Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3008 The ghost in the distance (thirteen)

Get up, get up, you stupid utility broom.

Elena said in a huff that she was making up a test in the courtyard with the other first-year students.

Pomona couldn't help but look in the direction of the Quidditch pitch. Although she couldn't see it now, she could imagine Joey's brilliant performance on the pitch.

If you go to a school like Durmstrang that is full of dark wizards to participate in the competition, it may be more important to think about how to get out of the way than to win the championship, but you can't let the old bat know this idea.

Severus is a very serious person, and now he is not busy training Helena because he has other things to do, and the mandrake infected by dancing acid is not only useful on the antidote. He is making a powerful water of life and death, the purpose is to make the transformed werewolf fall asleep, and now the Ministry of Magic has no shortage of living test subjects.

Although the wolfsbane potion can also make the werewolf fall asleep, it is caused by the extreme dose of aconitum. If it exceeds a little, the werewolf will really sleep.

At this time, Elena's broom was finally in her hands according to her orders. Mrs. Hodge didn't dare to let her fly alone, and Pomona didn't expect that she would still be like this after learning to fly for a year.

Remus was excellent in all aspects when he was in school, but because he was weak for a few days every month, he didn't make the Quidditch team like James. Over time, people thought he was a weak and sickly boy, so they didn't expect him to be able to fly on a broomstick.

At that time, he loved to laugh, not just because of the company of friends. Like most people, he is full of hope for the future, and learning can make him forget that he is a werewolf.

I haven't contacted him for a long time, how is he doing recently?

Remus wasn't involved in what James and Sirius had done before...

She left the playground before continuing to ponder.

There is no time to be in a daze, and there is still a graduation banquet waiting to be prepared.

==================================================== ====

Thank you.

While washing the dishes after eating, Severus said suddenly.

Thank me for what? Pomona asked inexplicably.

Silently, he cleaned the last dish, the same way he washed laboratory equipment.

Thank you for not forcing me, he said, handing her the plate.

She felt very confused.

What did I force you to do? she asked honestly.

Severus fell silent again.

Dumbledore made me do things I don't like...

Oh. Pomona marveled. I didn't think so.

I know. He smiled. You just asked me out.

Then he turned and walked away gracefully.

So, when you agreed to go to the movie theater with me, you agreed to ask me out, not to see a movie? Pomona said.

That's right. He said without turning his head, and his figure disappeared at the door of the kitchen.

Pomona wiped the dishes carelessly, then stood leaning on the sink.

It's just watching a movie, is that necessary?

She muttered and left the kitchen too.

When she returned to the study, she found Severus not there, and then saw through the window that he had gone to the storeroom again.

He said that just now, why did she say anything to him?

So she also sat down and read the film reviews about The Matrix in magazines.

Movie reviews often contain spoilers, and many people don't want to know the plot of a movie before seeing it.

But Pomona couldn't help watching it with curiosity. Memphis once asked Neo to choose whether to take the red pill or the blue pill. If Neo took the blue pill, he would wake up in bed and continue to believe him Willing to believe everything. If the red pill is taken, Memphis will take Neo to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Memphis is one of the skinheads, and another skinhead film critic did not mention who he is.

We see the first world transmitted from the eyes to the brain. This is an initial worldview. Newborns have the ability to see from birth. Even a premature baby at 34 weeks has the same vision as a full-term baby, but People in the matrix, from the day they were born, I mean from the day they were born in the 'capsule', they have never opened their eyes to see the real world, the world created by the matrix is ​​set in the 90s, this Probably based on the data it can collect, why not some other era?

The film critic said, If they are going to make a sequel, in the year 2000, will everyone be like Apocalypse Day, watching the world destroy?

Pomona wondered how one could observe the world with one's eyes closed.

When people close their eyes, don't they usually want to sleep or dream?

People think that there is darkness in front of the eyes of the blind, which is a ridiculous misunderstanding. Black is a huge theater, absent all the characters, but including all the plots.

Pomona seemed to hear a voice say that, but when she looked up, there was nothing.

Then she looked down. It was a very ordinary Muggle magazine, not enchanted like some magical books, such as the diary about Tom Riddle that Harry got.

Harry can understand Parseltongue, but when communicating with Tom Riddle, he still writes, the ink disappears as if soaked into the diary, and then Harry sees that memory, Arago Ke became a murderer, and its owner, Hagrid, also lost his wand because of joint and several responsibilities.

Many people like to dive with their eyes closed, and they need training to open their eyes when they dive into the water. In other words, when a person buries his head in the Pensieve, are his eyes open or closed?

Memories can go directly to the brain without going through the eyes, which is what wizards often do to Muggles, tampering with their memories, which is required by the International Law of Secrecy.

But for people in the wizarding world, modifying memories is at least immoral, even if they don't always need to testify in court like Mrs. Figg.

Squibs, like Muggles, cannot see dementors, but they are not born blind. Some squibs can still see when they are young, and when they grow up, they can't see dementors as their halo goes out.

Prejudice, interests and corruption constitute the lack of ability of witnesses to testify. If it were not for Dumbledore standing there, it would be difficult to determine whether Mrs. Figg's testimony would be accepted by the court.

Add to this the mental and sensory deficits that inhibit the credibility of a witness' testimony. No one would ask a blind man to describe the physical characteristics of the murderer, and such things as sound and smell are easy to make mistakes.

Trust is not only the premise of love. The fat friar told Pomona that there used to be farmers in an area in Germany. In order to escape the secular feudal jurisdiction, they turned to the church's jurisdiction.

Under the protection of the monastery, the peasants no longer have to fight with the lord. If the lord is captured, he can return after paying a ransom. The peasants are not so lucky. According to the regulations, no one can bring weapons into the church, such as Cologne, where there is a very magnificent cathedral.

Cologne Cathedral was built in 1248, and Frederick II died two years later. Four years later, that is, from 1254 to 1273, Schiller called it the Era of Suspended Emperor. A period of great division and chaos in medieval Germany.

During this period, the princes conquered and annexed each other, and the knights without a master survived by robbing passing merchants and farmers, and Germany under anarchy was unable to wipe them out until Rudolph I of Habsburg became emperor in 1273.

In 1279, Rudolph I signed a document with the Holy See, not only the Holy Roman Empire gave up the right to rule Sicily, but also the royal power was subject to the Holy See. Some commented that the Holy Roman Empire had ended when Frederick II died in 1250.

Kingship is usually hereditary. Although Frederick II was crowned King of Sicily when he was young, he did not inherit his father's crown, but he has the right of inheritance by blood.

Although his son survived the war, he was deprived of the right to inherit the throne and sentenced to life imprisonment. It was also during this time that the Mongols came, and Pope Gregory IX, regardless of Mongolia’s threat to Europe, excommunicated both Frederick II and his son. The Mongols swept through Poland and Hungary all the way to Vienna, It was not until the news of Wo Kuotai's death receded.

Then in 1244, at the Grand Council of Lyon, the Eastern Expedition was announced, which aroused the resentment of the Germans.

Mozi said, loving others is like loving oneself.

What if the pope treated his guardian as he treats his son, his brother?

The assumption of all this is like Memphis letting Neo choose, Neo chooses the blue one, only exists in the hypothetical Neo who chooses the red pill, even though he himself is also in a false world.

This movie is obviously funny! Pomona complained loudly. Big opinionated idiot!

I can hear you, said the old bat from the warehouse.

Pomona made a face in that direction, and he felt it, even if she didn't believe it.

Don't make faces! he warned.

Pomona couldn't believe that he really felt it, but she still didn't dare to do it again, and continued to read movie reviews in a proper manner.

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