Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2889 Lion of Liberty (11)

The library usually asked the readers to keep quiet, but there was no one in the library today, and even Mrs. Pince didn't come because she was on vacation, so there were only two people in the library, Pomona and Albus.

Seldom see you in the library, Albus, said Pomona with a smile. I thought you'd prefer to be in the headmaster's office.

I've been secretly imagining that heaven should look like a library. Albus looked at the library and said, This is a poem written by an Argentine poet. Do you think he's right?

For the most part, I think he's right. The fat friar gave me French lessons today and he brought up St. Augustine.

Then Pomona told Albus the conversation in his head just now.

We cannot deny that there is also knowledge that teaches people to do evil in the library. Albus looked at the restricted area after listening. The Dark Lord often hangs around there.

He is just a representative of evil. Pomona lowered his head, not daring to look over there. We can't think that if he is eliminated, the world will be cleansed of evil.

Keep thinking like this, professor, it will be good for us to face the war in the future, said Albus.

She didn't like his statement very much.

We have more than one prophet in our school, said Albus. The centaurs say we humans are in a brief period of peace between two wars, so we must not let our guard down.

Pomona woke up.

That's why you sent Harry into the Muggle world?

Have you ever heard of Muggle fairy tales, Professor? Albus asked.

There are many Muggle fairy tales, which one are you talking about? asked Pomona.

The ugly duckling, said Albus.

Of course I did, Pomona said.

Don't you think Harry is like a swan among ducks? said Albus. He's an oddity to ducks.

But he doesn't have gray feathers, and if he knows how to hide himself, he can pretend to be like other ducks, Pomona said.

We all know that swans are beautiful. If the ugly duckling knows that he will become a swan, all he needs to do is wait with hope, waiting for the day of transformation, and then he will return to the farm where he was born before, and let the original peck him Do the animals see the beauty of the swan? Albus said with a smile, The beauty in the eyes of humans is weird in the eyes of other animals. The swan's slender neck is not beautiful at all, and he will still be laughed at.

Then don't go back? Pomona asked.

The point is, the ugly duckling doesn't know he's a swan, he doesn't know his own destiny, so he can only stagger forward. Albus said. He doesn't think that in time, he will become a swan that is praised and praised.

Pomona remembered the Mirror of Erised.

Struggling in despair can sharpen a tenacious spirit, and hope will be in vain, just like what Severus promised to do for you, did he do it? Albus asked.

Pomona smiled and shook her head.

It's not so sad when you don't get your hopes up, Pomona said quietly.

I hope you don't misunderstand that I made him miss your agreement, but you don't seem to need him anymore, said Albus.

She didn't immediately answer the question.

'Hope' makes people easily addicted, sitting in front of the mirror of Erised to waste time, and despair makes people flap their wings and get out of trouble. Is that what you mean? Albus. Pomona asked.

Pandora opened the magic box and released countless disasters, leaving only hope. Ben Cooper used the time-turner to go back in time and tracked the lady who gave the music box to his father. He didn't try to change anything. History, said Albus, sometimes we give Dark Arts items to the Ministry, but I don't think the music box is, and I'm going to keep it at school.

That's your decision, principal, Pomona said.

That box contained not hope, Professor, but the source of pain for Ben Cooper, who was originally a duck and suddenly became an ugly duckling. When he insisted on his point of view, he attracted the attacks of other ducks. When I handed Harry over to his Muggle relatives, I wrote a letter and told them the whole story, but instead of telling Harry the truth about the death of his parents, they pretended it was an ordinary traffic accident and let him Not knowing her own life experience, Minerva was very angry, thinking that she made a hero into an ordinary person...

That's not what Minerva told me, Pomona said.

Ordinary people's life seems to be bleak, and it's not just that it has nothing to do with all the wonderful life. It is considered weird to be willing to be ordinary and not pursue success. People regard success and failure as extremely important. Doing so is actually a 'winner' ’ and lived very hard.”

But you told me we won the first game and we've got the next one to come, Pomona said.

Because it's not about winning or losing, said Albus.

What's that? Pomona asked.

For the greater good, said Albus Dumbledore, you read St. Augustine, and tell me what he thinks about free will?

If a man is good, if he is not willing, he cannot act righteously, so man should have free will, and he cannot commit a crime because of his free will, thinking that God gave man free will to allow him to sin. Pomona said.

What do you think? Albus asked.

If God is unjust and makes me a bet with the devil like Job, why should I believe him? Pomona said Don't you talk to me about despair and hope, Albus, not everyone is like that Like an obedient dog, the owner is upset and beats it for no reason, but it is still loyal to him.”

Albus let out a long sigh, Do you think that giving justly leads to a better life?

Isidora took the pain out of the human body. I don't think she was right in doing so, but I also don't think it was right to create pain in order to prove something, let alone to use new children and wealth. Make up for what Job lost.”

You want revenge? Albus asked.


Can't, or don't want to? Albus asked.

In the story of Swan Lake, the prince chose the white swan to represent purity, but he didn't know that the white swan had already been defiled, and she uttered obscenities, and she even had a miscarriage once.

I forgot, said Pomona softly, and I would never choose a prince in my life.

Can I ask why? Albus asked.

He's an idiot with a golden crown.

I don't know how you thought of going there. I just hope you can maintain justice. Sometimes people use dishonest means to achieve righteous goals. Only then can there be free will.

Pomona couldn't help sighing, no wonder Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald became confidantes.

The fat friar said that Grindelwald abused justice to achieve his own purpose, so what is Albus Dumbledore's purpose?

It's like going astray temporarily for a correct goal, and then walking back like a prodigal son, Pomona said with a smile.

Sometimes, we have to act for others. Albus shook his head. A child's voice, though very sincere, is of no value to those who won't listen.

Some people lash out at losers, as the ancients lashed out at illegitimate children. Mortal had no heir, though he impregnated the young bride. But he didn't care about the life and death of the child and the little bride at all. Even after the operation, he cared more about the interests.

After all, Mrs. May Dai was a woman, and she was driven mad by Valmont, and told him directly that he loved Mrs. Dewey to such an extent that he could not be unfaithful to her. Only he was never her friend or companion, but always her tyrant or servant.

Yes, Headmaster, said Pomona meekly.

Albus watched her for a long time before continuing to pace and tell the story about the Dale family.

Marmaduke was the younger brother of Granamdale, who grew up to be a herbalist, discovering different properties in herbs and plants, and his work influenced herbalism and potions. Granamdale, on the other hand, was mediocre in all aspects. When their mother passed away, Marmaduke inherited the family, but according to the rules at the time, the eldest son should inherit everything.

After Marmaduke's death, Granamdale cursed his younger brother's sarcophagus. All descendants of the Dyer family will be cursed. Starting from the toes, the cursed person will gradually become a plant.

Like a blood orc? Pomona asked.

It's a little different, because blood orcs can switch between humans and beasts, and this transformation is irreversible. Albus said.

Pomona didn't ask how Albus knew about such family secrets.

How did Marmaduke die? asked Pomona.

Are you asking, like Cain killed his own brother because he was jealous of Abel? Albus asked.

She didn't know what to say.

Nobody knows anymore, said Albus. It was centuries ago.

Pomona remembered the pictures of Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald in the history books, they were beautiful, not at all like ugly ducklings, they were born swans.

How could they possibly know the desperation experienced by the ugly duckling.

But she continued to accompany Dumbledore for a walk in the library, no matter what, it was much more spacious than Nurmengard.

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