Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3159 man or a monster (Part 2)

In addition to heat waves, summer in Europe also includes football, music festivals and cold beer.

Pomona originally thought that Victoria Park would be quiet at this time, and the grass would be filled with adults sunbathing and children running around. However, when she arrived, she found that the place was full of young people, dressed as Goths and Poseys. Mia style, mohawks are everywhere.

What's even more amazing is that she discovered a classical band here... Since the end of the 19th century, the Proms have been held in Victoria Park. This was set up by Queen Victoria in memory of her late husband, Prince Albert. The main venue is usually Albert Music. hall.

In short, it has become like a country club. There is even a food market in a corner of the park, offering barbecue, Indian curry wraps and other food to provide music fans with the calories they need to attend the concert.

Of course, rock concerts are not like sitting and listening to classical concerts. Many fans fainted during the Beatles concert back then, not to mention that the current rock scene is even more exploding.

Pomona looked at the sandwiches in his basket and felt like he was in the wrong place like the musicians struggling to move their cellos.

She glanced at Severus again. He seemed very happy, even though he always had a stiff face in school.

I remember the full moon night came early, Pomona said.

Even if the werewolf left any traces, it was destroyed by this scene.

There is no need to investigate on a full moon night. He smiled politely and said, Besides, if we don't come, we will never know what we will find.

She thinks this is all his excuse.

But now that she's here, she doesn't bother to say anything.

It is said that Queen Victoria never got off her carriage when she was invited to attend the opening of the park named after her.

The Parks Conservation Association, which was responsible for the renovation project, invited her twice before the Queen agreed. The first time she said she wanted to attend the opening of the Museum on Besnell Green, just opposite Victoria Park.

When a girl wants to refuse but is unable to refuse directly, she will find a tactful excuse. For route planning, the park even opened a temporary gate, where a triple triumphal arch was erected, spliced ​​with scarlet and gold materials. A Guards Fusiliers honor guard stood in front of it. Opposite the temporary gate was the Besnell Green.

London police officers took turns standing guard everywhere in the park, and a large number of people were blocked by railings and could only stand outside the park, waiting for the Queen to leave before they could enter.

The problem is that the Queen didn't enter the park at all, she just walked around the park and left, which means that the police force was wasted.

There are only a few police officers in Victoria Park now, and they are not concentrating on their duties. They are chatting while drinking drinks.

There is a police within easy reach rule in the UK. In other words, if the police are within easy reach and a person's criminal impulse is still irresistible, then it is an irresistible impulse.

She looked back at the young people dancing to the beat of the music. They didn't even see the police officers in fluorescent vests.

There was a pond in the park. The last time she came, there were a few swans there. Now even a water bird was gone, probably scared away by the crowd and the music amplified by the speakers.

Apart from the pond, Pomona didn't see any danger. After all, unlike the subway station, this park was open to the open air. Even if a fire broke out, there would be enough water to put out the fire.

If Lily had agreed to James' invitation that time, then they would have come to a similar occasion, and they would have enjoyed the music festival instead of first seeing where the police were like in Pomona.

Relax, she whispered to herself, her voice covered by the music.

If I knew there were werewolves around, I wouldn't be as unsuspecting as them. Severus looked in the direction of the young people and said, Especially with just a few idle guards.

It's not a full moon night anymore, Pomona said.

They can 'wait' until the full moon night. He said coldly, The surrounding houses have yards, and if they have basements...

You can hide inside and avoid the 'music bombardment'. Pomona quickly interrupted his terrible thoughts, I thought you were talking about wanting to enjoy the vacation.

He curled his lips in boredom, then raised his arms to put his arms around her shoulders.

Have you been here before? Pomona asked.

No, what about you? he said easily.

Me neither, Pomona said smoothly. If I had known there was a food stall, I wouldn't have prepared sandwiches.

My bad, I thought I could find a quiet place here, he said coquettishly.

Pomona looked at him sideways, thinking his acting was too exaggerated.

Are you still having a sandwich for lunch? Pomona asked.

Let's take a stroll first. He sighed. We are here to investigate.

She sneered, did not expose him, and continued to investigate in the park.


A bell sounded in the distance.

This was not a bell to tell the time, and Georgiana did not feel that it was a welcome bell, although some cities would ring bells to welcome them during the parade.

As Thor suddenly descended, they passed through the clouds, and a silver-covered castle appeared in front of them.

This castle is not grand, and some parts are even dilapidated due to disrepair, but it is still a stone castle.

