Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3010 The ghost in the distance (fifteen)

Hey, Weasley.

On the way to the cellar to deliver the medicine, Pomona heard a boy shouting.

She looked over and saw that three Slytherin boys had stopped Bill.

At this time, she was neither retreating nor advancing. In order not to let them find out, she actually hid behind a pillar.

What's the matter? Bill said with a smile, and the four-leaf clover leaves on his ears shook slightly and kept flashing.

I heard you know what the Charms test is for this term, said the Slytherin boy.

What do you want? Bill continued to ask with a smile.

Don't be confused, said another Slytherin boy.

Bill looked the Slytherins up and down, and then said, What do you give me in exchange?

The three Slytherins looked at each other.

Don't play dumb, Bill said quietly. You know the rules.

What do you want? said one of the Slytherin boys.

That's the question I asked you just now, what do you have? Bill asked.

How about not kicking your ass next time we meet in the corridor? said the Slytherin boy who had been silent all this time.

Bill smiled and looked at the boy at the beginning How is your brother?

He's fine, where's your brother? said the Slytherin boy.

I taught him some spells to get rid of Filch's cat, who keeps chasing my brother's pets. You should warn your brother, and keep him away from them, so he doesn't get hurt, Bill said.

Okay, is there anything else? the Slytherin boy asked.

Just a few questions, then. Bill said, taking a ball of paper from his pocket and tossing it to the Slytherin boy.

The boy opened the small ball of paper and smiled after reading the contents inside.

I'll tell him, we'll talk about it next time we meet, the Slytherin boy said politely to Bill.

We'll talk about it next time we meet, Bill said, then left the place with the book in his hand and the three Slytherins on his back.

The Slytherins who got the question also left happily. It seems that there is no need for Pomona to appear.

She sighed deeply.

Even brothers in a family have different personalities, and Patsy is too rigid.

Then she turned around and continued walking towards the Potions classroom.

When she got to the cellar, she saw that Severus was reading a book, and it had nothing to do with potions, because he didn't set up the cauldron. Of course, it might be because there were too many books and there was no place to put them on the desk The crucible is gone.

What are you reading? Pomona asked casually.

The law. Severus said without looking up, his face looking extremely serious.

Pomona left the herbs at the door and said nothing for a while.

Don't worry, it's just to pass the time. Severus said, looking away from the tome to Pomona. How about the information I asked you to check?

I'm still looking, Pomona said immediately.

He laughed, and said, You forgot, didn't you?

I haven't forgotten, but there are too many files, Pomona said.

Have you seen the Percival Dumbledore file? Severus asked.

You mean...Dumbledore's father. Pomona said in surprise.

Do you think the Ministry's decision was fair? Severus said, walking around the table to face her.

Pomona thought about what Grindelwald said in New York.

I hope you can tell me honestly. He said every word, as if he was interrogating.

There are loopholes in the law ... but what crime is a father who avenges his daughter? Pomona said.

Probably because Percival Dumbledore did not hand over the power of revenge to the Ministry of Magic, Severus said suddenly.

What? Pomona asked in surprise.

He brought the book over, pointed to a line of writing, and handed it to Pomona, Read it.

Pomona looked at the line of words outlined in black ink...

This is German. She angrily handed the book to him.

Who still uses ancient Greek now. He said casually and mockingly, How about learning some practical language after you've learned French? It doesn't have to be German.

What did the book say? Pomona asked.

Since the existence of criminal law, the state takes revenge on behalf of the victim, and the state assumes double responsibilities. The state must not only oppose the criminal for the benefit of society, but also protect the criminal from revenge by the victim or his family. Severus used In English, and in German again like a mantra: But Percival Dumbledore did not give the power of vengeance to the Ministry of Magic, but used lynching.

What are you doing with this? Pomona grumbled.

I'm thinking about Igor Karkarov. I might meet him this time when I go to Durmstrang. He said blankly, What attitude should I use to face that traitor?

Who did he betray? Are you still the Dark Lord?

She swallowed the question before blurting it out, her eyes fixed on him.

What were you thinking? he asked.

Not everyone is as Occlumency master as you are, said Pomona quietly. Especially when it comes to revenge.

I wouldn't discuss it with anyone, like Dumbledore told you about the ugly duckling. He laughed mockingly, not with Minerva.

He told you, too? Pomona asked.

The unfettered power of punishment is terrible, and everyone may become a victim. He said to himself, The ancient rulers let the public recognize that he is the protector of justice, fairness and public interests by killing people. He can make a deep and lasting impression on the public by putting on a dramatic show.

You call burning a show? said Pomona incredulously.

