Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3141 Silver Eagle and Golden Eagle (2)

Gaius Marius was a very superstitious man. His first election to the consulship was not driven by his ambition, but simply by the prophecy of an Etruscan soothsayer. During this period he became He became a senior official in Spain, and it was precisely because of his experience that Sertorius launched the anti-Sura war in Spain.

He did not take off his armor and put on a toga when entering and leaving the Senate like Caesar, as if he was still facing Libyans or Cimbris instead of gentle and well-born colleagues. His voice was hoarse and rough. Behavior considered rude.

But if Caesar entered the Senate wearing armor like he did, it would not be so easy to assassinate him.

Marius behaved rudely and could not speak Greek but only Latin, which made him rarely attend banquets.

Throughout his life, he was a country boy who was free from aristocratic society, outside the party and outside the society.

But Marius saved Rome. Even the nobles who despised him had to admit this. The people loved him so much that they called him the third Romulus, after the two brothers who were raised by wolves. , the third founder of Rome.

After Marius returned in triumph, he did not take advantage of his military power to overthrow the Senate, although he could easily do it at the time. He was far more powerful than Gracchus. Although Gracchus' land reform had the support of the farmers, the day he was assassinated happened to be a busy farming season, and the farmers could not help except his followers.

Marius disbanded the army in accordance with the system of the day and acted as a constitutional magistrate, following the precedent of Gaius Gracchi, but because the general lacked talent and experience in municipal administration, he began to seek allies in Rome.

Crassus and Pompey cleverly ended their respective wars in the same year, and they were both eligible to enjoy their triumphs.

Because of some complicated issues, Pompey did not disband his army, seemingly intending to force the Senate to carry out reforms, and Crassus did not disband his army, seemingly because he was afraid that Pompey would gain the status of a military dictatorship.

In short, the two armies almost fought in front of the gates of Rome, and the Roman civilians thought they were competing for the right to triumph.

Now that the war is over, why are there still so many Aurors and why do they retain Auror privileges?

Robert Shacklebolt believed that Dumbledore said that the mysterious man would come back, or he, like a few people, did not believe that Lily Potter could defeat the mysterious man.

If it weren't for that prophecy, Lily would just be a very ordinary woman. The prophecy didn't even mention her at all, but only mentioned a child born at the end of July, so Severus could plead for the mysterious man to let her go.

Maybe the mysterious man was still hatching some plan to fake his own death, so Robert was unwilling to disband the Aurors and let injured Aurors like Moody retire.

He felt that it was too early to celebrate peace, but of course the minister didn't think so. She felt that Robert should learn to relax.

Relax. Pomona swung his arms and legs at Dumbledore's door, took a deep breath, and twisted his neck as if he was doing warm-up exercises.

When she felt she was almost ready, she knocked on the door.

Come in, Dumbledore said from behind the door.

Pomona pushed open the door.

Dumbledore is feeding his pet phoenix, which looks a little lethargic.

What happened to Fox? Pomona asked.

It's almost nirvana. Dumbledore said. It was too tired from the last war.

When will Nirvana happen? Pomona asked. Can I see it?

It's hard to say, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year. Dumbledore looked at Pomona, Is that why you came here to ask about this?

No... do you want to go see the stars together? Pomona said with a sweet smile.

An old guy like me? Why not invite young people? Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Pomona resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Are you coming or not? Pomona asked.

Come on, I want to get some fresh air. Dumbledore said, picking up the cloak on the table.

It was just an ordinary cloak. It was still very cold at the observatory on a summer night. Fortunately, Pomona was fat enough so she didn't need it.

If only Lily could focus on her studies instead of dating James... But it's a pity that beautiful girls are easily distracted by these things. People like Pomona can spend a lot of time in the library without dating.

She was definitely the weirdest Hufflepuff and got Ravenclaw stares at every turn.

What do you want to ask? Dumbledore asked easily. He walked up the stairs very quickly, not looking like an old man over 100 years old at all.

I was thinking about Alastor Moody, how is your friendship? Pomona asked.