Then a group of red dots flew out of the castle and headed towards them.

Thor raised his hand, and suddenly the dark clouds rolled in the sky, making bursts of thunder. Not long after, lightning struck down accompanied by the wind and snow, and struck towards the golden-winged birds.

The Garudas are very flexible, and most of them dodged the lightning. Occasionally, one or two did not escape, and turned into balls of flames and fell towards the ground.

Rabastan Lestrange took out his wand, and the next second a transparent protective shield appeared around the wizard, and some people were strengthening and perfecting the spell.

The rest used what they had learned in their lives to cast the most dangerous spells on the Garudas.

Among the collections of the Library of Alexandria is a Roman historian named Appian. He was born and raised in Alexandria, and served in Alexandria for a long time. After obtaining Roman citizenship, he went to work in Rome for a period of time. In his later years he returned to Egypt.

It is through his records that people know that Crassus used the law of eleven to execute 4,000 Roman soldiers who failed to fight during the Spartacus uprising.

Among the slaves who participated in the uprising were bankrupt peasants, and possibly even centurions recorded in Livy's Roman history, who became slaves because of debts. Otherwise, how could Spartacus, who was trained as a gladiator, train slaves in the form of a Roman legion? .

The Roman soldiers who joined Crassus and the bankrupt slaves who joined Spartacus may have been comrades in arms, or they had natural sympathy. In short, they did not have the determination to fight to the death against their enemies.

An ordinary person could have lived his life honestly and honestly, but someone took away everything from him, so he would dare to do anything if he had nothing.

A failed speech may be worse than saying nothing at all. Georgiana hoped that she would not be like Louis XVI, who issued an order for Swiss mercenaries not to fire on civilians. Not all mercenaries stayed to fight, and some The man took off his military uniform, put on civilian clothes and ran away.

Justinian also planned to escape with the gold and silver, but was wake up by Theodora's speech. Then he mobilized his mercenaries, rushed into the Constantinople racing track, and blocked the civilians. A coronation ceremony for their chosen emperor.

Mercenaries are outsiders who have little connection with the locals and have little loyalty.

However, Georgiana looked at the golden-winged bird flying in front of her.

In English, the word Yeild represents profit and also means surrender. People often use bent ears of wheat to symbolize humility. When there are many wheat ears that are not bent in the wheat field, it means that the yield (yeild) will be affected.

At the same time, when a person admits defeat, he will also bend down, and at the same time he will raise his hand to hand over the weapon and wheat to the winner.

He refused to yield up his gun means that he refused to surrender.

When the people of a region submitted, the region provided benefits, just as Rome did for the provinces.

Tribute also has this meaning. The Germans asked the Gauls to provide tribute and hostages. But the Gauls would not immediately agree and meet their demands just because the Germans made this request. Only they knew they could not defeat them.

The Romans also needed to sign contracts with surrounding countries after victory. In Appian's records, there was an empire called Seleucus, which won the Battle of Thermopylae in the Roman Republic, and the navy of Rome and Rhodes. The Seleucid Empire signed the Apamea Peace Treaty. From then on, the Seleucid Empire could not own elephants, and existing elephants had to be handed over with the Seleucid Empire in Europe and Asia on the Taurus Mountains. , and can only have 12 warships for national security.

Hellenistic kings generally kept the treaties they signed throughout their lives, but on the other hand, their heirs did not consider it an honor to be bound by the treaties signed by their ancestors, although other treaties, such as The prohibition of owning elephants was adhered to, but the maritime clause appeared to be terminated.

It is too early to think about the treaty and how to maintain its validity in the future. Although victory in the war is only the beginning of a more arduous task, without victory, there will not even be this beginning.

So Georgiana raised her wand.

Instead of triggering thunder like Thor, she made all the fallen leaves on the ground float. They finally floated into the air and formed a huge elephant.

The giant inflated balloons often seen in float parades can be popped with just a needle.

But the elephant attracted Garuda, which flew around it and pecked it with their steely beaks.

Paper is originally soft and does not have any lethality, but if your calloused hands touch its sharp edges, it will still cause abrasions.

Georgiana made the leaves that made up the elephants fly rapidly. They could not pierce the feathers of the Garudas, but they could pierce their fragile eyes. Several Garudas were injured and whined.

Then there was singing from the ground, and Georgiana felt distraught.

Originally, the golden-winged birds lost their sight and did not know where to attack. They flew towards the wizards under the guidance of their songs.

