Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3003 The ghost in the distance (eight)

Because the Owls and Newt exams were approaching, there were a lot of staff from the Ministry of Magic in the school. This was not unusual at all, and it had always been the case, but this year's situation was a little special.

Hogwarts should provide a way for students to speak out about the problems in school management and protect their own rights.

Teachers should be banned from using confinement to make students work without pay.

We should establish a strong regulatory measure for the school. A person who was educated at Hogwarts said, There should be a fair and just grading system, instead of allowing teachers to add and deduct points at will.

Pomona looked up at Old Bat, who was eating at the other end of the faculty table, his face looking stiffer than usual.

Pomona shook her head and put the Daily Prophet aside. Although Rita Kisser is not in the UK, her manuscript still appeared on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Although it was not the headline, that position was occupied by Fudge, Rudo Bagman was replaced with the new England Quidditch World Cup mascot, a shape-shifting rabbit who won more votes than the raven.

Corporal punishment did exist at Hogwarts before Albus was Headmaster, but it has now been banned by Education Order, including Filch's favorite whipping. But if even the confinement is lifted, Pomona really doesn't know what the school will become.

Even if not everyone has the traits of violating the rules and making trouble, there will be times when they are confused. Huoyan will not reach out to touch it if he knows it is hot, and he will not listen if he relies on persuasion.

What's more, Albus doesn't want the students to be too obedient. If the mysterious man will make a comeback in the future, he will need the strength to resist.

Then the old bat finished his breakfast, left the table, and passed behind Pomona.

His face was extremely gloomy, and he could feel the magic pressure on him just passing by Pomona.

There is a kind of people who live in the system. While obeying the management, they use the system to gain more power. The Dark Lord and his followers will shake the order and system they have worked hard to shape, and give these defenders Bring on the panic.

Lucius Malfoy is equally good at this, but he didn't expect his little trick to prevent Gryffindor from falling into division and infighting.

They are not lacking in wisdom, but are prone to act impulsively and appear reckless.

Are you okay? Feliwei said, I heard you sigh.

It's okay. Pomona said calmly, looking at the students eating at the dining table, Patsy ate without seeing him put the pet on the Gryffindor dining table.

How is Miss Aiken's preparations for training? Fei Liwei asked.

I'm not sure, said Pomona, smiling, her eyes turned to Bill. If he'd agreed to take part in the Potions Contest, he wouldn't be sending a freshman to Scandinavia.

We must respect everyone's choice. Felix also looked at Bill and said, As a curse-breaker, Bill is very talented.

Charlie's pretty good, too, Pomona said.

Ha. Feliwei laughed, What an interesting proposal.

Pomona wasn't kidding, but...

I'm full, let's go first. Pomona said to Feliwei, and then left the table.

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Pomona dug up what Malfoy had hoped to teach in his History of Magic class.

The 16th century was the century of great geographical discovery, and it was also the time when the witch hunt was the most rampant, and it even spread to the New World.

The Inca Empire still existed until 1533. The colonists who came to the New World soon realized that the distance between them and their motherland was very far away, and the New World was vast in size. With the small number of Spaniards, the ability to conquer It was limited and unable to carry out European-style occupation, so the early colonists believed that it was necessary to establish a system with the Inca Empire based on cooperation rather than conquest.

They brought practical advances in agriculture, novel technologies and ways of defending against enemies, and when the natives learned that the newcomers did not appear to be a threat, many tribes courted and entertained them. From then on, the jobs of the colonists depended entirely on the availability of local labor. They first established an agreement with the chiefs to establish a trusted guardianship system through which the Spaniards could organize their labor.

Many tribes were willing to cooperate with them, because before the Spaniards came, they had to face the tribute and exploitation of the Inca Empire. This kind of tribute was not just an item.

At that time, the Inca Empire still maintained the system of human sacrifice, and prisoners of war were usually used as sacrifices, and these prisoners of war were produced because of their resistance to the rule of the Inca Empire. Therefore, no matter where they start to rule, the Spaniards are always the first to promote the entrusted guardianship system.

With the commissioned guardianship system, it is not in the interests of the aborigines if too many die, which means that the guardians have less labor. But these colonists quickly took advantage of their own immunity. When the aborigines died in large numbers due to the diseases brought by the New World, the colonists claimed that they were the descendants of the return of the Feathered Serpent God, and suddenly surpassed the Inca Empire and the Albanian Empire. over the Zikhts.

Plague was not mentioned in the Ten Plagues of Egypt, but the plague of blisters was very similar to smallpox, and some missionaries called all these Ten Difficulties. Soon the Incas understood that they could not gain the power of the kingdom without the support of the Spaniards. At that time, the Incas also had enemies. Using smallpox, they captured the opponent's capital.

Then came the crazy looting of Andean civilization. Before the discovery of silver mines, gold and silver were mainly handicrafts made by humans living in the Andes for more than 2,000 years. The Spaniards melted these handicrafts and transported them back in the form of gold and silver bars. Europe.

These gold and silver bars did not stay in the hands of the Spaniards for long. They were soon used to pay military expenses and handed over to foreign bankers. Although the Forte War ended in 1492, the Ottomans continued to try to regain control of those lands, especially after Suleimani ascended the throne in 1520.

Before the discovery of the New World, the Pope had always paid the military expenses, and at this time the Medici family was the Pope's banker.

