Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2932 Burning Wasteland (6)

It is mentioned in Vitruvius's book that harmony is difficult to understand and difficult music knowledge, especially for people who are not familiar with Greek books, if they want to explain it, they have to use Greek.

Pomona decided to learn Greek after learning French, but not before getting ready for Halloween, the new year for wizards.

As she worked, she thought about the story Sinistra had told her, of a Muggle astronomer named Richard Carrington mapping sunspots in his private observatory on September 1, 1859, To reduce the sun's blinding brightness, he filtered the image of the sun in the telescope, and at this time, two brilliant points of light appeared in a sunspot group.

At first Carrington thought there was a gap in his filter, allowing all the sunlight to pass through, but the spots got brighter and brighter, and within minutes the needles of all the observatories around the world started dancing wildly. .

He hadn't realized then that he had become the first person to observe a solar flare, and on that day, the Caribbean Sea was illuminated with an eerie red glow, and white bands of light danced in the air. It was as if people saw the aurora.

In such light, it is possible to read without even turning on the light. The animals were confused by the mysterious light day and night, and the larks were noisy in the early morning. And human beings will be shocked and burned for no reason as soon as they touch the transmitter.

Solar flares of this scale are rare, but it does not mean that they will not happen next time. Its effects are unpredictable. After all, the earth will also revolve when the sun sneezes. When the solar wind arrives, the earth may escaped.

This is entirely a probability event, depending on the luck of human beings.


Pomona turned to see a Slytherin boy standing in the kitchen doorway.

Our dean is waiting for you in the 'Hall of Doom'. The boy said.

Oh, hell! cried a house-elf just as he had finished speaking.

Sorry! said another house-elf.

Walk carefully! said the first house-elf.

There was a traffic accident just now, and the potato delivery collided with the apple delivery.

Why is he waiting for me there? asked Pomona.

The Slytherin boy shrugged and ran away.

Pomona took off her apron and left the kitchen.

Walking in the opposite direction from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to the principal's office, there is a corridor. In the 16th century, someone mishandled Mibu Mibao, which caused a pungent smell to permeate the place forever.

After walking through that corridor, there is a hall in which there are some animal skeletons, including a skeleton of a bird of fortune, which is how the name of the Hall of Doom comes from.

Go this way! When Pomona came to the corridor outside the kitchen, he saw Tonks holding Aiken's hand and walking towards Hufflepuff's lounge.

Aiken's eyes have not yet recovered, she is different from the curse in Charlie.

Pomona didn't intervene. If Aiken hadn't come to Hogwarts, of course she wouldn't be hurt, and she wouldn't feel the magic of the potion either.

Based on the experience of previous night tours, Pomona did not walk through the pungent corridor, but came to the place where few people came through the portrait of Ilyus.

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but the mouse Patronus of Ilius exuded a soft silver light, just like a real Patronus, glowing in the dark.

Unless it's the day when freshmen come to report, the whole of Hogwarts will be brightly lit, including this place of course.

She searched for a while before finding Severus by the basilisk window.

At first, people thought that this stained window was to commemorate Salazar Slytherin, but later a scholar who studied the history of Hogwarts corrected it. The giant coiled on the tree was not a snake, but a snake. shaped beast whose coiled tree grew from the mouth of the fabled Green Man.

She wanted to recall that period of history, but when she saw Snape standing there, she felt that the snake came out of his body, even though he was dressed in black.

When she was shocked by this scene, he turned around. He looked the same as usual, with a pale face and a stiff expression, not as constipated as Feliwei said.

But his eyes... She took a half step back in fear, even though those eyes were dark and lifeless, they were worrisome, like poisonous snakes in the dark, they could easily kill you.

What do you want me for? Pomona asked.

The sun shone on him through the colorful stained glass, forming the appearance of colorful snakes.

Inch by inch he walked until his hands gripped her arm like iron pincers.

Is it fun? he said with quivering lips.

What fun? she asked back.

Why didn't you tell me directly! He shook her with all his strength, as if trying to shake her brains out.

Let go! she warned.

He gasped, as if trying to growl, but Pomona gave him an electric shock to let him go.

The electricity was transmitted to her along his hand, and her arm was numb. She didn't know whether it was caused by the electricity or because of his grasp.

They both leaned against the wall, and it took a while for their breathing to settle, and then silence replaced it.

Forgive me, he said, his voice echoing in the empty hall.

Her mind went blank.

What would the Greeks say at this time?

Fate is not fair, good luck is hard to be attributed to scholars, Severus. She said almost in a trance, at least not like Sirius and James.

He looked at her quietly.

You can see how unstable and unreliable they are, and you must... at least try to command your own heart, and run through the storms of fate with the help of learning, not with the help of luck to protect one who protects oneself. She said as if she had exhausted all her strength, Others have to prepare their luggage and travel expenses when they travel, how about you?

