Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3045 Kiss of Honor (Part 1)

Chapter 47 of Genesis of the Bible tells such a story.

One year there was a drought in Canaan, and Jacob and his other sons took refuge with their son Joseph who lived in Egypt. Joseph was the first son born to Jacob by Rachel, and was also born to Jacob when he was old. He loved Joseph more than other children, which aroused the jealousy of other brothers.

When Joseph was 17 years old, he had a dream in which his brothers knelt down towards him, which made them hate them even more. So they sold Joseph to an Egyptian merchant while he was going to Shechem, took Joseph’s new clothes, stained them with some goat’s blood, and showed them to Jacob, making Jacob think that Joseph had been killed. The beast ate it.

In Egypt, Joseph was first sold to a captain of the guard and later sent to manage the house. The wife of the captain of the guard liked the young Hebrew very much and tried to seduce him. Joseph refused the mistress, and the mistress became angry. , designed to frame Joseph, and falsely accused him of plotting against her.

The chief guard believed his wife and put Joseph in prison. At this time, Pharaoh had a dream and put the cupbearer and baker in prison. The two didn't understand what was going on.

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream for them, the baker was executed, and the butler was reinstated, but the butler soon forgot about Joseph.

Two years later, Pharaoh had two consecutive dreams. No one knew the meaning of these two dreams. At this time, the cupbearer remembered Joseph and summoned him from prison. Joseph told Pharaoh that those dreams foreshadowed seven One good year and seven famine years, Pharaoh believed Joseph's words and let him rule Egypt.

When Jacob came to Joseph, the seven years of abundance had just ended, and Joseph stored the grain so that he could eat it in the famine years.

When Joseph's family came to Egypt, they hardly recognized him. After hearing their story, Joseph did not take revenge on his brothers. He arranged them and the livestock they brought in Goshen, the best land in Egypt, which is located on the east bank of the Nile River in Upper Egypt, where the water and grass are abundant, and then he took his brothers to find Pharaoh, because they were good at herding, so he served as As an official position related to herding cattle for Pharaoh, Jacob was also treated with courtesy by Pharaoh.

Because Egypt’s grain storehouses were full, people fleeing from Canaan used the silver they brought to buy grain, but the famine spread, and even the Egyptians were not spared. Joseph asked the Canaanites to exchange the livestock they brought for grain, and then brought The Canaanites and Egyptians went to Pharaoh for money to buy food.

Because of the preparations in advance, Pharaoh would not worry about eating and drinking even in times of famine. Fortunately, he did not listen to the cupbearer's advice and turned the grain into wine. Then Pharaoh allowed Joseph's behavior and used the money to buy the land of the Egyptians, except for the land for sacrifices.

Soon the food ran out, and the Canaanites had no money, no livestock, and nothing but themselves. They begged Joseph to become Pharaoh's servants as long as they were given a way to survive.

The same is true for the Egyptians. Joseph picked up the seeds from the granary and handed them over to the Egyptians, telling them that one-fifth of the future harvest would go to Pharaoh, and the fourth would go to himself and the next year’s seeds, and then he arranged for them to go to Egypt. border. This was done to prevent them from causing chaos in the capital and bringing ruin to Egypt.

The Canaanites were arranged in Goshen, where the water and grass were abundant, and they all lived there until Moses threatened Pharaoh with ten hardships to give the Israelites freedom.

In this way, Joseph allowed Egypt to survive this crisis safely, and Pharaoh also consolidated his position. Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years. I want to go back to Canaan.

The bones of Joseph after his death were initially buried in Egypt. Moses dug up his bones and took him wandering in the wilderness for 40 years before finally being buried in Canaan.

There is a principle of good manners in Roman law. After the mid-19th century, Prussian judges often cited this biblical story, ranging from the end of German slavery lawsuits to drunken riots.

When a person wants something, for example, because of famine, he gives up his identity as a free man, his personal will is submerged in the stronger will of his opponent, and his will is completely subject to the domination of others without making reservations in principle , allowing others to acquire unlimited rights of their own person.