After the discovery of the New World, this situation did not change immediately, but with the first batch of gold arriving in Europe, the center of the international financial network shifted from Florence, Venice and other places to Castile.

Castile was originally a relatively self-sufficient wool trading area. The terrain of the Iberian Peninsula is mostly mountainous, which is not suitable for the development of agriculture. The wool trade was once the pride of Castile and was the local pillar. industry.

Among the various components of the Spanish Kingdom at that time, the Castilians were good at doing business, but they were not the opponents of the Italians and other foreign businessmen who heard the news. Soon the Castilian trade, and even the The trade of the Spanish Empire fell into foreign hands.

Malfoy once mentioned that wizards were not affected by the Muggle financial collapse in the 17th century as they were in the 13th century.

Due to the intervention of foreigners, the export of Castile wool increased from the original 14% to 69%. These raw materials provided raw materials for the industrial development of Italy and other surrounding areas, while the original wool textile industry of Castile So it was destroyed.

This was stipulated by a law of the Kingdom of Spain, and precious metals could not be exported until 1566. This refers to the gold and silver used by the people, the king to pay bills and military expenditures.

Thus, a thing called a bill of exchange was created.

For large transactions, even gold and silver are cumbersome to carry, and it also produces a kind of credit frenzy. Originally, gold and silver cannot be grown like wool, but the gold and silver bars shipped from the New World brought investors Confidence had come to such an extent that cash was no longer the preferred means of payment in Castilla, and money orders were seen everywhere.

These bills can be quickly transferred by postal letters, customers can get credit immediately, the actual payment is after the gold bars arrive, and at the time of checkout, because Spain does not allow the export of gold and silver, they are forced to invest in Castilla. One is real estate, and the second is materials such as wool.

Money is constantly being produced, materials are being transported away, and inflation cannot be contained. At that time, there was no central bank, and because the local industry could not provide so many jobs, the priesthood of the church was the choice of many people.

At the beginning, the church was reluctant to set up an inquisition in New Spain because there were too few immigrants, and the original Indians did not have the problem of heresy. The Inquisition was only established in 1569 as more and more Protestants traveled to the New World, even though Spain banned foreigners from traveling to the New World at the time.

At that time, the aborigines of New Spain worshiped huaca, including various religious beliefs such as mountains, rivers, rocky beaches, temples, ancestors, etc., which were part of the daily religious life of Andean civilization, that is, objects , also referring to the soul in an object, is often used to refer to stone.

In the beginning, the main job of the Inquisition was to deal with the heretics who came to the New World. Around 1609, they began to conduct heretical investigations. Compared with heresy’s burning, heretics don’t have strict procedural death penalty. They are replaced by flogging and imprisonment. All aborigines suspected of having heresy worship will be publicly flogged, worship objects will be burned, and religious leaders will be regarded as witches Warlock.

But even so, it still has not effectively curbed the worship of Waka. The aborigines feel that the cross will never respond to them, but Waka will.

In the first few decades, the Spaniards did not carry out large-scale inland exploration. Their main purpose was gold, silver and population. Later, they began to pursue myths and legends to find the golden city of the Incas.

Its location in the mountains, deep in the jungle, and without guides to lead the way, indirectly stimulated the development of mapping and surveying technology, and this is where Castigana lagged behind.

In 1566, the ban on the export of precious metals was lifted, and all foreign merchants withdrew from the Iberian Peninsula trade and turned to the international currency market, leaving Castilians facing a deserted market.

Some declared bankruptcy outright, others relied on buying land to preserve the value of their family assets, but even if the export of precious metals resumed later, Castile and Iberia would not be able to return to the way they were before.

It is neither an exporter nor an importer, but a transshipment port. In the ensuing Dutch war, a large amount of gold and silver was transported to northern Europe to pay for military expenses.

These outflows of gold and silver came to Genoa, Venice, Antwerp and other places, giving those places the glory of the Renaissance. But Spanish became the most popular language at the time, and is now spoken by one-fifth of the world's population.

Around that time, a thinker named Wang Yangming appeared in the East, and he put forward the philosophy of enhancing conscience. He also went into exile in an uncivilized place called Longchang because he offended the great eunuch Liu Jin. On the way to his post, he was chased and killed by the Dongchang fan sent by Liu Jin. He jumped into the river and pretended to be dead to escape. doomed.

Gai Xin is pure in learning, and has the benevolence to integrate all things, so the spirit flows through, the ambition is clear, and there is no distinction between others and oneself, between things and me. Adults, who regard the heaven, earth and all things as one, regard the world as one family.

His original name was Wang Shouren, which was taken by his grandfather from The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong.

There are many definitions of benevolence. Confucius said that loving people is benevolence, Mencius is benevolence with compassion, Zouwu is not a self-dead beast and does not eat is benevolence, and Qilin is benevolence is not to trample on living beings or harm people.

The unicorn who recognizes Santos as the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards is said to be able to see pure souls. How much does a pure soul have to do with benevolence?

A gentleman stays away from the kitchen and cannot see the butcher slaughtering the sheep, so he doesn't have to feel sad when he eats the lamb?

Anyway, the animal that looks like a deer is not the auspicious unicorn, although it seems to symbolize the king will not come out, so Grindelwald killed one, turned it into a zombie, and staged such a show.

The meat in the pot was cooking, making a gurgling sound, and Pomona stood up to see how the heat was going.

If the fire is too strong, the meat will be burnt. After that time, the bones and meat will not be distinguished, because they are all carbonized.

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