Chapter 250 The loser has no right to speak

A wizard's house is different from a Muggle's. The house in Spinner's End is connected with many pipes to bring in domestic water and discharge waste water. If wizards need water, they use clean water like a spring, and if they need to dispose of the waste, they can use it to disappear without a trace.

Before Harry and the others moved into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, there was no need to think about this issue, but there are traces on the body of the underage wizards, not only they cast spells themselves, but even the Ministry of Magic can detect adults casting spells around them, so they have to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, a wizarding residence in downtown London where Muggles live together.

As long as the water and food problems are solved, it makes no difference to her whether she lives in the city or in the wilderness. In addition to playing with those magical plants in the greenhouse, she also takes care of the Hogwarts nursery and vegetable garden. They live a peaceful life like ordinary northern farmers. The biggest entertainment is fool around.

In the eyes of others, it may be boring or even very vulgar. Why not take this opportunity to create a great potion like the Philosopher's Stone like Nicolas?

He just felt tired and wanted to rest, just like her, she wanted to do something that was interesting to her but meaningless to other people.

She didn't want to take the initiative to court Muggles, and she didn't want to provoke them like the Death Eaters. During the First Wizarding War, it was very troublesome to "clean up" the mess they created.

The good thing about Grindelwald is that he will "clean up" and won't make the crime scene look like a garbage dump. Given that sometimes Death Eaters go out with werewolves, in addition to ruined houses, there are blood and shredded human remains everywhere. Benji Fenwick, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, only found a part of the body, while the Muggles died even more tragically. Aurors often see bloody scenes. It’s not surprising that when Sirius caught Wormtail, they blew up a Muggle street. Wormtail only left a part of his little finger, so Sirius was sentenced to 12 years in Azkaban, and Wormtail was awarded a Medal of Merlin. They suspected that it was a "normal phenomenon" that Wormtail was eaten.

It's really disgusting to live with this kind of people. They didn't see each other all summer after the Ministry of Magic. When the old fool found the ring with the Peverell badge at the Gaunt's house, she thought there was something wrong with it. Something so precious, Tom Riddle would not have left it in that smelly house. But the old fool couldn't help but put it on, he was cursed, and the curse could not be undone by "Curse Listop".

She felt as though Bellatrix had done it, just as Harry felt as though Malfoy had made the necklace. She is a woman of the Black family, and she is also a loyal follower of the Dark Lord. He trusted her to hand over the Horcrux to her. Severus did not have this honor, and because he is not as stupid as Lucius, so the matter of the Horcrux He didn't know, it's just that he likes to inquire, and he will know some news that Death Eaters who only know about killing and eating people don't know, so at the beginning of the summer vacation that year, the old fool was cursed, and he used Gran After the sword of Fendor destroyed the fake ring, Pomona started looking for the real ring.

She needs to find clues. In view of her previous cooperation with Aurors to clean Muggle memories, she has the opportunity to meet those detained Death Eaters in the prison and confirm a piece of information through Legilimency. The Dark Lord still wears the that ring.

He's not the kind of person who thinks of himself as a jewelry display case, and can make the jewelry he wears extraordinary, but men are careless, women are too busy obsessing about his appearance, and almost no one notices the ring.

The way the memory exists in the mind is different from when people retrieve it, and even the details that the parties themselves do not remember will be revealed one by one. After confirming the news, the next thing to look for is his body. Dead people don't move, and Lily's death is directly related to another person. It's not that easy to steal information from the Occlumency Master's mind, Kuroto She had never heard of water, but she used belladonna essence, which was used by many witches to dilate their pupils. Hermione, that little girl, she knows a lot. When Pomona mentioned Mata Harley, she immediately knew who it was. Draco poisoned Dumbledore because he eavesdropped on her words. The wizard from a certain angle It is more innocent than Muggles, and not as scheming as Muggles.

Grindelwald has an eloquent tongue, as does Dumbledore. It is difficult to escape their brainwashing. Many Muggle politicians are as good at brainwashing as they are, the most famous of which is Adolf Hitler.

During the Middle Ages, wizards and the church were in opposition, and the Inquisition, witch hunts, and the persecution against Druids in Rome. Like Fernandesley, many of those involved felt that wizards lived an unorthodox life and should correct themselves and live a "normal life" like him, yelling at people they didn't like .

Oh, heck, if the werewolf could run away by yelling at him, it wouldn't be a werewolf, and even shooting a gun wouldn't necessarily help that dark creature. There is also the Headless Horseman Club that Nick wants to join. Durrahan is also an extremely dangerous dark creature. Fortunately, they only appear in Ireland. God knows what trouble they will cause if they are placed in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

"Mistress." Just as she was thinking about something, Honey suddenly appeared.

"Could you turn on the light for me?" Pomona said. "It's too dark in here."

Honey snapped her fingers, and the gas lamps in the room were turned on.

"Have you figured it out yet?" she called out to another person in the room.

No one answered her.