Why do you ask? Dumbledore said.

He thought I was your lobbyist asking him to retire, Pomona replied.

Have you gone to see him? Dumbledore asked.

There was one student who I thought wanted to be an Auror.

Dumbledore paused.

I think for Severus, he can give up on this employment direction. Dumbledore said.

No, I didn't say he wanted to be an Auror. Pomona said in surprise.

Who is that?

Random, a student at school. Pomer said in a puzzled tone, but he told me he wanted to be an animal caretaker.

Dumbledore didn't care and continued up the steps.

Why do you want to persuade Moody to retire? Is it for political purposes? Pomona said following Dumbledore.

You sound like a reporter from the Daily Prophet, and my answer is still the same, no. Dumbledore turned back and smiled at her.

What's that? Pomona asked.

Have you seen Descartes? Dumbledore turned his head and continued to look ahead.

The mathematician who said I think, therefore I am? Pomona said.

A small container can be filled as full as a large container, although it contains less liquid. Dumbledore said without looking back. So, he regards a person's satisfaction as the realization of desires under the control of reason. and completeness.”

How can he be rational like that...I'm sorry. Pomona said quickly.

You don't need to apologize. Alastor is indeed immersed in a kind of love, which is harmful to his health and sanity. Dumbledore said slowly. Descartes divided the initial love into surprise, love, Six types: hate, desire, joy, and sorrow.”

But Moody fits none of those things, Pomona said. I mean, Moody doesn't hate Death Eaters as much as they hate him.

Alastor has a strong castle in his heart, which allows him to never lose his judgment no matter how fierce the attack is. Dumbledore paused. But his opponent does not have this kind of control. Arrogant people He is more likely to be affected by anger because he often imagines that outsiders lack respect for him or do not give him the respect he deserves, and he tends to behave in a way that is not beneficial to him.

Pomona thought of Bellatrix.

I understand. She said calmly.

Alastor has to face these wraths, and the dark magic spawned by these emotions, that even the strongest castle will need maintenance. The word resolution comes from the Latin resolvere, which means to loosen, untie, and lack of sobriety. Brainy people overreact one way or another as things go up and down.”

You're saying that Moody isn't crazy, he's just over the top? Pomona asked.

When you are happiest, your spirit is not necessarily the most satisfied. I do not agree with indulging in false fantasies and using this to confuse yourself. Dumbledore stepped onto the final step. Wisdom does not only mean being rigorous in doing things. To stay healthy, the mind doesn't need to be full of stuff, or filled with hatred and intolerance like Voldemort and his followers.

Pomona also stepped onto the last step. She looked at the stars outside the observatory.

Keep a humble heart, Pomona. Cynicism doesn't suit you.

I have another question, do you think simple-minded people can be happy? Pomona said.

Of course. Dumbledore said without hesitation. The more I know, the more I realize how ignorant I am. This is no false modesty.

But she still felt unhappy. Who would think that the chief wizard of the Wizengamot and the president of the International Union of Wizards was an ignorant fool. Except for her, she called Dumbledore old fool, so others said she was a fool. .

What exactly is it that makes you unhappy? Dumbledore asked.

I sent Random to Moody without asking for his opinion, Pomona said.

Is that why? Dumbledore asked in surprise.

I took advantage of him, Pomona said. I heard Severus say it was for everyone's benefit.

Dumbledore said nothing.

I'm sorry, I should confirm with you first...

That's indeed what I said. Dumbledore sighed, It would be best for everyone if Alastor retires.

There was also the question of whether she should still trust Snape.

But she didn't ask this question.

Is there a strong fortress in her heart?

When the flood comes, personal power cannot stop it. All we can do is not to be washed away by the flood.

While Dumbledore was looking at the stars, Pomona was not in a hurry to play with the telescopes.

There once was a poor scholar. He also had a dream to save the country from danger. However, he was more capable than Marius and was a versatile man in both civil and military affairs. However, when he woke up from the dream, the shopkeeper's rice was not yet ripe.

Is she in someone else's dream at this time, or is she outside a dream?

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