Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2959 Trojan Horse Winner (Part 2)

The snow stopped, and looking out from the observatory, the sky is full of stars, although the starry sky in winter is not as magnificent as in summer.

It's beautiful, isn't it? Dumbledore said with his hands behind his back. A quiet night and fresh air, all of these will help us see through the nature of our troubles.

It's really beautiful. Pomona said, rubbing her hands subconsciously. When she spoke, white smoke kept coming out of her mouth, and the air was indeed fresh. She was about to be blown by the cold wind after only standing for a short while. Gotta freeze up.

I come here often when I need to make important decisions, said Dumbledore.

You mean, about the kids who brewed their own love potion? Pomona asked.

There are many mysteries in this castle, and I usually recommend exploring the ones that are not life-threatening.

But? Pomona asked.

It is the staff's responsibility to deal with this situation, and it is our responsibility to ensure that the students are safe at Hogwarts and free from permanent harm, said Dumbledore, laughing.

Pomona looked at him gravely.

They're all too young to understand what the antidote to the Love Potion is. Dumbledore looked at the night sky. You know that?

I forgot, Pomona said.

Dumbledore didn't speak. If it weren't for his crooked nose still puffing white smoke, he would have turned into a sculpture.

Tomorrow...you're going to see Aberforth? Pomona asked.

I think it's a very personal question, Professor, even if we're traveling together tomorrow, said Albus.

Where are we going? Pomona asked.

I told you, I often come here when I need to make important decisions, Dumbledore replied.

Pomona decided it was time for her to step back, and after bowing to the headmaster, she left the observatory.

When going down the stone steps, Pomona thought of Dante's Divine Comedy. He finally went to heaven with Beatrice. Still in love.

In God's Paradise, of course, the love of God is enough, but it is precisely because of his love for Beatrice that Dante came to heaven from hell. Earthly love is not a sin, but a ladder and passage, and heavenly love is the response and sublimation of earthly love.

When love and desire no longer lead to fertility, there is only happiness, which is the power that the church has wanted to tame for many years Enos. It is said that it is one of the gods who created the world in ancient Greek mythology, but the world they created is chaotic and chaotic, and it does not represent rationality like the creator gods in the Bible.

Human emotions are a powerful force, punk and heavy metal rock are popular now, and my parents hated garage rock in the 70s. Pomona also went to a Beatles concert when she was young. When everyone was screaming and jumping, it was difficult to keep calm, and some people even passed out.

People who fall into fanaticism cannot be persuaded by morality and reason, and will do all kinds of fallacies under the control of strong passion. It's not just the girls who mix love potion into gifts for idols, but also the wizards who follow You-Know-Who, Grindelwald, and they are also caught in some kind of mania.

Whether it's the Death Eaters or the voodoo party, their purpose is to destroy the status quo, which is the International Statute of Secrecy, the members have the future in mind, and they all end up organized.

Severus obtained the mark at a young age, which proved his strength and the trust of the mysterious man in him. If it were a prophecy from another person, the mysterious man might not take it seriously at all, as Trelawney's daydream.



Pomona followed the sound and saw Mrs. Loris chasing a mouse.

There was nothing to see in a cat-and-mouse game, but when the mouse saw Pomona, it turned away in fright, as if she were another cat.

It looked a bit like Patsy's pet Scabbers, and then Mrs. Loris turned and disappeared out of view of Pomona, chasing the mouse.

Pomona didn't care any more, she walked down the stairs.

In the 1970s, compared with those outside the school, the children in the school were still a little more sober. If the outsiders were not coerced by that frenzy and became one of them, they felt that the situation was hopeless and it was impossible to turn the tide. That's why Albus Look for people in the school who can develop into members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Lily didn't know this, and she was worried that it would be too late for her employment, but in that era, it was very difficult for a Muggle like her to find a job, even if she didn't work in the Ministry of Magic.

Occasionally, Pomona would see Lily interacting with James, and she didn't look at James that much, or not as much.

Between loving and being loved, Lily chose the latter, but she always felt that something was missing in her married life.

James certainly has no shortage of passion, and at the same time makes Lily happy. It’s just that comedy will bring happiness, but it always makes people laugh it off; tragedy makes people painful, but it can make people impressed, and it will make people immersed in it for a long time, as if falling into a trap.

Fitzgerald drives Isidora away. Many people are eager to remove pain and give happiness, but she is reluctant.

Pomona thought again of the black sea of ​​flowers, and the non-existent whale falls and whale songs in the fungus cellar of the greenhouse.

Even if these memories make her uncomfortable, she doesn't want anyone to take them away.

In fact, Lily is not so studious, it's just that they are always reading when they are with Sif. When she was with the playful Potter, she didn't learn much, and she even forgot her wand.

Lily is sacred and holy. When others look at her sculpture, they use respectful eyes. But she was actually a very ordinary girl. If she appeared in the corridors of Hogwarts now, Pomona would only treat her as an ordinary student.

When she strangled Severus' neck that day, she wanted to keep pushing, so that if it didn't strangle him, it would suffocate him.

Would he beg her to let him breathe? Or just die like this and go to see the woman he loves?

Amors or mors

It's love or death.

At that moment, she really felt that she was a monster, but because of the dizziness when she was in love, the monster fell into a deep sleep.

There are so many girls who give gifts mixed with love potion to the members of the Weird Sisters. If none of them win, they will be fine. But if someone wins, the other girls will not sincerely bless them.

When we love someone, we generally don't look for the same person, and even regard the person who loves the same object as a competitor and aggressor.

But until he really shows up in front of them, girls can get along just fine with liking a guitarist or bass or vocals.

She didn't know how to define it, anyway, preventing this from happening would save a lot of trouble. Girls wouldn't do it if they thought of the consequences before doing it. Already out of Asha fighting with Gryffindor's Amata, she doesn't want any more fights over emotional disputes.

After returning to his office, Pomona leaned against the door and sighed heavily.

Nietzsche said that our character is determined more by lack of experience than by what we experience.

Is he right?

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