Not only by burning, but also by hanging. The execution of the nobles is carried out in private, not in public. The purpose of the death penalty is to take life.

Stop it. Pomona shook his head. I can't take it anymore.

Why can't you listen? It's too cruel? Severus asked.

Compared with the horror of the death penalty, Pomona felt that what was more terrifying was the reaction of the audience below.

The purpose of public execution of the death penalty also serves as a warning, but if you look at it as a scene...

That's why people began to suspect that this ritual of 'ending evil' itself is as barbaric as crime itself, and it's out of the realm of people's daily perception. Severus said lightly, Ordinary people can live without This 'sweetener' is needed.

She felt sick, but he kept on talking.

A crime pollutes a stream, but an injustice pollutes a source, and it is Percival Dumbledore's vengeance by lynching that must be prohibited, not his breach of the International Statute of Secrecy, even if it appears It's protecting criminals...

It's actually protecting criminals, Pomona said, and it's underage.

While punishing crimes, the right to punish itself should also be limited, becoming a Magna Carta against judicial arbitrariness. Severus went on to say, rather than defining it based on the reason of punitiveness.

If it went to court, would this reason defend the ex-Death Eater? Instead of continuing because of Dumbledore's asylum?

What are you thinking? he asked again.

I was thinking of Socrates, said Pomona dryly. He said he wanted to give 'bad guys' the right to stand up and speak.

It made him smile, as if he thought it was an honor to be a bad guy.

Want something to drink? he said affectionately.

Who would drink the drink offered by the potions master?

Pomona sighed. I'd like a cup of tea.

So he actually made tea, while Pomona walked around the table and looked at the tomes.

Who can believe that someone actually treats this kind of book as a pastime?

She threw the book aside in disgust, and went to watch the old bat make tea. This scene is very rare, and she doesn't know when she will meet next time.

==================================================== =========

In the movie, Neo has been imprisoned in the interrogation room by the agents. Before he was working in the company, the agents suddenly appeared and took him away. In order to escape, he believed the guidance of Memphis on the phone and came outside the office, but he didn’t have enough courage. Take the elevator for cleaning the glass on the exterior wall.

The scene looked scary, but Pomona felt that Memphis cunningly took advantage of people's blind spots, and no one thought to look at the booth behind them.

That was too bold, and they would rather believe that Neo had already run away.

While Neo waited, Pomona remembered the policemen Trinity killed at the beginning of the film.

They are really dead, after all this is not a game, but the powerhouse of the Matrix.

Murder is against the law and should not be associated with coolness, but it is estimated that no one in the entire movie theater would care about it, instead the sound of eating popcorn is everywhere.

It made Pomona feel bad, and now she wants to watch it at home.

We've had your eye on you for a while, Mr. Anderson, the agent said, and he blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, look what he said! grumbled Pomona. Sounds like spying on citizens.

Shh. The audience in the front row warned her.

When he turned his head, Pomona leaned closer to Severus' ear.

Didn't we talk about Umbridge last time?

He recalled it.

And your godson, whispered Pomona. He helps her spy on the school.

But the Ministry has given her legal powers, Severus said.

It's not about how far apart boys and girls have to be, Pomona said. She's in control of every detail.

Is this about the movie? Severus asked.

She can't always watch, Pomona said. When she can't see, who will act in accordance with the 'laws' issued by her.

The one in front turned to stare at Pomona again, who stared back not to be outdone.

My colleagues think I'm wasting my time with you, but I think you're going to want to do the right thing, the agent said. We can write off the old account and let you start over. What we need is your cooperation with us to catch live with that notorious terrorist.

Okay, Neo said. That sounds like a good deal.

Just when the agent felt that he had won, Neo said again.

But I have a better idea, or I'll give you a finger. Then Neo made an international gesture towards the agent.

You let me down so much. The agent put on his glasses and said slowly.

Don't try to scare me with the Gestapo! Neo interrupted the agent. I know my powers, and I want to call.

Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what's the use of calling if you can't talk?

The music of the movie gets weird, and then Neo seems to notice something strange.

The next time he tried to open his mouth, his mouth joined together like melted syrup.

Neo panicked in terror as the agents stepped forward together and restrained him.

They pinned him to a table and punched a worm into his body.

The nightmarish scene kept him struggling, and the next scene Neo woke up in his apartment.

Freak, said the audience in front, as if talking about the plot of the movie.

Severus looked at him coldly.

Pomona hastily stopped him.

Let's ignore him, Pomona said, followed by shut your ears and listen.

That way we don't have to be careful about what we say, she said with a smile.

Severus watched her, sinking back into his movie theater seat.

At this moment, Neo's phone rang, maybe it was an illusion, she thought it sounded like the school bell.

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