Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3151 Savage Justice (2)

When Agamemnon led the Greek coalition to set off, he sacrificed his daughter in order to obtain a favorable wind.

But the goddess of hunting couldn't bear it and replaced the girl with a deer. Dike represents the secular law that imitates the system of gods, while Themis is the system of gods. Although the girl did not die, the goddess of revenge still recognized the crime because the girl who was sacrificed was not only Agamemnon. The daughter of Agamemnon was also the daughter of his wife. Blood revenge was established in the eyes of the Furies, even though the heroes all acquiesced in Agamemnon's actions.

People often encounter dilemmas when dealing with daily affairs. The actor has two options. Each option has its own basis, but it is impossible for the actor to implement it at the same time. The goddess of hunting helped Agamemnon eliminate one option. , eliminating conflicts.

But the Furies don't care about the conflict itself, she only cares about the results.

Much like Bentham's utilitarianism, consequentialism provides a principle for resolving moral conflicts, that is, the consequences of an action are the only factor in evaluating correctness. If one action produces better consequences than another, then the actor It is time to perform the previous action.

Agamemnon's prayer for wind was beneficial to most of the Greek coalition, but it was detrimental to the Trojans. If there was no wind, then the Greeks would not come on the wind.

Due to the conflict of interests between different groups, there is no obtainable standard that can be applied to all goods, and they cannot be commensurable. Correspondingly, human evil is not comparable or commensurable. In conflict situations, lesser evil is not the only substitute for greater evil. If Agamemnon chooses not to sacrifice his daughter, his How will the behavior be recognized?

Both Grindelwald and Dumbledore like to talk about the greater good. For the sake of greater good, the actor's own interests are ignored.

The actor has an obligation to rescue the person being rescued, but he does not have the obligation to rescue beyond this limit. If the actor still chooses to rescue others despite exceeding the limit, he is not fulfilling his obligation, but doing an extraordinarily good deed.

Sometimes consequentialists will obliterate this distinction, because in their view, a certain action can produce better consequences, even if the action is an extraordinarily benevolent act, then the actor has an obligation to perform this exceptionally benevolent act, and the actor has Imposing strict requirements and requiring that a certain behavior that may not be performed should be performed.

For example, in the story of Zigong’s redemption, the state of Lu issued a law that would provide compensation and rewards to people who were redeemed, but Zigong refused the country’s compensation. Doing good deeds for free is of course better than doing good deeds for a fee. Isn’t boundless love something that should be advocated?

The premise of this law is that if a Lu person sees something unfortunate happening to his compatriots in a foreign country, wouldn't it be fine if he didn't see it?

Pomona flipped the switch and the apartment lights came on, but it became empty again except for the old furniture she had bought.

They move very quickly. Pomona said dryly. Remember to close the curtains for you when you leave.

Severus walked into the living room expressionlessly and opened the curtains.

It was so bright outside that it seemed wasteful to keep turning on the lights, so she turned them off again.

When she came to the living room, she found that the elephant inflatable sofa she brought had been rearranged.

What is your plan? Severus said, standing beside her.

Although he stood upright, he was still too close, so she sat on the elephant sofa.

Tell me your original plan, Pomona said.


Thestrals took Georgiana to a tent camp in the forest, which seemed to have formed a market.

She let the Thestrals land in a clearing some distance away from the camp, and then observed through the gaps between the trees.

What's your plan?

Georgiana turned around and found that it was Thor of the Rosier family who was good at lightning magic. His cheeks were slightly red because of excitement.

Fortunately, she experienced the Battle of Hogwarts, although her main opponents were giants.

Giants are almost extinct in England, and there are not many left on the European continent...but humans will not.

In the Gallic Wars, the descendants of the Cimbri and Teutons who had fought with Marius still lived on the left bank of the Rhine.

The descendants of the purgers established the charity organization Second Salem in New York in the 20th century. They were at least different from cults in that they only spread hatred.

When Louis XVI was beheaded, many demons and demons gathered in Paris came out. The king's blood was a very rare sacrifice, but fortunately his body was protected and marked by people loyal to the king.

Compared to that group of people, the Purifiers are actually pretty normal.

Being content and happy will bring peace of mind and allow people to seek inner comfort not from the external world but from the inner world. But it was not only Nietzsche who said God is dead, Mill also said it is better to be a person who is never satisfied than to be a pig that is well fed and drunk.

Like Liang Qichao in the late Qing Dynasty, he transformed Bentham's happiness from private happiness into public morality, which is the happiness of all those involved.

But Liang Qichao is different from Muller. In addition to the quantity of happiness, he also proposed quality, and this evaluation criterion does not depend on the public's opinion. He used Buddhist and Taoist ideas to explain it.

He also disagrees with what Lao Tzu said: Being content is not humiliating, knowing is stopping is not perilous, and believes that it is a poison that can cause serious harm to people.

The era Liang Qichao lived in was an era of change...but the quality of happiness can be used, similar to Descartes' bliss and lucky.

Or maybe Voldemort had many followers, but when Harry came back to life, they fled a lot, and they were not as loyal as Bella's backbone.

Many members of the Order of the Phoenix were equally loyal to Dumbledore, and only in this way could they have enough willpower to fight against the Death Eaters.

It is certainly wrong for Death Eaters to torture Muggles, but what about the wizards who were burned to death in public in the past?

Madam? Rosier asked.

Don't hurt the innocent, Georgiana said coldly.

Rosier was stunned for a moment.

Wars cost money. Don't cause trouble again at this time. She looked at Rosier and said, Next time I will take you to a place where you can freely use your skills.

Where to go? Rosier asked.

Siberia, assuming the Quidditch World Cup is held there.

You will know when the time comes. She patted Rosier's arm. He was too tall. You can't hurt anyone this time, just 'dispose' their bird.

Rosier seemed to be muttering, This kind of small scene does not require my appearance.

When the fight actually starts, you will know whether it is a small scene or not.

Georgiana looked up at the sky. The sky was covered with dark clouds. If the Garuda fell to the ground and caused a fire, the rain should be able to put it out.

She once thought about introducing farming loans from the East to provide relief to victims of disasters, but she didn't expect bankers to come in droves.

She meant well, but she almost did something bad... The loan sharks of the Roman Republic also liked lending money to Roman citizens.

Even if Napoleon's proclaimed emperor was unstoppable, he could not fall into her hands.

Just like World War II, Paris was not supposed to be destroyed by wizards and became the trigger for dynamite.

She sighed and exhaled white smoke condensed by water vapor from her mouth. Everything was so real.

Then she looked around to see what she could do to really avoid hurting innocent people.

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