Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 296 Argument

Ever since Harry Potter joined the Quidditch team, Slytherins haven't paid much attention to Quidditch.

If Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint can still compete fairly, then in the competition between Harry and Draco, Dumbledore is more partial to Harry.

Brooms like the Firebolt were originally used by professional players, but Dumbledore allowed Harry to use them in amateur games. Even aristocratic families would not easily buy this kind of custom-made broom. Fair, what's the point of such an unfair game.

The referee must be fair to make people interested in the game. Pomona is a fair referee. She allows the ugly Severus and the handsome Sirius to compete fairly.

Don't look at any external conditions, only value personal talent, talent and hard work, these are what every boy wants to be affirmed by others. In the Predator Four, Lupine is a poor man, and his appearance as a werewolf is too horrible. James Potter saved Severus, and Wormtail didn't even think about it, so Sirius became Severus against arch-nemesis.

Sirius once took Severus to find a werewolf, which is the same as Severus sent Harry Potter to the Ministry of Magic. You almost killed me, and I framed you, but you were unlucky and died. If Sirius can avoid Bella's Avada Kedavra, then Sirius and Severus will continue to fight, and even Lupine doesn't want to mediate their disputes. It is impossible to reconcile if the grievances are too deep. Either each side of the world will never communicate with each other, or the two can only live as one, or they will inevitably fight continuously when they get together.

Losing an opponent and winning alone felt good at first, but then it became boring. Pomona didn't feel that lonely feeling in Severus, and he found a new opponent for himself— —The humane Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

The black wizard sneered and watched Kingsley hesitate and struggle whether to execute the werewolf. He is really a villain, but there are still many people who regard him as a saint. The book co-written by Lita Kiester and Lockhart Some people believed it, some people sneered at it, but no matter what the result was, he, the snotty Snape, had left his name in history, and many people would remember him.

But in the Muggle world, he is not a big celebrity, at least the vast majority of ordinary Muggles don't know who the great Hogwarts headmaster is. All it takes is a simple blindfold or camouflage spell. In the Muggle world, he can fully enjoy freedom, and compared to wizards, Muggles are far ahead in terms of material comfort, and you can see beautiful windows and eye-catching things everywhere. advertisment.

Indulging in material pleasures will make people lose their ambition. Dumbledore doesn't let her be obsessed with material things, but she occasionally wants something.

There are three more days until the cultural exchange meeting, and she doesn't doubt that Justin will get the invitation letter, she just needs to worry about what dress to wear then. But neither the moonlight-like skirt nor the empire high-waist skirt is suitable. Who still wears clothes from the Napoleonic Empire era in the 21st century.

Harrods department store is south of Hyde Park, it is as gorgeous as a palace, there are many famous stores in it, it is a famous shopping paradise in London, but Pomona did not take the potions professor to go shopping inside, they came to Hyde Park, here It is the largest Royal Park, just in the Westminster area, and is a favorite place for tourists.

There is a stone arch in the northeast corner of the park with many exquisite sculptures. This is the famous speaker's corner. Every Sunday afternoon, many people stand on wooden boxes to give speeches. Grindelwald's magic is no match for Tom Riddle. , but his tongue is really eloquent.

He is a prophet and a liar at the same time. It is difficult to distinguish whether the predictions he said are true or false. Even after he was imprisoned, he was still at the forefront of the dark wizard. The reason why he was not ranked first was because Voldemort appeared later.

Grindelwald's minions have never touched Britain, because Britain is the homeland of the White Wizard. Now that Dumbledore is dead, he doesn't have so many scruples, provided that Dumbledore is really dead.

Even Dumbledore with a big white beard had a young age, he looked very delicious at that time, and with a smart head, it is not surprising that he took another path.

Who would have thought that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were lovers, and now Pomona felt that Severus was joking with her.

What people think in their hearts may not be the same as what they see on the outside. Sirius is the kind of person who looks the same, and is much easier to understand than the complicated and changeable Severus. Women are like this, they like to challenge the impossible, the savior Potter is a challenge for many girls, but they all maintain the reservedness of a girl, hoping that they can attract Harry's attention and become a big winner, while Ginny chooses to take the initiative, she The dating of Dean Thomas was slandered by many people as scheming, and when even the seemingly pure Astonia played tricks, the little girl nowadays is really not easy.