An unrestrained and drunken person is not sober, but the people around him may be sober. Getting drunk is considered a personal matter and has nothing to do with other people, but he asks the bartender for a drink If the bartender didn't offer him a drink, he would yell. In order to calm things down, the bartender will promise to give the drunk a drink, but actually pour him a glass of water. This is just a show. The drunk may not be able to tell whether he is drinking wine or water, but the people around him can. Selling water as wine is of course It's against the law, but he's going to vomit if he drinks again, who will clean up then?

The same goes for presenting oneself to society in a false way.

People put on gorgeous clothes and masks to appear at the Carnival in Venice, everyone looks like aristocrats, or no one cares about the issue of identity at this time, under this mask and the night, everyone is equal of.

What is pursued here is freedom and happiness. In the face of the Black Death, the death rates of commoners and nobles were almost the same, and no one discussed the issue that commoners could not intermarry with nobles. You might die tomorrow anyway, so why not enjoy the present?

The competition here is beauty and charm. A serious duchess may not be able to compete with a flirtatious flower girl, and she can only watch her surrounded by everyone.

Life is short, fall in love, girl,

Before the red lips fade,

Before the hot blood cools,

Tomorrow will not have such a good time.

People put on masks and put them down again. Many Venetian masks only cover half of the face, so you don’t need to take it off to kiss. Of course, this kind of kiss is not the same as telling the groom that you can kiss the bride under the auspices of the priest. Likewise, there were many witnesses present at the time.

This is a secret. Maybe one day the two parties recognize each other on a certain occasion when they take off their masks, and they will continue to appear in public view with their legal spouses as if nothing happened.

No matter how the vows were made at that time, they were all invalid. They could not be given any legitimacy at all, and they would not be recognized as good customs by the world.

Pomona was dragged into the Forbidden Forest, and she had to trot to keep up with him, so that she was out of breath.

The old bat's breathing was fairly steady, and they came to the back of a stone.

It's a good place to release animals. Pomona said without words, and it was embarrassing that no one spoke.

He threw the snake out without mercy, leaving a parabola in midair.

Shouldn't you apologize. He said in a soft tone.

Why apologise? Pomona protested, clasping her hands over her chest.

You misunderstood me, he said quietly. I didn't do it for personal gain.

It's hard to say, if Russ can break the curse...

Why don't you believe me? he asked accusingly.

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not! Pomona said. You framed an innocent man!

I didn't frame anyone, and the deer belonged to him. He explained, Why can't your extremely clever head put these words in!

She still hadn't figured it out.

So what else do you have in mind? he asked.

Now she was discouraged.

Not everyone thinks being a teacher is a good career. He said indifferently, Don't take all this too seriously.

Do you think I'm useless? Pomona said dejectedly.

Why should I feel that way? he asked inexplicably.

Too naive, too idealistic. She looked at the fallen leaves on the ground and said, Persisting on things that have no practical value.

He frowned.

What is the value of knowledge if it cannot be realized?

Pomona smiled wryly.

You can do what you like, don't care what other people think. Severus said, As long as you are happy.

Pomona was the first to think of Bellatrix.

How can anyone feel that happiness is a sin. He raised his hand and knocked her on the head.

It didn't hurt, but she felt as if she was really stupid.

Don't let the people around you influence your decision, what makes you happy, you just listen to that voice.

Pomona felt that he couldn't reach his level, and he didn't care about the people around him at all, and continued to practice black magic.

Setbacks are inevitable...don't worry. He said in a low voice, Everything that happens will bring strength.

She looked at him in shock.

Strength brings happiness, you'll feel it, he said gravely.

She felt better.

Thank you, she said gratefully.

The trough is inevitable, and it will pass soon. He stretched out his hand and gave her a hug. Don't be so sullen, you don't even have a smirk.

This is really strange, he would actually take the initiative to hug people.

But she was still grateful and hugged him back with her eyes closed.

It's so hot to wear a cape in summer! she complained.

Then she was mercilessly pushed away.

What an incomprehensible guy!

She rubbed her shoulders and groaned, It's fine to push it away, why do you put so much effort?

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