Chapter 299

The Malfoy family sigil is a dragon, the Black family sigil is a black dog, and the Lestrange family sigil is a raven.

Tina always looked very sad when she recalled what happened at Coves Lestrange's house back then. It was Cowes Lestrange IV who was guilty, and little Cowes did nothing wrong. He was a baby then, and he sank into the sea, before he had even had time to take a good look at the world.

Pomona's daughter Lily is worse than Cows. If she can be born smoothly, Snape may become strong in order to protect her father, just like Nymphadora Tonks after becoming a mother. Wearing the shirt of the weird sisters again, the color of her hair is not violet, but the same chestnut color as Lupine. Unfortunately, Lily's kind mother saved a person who shouldn't be saved, so she went to heaven, and Kau Wu S went with him.

Leta Lestrange is a pure-blood witch. Because her father was obsessed with Laurenna Karma who has a happy family, she cast an unforgivable curse to snatch Laurenna away and gave birth to her daughter Rita. , Laurenna died of dystocia soon after. Laurenna's ex-husband was distraught when he learned of his wife's death. Before he died, he made an unbreakable spell with his son Joseph Kama, asking him to kill the person whom Kaws Lestrange loved the most. In order to protect little Kaus, Rita and the elf nanny took the little son to New York by boat. On the boat, little Lita went to the next room to change a sleeping child because she thought that little Kaus was crying loudly. At this time, she happened to be in a shipwreck and before she had time to hug her younger brother, Lita was dragged away by the nanny to escape. Watching his brother sink to the bottom of the sea.

In such icy sea water, it is impossible for a baby to survive anyway, but miracles can happen in this world at any time. After leaving New York, Credence Barben searched for his real parents everywhere, and finally found the half-elf nanny. Like Joseph Karma, he thought he was Kovus Lestrange Jr., but on the magical genealogy of the Lestrange family, the logo representing Kovus Lestrange Jr. went out, representing Leta Lestrange's flowers are still in full bloom, and Credence Barber is not Kouus Lestrange Jr., but everyone present has forgotten another possibility, the sign of Kouus Jr. Being extinguished doesn't necessarily mean he's dead.

"What are you doing here?" Severus stood at the door, still in the same black suit, but his shirt and coat were unbuttoned, looking like a pirate.

Pomona was standing in the room where the tapestry of the Black family tree was hung, wearing the high-waisted empire dress he gave her. Her original clothes were all torn, and the fireplace was not lit. Put on a shawl, just like Ross in the movie.

"Toujours Pur," Pomona said in French, "forever pure."

"You want to be Blake?" he said sullenly.

"Do you think Walburga might agree to my marriage with Sirius?" Pomona said blankly, "I'm a French girl, and I'm pretty."

He laughed mockingly, "As long as you are not pure blood, even if you are the most beautiful woman in the world, she will never accept you in."

"Walburga and Orion are cousins. Did I tell you that Walburga intended to marry Sirius and Andromeda?"

"That stupid dog finally has a decent reason to defect from the family." Severus took a sip from the bottle. "It's fucking disgusting."

He was swearing again like the people in the ghetto, but Pomona thought he was doing right by marrying inbreeding to keep his blood pure, that's what it was.

"The same is true of the Lestrange family in France. The last bloodline of the Coves family, Cous Lestrange IV married his cousin and gave birth to Cous Lestrange V. In the world, although they are all consanguineous marriages, the British aristocratic circle is different from France. If I am a girl from the Lestrange family and marry Sirius Black, it will not only be a family marriage, but also avoid consanguineous marriages. This is killing two birds with one stone. It’s about something.” She touched her black swan necklace and looked at the hole in the tapestry representing Andromeda, “Even if the bloodline is removed, I can pass the identification of Gringotts, and then I can take Sirius went into the family vault of the Lestrange family and solved the Hufflepuff Gold Cup. There was no need for Hermione, Ron, and Harry to drink Polyjuice Potion and go to Gringotts. Harry didn't need to use it The Forgiveness Curse, the sword of Gryffindor won't come close to falling into the hands of the goblin, the damn dragon won't be unleashed, the goblin won't get mad enough to rebel, the Blacks won't die, Lestrange The family may not give up on blood purity, but it won't be won over by Death Eaters like it is now, and we can save a lot of trouble."

"You can keep dreaming." Severus said with a smile, "but you did a good job with this dream, I like it very much."

"You think I'm crazy?" She wrapped the shawl tightly around her body.

"The Coves-Lestrange family has been discontinued a long time ago, there is no such possibility as you said." Severus took another sip of his wine.

"You forgot that I am a mixed Veela. Perhaps King Cauus Lestrange V did not die in the shipwreck, but was brought up by other people. He fell in love with a Veela, and was later found Cauvus Lestrange IV is out, as is Andromeda Black, who married Hufflepuff Muggle-born Ted Tonks, and I don't see Ninny in the tapestry Fadolla's name."

"How did her parents come up with that name, Nefer," he said drunkenly.

"Don't call her that, Tonks doesn't like being called that." Pomona was extremely embarrassed.

Just like werewolves are not human beings, Moran, blood orcs, and veela are not human beings in the eyes of pure blood, and killing these humanoid creatures is like holding a sports meeting.

The big family oppressed the small family. After Laurenna Kama was snatched away by the Imperius Curse by Cours Lestrange, her pure-blooded husband didn't even dare to declare war on Cours. The unbreakable oath, let Joseph Karma kill the favorite son of Cows Lestrange IV, Cows Lestrange V.

