Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2952 Rain Listening to Zen (4)

Come on, Gryffindor!!

In the Quidditch stands, a boy wearing a red scarf was lying on the edge of the fence and yelling. He seemed so excited that he wanted to flip over there.

This game was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. The players' collisions looked full of violence, not like they were playing ball, but more like they were fighting.

Neither Charlie nor the Slytherin Seekers have found the Snitch so far, flying all over the pitch.

Pomona's attention was on Gryffindor's bench, and the 7th grade who was Charlie's substitute was watching the field closely, as if there was someone else who cast a spell on Charlie last time, causing him to be temporarily blind and unable to participate in the game.

At Hogwarts, if you need help just ask.

For example, if Random wants the centaurs to train him, Wilminna will go to them to discuss.

Sometimes help would take the initiative to come to the door. Before Pomona had time to hand in the thesis, Olivia helped Pomona find it. She knew a ghost poet.

To be precise, he is a Hogwarts ghost who loves to write poetry. He compared the four colleges to the four seasons. Slytherin represents the green leaves of spring, Ravenclaw represents the blue sky of summer, and Hufflepuff represents the autumn. Fruit, Gryffindor represents the hearth of midwinter, and each season has its own advantages and charms. If the branch is cancelled, who can imagine that there is only spring or only winter in a year?

Herman Russ felt that there was no problem. When he lived in the Arctic, there was only polar day and polar night, and there was only a vast expanse of white around him.

Anyway, that's the end of the incident about the sorting house. Now Miss Aiken lives in the Hufflepuff Lounge. Her eyesight has recovered. Tonks and Tulip took care of her during her blindness.

At Hogwarts, if you need help you just ask, and sometimes help will come to you.

But Pomona still reminded them that before the high heels step on us, you don't know that a snake's teeth can bite people. The snake bites us to hurt us, and take pleasure in it, and enjoy the pain of others.

She didn't mean to offend anyone, the Death Eaters used the Unforgivable Curse for the fun of hurting people.

Only this time the snake wasn't a Slytherin.

The girls' bathroom is an intelligence station. She has installed spies to eavesdrop on what they are going to do. The dance party that has been carefully prepared for so long has ended like this. Some people must feel reconciled, not to mention Emily Taylor is also looking for revenge. .

At this moment, there were cheers in the arena. It turned out that Charlie was the first to discover the Snitch.

Soon Slytherin's Seeker also flew over, but he seemed to regard Charlie as a target. Charlie avoided his collision quickly, and then Charlie became the target of care, and the Quaffle always went towards him. Fly around.

Cheating!! the Gryffindor boy yelled.

People from other colleges also booed.

But Slytherin is still the same, and still keeps making small moves.

Seriously, what glory is there in winning like this?

Pomona looked at the old bat next to him. Although he watched the game, he was not excited at all, and carried out Lucius Malfoy's posturing to the end. Even Slughorn would cheer and clap or something, but he didn't say a word.

He caught Pomona's gaze and turned to look at her.

What's wrong? Snape asked.

Nothing, Pomona said, looking at Minerva on the other side, who was nervous but not agitated.

Are you free later? He leaned into her ear and asked.

It depends on what you're doing, Pomona said defensively.

His head was turning rapidly, and he could see it in his eyes, when there was a louder cheer and someone stood up.

Good job, Charlie got the Snitch. The narrator said through the microphone, 210 to 85, Gryffindor won!

Yeah!!! Gryffindor cheered.

As I said, red wins this time, Sybil said, waving a ten-of-hearts poker card in front of Pomona.

Snape grudgingly clapped, and Pomona didn't want to talk to Sybil, whose predictions were just as intermittent as her predictions, like a radio with a bad connection.

Where are we going to wait for you later? Pomona asked.

He looked back at her.

It's still that unlucky place. After finishing speaking, he left.

Then Pomona looked to the Slytherin stands, and they looked at Charlie angrily, as if discussing how to teach him a lesson.

The dark magic items they carried looked like jewellery, with family crests on them, and Filch couldn't check them out at all. Even if Mrs. Loris noticed it, they would refuse to turn it in on the grounds that it was passed down from generation to generation by the family.

She remembered what Nietzsche said. There was once a young philosopher who met Nietzsche when he was 19 years old. When he was middle-aged, he climbed the Alps and walked along the road Nietzsche walked. He saw glacier.

Anyone who has seen the place where the glacier passes by will not think that there were grasses, forests and creeks here. Pomona has also seen it in XZ. It is a completely barren land, not even moss, only bare stones .

The same has been the case in human history, the most savage forces destructively made their way first, yet in spite of this their actions were necessary so that later a more benign civilization would make their home here, the terrifying energies were Cyclops pioneer.

Indeed, glacier movement may be one of the most powerful natural forces shaping the shape of landmarks, but both the Alps and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are alpine glaciers. go ahead.

And the force that forms this mountain is even greater, coming from the depths of the ground. They were originally on the bottom of the sea, but now they are squeezed into mountains.

Compared with that force, the glacier only changes the surface. There is even a formula here. The thicker the glacier, the steeper the slope, and the higher the temperature, the more frequent and faster the glacier's activities, creating a Cyclops-like pioneer. Even the most savage forces cannot destroy the depths of the earth.

Maybe the human prophet didn't say it, but the centaur did say that the mysterious man would come back again, and she didn't want Slytherin to be the same as last time.

Kindness is scarce, and the insulting word Mudblood has changed a pair of friends who grew up together. Lily can care less about what people around her think of her, but cares about what Sev thinks of her.

Nietzsche was not perfect, at least Pomona didn't like his saying you can only treat a woman with the whip in your hand, isn't it that the witches in the Inquisition received enough whips? Prohibition also came about against domestic violence.

Without wine, how can there be Dionysian spirit?

But some of his words are worth pondering.

For example, color cannot describe a hero.

Peeves is colored compared to the other ghosts, yet at one point in school history he was once a human being and became a pearly white ghost after announcing the arrival of the giants and getting the others to prepare.

There is also the Patronus of Rats, who protects the villagers from dementors, and is also white.

Of course Nietzsche didn't say that in his original words, The greatest men of the nineteenth century seemed to have something shimmering, trembling, and floating about them, so that people did not believe that they were capable of heroic deeds. come, and consider these heroic deeds to be, at best, vaunted heroic villains.

What did he just tell you? Minerva asked in Pomona when the show was over.

Ask Severus? Pomona asked. Since when did you become curious?

Minerva looked at her seriously.

Happiness is a high-level emotion. Obviously he doesn't have it. I think he might complain. Pomona said.

What are you complaining about? Charlie caught the Snitch by himself, Minerva said.

Maybe there is also the broomstick that Barnaby gave Charlie to help, and the light wheel is indeed much better than the sweep.

You're right, who made him so stingy, said Pomona.

You should tell him to keep his players from being so reckless, and those dangerous attacks, those Chasers, are they playing or are they murdering? Minerva said.

Pomona nodded one by one, and Minerva complained as she went downstairs, oh, she was so angry that she couldn't educate those barbaric Slytherins who made her live in the 20th century.

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