"It's dinner time. I baked Easter ham. I want to go to Malfoy's for dinner. Will you come with me?"

"That's what you thought? Dinner!" he yelled angrily.

"Think about that scene, Grindelwald and Dumbledore having dinner, hugging and kissing like us." Pomona laughed and said, "I dare say no one would dare to think that."

Girls may be able to accept two handsome young men making out, but seeing two old men with white beards kissing, the visual impact must be shocking.

"Damn it, Pomona! You think it's time for a joke?"

"You said that you simplify complicated issues. Now that I think about it, except that I am a few years older than you, we are neither blood related nor the same gender. I have done nothing unethical except for fooling around. I only worry about you Your body, Severus, it is a nature of you not to eat when it is time to eat, you said you don't want to be like Dumbledore, okay, let's find a solution together, I said that you won't be like Dumbledore Force you to do things you don't like to do, but now, you come out to me and undo the spell on me, I brought a lot of food from Hogwarts, the two of us will definitely not be able to finish it."

Pomona felt she was doing the right thing by leaving the cockroach pile in Draco's care, look at the two of them, who was in the mood to take care of a child.

"Did you hear me?"

"You say I'm like Ron Weasley," he said bitterly. "The idiot who cursed people and ended up vomiting slugs all afternoon."

"He had left Hermione and Harry, stayed with his family and stayed in a safe place, but then he heard Hermione calling him, so he went to find Hermione." Pomona was very excited. Thankful that he didn't use petrification, otherwise she wouldn't be able to speak. "He gave his life for Hermione. I think he is a very brave man. He is very similar to you in that, Headmaster."

After about a minute or two of silence, she heard footsteps and Severus appeared in the living room.

"You call me a coward."

"When you were facing the werewolf, yes, you looked terrified, but you protected Harry and the three of them, and you also used the Confusion Charm, so Remus just nearly hurt you?"

"I hate that word coming out of a woman's mouth." He popped the words out of his teeth.

"So it's okay for a man to say it?"

"I'll break his teeth." He waved his fist at her in protest.

"I've said it so many times, why are you bothering me now?"

"One, you're an idiot, and two, I can sense that you mean no harm." He breathed out "Why are you so stupid, Hufflepuff."

"I hope you are safe, don't be like Harry, who almost lost his life, in fact, I don't even know who saved you, the only reasonable explanation I can think of is that I used a time-turner to bring you back to life I think I'm dreaming, Severus, and when I wake up you won't be here." She began to cry as she spoke.

"Me too." He walked over slowly and gave her a hug. "I thought you were my imagination. There is no perfect woman like you in the world."

"I'm not perfect!" she corrected. "You call me stupid."

"And you're still very unconfident, you should learn from Fu Rong." He looked at her face, now that the compound decoction had expired, she turned into a half-race Veela again, "He ruined you, Po Mona, just like he ruined Grindelwald, Grindelwald has a black magic item, with a touch of the Elder Wand, it can emit golden light, showing the future he foresees, he showed many pure-blood nobles Muggle-made second time World war scenarios, including the atomic bombing, he said he didn't hate muggles, he was just trying to stop muggles from destroying the world, and for world peace, wizards should rule the world."

"Oh, he's really convincing." Pomona found herself moving, and hugged him back. "But that atomic bomb was dropped to end the war."

"How do you know that some people didn't do it because they wanted to do experiments?" He whispered in her ear like a demon, "I want to use it once after mastering such a powerful power. The wizard who erupted from Mount Suwei, he just wanted to try how much power he could control."

"I don't think it's appropriate to publicize it," she said deadpan.

"So I just told you." He smiled and said, "Such a eloquent man, but the White Wizard locked him in a cell with no audience around, and he tortured Grindelwald to death. When the Dark Lord asked him When the old wand was there, Grindelwald easily told him the whereabouts of the old wand, and asked the Dark Lord to kill him. He couldn't kill the white wizard because of his blood oath, and he couldn't get rid of the predicament that he had been eliminated by the times , That's why he hopes that the Dark Lord will give him a happy ending, he ruined his true love, for their common ideals, to gain greater benefits."

"Stop talking," she begged in a low voice.

"No, I just wish..."

"Communication." He interrupted her as if he had a mind reading skill, "but I just want your sweet little mouth to shut up, I don't want to chat with you, senior."

"Then what do you want to do?" She asked knowingly, and then she was kissed, and he sighed and pressed her onto the sofa.

"This is what I want." He said with a triumphant smile, "It's normal for men to like women. I'm a normal person, not the same as those abnormal lunatics."

"Don't hurt me." She begged, grabbing his arm.

He smiled and looked at her without answering.

"Prince, please don't hurt me."

"I will try my best." He said without sincerity, wrapping her in a black robe.

What people think in their hearts is private, and mind reading is really not a good talent.

Playing stupid is a kind of talent, we all know it, as long as you are not really stupid, shutting up properly can guarantee your life safety, and learning to shut up is actually as difficult as learning to speak.

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