She made the leaves change their formation again, hiding the Garuda inside, and someone summoned clouds and mist, making the view worse.

Georgiana caused more leaves to rise from the ground and rush toward the castle, like a swarm of wasps.

Thor dropped thunderbolts on the leaves, and the dry leaves quickly caught fire, and the people hiding in the castle had to come out.

Someone among the wizards let out a scream, then stood out from the range of the protective magic and flew towards the purifiers on the ground.

Georgiana wanted the vines outside the castle to rejuvenate and entangle the purifiers on the ground, but then she remembered that she did not bring the rejuvenating agent and the resurrecting agent.

Then she thought, if he came one day, would he be a match for these French wizards?

There was a howl of wolves in the distance, as if in response to the scream just now, and she couldn't help but think of a dream she had had in the Alps, where a group of wolves were running and laughing.

The abnormality of the leaves woke up the animals in the forest, and they all ran out, including the hibernating bear.

Someone cast magic on the ground, and the originally solid ground turned into a swamp, surrounding the castle.

Then she stopped her hand. She didn't need to care about the ground. She focused all her attention on how to entangle the Garuda.

It was love that defeated Voldemort, and it was love that made her have unnecessary fantasies.

He won't come. If he wanted to come, he would have come long ago.

Lily loves autumn very much. Not only will the leaves turn as red as her hair, but she can also dance with her lover on the carpet of leaves.

The Gallic War records record a kind of elk that is larger than a goat. It has no joints in its legs. It will not lie down even when sleeping, and it cannot get up if it accidentally falls. It is difficult to imagine that this animal actually exists.

This kind of tree is the habitat of deer. They often rest against the trunk. When hunters find their footprints, they only need to saw the tree to the ground and only have a little bark connecting it. From the outside, it is still upright. When the elk relies on the trunk as usual, The tree trunk will collapse to the ground under the weight, and the elk will also fall to the ground immediately, and it can be easily captured.

Then her heart became cold and the leaves became harder.

Scarlett did not find Rhett Butler, who left resolutely in the thick fog. She returned to her empty home, the man who came to Atlanta to pick her up and Melanie during the war. She once said, I knew you were reliable. left already.

A burning pain made her burst out with more magic power, and more leaves floated up, covering the sky like a black curtain.

Places shrouded in the shadows of leaves instantly transition from day to night.

Death is much easier than suffering in life, but no one remembers the Longbottoms lying in the ward. They did not succumb to torture.

Neither did Neville. Even if Harry was not resurrected at that time, their side seemed to have no chance of winning.

Harry finally surrendered, not to Voldemort, but he chose to escape from his own thinking and follow the path shown to him, even if it was a dead end.

He is less like a savior and more like a lamb.

At this time, a flame suddenly burst out in the flame-shrouded castle, and an angel appeared opposite Georgiana with a flaming sword in his hand.

If you look carefully, it's not that the human has wings, but the Garuda grabbing her strap, which looks like a bird-man with wings.

Then one after another, the purifiers who were also carried by the Garuda rose into the sky.

Repent, while your souls still have a chance to be purified in purgatory. Mary said in a compassionate tone.

Do you really think you are an 'angel'? Georgiana said using the amplifying spell, Are we acting out the Apocalypse?

I don't think they feel they're acting, a wizard said to Georgiana.

You can be glib now. Mary said contemptuously. You will...

If you go to hell, can you change your story? Georgiana said.

The glory of God is with me. Mary pointed her sword at Georgiana. He will send you where you should go.

Can we negotiate? Georgiana asked.

Are you here for peace talks? Mary Jian pointed at the battlefield and said.

Do you want to make peace? said Georgiana.

Of course Mary did not want peace talks, and a flame was thrown at the wizard like a whip.

However, it landed on the magic shield and dispersed like fireworks without hurting anyone.

Rabastan waved his hand, and a group of wizards left the protection of the magic shield and flew towards the Birdman on the opposite side.

You should have seen this, Severus, she said with a smile.

At this time, a golden-winged bird protruded from the leaves, and she immediately closed the loophole.

I really don’t know which scene is more amazing, this scene or Nick Flamel’s in Père Lachaise…whatever.

Fortunately, this is a deep mountain and old forest. There is no need to worry about witnesses who need to use the Forgetting Curse, and there is no need to worry about hurting innocent people. You can hit them however you want, she is too lazy to say.

Villains often die because they talk too much, while decent ones seem to have endless things to say, as if they can win just by speaking, balabala, endlessly, and what they say is better than what they sing.

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