Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2954 Rain Listening to Zen (6)

Pomona came to the music theater because it was winter, and the frogs in the frog choir were listless, as if they couldn't be expected to sing at Christmas.

She found a seat and sat down, looking at the seat where Sirius Black used to sit in the past. Nothing in the school has changed, but people have become different.

Hearing the music played in the portrait, let out a long sigh.

A mysterious man smiling like a demon appeared in her mind for a while, and Sirius Black, whose eyelashes were shining under the sun, appeared for a while. They were all extremely beautiful.

The Buddha said that beauty and ugliness are concepts created in our minds, and they are inseparable from the five aggregates.

The same is the flower god, the flower god painted by Titian does not need to wear decorations such as wreaths, as if she herself is a flower.

But in Rembrandt's paintings, he used his wife as a model, even though she was far inferior to Titian's Flora.

Anything can be considered beautiful and anything can be considered ugly in one's eyes. A river, a cloud, a leaf, a flower, or a golden afternoon, all have different beauty.

But there might not be any beauty, at least in Bill's eyes, Emily Taylor was no longer attractive to him, he had been studying for the newt exam since he was in sixth grade, and Pomona often saw him from his window seat in the library.

If he was just an ordinary student, he would be fine to do so, but as a prefect he is a bit incompetent. Minerva wouldn't go to the Gryffindor common room, but the prefects could, and Bill should be a little more charismatic.

Then she thought of Sirius and James, who had thrown the frog-egg soap into the prefect's bathroom, which happened to be the Slytherin prefect who was taking a shower.

At that time, the prefect screamed in fright and almost ran out naked. After he got dressed, he immediately went to arrest Sirius and James, and then there was another brilliant deed of the two of them in Filch's drawer.

She laughed at this thought, but the smile didn't last long on her face, when she heard hurried footsteps outside.

Headmaster! panted a Hufflepuff boy. Snape's in the greenhouse pulling up all your mandrakes.

What! Pomona screamed and stood up, she was in no mood to continue enjoying the music.

When she came to the greenhouse under the leadership of the students, she found that the mandrakes had not only been pulled out, but also seemed to be infected with something. Even though they had been buried in the soil, they were still screaming .

Snape continued to pull out the mandrake, then dipped it in some kind of potion, and the poor mandrake danced.

What are you doing! Pomona yelled through the glass, but Snape didn't respond and went on with his business.

Reminiscing that he might not be able to hear the sound with the ear shrinking spell, Pomona also used it on himself, and then entered the greenhouse.

What are you doing! Pomona leaned closer to Snape and asked, he gave her a cold look, at least he didn't harm her mandrake anymore.

Come with me! she roared, and came to the greenhouse next door.

He followed at a leisurely pace until the mandrake's screams could no longer be heard.

What did you do! Pomona asked after lifting the Earshrinking Curse.

He had a cold face, as if he couldn't hear because he hadn't lifted the spell.

They stared at each other for a minute, and finally he waved his wand as if to break the spell.

What did you do to my plants? Pomona asked, slurring each word.

I need medicinal materials. He said coldly.

What medicine?

He motioned Pomona to look next door. I'm going to increase the potency of the broad-spectrum antidote.


What don't you understand? Snape asked.

Pomona continued to glare at him.

The broad-spectrum antidote can only cure common poisons, and the higher-level poisons can only be relieved. I have improved its detoxification ability so that it can cure more poisons. He smiled hypocritically, That needs 'dancing 'The Mandrake.

She thought he was pure mischief.

He seemed to be prepared, and put a book on the workbench, the title of which was Magic Potions and Potions.

After I add this potion, they will be more vigorous, which is good for brewing potions, Snape said.

Just this one time, Pomona warned. Next time you better tell me what you're going to do!

He raised his hand, blocking her way.

What? she asked angrily.

What's the real purpose of you asking me to crack Toots' potion? He looked as if he had caught her.

I want you to know that with knowledge, wealth comes easily, and you don't need to be jealous of anyone, Pomona said.

Liar, he accused.

You don't need to give me the recipe, just keep it for yourself.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the students outside the greenhouse.

It was such a cold day and it was still snowing, yet they were still hiding outside and peeking.

But after being glared at by Snape, they all ran away in the wind and snow.

After their figures disappeared into the wind and snow, he set his sights on Pomona.

You should lock the greenhouse door, he said softly, or you'll be full of 'lovebirds.'

Pomona looked at him in bewilderment.

Look at the view.

Pomona looked up and found that although it was snowing heavily outside, the greenhouse was still warm as spring, flowers were blooming, and butterflies were flying.

I have a lot of dangerous plants in my greenhouse, Pomona said.

They don't care. He said coldly, raising his hand to remove the petals from her shoulders, Close the door to this place.

Okay, Pomona said, wondering how anyone could come to the greenhouse to watch Snape move her potted plants.

I want to introduce Draco to you. Snape inspected the petal and threw it away. He's a talented kid.

But no matter how talented he is, he can't keep up with the potion competition, master, he is not yet old enough to go to school. Pomona said, thinking of the spoiled little bastard in the photo, who combed his hair at a young age. Back of the head, the head looks like a golden egg.

You'd better watch out for the girls at your house, they seem to be up to something, Snape said.

My house? You got it wrong? Pomona asked.

They asked Miss Aiken to ask me which variety of pearl works best as a love potion, what do you think? He smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

Oh! exclaimed Pomona excitedly. These nasty little Gorgons.

He took the opportunity to hug her, wrapped her in his cloak, and he let out a long sigh.

Is it cold? he asked.

No. She hugged him back. Thank you for reminding me.

Then he fell silent, as if listening to the sound of running water in a greenhouse.

Aiken made the invisibility potion, beware of her doing illegal things. Snape said after a long time.

She's 11, Pomona said with a laugh. You worry too much.

You should think I'm being cautious, especially since I might take her to Durmstrang. If she goes to the wrong place, I'm afraid she won't be able to come back. He said in a good mood.

Pomona didn't think much of it. She changed her position and lay comfortably on his chest.

It would be nice to have a recliner here, so that you can take a warm nap comfortably.

He leaned over and smelled the breath in her mouth, Have you eaten candy?

Drank a little mead.

Is there any more?

She was a little dazed, thinking that he was very similar to that Baoyu who begged her sisters for fat.

Everyone said no, so she shouldn't have given either.

He kept smelling the honey, but didn't taste it.

Then his feet moved, as if dancing, and Pomona moved to follow his steps.

Nietzsche said that every day without dancing is a disappointment to life.

She is over 30, if she is a human woman, her youth is gone, how much time does she have to live up to?

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