"Severus, I think that even if you kill Sissy, there is no way to break the oath. I know a person who made an unbreakable oath with his son before he died. This oath is still valid after his death, and I also I can't think of any reason why Andromeda would swear to protect me to the death."

"That teddy bear, what do you think will happen to Andromeda if I kidnap him?" He said with a wicked face, looking more and more like a big villain.

"Put down the bottle, where's Kricht?"

"Tell me why you have these conjectures?"

"I've seen Newt Scamander's memories." She said calmly, "And I know their couple."

"Why?" He stared at her with dark eyes.

"He's Hufflepuff's celebrity, and he still works in the Department of Fantastic Beasts Protection. When Kettleburn retired, there were a lot of prohibited animals, such as the bird snake. Newt came to recycle..."

"Don't lie to me, Pomona." He interrupted her fiercely. "The most untestable thing in this world is the human heart!"

"After the basilisk was awakened by Tom, no students will be allowed to stay in school in summer. Sometimes I will spend the summer vacation at his house." Pomona said tremblingly, "I hugged his cat and raccoon." One for Lily as a birthday present."

"Why am I not surprised at all? You had a wonderful life, just like Ross, but you abandoned those and followed me." He leaned against the door as if he had lost all his strength and said, "More The bad thing is that I'm not as handsome as Jack, and I still have to live in secret, you can't stand it, can you?"

"No," she said, trembling, "I think you're more reliable than Sirius, who used up all the money Alphad gave him, except for Harry's Firebolt, and he helped fill the Bagman Money owed to the goblin, it was Bagman who connected him to the Firebolt."

"Is there anything else?" He lit a cigarette, which smelled more and more like the thief Mundungus, mixed with the smell of alcohol.

"You are all brave, but you are not as reckless as him, except for the time of the Unbreakable Vow." Pomona looked at Bellatrix on the tapestry, she was still staring fiercely ahead "Really, Sif Les, you either don't mess up anything, or if you make a mistake, you screw up everything, you've caused far more trouble than Sirius!"

"Forbidden love, humans fell in love with moths, interesting." He said casually, "Do you want to get a nightgown like Rose's?"

"You're thinking of other women?" Pomona exclaimed.

"No." Severus narrowed his eyes. "Why are you so stupid, Hufflepuff?"

"You know how to draw?" Pomona was actually looking forward to the scene in the movie. The Muggle director used artistic means to perform art. Although it was different from those masterpieces hung on the wall during the Renaissance, Jack's Painting has soul and connotation.

Love, freedom, restraint, art, she was about to scream when Rose teased Jack to blush.

"I'll keep every detail in mind." He pointed to his mind, "And you don't need to leave evidence for your fiancé."

Pomona shook her head. "Ross is a naughty girl."

"Yes, it was naughty." He took a puff of cigarettes and hid his face in the smoke. "Jack didn't sleep with Carl's fiancée in her fiancé's house. He is an upright young man."

Pomona didn't want to mention what happened just now, his mind was as dirty as his black robe.

"If there are really ghosts wandering here, they should have seen it. You belong to me. No matter what plan they originally had, as long as I don't agree with them, they can't even try to implement it. I'm not that coward of the Karma family. My own When a woman is robbed by another man, she dare not even fight a duel, and she wants her son to avenge her."

"Have you heard the story?"

"It's hard to know. The scandal spread from France to England. Even after decades, people are still saying, I think that kind of humiliation can only be washed away with blood, but dueling is against the law, and Cowsley Strange IV is very powerful, so that coward retreated into his shell like a tortoise." Severus smiled and said, "You said you wouldn't live with someone whose life was ruined, Sirius Blake was in disrepute, so you voted for me and not him?"

"It's not certain if he didn't meet that idiot Fudge." Pomona muttered, and then seeing Severus holding a wand in his hand, she immediately changed her words and said, "I didn't choose because of your fame." Yours, you are very powerful, only Moody is your opponent in the entire Order of the Phoenix!"

"Go on." He smiled in a good mood.

"You're low-key, not as pushy as Sirius." Pomona said with disgust on her face, and she could fully feel why Fred and George hated him when they flattered him.

"You used to say I was smart, why don't you say it now?"

"The Dark Lord also praised you for being smart, do you think you're smart?" She wrapped herself tightly in a shawl, "Control your emotions, don't act like tomorrow is the end."

"Oh, Bella, why are you so naughty?" Severus looked at the portrait of Bellatrix on the tapestry, and slowly raised his wand.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of fire suddenly ignited, and Bella's face began to distort and deform, and finally disappeared without a trace. A black scorched black mark appeared in her original position.

"I'm not Malfoy, but I've learned a lot from his family, including not being stuck with yesterday, I don't have Wormtail, and that's the proof I'm free from yesterday," he said, waving his wand, silver-white Smoke drifted out and eventually turned into a swan.

The appearance of the swan floating on the water and flying in the sky is very beautiful, but few people have seen it walking. Now the swan on the ground looks extremely slow, without the slightest princess temperament, and its fat body is swaying from side to side. Looks dumber than a peacock.

"When did it change?" Pomona felt that she should be happy, but she couldn't.

"Think about it for yourself." The Half-Blood Prince said with a stiff face, and left this "forever pure" room.

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