Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2938 Can't ride the wind (five)

On Mount Parnassus, 93 miles from Athens, lies an ancient ruin that has been excavated since 1892.

The Temple of Delphi was once considered the center of the earth, and it was also the place where Apollo announced his oracle. It was the religious center of ancient Greece in the sixth century BC.

When Vitruvius was alive, there seemed to be no ruins there, so he could visit the temple like tourists, and then found the inscription about Socrates carved on the temple, and recorded it in Ten Books on Architecture Above: There should be windows open in people's bosom, so as not to hide their insights, but to open their observations.

Now the temple has become ruins, and there are only three mottos inscribed on the building: know yourself, don't overdo everything, life or death is a moment.

There is no trace of the existence of the words recorded by Vitruvius.

Although Phoebe has changed a lot, she still has many friends. Although she is not as dazzling as Joy, you can still see a smile on her face occasionally.

It wasn't unusual for her to go to Hogsmeade with the Slytherin boys last time. Many Slytherin boys and girls were inviting people from other houses to their dangerous balls.

Even though Lucius Malfoy is pretty bad, he's still pretty good looking. Traps are often placed with things that prey like. Carnivores like meat, sparrows like wheat, and mice like cheese. If the animals can't resist the temptation to eat them, the trap will close with a snap or fall into the pit inside.

The so-called adventurous spirit is knowing that there is danger, but still wants to try it, maybe you will not fall into the trap, or like in the movie, the mechanism of the pharaoh’s tomb is activated, and quicksand pours in. The adventurers found a way to escape through their own observations. No matter how exquisite the design is, after the baptism of time, the parts are rusted or rotted, and they are no longer usable.

Danger doesn't mean stop for some people.

Vitruvius discovered that sound fluctuates in the shape of a circle in BC, just like the countless moving circles produced by throwing a stone into still water, unless the place is obstructed due to narrowness, or the ripples are not allowed to pass through the periphery due to other reasons , they will extend uniformly from the center to far away.

Therefore, ancient architects traced the traces of nature and studied the rise of sound to complete the stepped seats of the Prototype Theater. They also applied the laws used by mathematicians and the laws of music to study that any smiling sound on the stage can be heard Clear and clear to the audience's ears.

When you swallow saliva, you will hear the sound. This mainly means that you swallow your own saliva, and you cannot hear others swallowing saliva.

But if you get close, and your hands are still strangling someone else's throat, you can feel the sound and muscle movements.

Vitruvius believed that sound is the flow of breath, but in fact this is not accurate, because people have vocal cords, which are made by vibration, just like the sound made by bronze plates and tuning forks.

Why do human voices appear similar in childhood but change after puberty?

In the biology class, the teacher will tell the students that the length of the vocal cords of boys more than doubles during the voice change period, because the vocal cords are pulled and often make cracking sounds.

The vocal music teacher believes that the lower position of the Adam's apple in the neck is conducive to singing training. Although the baritone and bass are not as sweet as the child's voice, they can be used to show different forms of performance.

She was intoxicated in this ocean of sound waves, like a person about to drown, raising her chin to reach the driftwood on the sea, or his shoulders, and clasping his thick back with her hands, in the wave after wave Amidst the sound waves, harmony was involuntarily made.

Some people think that the echo is finding fault, and keeps repeating the last sentence of others. Vitruvius believed that those who plagiarized other people's works and took them as their own should be blamed. There is no original opinion in these works, but they show off themselves by slandering others with a jealous attitude. The crime was punished.

Echo was originally a beautiful water fairy. She was deeply loved by the goddess of hunting Diana, and she always accompanied Diana when she went hunting.

One day Echo saw a handsome boy by the water, she wanted to win his favor with clever words, but he kept staring at his reflection in the water in a daze.

It turns out that some people really fall in love with themselves.

The girl's passionate love and expectations were all disappointed by him. She returned to the mountains, caves and cliffs, and turned into rocks, but the voice still existed, and if someone called her, she would still respond.

The boy who fell in love with his own reflection sank into the water, and Venus took pity on him and turned him into a narcissus.

You don't know how jealous I am, how much I hate Lily, and how much strength I need to control it, not to hurt her maliciously, and to see her good side.

