach.

What's the matter, Pomona?


Pomona wished with all her heart that Snape would not have to take the first-year elementary lessons, so that they could live long lives for each other.

Do we have lessons with Gryffindors?

Yes, herbalism class, do you have friends assigned to Gryffindor?

Pomona wanted to say no, but she did have a crush on Lily.

Is it because of Sirius Black? Susan stuck her head out from behind.

No! Pomona frowned in disgust. She had forgotten that besides Lily, Gryffindor also had James Potter and Sirius Black.

I remember him calling you a snot-nosed man, Jenny said softly. He's really rude.

But he's a friend of James Potter. Susan bumped Jenny's shoulder. Don't you like him?

No, I don't like him. Jenny's face flushed. I just think he's brave.

Brave? Where is he brave? Pomona Momin wondered.

He asked questions for us that we have never dared to ask. I would never dare to talk to the professor like that.

Looking at Jenny with flushed cheeks, Pomona felt struck by lightning.

I don't know if it's too late for her to transfer to Beauxbatons now.

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