Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2985 The secret without a trace (seventeen)

Moon face, this way!

Pomona turned to see two Gryffindor boys flashing past the corner of the corridor.

She didn't think they looked like Sirius and James, not to mention that the girl called Moonface was obviously not Remus Lupine.

Maybe she heard it wrong, she thought to herself, then ignored it, and walked towards the Slytherin cellar with the flowerpot in her arms.

Even though Emily Taylor was no longer in the school, the atmosphere of the school hadn't changed much, especially the cellar, which had become more gloomy and colder than usual, and couldn't feel warm even though it was quite cool even though it was almost summer.

Snape has always been a person who is difficult to feel happy, he is like a killer with a sense of humor, and the hijackers are very good at pranks.

Children easily become friends with people who can play with them. At their age, friends mean people who can bring joy. The kind of gloomy and social people are not only disliked, but sometimes become exclusion. , The object of teasing.

Once you get to a certain age, you realize that life isn't always fun, and sometimes you get bad news. Someone who hears this kind of bad news will feel that this person is very disappointing. Next time, he does not want to play with this person, and he will not be invited to the party, lest he bring bad luck and lose his good luck. .

Of course there will be this kind of person, whether you encounter good or bad things, he will choose to listen carefully, this is also a kind of friend, you may meet one or two in a lifetime, not as many as people at parties.

For the sake of their own future, people should make friends with those who help them grow.

But instead of thinking about what kind of person can help him grow, Pomona thinks he should think more about whether he wants to grow up. After all, she has been living in the world of children as if she hadn't graduated from Hogwarts.

Every Thursday from six to eight in the afternoon until the end of the semester.

When Pomona was standing at the door of the Potions classroom with her potted plant in her arms, she heard Snape say to the unlucky Ravenclaw boy.

Understood, professor. The boy was definitely unwilling to do so, but he still forced himself to say so.

You go, or do you want to start now? he said slickly.

The boy immediately turned around and walked away, and Pomona quickly moved out of the way for him.

What are you doing with the potted plant? Snape said as he walked to the desk, sat down to correct the homework.

Are you locked up again? Pomona said, and then placed the potted plant on his desk with a thud, spilling the soil from the pot.

You want to put it on my desk? He stared at the potted plant, as if he was going to kill this little thing that could beautify the gloomy environment of the potions classroom.

The mandrake infected with 'dancing acid' you asked me to grow has grown. Pomona said, cover your ears.

Here? He looked at the bottles on his shelf. The glass will shatter.

I sent someone to take you to the conservatory, but you're busy, aren't you? Pomona said, thrusting her waist.

He kept silent, picked up the potted plant, and left the potions classroom.

Pomona made a face at his back, and followed him.

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When Harry Potter entered the Lestrange family vault and found Voldemort's Horcrux Hufflepuff's golden cup, he was almost drowned by the copied hot treasure because he accidentally touched the defensive magic in the vault.

But the Duplicating Charm doesn't duplicate real gold and silver, those replicas just look alike. In the 17th century, Italy encountered an economic crisis again, but unlike the crisis in the 14th century, this time the economic crisis in the Muggle world did not affect the wizarding world, which Malfoy called the effective defense of wizard financiers.

After reading his masterpiece, Pomona did a survey. The goblins of Gringotts don't like Muggle paper money. They prefer to collect gold coins and put them in the vault. There are not many Muggle currency reserves. When wizards need to replace Muggle currency in large amounts, they need to make an appointment in advance.

Gold and silver are not banknotes and can be printed indefinitely. Theoretically, the issuance of banknotes is based on the country's gold reserves. The gold and silver mines of the New World made the bankers never doubt Spain's ability to repay, so when Philip II kept borrowing money from them to finance the war gold and royal luxury living expenses, they lent him.

The platinum peacock once said that businessmen will definitely encounter uncertain situations when making plans. Once optimistic mistakes occur, they will increase and deepen in scope and degree. The prosperity is mainly based on cognitive mistakes.

In short, when the crisis broke out, Italy, Genoa and Spain were tied together. The Genoese had Spain's silver in their hands, just as the British king used British wool exports in exchange for bank loans during the Hundred Years' War.

The silver was used by the Genoese for lending. At the same time, silver, as a currency, can be used by the lender for mortgage credit. This has a credit multiplier effect, which means that the currency in circulation in Spain begins to grow exponentially. Even if they It is a precious metal that cannot be copied.