Love can blind people to some extent. In George's eyes, it was Severus who murdered Sirius, but Pomona was making all kinds of excuses for him. The love affair between Dumbledore and Grindelwald is a tragic tragedy. Even in this era, there is still a lot of prejudice and discrimination in homosexual love, not to mention that a hundred years ago, there were homosexuals protesting in Hyde Park. But no one cared about them, only a few people stopped to listen to their speeches.

Since Albus Dumbledore went to the grave with this unspoken secret, she shouldn't spread it, but she told Hermione out of emotion, and the heavy secret made her breathless, What's more, she felt sorry for them at the time. Grindelwald has the courage to subvert the world, why doesn't he have the courage to say love to Dumbledore? Dumbledore has been evading, instead of solving his personal emotional problems, instead spending time and energy on great causes. If he can spend more time on himself and live a more selfish life, he will be like Bo Mona, like Severus, finds a place to live in seclusion, and many tragedies will not be staged.

Don't you like chatting very much? Why don't you talk? Snape, who was always wearing a black cloak and looked like a bat, was wearing a Muggle trench coat, and walked with her arm in arm in the park. Ice skating on the lake, their laughter contrasted sharply with their silence.

I was thinking of Rose and Jack. She said in a tongue-in-cheek voice. Would Rose like Jack if he wasn't handsome?

Talented people are more sensible than ordinary people. Jack is a talented man. Remember when the bow was about to capsize? He let Rose climb over the railing so that he didn't have to hang like everyone else. He was a smart man. people.

It was Jack's talent for drawing that Rose was looking for, Pomona argued.

No, honey, Rose was using Jack in the first place. She wanted to get rid of Carl. No man can accept his woman sleeping with other men. Severus said with a smile, She really started to rely on Jack. After the cabin was flooded, she knew she couldn't solve the problem, so she raised the ax even if it might ruin a class of 'talented' hands, when life is at stake, life preservation is more important than talent.

Pomona recalled the plot of the movie she watched just now. She only saw how nervous and scared Ross was, and how he saw something different.

Karl's money seems to be very useful at ordinary times, but it is useless at all in the vast sea. Without water and food, even if he is on a lifeboat, he will die. That's why she jumped out of the boat desperately because she believed that Jack had solutions to these problems.”

Oh, hell, Severus, that's not it! Pomona screamed. Because she loves Jack!

Rose is a survivor. She later married someone else and had children, and she did something that she hadn't done before as a noble lady. She wanted to live, but Karl was unreliable, so she jumped ship. He said sarcastically You dance and I dance too. It's funny.

Pomona felt that the beautiful love disaster movie was ruined by the incomprehensible old bat just like the shitting unicorn.

If it were you, what would you do? asked the old bat. If there is a shipwreck.

I'll be like that old couple, lying in bed waiting to die. Pomona said boredly, I've gone through everything that needs to be experienced in life, and there's nothing left to miss.

What if I don't want to die? He suddenly asked, Will you grant my wish?

I'll say goodbye to you, Severus. Pomona said, looking at the stone arch. You're a man, lifeboats are for women and children, and if you're a coward fighting for position with them, I'd rather go down with that ship.

Oh, now you admit that I'm a man again. He said frivolously and sarcastically.

The men who survived the shipwreck were discredited. I wouldn't live with that kind of man. Carl ended up holding a baby. I think he is disgusting enough. You are more disgusting than him. Smart guy? Pomona said with a smile.

Do you like me dead? Severus' eyes widened in disbelief.

Women like a man who can die for a woman, whether he is for himself or not. Pomona stared fiercely at the hooked nose. I like Jack not because he is handsome, but because he gives Rose real love. Freedom to accept her no matter how wild she is.

Just like me. He said triumphantly, putting his arm around her waist.

She has never seen such a shameless person How can you compare yourself to Leonardo?

Siris Black lost to me, why not? He said arrogantly, Which one do you think is more handsome, Leonardo or Sirius?

She began to think.

Then she was kissed, this kiss was so hot that everyone who passed by looked sideways at it.

Who was more attractive, the Severus Snape who said look at me to Harry, or the Muggle painter who gave up his life to Rose?

Pomona gave up thinking about this problem. She hooked his neck with her hands and painted her lipstick on his lips. Being made up in this way, she thought he would accept it.

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