Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2944 Can't ride the wind (11)

Emily was so angry that she didn't expect that Rita Kist would abandon her so that she couldn't eat, so she didn't show up in the canteen.

So Pomona returned to the faculty seat.

The children have endless topics to talk about, about Quidditch, the magic key, the celestial ball and the dangerous ball, but no one brings out the farce of Amata and Asha as a talking point, Including the unlucky boy who was hospitalized after being hit by the Long Hair Curse.

But once in a while Pomona glanced across Hufflepuff's long table and saw the children laughing ambiguously at someone.

Even though Pomona was more diligent than Minerva in changing the plants in the college and was more frequent in the common room, something was found in this big raid.

It's embarrassing to put these things in full view. Even if the people who found the things were male teachers, they didn't receive any real punishment except for being sarcastic and sarcasm. It would still make Snape's reputation worse and worse. People hate it.

If Severus cared about the hate of these children, he wouldn't do that. After all, Slytherin asked for the search on his own initiative, while Hufflepuff really raided and searched.

The real evil Slytherin found a lot of self-defense tools, which were black magic items passed down by their ancestors for generations. If these are all confiscated, what about Barnaby's ring?

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw did not intend to search the student dormitories. Minerva was a very private person, and Flierway, who was a good friend of Minerva, also supported it.

Privacy belongs to the scope of personality rights. When a person peeps at others through their windows, it has already violated the right. If Pan Jinlian in the Water Margin hadn't opened the window, and used paper to block the window from people's sight, people outside would not be able to see the inside, how would the officials of Ximen know that there is such a beauty in the humble bakery.

Daiyu also said to Jia Baoyu, My window is your window, why should they be separated so strangely? Their relationship at that time was no longer close to a layer of window paper.

Do not see inappropriate, listen not to inappropriate, do not move inappropriate.

Although Jia's family style is quite poor, it also depends on the comparison. Their family's biggest support is the concubine Yuan and Shi Taijun who was the emperor's wet nurse. They belong to the category of foreign relatives. The foreign relatives in the Eastern Han Dynasty are so domineering. Even the emperor is controlled by the mother clan. . Although Jia's mansion is extremely rich, it is far behind these powerful officials.

Although Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu are both dependents, but Lin Ruhai is from the family of book eunuchs, he was born in the imperial examinations, and he is also a candidate for the examination. after.

The Xue family used to be scholars, and later went into business. Jia Zheng also looked down on Xue Pan. He could not stand on his own, and his education reputation was not good. Although Baochai is much stronger than him, because she is a girl, she can only look at those seemingly elegant decorations in Hengwu Garden.

Baochai was obviously treated slowly, but it is also possible that the Jia family wanted her to change her previous family traditions in merchants. She took the Lengxiang pills to lose her temper, but it might not be some evil spirit brought by her mother's womb.

In Chapter 27 of A Dream of Red Mansions, Baochai looked at a pair of jade-colored butterflies, dancing up and down in the wind. She followed the butterfly all the way through the willows, and came to a pavilion. The pavilion was built on the water in the pool, and the four sides were carved and pasted with paper. This time, the inside could not be seen outside. Baochai heard the inside say.

She still has a young lady's temper, and when the two maids said how to repay Second Master Yun, the fire immediately ignited.

Becoming an aunt is a kind of prosperity for a maid, but for a wife, there is another person to share her husband, especially one of the two maids is from Baoyu's room.

Baochai was able to control her emotions, and instead of having an outburst on the spot, she pretended to be playing hide-and-seek and passed by, not hearing the secret discussion between the two maids in the pavilion.

You pretend that I don't know, and I also pretend that I don't know. When Hongyu meets Baochai, she goesssiping about Lin Daiyu instead, saying that she loves mean people and has a delicate heart. When other people came, this scene that should have been hot would be over.

To put it calmly, Hongyu's target is Jia Yun, not Baoyu, and Baochai shouldn't be so angry.

But Baochai's evaluation of Hongyu is the eyes are hollow and the heart is big. That time, Yang Guifei and Zhao Feiyan were the topic. Yuhuan has a relative named Yang Guozhong, and Zhao Feiyan has a sister of Zhao Hede. Crown Qunfang, but when the emperor died, the ministers condemned Zhao's misfortune, Zhao Hede committed suicide, Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty dared to recite the merits of Zhao Feiyan's support, and respected Zhao Feiyan as the queen mother according to the law, but a few months later someone impeached Zhao Zhaoyi for disrupting the holy dynasty , relatives destroy the heirs, and the family members should be punished by heaven.

Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty still preserved her queen mother's seat until Wang Mang hijacked the empress dowager and issued an edict, demoting Zhao Feiyan, Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty and his empress Fu to common people. After Zhao Feiyan died, she was buried near Yanling. It is said that the palace people were buried in that area, and the ritual system for burying the queen mother was not followed.

In Fengshen Yanyi, King Zhou loves Daji alone, and Daji finds his younger sister, who is a jade pipa, and King Wu of Zhou leads the princes to attack Zhou.

Yao Zen was surrendered to Shun, and Shun Chan was surrendered to Yu, all based on virtue rather than blood relationship, so Wang Mang used the system of abdication to let Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty abdicate the throne to himself.

Jia Yun doesn't have such deep-rooted ideas, and she also really likes Hongyu. When Baoyu and Wang Xifeng were in trouble, they went to visit together.

How could Baochai see the future so far away? She could bear it, but Qingwen couldn't. Seeing Hongyu, she said, You are just crazy.

Hongyu choked back directly, saying that she was not on duty today, and she was holding Wang Xifeng's purse, which was considered holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and turned around to complain to Wang Xifeng.

Pomona didn't know if Emily could see what was going on around her. Severus once told her whether Rita Kester had seen too much evil when she was a court reporter. So I chose to change careers.

Men look at women differently than women look at women. Pomona doesn’t know that Rita Kisser will go out for a few years, but as long as she is not in the UK, she will be much cleaner, but without her writing, there will be no” Juicy news can be chatted, life is too peaceful and boring.

Pomona can't interfere with things outside of school, and she almost gave a little girl to the general herself.

Pomona didn't go back to the academy after dinner. After observing the way Minerva and Felix got along, she felt that she could do it too. It wasn't difficult, as long as she remained calm.

I can do it. She said as if cheering herself up, took a long breath, and walked towards the dungeon.


Georgiana looked at the ring on her hand, which Bonaparte had brought back from Egypt without any seal or special features, but Bey's wife had exchanged it for half of Bey's property.

When Padma appeared, she had been worried, because she was an Indian girl, and Egypt was to Bonaparte only his way to India.

She no longer has such a mood of worrying about gains and losses. Fortunately, she said that she should not be jealous of her students.

She sighed secretly, what should she do now?

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