This surging emotion made her burst into tears. He wiped away the slowly flowing tears with his fingers, touched her forehead with his forehead, and continued to talk about the fantasy in his mind.

The breaths of the two living people were entangled, and she quickly lost her strength and leaned against him.

The fetus is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord, and the Temple of Delphi is also known as the Navel of the Earth.

It was raining outside the window, and the raindrops fell on the stained glass.

This was originally a small accident. The ancient Phoenicians could make transparent glass, but this technology was lost. People can only make stained glass of various colors, and then some people made artistic creations on it. There are paintings like serpentine windows and geometric rose windows like Notre Dame Cathedral.

The medieval church believed that lust was a sin, which was different from the early scholasticism.

Lust does not just refer to lust. Grindelwald also talked about power lust when he gave a speech at the Lestrange family cemetery in Paris. Guilt can make people feel painful. If eating does not bring happiness, but always thinking about the consequences of gaining weight, eating becomes a tedious and unpleasant task.

The models with perfect bodies on the posters are enviable, and the food that looks delicious through shooting is also very attractive. It is his choice to decide what kind of person a person becomes. You can't expect to eat hamburgers, fried chicken and Coke to maintain a shapely figure.

Food can make people feel happy, but she also envies those girls who are nourished by love.

It would be great if I could be like Molly, even if I didn't have to call her Little Shiver like Arthur.

It had never occurred to her to snatch Arthur from Molly, to gain a devoted husband, a complete family.

Why can't a man who is completely single, who obviously has no family and no girlfriend, find a living person to continue living, instead of living alone for a dead person who rejected him?

Pomona caressed the cheek of Lily's abandoned pet, who flushed a little and looked less vampire-like.

I am innocent, why should I feel guilty?

Do you think James is mediocre? she asked softly.

He curled the corners of his mouth and smiled contemptuously, as if the answer was self-evident.

I won't let you be as mediocre as him. She said tenderly, You should have a hero in your heart.

What kind of hero? He asked calmly.

You are already wonderful, and nothing can stop you if you will keep it. If we admit that man's fall was the persuasion of another, we must begin by examining the reason for the persuasion of the persuader himself. of.

I heard you say...

She put her finger on his lips.

Share fame with your students, not own it, and there's something you can learn from Slughorn, Pomona said.

I think he just wants to be famous. His lips opened and closed, touching her fingers.

But don't feel jealous, even if his students are more accomplished than him.

He made no further attempt to speak.

Good luck rarely belongs to scholars, but it is essential to dominate the spirit and heart. Don't be afraid of the torture of fate, but also give it contempt.

She let go of her fingers, and he didn't move.

Then she walked to the side, and got out of his cloak easily, but it was a little cold around.

Any drinks? He asked casually.

Pomona took a bottle of shrunken fig juice out of his pocket, and he drank it.

I heard that Rohart is coming to the celestial dance. He said after taking a sip of juice.

It's not news, Pomona said dryly. It's better to pursue a poor life that brings good reviews than to pursue a rich life that brings bad reviews.

But he's well written by everyone, Severus said.

That's not what he wrote, Pomona said contemptuously.

how do you know?

Pomona hesitated. The story of the XZ Snowman written by Rohart was very similar to their experience. The secret would not leak from her. Who else but him?

Have you ever talked to someone about me? Pomona asked.


I don't want you to use me as a conversation piece between friends. She said seriously, including Malfoy.

He stared at her.

It's private, it's between the two of us, and you're asking me why I know Fitzgerald, and that's why.

She rubbed her arms and said that it was really too cold without the body temperature of another person.

Can I ask why? He asked humbly as if asking for advice.

She didn't want to answer the question.

Every woman should have a secret, so that he can't figure it out, guess forever, and only have her in his mind and heart.

But she still leaned into his ear and told him that for a curious person like him, it would be torture not to satisfy him.

Her understanding of family is love, integration and comfort, and she will use magic power to heal the wounds left by wandering outside, provided that he can't keep thinking about abandoning his former owner, even like some pet dogs, Trek thousands of miles to find her, and finally get a loyal evaluation.

Living is wonderful, why pursue redemption after death, what do you think?

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