Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2964 Christmas of the Lambs (Part 2)

Strange creatures, such as the snake-tailed starfish, are often found in inaccessible places. Although it looks like a starfish and is also named after the starfish, it is very similar to geckos on land. When it senses danger, it will cut off the entire wrist, and this severed wrist can grow new individuals. It was first discovered in the Atlantic Ocean, but Roos has also found it on the seafloor under the Arctic ice cap.

In addition, Ruth also discovered some other magical animals. The reason why he came to school so long late was also because he had to find suitable homes for these animals.

Hagrid helps Ruth take care of a vampire, which lives with the deer in the disguise of a reindeer. Ruth braved the heavy snow to go to the Forbidden Forest just to see if the dog he raised was healthy.

Can't we wait until the snow stops? Pomona put a cup of tea in front of Ruth.

Thank you. Ruth took the tea and took a sip. This is the first time it spends the winter in a strange place, and I'm afraid it won't get used to it.

Does it pull the sled for you? Severus asked suddenly.

Of course, Spark is no different from a reindeer except for drinking blood. Ruth looked at him in confusion.

Severus smiled maliciously, Pomona looked at him and shook his head, then asked, I don't think you need to worry, Hagrid is very good at taking care of animals.

No, you don't understand. Ruth sighed. No one will come to my place in bad weather. Spark is the only one with me. I study dark creatures. It is impossible for ordinary reindeer to get close to that place. Even Spark can get restless sometimes, and I don't think anyone would consider hiking in the polar regions. I need him to pull my sled, and he needs me to help him dive to the bottom of the sea to find food, and there are a lot of animals in the bottom of the sea, without you It’s so desolate, and there are still aurora to enjoy.”

Pomona found it difficult to understand him, if Robinson Crusoe was out of necessity, but he was going to the North Pole on his own initiative. Ruth also had trouble blending in with the crowd, and if he showed his collection of arctic creatures to his students, they wouldn't think his class was dull. If it was Rohart, he might have made up a few stories about how he fought the Yeti, although the Yeti would not appear in the North Pole.

When the snow became lighter, Russ left the greenhouse again and went to visit Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest.

Do you think there will be 'Grandma Santa' staying with 'Santa Claus' at the North Pole? Severus asked, looking at Ruth's back.

I wonder how Albus found him, Pomona sighed.

Do you want to stay in the greenhouse or go see the reindeer vampires? Severus asked.

Is there a need to ask? Pomona finished speaking, took her witch hat and cloak, and left the greenhouse.

The clouds dispersed a little at this time, and the sunlight cast down, forming a Tyndall effect, and the snowflakes were flying like golden sand.

Do you think the aurora is beautiful, or is it more beautiful now? Pomona asked looking up at the sky.


Pomona guessed he wouldn't go to the North Pole to see the aurora, that's why he said that.

I agree, Pomona said. Auroras are common, but this one is rare.

They stood still for a while, until the clouds covered the sun again, and the magical scene was over.

She felt that something had changed, but couldn't tell what.

But no matter what, she felt very comfortable, and she even bounced around like a child, as if her whole body was light.

When he got to Hagrid's cabin, he found that not only Ruth, but Charlie was also there, and he looked at Pomona in surprise.

Why are you here, Professor? Charlie asked.

I should ask you this question, why didn't you come home? Pomona asked.

Charlie hesitated.

He takes care of the hippogriff for me, said Hagrid gruffly. It's time to fly, isn't it?

What should fly? Pomona asked.

That hippogriff that Charlie found was wild, said Hagrid.

I think it will take a while, Philips is not used to it yet, Charlie said.

Pomona didn't think they were telling the truth, but she'd rather see the reindeer vampire. It was best to ride a broom this season into the Forbidden Forest, or ride a pack beast like Leeds, or even be as tall as Hagrid.

Spark is not suitable to be kept on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. It is a dangerous carnivore and cannot even stay with the Hippogriff.

Oh, by the way, Professor Snape. Hagrid, who was in charge of opening the way, said suddenly, Do you still have the Potion of Sorrow?

Why are you asking that? Severus asked blankly.

The last time I went to Diagon Alley, the owner of Honeydukes told me that there were a lot of Aliot fudge this year, said Hagrid.

Pomona thought of Wilhelmina Taft, the cheerful female Minister for Magic who succeeded Spencer Moon in the 1980s, and who died of an allergy to Alliott jellybeans.

In fact, in addition to allergies, you will also die laughing because of eating too much Alliott gummies, but obviously not everyone who has received a magical education remembers what Paracelsus said.

Anything is poisonous, the only difference is the dose.

Her son, on the other hand, used his mother's popularity to win the election and set up a Dementor breeding program, although he claimed to do so to improve Azkaban's security.

Do you still have the euphoria? Pomona asked Severus.

What do you want that for? he asked ruthlessly.

Give me some, she demanded.

No. He refused indifferently.

It's Christmas! Pomona said.

The brain areas that process pleasure and pain are the same, and the brain tries to maintain a balance between pleasure and pain. When you're drunk, you're sober and you have a long hangover unless you drink again, Severus said.

It's not alcohol, Pomona grumbled.

But Severus still shook his head, You haven't been troubled by any painful things, why are you taking medicine?

Now how much she wishes she could be like a child, rolling on the ground if she doesn't get what she wants.

However, she looked at the snow-covered ground and felt that it was better to forget it for the sake of her health, but the anxiety and irritability still made her grab the snow on the ground and throw it on the old bat.

Unexpectedly, he also grabbed a ball of snow to fight back. Although the snow didn't hurt when it hit her, it still stunned her.

And me! said Charlie, grabbing a snowball too, but he didn't dare mess with Old Bat, so the snowball fell on Pomona.

Who gave you permission to attack the teacher? Severus said to Charlie, Ten points from Gryffindor.

It's a holiday! Charlie said unfairly.

Another five points, Severus said.

Why? Charlie grumbled.

You question my decision, Severus said.

Charlie stopped talking to Snape and caught up with Hagrid who was leading the way.

Pomona couldn't help laughing when he was gone.

You gloating? Severus smiled slyly.

Are you going to deduct points from me? Pomona said with a smile.

No. He said slickly, By the way, I'll tell you something.

What? Pomona asked.

His fingers point to the sky.

Pomona looked up, and then saw a large sheet of snow falling from the treetops, nearly burying her.

You're laughing too loudly, Severus said triumphantly, then turned and followed the crowd.

Pomona struggled away from Avalanche.

Bad guy! She said towards his back, and then stumbled after him.

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