Chapter 2991 The Secret Without a Trace (23)

"Are you sure?" Bill asked.

Ben Cooper nodded heavily, "I remember up to this point, I don't remember what happened afterwards."

Barnaby let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry," Ben said apologetically.

"You don't have to feel guilty, it's the dark magic, aren't you right, Bill?" said Barnaby.

Bill frowned, lost in thought.

At this time, the three of them were in the corridor on the fourth floor that had been frozen last time, and it had been designated as a forbidden area.

Pomona was about to go over to warn them, but Felix walked out first.

"What are you guys doing?" Fei Liwei asked.

"Dean," said Barnaby at once.

Feliwei's gaze turned to him.

"I've come to inform you, Mr. Lee, that you won't be able to go to Hogsmeade this weekend."

"What? It's not fair!" cried Barnaby.

"In fact, it's not just this weekend. If you want to win the right to go to Hogsmeade, I hope you can focus on your homework instead of coming to this place that will endanger the safety of 'students'." Feliway said, "Don't you Think we have a plan to handle this situation ourselves?"

"Already have a plan, Professor?" Bill asked.

Felix looked at Barnaby for a while, "You have to prove yourself through study, Mr. Li, if you remember which academy you belong to."

Then Felix left.

"I guess I see what's going on," said Barnaby. "Sorry guys, I'm going to the library."

"Do you think you can catch up if you start learning now?" Bill laughed.

Barnaby punched him with a smile, and walked in the direction of Pomona.

She quickly dodged to the side to hide, and returned to the previous position after Barnaby left. At this time, Ben Cooper had already taken out the time-turner and looked at it in his hand.

"How about a try?" Bill said.

"It's a dangerous thing," said Ben, tucking the Time-Turner back into his collar. "The Headmaster said it took courage and tenacity to use it, or it would spell disaster."

Bill shrugged indifferently, and left with Ben arm in arm.

Ravenclaw said: Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings.

But sometimes smart people will fall into the trap of intelligence, but fools are not easy to be controlled by pride.

At this time, the grand staircase started to move again, and Pomona jumped up before the stairs turned away, and then looked at the paintings hanging on the wall on the stairs.

Could one of these paintings be someone who, like Phoebe, was cursed with portraiture and then forgot his connection to the world?

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The more perfect a person is, the more flawless he is. João II was called the greatest monarch by the Europeans of his time. At the same time, he changed the Portuguese administrative organization, making it once on the verge of bankruptcy, weather-beaten, robbers, and nobles. Portugal became powerful again, and no noble dared to challenge the king's royal authority.

How can he tolerate his "mistakes"?

In the administrative institutions he established, scholars played a very important role, and it was the scholars who felt that Columbus's exploration plan was impossible to carry out.

Queen Isabella did not have a dowry, nor did she inherit any inheritance from the Kingdom of Castile. Her brother Enrique IV confiscated her share. Like Medea, she carried a "Blob of Wool" married Jason.

Many royal marriages in the Middle Ages were based on interests, and princes and princesses married according to the family's will. The couple's family history was so intertwined that Ferdinand's father and Isabella's father were enemies, but neither could stop the attraction between the two, and they also had a lot in common psychologically and emotionally.

Both of them grew up in the shadow of their older brother, feeling exposed from childhood, and marriage allowed them to find a sense of security. And Isabella didn't like the court like her brother. She stayed in the monastery for a long time before she got married, learned embroidery and weaving, and she even made all the shirts for Ferdinand.

The Aragon Kingdom's civil war also emptied the treasury. They often worry about money constraints, but the feeling of going through the wind and rain together and sharing the burden gave them a sense of happiness.

In this marriage they gave birth to Princess Isabel, who first married João II's only son, Alfonso V's grandson, with whom they lived equally happily. The Treaty of Alcazabas signed in 1479 stipulated that Isabel "must" marry Alfonso, and Isabella and Ferdinand should prepare a generous dowry for her. Alfonso died after falling from his horse, and Isabel became a widow, but she did not stay widowed for long, because Alfonso's uncle, later Manuel I, proposed to her.

Simonita was once called "the incomparable person" by Giuliano de' Medici, and Lorenzo de' Medici also wrote poems for her "She was loved by so many men and admired by so many women , but no one is jealous." She is Botticelli's muse, she is not only the incarnation of Venus, but also the Madonna and Flora.

However, she died at the age of 23. People often swear at the wedding that they are willing to love him, respect him, protect him, and be willing to spend their lives in life no matter whether they are sick or healthy, whether they are poor or rich, discolored or beautiful, frustrated or successful. Forever faithful and unchanging.

Maybe some people can share the pain, and some people are willing to share the joys and sorrows? Especially when the originally beautiful side became youthful, didn't Jason later marry a young and beautiful princess as his wife?

Medea said that it is unfortunate for a woman to be unable to marry when she reaches her age, but if she gets married, she will pay a lot of money to buy a dowry, but find a master for herself.

Because she is one of the equal "double kings", Queen Isabella has enough funds to fund Columbus's expedition to the New World. Although this plan seems like a fraud to João II and his court, Queen Isabella She even dared to make decisions about her own marriage, what else would she not dare to do?

Mentioning Spain always brings to mind matadors with red capes who make thrilling moves in front of bulls.

In Spanish drama, cloaks and swords are always used to solve various plots. Usually the sword is hidden in the cloak, and the cloak is used to attract the attention of the opponent, and then stab the sword at the opponent unexpectedly, just like the bullfighter often does.

This gorgeous dance with death is full of drama, because not only does the bull die, but the matador can still be impaled by the bull's horns if he makes a mistake in his seemingly simple movements.

amors or mors.

It is love or death.

Pomona tiptoed to the dark warehouse, and Snape was standing with his back to the door, completely covered in black.

Pomona, who was going to play a prank, found something in his hand. After seeing what it was, she was like the bull that was stabbed in the heart by a matador, and she didn't move for a moment.

Lily had a photo just like him, taken shortly after they arrived at Hogwarts, both in school robes, just the reds and greens couldn't be seen in the black and white photo.

Sometimes people are like this, bullying the good and fearing the evil, the strong bullying the weak.

Why do the Netherlands and the United Kingdom look at Portugal at the same time? Not only because Portugal has a small population, but also their colonial trade does not occupy a large area of ​​land like Spain, but builds cities and concentrates goods and funds in the cities.

Although these cities will be built extremely solidly, but...isn't gaining strength for the purpose of conquering cities and looting land?

Pomona doesn't poison people, that would waste food, and food is precious.

But she chose to leave before remembering how to say the Unforgivable Curse.

Everyone has their own privacy, and if she kept a distance from this dark house, she wouldn't have to be in such a mess.

Yes, idiots will not be controlled by pride, but don't you really think you are stupid?

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