I didn't say I miss you (miss). He stood up straight again, and slowly walked over, covering her in his shadow. What I said was, I always think of you (think of).

You want to talk grammar with me? she said incredulously.

He licked his lips, as if reminiscing about something.

He wants to kiss your slender neck.

What? Who is he? Pomona asked.

The tip of his nose on your cheek, and the smell of figs on you.

Pomona remembered that she had changed her Halloween drink to shrunken fig juice, after all Hagrid's pumpkin soda with vodka couldn't be given to children.

What do you want to do to him? he continued.

Who's 'he'? Pomona asked.

Prince, said Snape patiently, what do you want to do to him?

You... imagined a prince? Pomona asked.

He took her hand, thought for a moment, and let her touch his cheek.

What do you want to do to him? he asked again, kissing the palm of her hand.

She thought of the chokehold gas, maybe it was not far from here that there was a corridor exuding a pungent smell, her fingers traced the pulse of his neck and touched his Adam's apple.

The low voice, like the snake speaking in Eve's ear, came from here.

You want to strangle me? he asked with a smile.

Her fingertips felt the vibration coming through the skin, as if possessed by a demon.

Continue. The tip of the golden nail caressed the protruding cartilage, as if to comfort it.

He opened his hands, wrapped her in black robes, and continued to whisper in her ear.

Like the vibrato of the devil.


From the end of the 16th century, Russia launched a conquest plan later known as territorial aggregation, filling the power vacuum created by the decline of the Mongol Golden Horde. Since then, the Russians' advance to Siberia has been unstoppable, more pressing than cold air.

Georgiana walked in the palace in Brussels, but felt as if she was dragging her heavy steps in the snow field. The system of exile not only allowed the tsar to deport unruly subjects from the European part of Russia, but also made them immigrants and convicts in Siberia, meaning that punishment and colonization were intertwined.

Since the Killer Woods incident is going to happen at the Quidditch World Cup, why not find out before then?

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor spent a year in the North Pole to study the influence of temperature on dark creatures. The low temperature would make some dark creatures lose their vitality. Although Siberia is occasionally colder than the North Pole, it also has warmer days and fishing is possible in summer. And what he wants is a long-term constant temperature low temperature, if not because of the lack of funds for the experiment, he would not agree to Albus' invitation.

If a woman would use a straightforward question like Your mother and I fell into the water, which one do you save?, then a man would use a more skillful and tactful way to test.

At first, divorce was not allowed, and Madame de Stael protested on this issue, but she has now been expelled from Paris.

Then there is Article 1550 of the Civil Code. When a husband accepts his wife’s dowry, there is no obligation to guarantee the return. The customs in southern France and northern France are different, but if a husband wants to find a wife for a dowry to do business, or run a steam engine company like Watt and Bolton, will she give it or not? ?

When the woman has no money and can't get divorced, then polygamy is legalized, and he marries another woman to get another dowry. At this time, it can just be used as the company's urgently needed liquidity to bring the company that is about to go bankrupt back to life.

Since then, everyone has lived a happy life.

In addition, there is the legalization of illegitimate children. As long as they are illegitimate children recognized by their fathers, they can get a share of the inheritance.

If she doesn't resist this time, then she won't have the chance to resist in the future. She thinks she can still try to be clean when she goes to Siberia, but she won't be able to find books in this way.

In addition, there are Yin people, the legendary flower of demons who can turn humans into plants. What is the relationship between him and the green man who can grow plants in his mouth?

Then she saw someone outside the window shoveling snow off the roof and stopped.

The story about the deer-shaped Patronus and the Gryffindor sword at the bottom of the frozen lake is constantly being staged in the wizarding theater, and everyone knows that he is the same as Lily Potter's Patronus.

It is also this Patronus, Albus believes that he has always loved Lily and will protect Harry to the end, but he does not tell anyone, this is a scene they acted together!

Death is a solution, but not at a young age. Albus has lived for more than 100 years, and death is normal for him. Harry is only 17 years old, and his mother gave her life to protect him.

Feegol, where is the coldest place you've ever been? Georgiana asked.

Here it is, Figore said. This is the farthest north I've ever been.

She suddenly realized that instead of asking Figor, she should ask the wizard who is willing to go with her. Many things can be solved with magic.

She should keep it a secret, lest she escape and be caught like Marie Antoinette.

While she was thinking about something, the judge of Ghent and Qianbow Street rushed over. They stood far away, as if they didn't dare to disturb her.

When it was all over, Severus had told her that Albus was trying to keep him alive from memory, and he didn't think he could do it, but she thought he could.

But first she needs to find a pensieve, where is it?

Her memories seem to have returned to the Louvre, and there is one in the Egyptian Pavilion where no one goes.

She suddenly wanted to go to the Brussels Museum.

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