When Spain went bankrupt, less credit flowed into Italy, but Italy's 17th-century economic crisis was overshadowed by a tulip mania in the Netherlands. The bubbles in southern Europe and the Mediterranean did not spread to northern Europe, because the Hanseatic League only accepted cash crops and gold at that time, and the economic environment was relatively stable and healthy. It was also during this period that the handicraft industry and military industry in northern Europe developed. Even surpassing the traditional Mediterranean industry.

The gold and silver from the New World did not flow into the hands of ordinary people. In the 16th century, there were no large-scale workshops or industries in Spain to accommodate these people. Agriculture became the pillar of Spain. Even before the discovery of the New World, Spain was quite in the field of textiles. Leading, belonging to textile exporting countries. Those silver ships bound for Asia brought a large amount of silk, spices and tea, which were beyond the consumption of ordinary Spaniards. The high prices made the life of farmers worse each year, and some even fell into the position of relying on labor to pay their debts. To the extent that life is similar to that of serfs. At about the same time, the Ming Dynasty implemented the one whip method and adopted silver as a substitute for labor. Farmers replanted mulberry trees in their farmland, because silk can only be purchased with silver, and food is not valuable.

A large number of farmers raised mulberries, which led to a change in the relationship between supply and demand. As a result, the price of silk fell, and silk and satin could not be used as tokens as they were on the land Silk Road. However, the cloth shipped back to Europe by the Spaniards had to face competition from French and Italian silk. It is also difficult to win huge profits, and more loans flow to Italy.

This creates stagflation, where the economy stagnates while inflation continues to rise and prices rise.

It is like a fiscal deficit, once it starts, it is difficult to cure it, and according to Spain's national conditions at that time, it is impossible to be governed.

Philip II was so short of money that he even robbed the silver ship that came from Mexico. Columbus's voyage to the New World was supported by the King of Spain. There are many explorers like him. When they arrive at a land, they will declare this conquered land and the goods of the earth shall belong to the king. Britain is responsible for overseas development by private colonial companies holding royal charters, such as the East India Company and the Virginia Company. Even if the future benefits were elusive, the land belonged to the colonists, who, as the Massachusetts in the Salem incident said, were the masters of the land.

But Philip II did not rob himself. The silver on these silver ships belonged to the Genoese and the merchants who borrowed silver. The correct way is to let these loans flowing to Italy flow back to Spain, so that Spain’s industrial gears start turning again. But with such a high tax, who would engage in industry in Spain?

Tax cuts for the rich would attract them to invest, but the poor would not find it fair. The French Revolution also occurred because those in the community who were most able to pay the tax avoided this obligation by using exemptions. Added another unbearable weight.

Spain's solution was to go bankrupt again and again, which destroyed credibility and made it increasingly difficult to borrow even if there were silver mines. To make matters worse, skilled workers left the Spanish mainland voluntarily or involuntarily. The Moors were driven away by Isabella and Ferdinand, and Philip III. It is also difficult to rebuild local industries.

In this case, the priesthood is the best choice. It is not only decent and well-paid. Don Quixote entered the court and was ridiculed as a buffoon. He was not a complete commoner, but a country noble. He will be a knight.

It wasn't that Severus wasn't interested in money, he just wasn't as interested in money as Malfoy was, and Malfoy didn't want Voldemort to come back, he just wanted to concentrate on managing the family property and occasionally making waves in the Ministry of Magic. Malfoy had to pick up his wand again when Voldemort returned, and he was a bit rusty about it.

Pomona thought of Lucius' embarrassment under the background of Narcissa Malfoy during the Battle of Hogwarts, and shook his head with some sympathy, then raised his glass and touched Severus's, and the glass hit The crisp and sweet sound, in this abandoned house, echoed with the chirping of insects outside.

How was it? Severus asked after Pomona had taken a sip.

It's not an ordinary wine. Pomona said with admiration.

He smiled triumphantly, and took a sip of the slightly sour wine.

Where did you get that? Pomona asked.

Speaking of which, how do you think the Dark Lord came to Albania to meet Quirrell? Severus said.

Pomona couldn't figure out how a bottle of wine could be associated with Albania and the Dark Lord.

But it's something to think about, if she doesn't drink so much and keeps her head clear.

But the wine was so delicious that she couldn't help pouring herself another glass. Anyway, drinking at her own home, is she afraid of getting drunk?

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